If you’re looking for an excuse to treat yourself, you’ll be interested to hear that Powder Rooms are running a 20% off promotion over the Easter Weekend.  Get a 20% discount on brands including: Butter London, Ciate, Lilash, Kings & Queens, and Laqa & Co.  They’ve even got the latest Spring/Summer Butter London polishes in stock!

I’ve had a trawl through the site and put together a medley of some lovely things that caught my eye:

01: Butter London Bossy Boots (new for Spring/Summer 2012)  |  02: Do I Look Like… Mirror  |  03: Ciate Ditch The Heels Paint Point
04: LiLash Eyelash Growth Stimulator  |  05: Kings & Queens Tobacco Body Milk  |  06: Laqa & Co Lip Gloss Pencils

The code to activate the 20% discount on your order is EASTER and the promotion is live until Monday 9th April at 23.59 BST

Hoppy Happy shopping!

10 Responses to “Deal Alert: 20% off Butter London, Ciate, Lilash and more at PowderRooms this weekend”

  1. cassoulet lover says:

    ‘Activate’ Haha, it sounds so technical, almost like a hair colour needs to be activated or set of motions in place for a bomb to be detonated in a James bond film. Love it 🙂 need to activate my arse pronto before people raid the whole lot on the website xx

  2. Anitacska says:

    Just had a look and noticed that they use some of your NOTD pictures for the Butter London polishes. Hope they’ve paid you good money for the privilege! 😉

    • Hi Anita, Powder Rooms do indeed have permission to use my photos, I’ve met the owner a couple of times in clandestine polish meet ups and she buys me Krispy Kremes. In all seriousness though, I’m anyone’s for a glazed top Xxx

      Easter treating you well my love? Haven’t seen you about for a bit?!

      • Anitacska says:

        Krispy Kremes and Black Forest Gateaux Martinis? Blimey, you drive a hard bargain Charlotte! 😉

        Thanks for asking, all’s fine here, we’ve just come back from a mini break at Center Parcs. 🙂 Children all excited about Easter, well mostly about the chocolate to be fair, will be hunting for them tomorrow morning in the garden.

        Happy Easter! xxx

  3. Powder Rooms says:

    Thank you so much for blogging about the offer Charlotte, you’re a superstar!xx

    We pay her in black forest gateaux martinis Anitacska 😉

  4. Nargis says:

    Does that apply to Eyeko? I always wanted to try them, although I shouldn’t spend anymore money after splurging on Barielle, Models Own, Urban Decay, etc, etc. My bank balance hates me!

    • Hi Nargis,

      It does apply to Eyeko! I’m with you on the bank balance, though I’ve been fairly good with makeup recently other than a little blog sale purchase, all my pennies have been going on cookware and organisation stuffs!

      • Nargis says:

        Thanks for heads up! Though I decided to stop myself and gave my card to my mum before I spend all the money (sorry, Powder Rooms!), since I bought two eyeshadow palettes (UDs 15th anniversary and Wet’n’Wilds 8 pan) and new Models Own stuff- my make up drawers are bursting at seams.
        You must be very proud of yourself! At least cooking utensils could be filled under “beneficial for the whole family” file :p I did have a phase where I collected baking tins like I collect eyeshadow now xD

  5. Sydney Kav says:

    Hy couldn’t this be next week when I will have the cash to spend on this polishes you review and make me lust after?!
    Ah well, guess I’ll just have to use the credit card 🙂

  6. luxiehoney says:

    Ohhhh I’ve just spent so much money, all on stuff you’ve recommended. When my mum shouts at me, I’m directing her to you 😛 xxx

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