A little thank you.

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 25 - 2012

Three years ago today, I started blogging about beauty and although I’ve had some kind of blog since 2001, today marks the longest single stretch yet.  The medium has never been more mainstream or validated than it is today, something which makes me both delighted and horrified in equal measure.  I’ve tried from the very beginning to keep true to what I set out to do, which is absolutely nothing other than use this as a platform to be a bit of a gob-shite about something that interests me and captures my imagination.

Over the past three years I’ve forged some friendships of the like that I’ve never had before and have experienced things that were it not for the blog, I’d never have enjoyed.  I’ve given up my day job to write full-time, it’s scary and I’m very bad at putting myself forward for anything but it beats installing motherboards.

Just as it was three years ago, I’d have approximately nothing without you dodging your work/studies/childcare to have a nosy at what I’ve bought/sampled/discovered or (more recently) cooked!  You tell me in no uncertain terms when what I’m blogging is rubbish/brilliant and I still rub my hands together in maniacal glee when I’ve planted the seed of a lemming in your psyche.  Not so much when you do that to me though bitches, you think I don’t have enough shit?

Ultimately, I just want to say thank you for continuing to have faith in me and what I write, it means more than I can express.

Now, let’s all have some cake this lunchtime ok?  If anyone asks, I’ll shoulder this one.

61 Responses to “A little thank you.”

  1. Paris B says:

    Thank you for entertaining us these 3 years and sharing your lovely photos with us (its what got me reading your blog 😀 ) I’ll have some cake please, thanks!

  2. Happy 3rd birthday, I bet you’re glad the terrible two’s are behind you? 😉 Thank you for all the lemmings and giggles. Re: the cake, don’t mind if I do, it is calorie free isn’t it? xx

  3. Anitacska says:

    Happy blog-anniversary Lipglossiping! It’s almost 3 years since I started mine too. Time flies when you’re having fun! I always really enjoy your posts, even if the product it’s about is no interest to me, I love your writing style, it’s very witty and always cracks me up. So thank you, Charlotte, and keep going, even if I curse you sometimes for wanting all those lovely holo polishes, I love you really. xxx

    • Thanks Anita, time really does fly by! I’m so pleased you’re enjoying the holos, I don’t know why everyone gets so worked up about the GOSH one when there are beautiful alternatives around!

  4. Alicat says:

    Happy 3rd birthday! It was a joyous occasion when I stumbled upon your blog, and it has continued to entertain, educate and drain my bank account on a regular basis ever since 🙂 Your personality, style and hard work is right there on the page, along with your trials and tribulations, your gorgeous family and brilliant sense of humour. You have every right to indulge in a HUGE slice of cake and smile, you deserve it! Thank you! xxx

    • Thank you Ali my lovely, I really regret not being able to meet you at the HQ-thang all those bazillion years ago.. like two? Ditto your gorgeous girl, hope she’s doing super-well and keep her blogging!

  5. Happy Birthday Lipglossiping!

  6. Tass says:

    Happy 3rd birthday Lipglossiping! One of my favourite beauty blogs and I read every single post (to the detriment of my bank account sometimes). Keep up the good work Charlotte xxxxxx

  7. Aw, happy-kinda-birthday! Can I celebrate by convincing you to come to iFabbo? PLEEEEEEEEEEASE i’ll buy you a coffee kthanx

    • Wish I could! Was asked to talk about photography for the event and jumped at the chance but there was no travel budget and organisers couldn’t confirm what time I’d be needed (I just can’t afford to get in to London before 11.30). The whole approach was too vague tbh. Xx

  8. Rachel says:

    Happy 3rd Birthday ! I’m not sure how long I’ve been following your posts and to be honest I don’t comment very often but I read them all and appreciate the time & effort you put in to them. I love your photos too, very professional. Keep up the good work!

  9. Kirstie says:

    Happy birthday!

  10. Happy blog birthday to one of my favourite blogs, some come and go on my reading list but there is a hard core of 4 or 5 that I never miss and you are one of those because I love how you write and of course your photos are bloody brilliant. Thanks for all the good reads. xx

  11. Leanne says:

    Congrats loser.

    Seriously though, yours is literally my favourite blog – always has been and always will be. You (along with Sian and Lyds) were the first blogger I ever met and this makes you even more important and wonderful. 🙂

  12. Kat says:

    Happy Blog Birthday Lady!! Congrats on 3 fabulous years of your fabulous blog. I adore reading it. x

  13. Essjay says:


  14. Felicity says:

    Happy Birthday to you!
    Spoil your lips, nails, eyes too!
    Happy Birthday Ms Lipglossiping……
    Happy Birthday to you!

  15. NeenaJ says:

    Congrats from across the pond! Like many others, yours is on my daily must read list. Being in America, I get the pleasure of dodging work to sip my morning tea and read the latest installment. Wishing you many happy years of writing.

  16. well done lady, you do a blinding job x x

  17. Nicola Richardson says:

    Congratulations and Happy Blog Birthday :0)

    I love this site and gives me a fabulous platform from which to make my beauty purchases without the costly errors of previously.
    You share your knowledge generously and for that I thank you

    from another housework dodging reader


  18. Leah says:

    Happy buffday! I’m much poorer for ‘knowing’ you, but a little prettier, methinks xoxo

  19. gio says:

    Happy 3rd birthday! Here’s to many more!

  20. Lily says:

    Happy blogiversary! Your blog is still one of my absolute favourites 🙂 Also, thank you for inspiring me to try my hand at blogging in the first place. Enjoy your cake!

  21. Julia Arenas says:

    happy blog anniv dear Charlotte, if it weren’t for your blog I wouldn’t have “met” you or even probably begun improving my own blog. I still try to get my daily dose of Vitamin-C, yes that’s you, and checking everyday is testament to how “talented” you are. Will never forget the day I discovered the beauty blogging world because of your post on the Alice in Wonderland Urban Decay palette…I remembered I loved my Urban Decay Lipgloss once upon a time and was happy to rediscover the brand that had remained popular.

    Doing my first swap with you was surreal…as in like I stared at the stuff and postcard you sent for only God knows how long.

    Oh by the way…what are you using for your skin base in the “let me eat cake” photo above? Just really need to know on top of greeting you a Happy Blog Anniv, Charlotte. Love to your family.

  22. Rebecca says:

    Happy 3rd Blog Birthday!

    I have been an avid reader pretty much since day one and I think it is wonderful all you have achieved and you should be so very proud of yourself.

    Here’s to another three years…

    Rebecca xx

  23. Happy happy bloggy birthday. I love how you can still make me want things and giggle stupidly in equal measures.

  24. Jan says:

    Ir seems like your blog has been around forever. Happy happy birthday to your fabulous blog. x

  25. sophie says:

    Happy bloggy birthday! xxx

  26. Julianne says:

    Thank YOU for writing such an amazing blog! Cheers me up on a regular basis.

  27. Rae says:

    Oh, Charlotte! *happy flails* Happy third blog-birthday, honey <3 <3

    (In other news, that cake looks delicious and I want to reach through my monitor and filch a piece. :P)

  28. Larie says:

    Happy third birthday! Your sense of humor and funny tweets always make me laugh 🙂

  29. Wordbird says:

    Happy third blog birthday Charlotte!
    Yours is the beauty blog I go to for the real deal in terms of advice. Mainly because you come at beauty products from the point of view of a real everyday user.
    Oh and I love the cakes and the insights into your life. And your unflinching honesty about personal and potentially embarassing issues like hair removal and weight loss.
    Please, please keep blogging! 🙂

    • Wordbird says:

      I have to add something here: thank you for reviewing ordinary products a lot of the time. I was trying to put my finger on why I like your blog so much and find many others frustrating and it’s the fact that I want to read about things that I can buy in the shops now or very soon.

      It’s all very well reading about what Llamasqua are going to do for Autumn/Winter and yes I like that inspiration. And yes, I love seeing swatches of really expensive or hard-to-find things that I can only lust over and save up for. But it’s April, it’s raining, I’m skint and I want to buy a cute lippy this week, in my little town that has Boots, Superdrug and House of Fraser. And I can depend on you for a really good suggestion. Yes, I can also depend on you for the inspiration and the lemming-generation, but yanno, sometimes you just want to know which lippy is the nicer peachy colour and won’t break the bank.

      Oh, and you say yanno and totes and make me laugh. 🙂

  30. Sarah says:

    And you’re still my favourite beauty blog, no matter how many new ones have popped up since you started. Well done. Don’t stop – or else. xx

  31. Vicki says:

    Happy Anniversary and thanks for everything!! xx

  32. Happy Blogiversary to yoooouuu! So glad you’re doing what you do!

  33. Happy blogging birthday Charlotte! Yours was the first blog I discovered – when I found it I read the whole thing, most recent post to first post, over several nights, obsessively, chortling away and making a list of stuff to buy. To date the only blog I’ve done that with!

  34. Joanne Green says:

    Awwww, congratulations. I absolutely love reading your blog, your writing style has me proper giggling. Thank you xxx

  35. Geek Faerie says:

    Happy blog birthday my dear! May you never run out of amazing and wonderful things to talk about!! *hugs* *throws glitter around*

  36. Ahhh congrats sweetness – you’re an inspiration, truly. Love that you’re so creative yet down to earth in equal measures.

    Keep doing it…

    Nic xx

  37. luxiehoney says:

    Yummy looking cake! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIPGLOSSIPING!!!!!!!!! I literally live and die by your recommendations, thank you much for being awesome and making my life just that bit more brilliant <3 Here's to many more years! xxx

  38. Rebecca R. says:

    Congrats on 3 years! I always enjoy reading your cheeky posts and the fact that you don’t shy away from a good curse word whenever it’s warranted. Here’s to 3 more years. Cheers!

  39. rashmi says:

    happy 3rd blog anniversary 😀 😀 …. i loveeeee your post , pics and love to see our little princess 😀 😀 … no matter i am buying the stuff or not I do love to read your post everydayyyy … 😀 and yeah if there is no update on post i read red lipstick post which is by far my fav amongst the lot XOXO 😀

  40. Three years- WOW and congrats! It has been great getting to know you virtually and IRL and I love how your site has developed over the years. Here’s to many more years! xx

  41. Hellcandy says:

    huge congrats on reaching three! Hopefully catch you soon! x

  42. Kristi C. (@lov2read68) says:

    Happy 3rd blogiversary! Wishing you many more to come!

  43. Nargis says:

    Happy Birthday (belated)

  44. Sara says:

    Happy Birthday! I love your blog. I’ve come to rely on your advice, look forward to your view of the world and feel all auntyish over Leila.
    Thanks Charlotte

  45. chipichu says:

    I LOVE your blog!!

  46. Syen says:

    Happy 3rd birthday, Lipglossiping! Keep the good work coming. Love the blog, love the photos! I’ll be checking in for a long while more. =)

  47. Sydney says:

    A very belated happy birthday/anniversary to you!

    You won’t ever know the joy and entertainment (and let’s not forget poverty) that you bring to me!

    Here’s to another 3 more! *raises diet coke*

  48. kyanvi says:

    Congrets and thank you too, as your blog has provided a good source of latest news and of cause reviews on beauty products!

  49. makeupmag says:

    Congratulations. I just recently discovered your lovely blog and enjoy your photos and thoughts a lot.

    Here’s to many, many more happy years!

  50. Sarah s says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, now gimmmmmmmie a slice xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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