You may need to update to stay up-to-date!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 1 - 2012

This is potentially the dullest post I’ve ever written.  Infact, so uninspired by it am I, that I’ve left it until the very last minute.  Of course, I’m talking (as have many other blogs) about Google Friend Connect.

What is Google Friend Connect I hear you ask?  Well, it’s this here widget on the left with a ton of pretty faces on it (and some ugly ones).  And currently, over 2200 of you are subscribed through it.  But not for much longer.

You see, my blog runs off a system called WordPress, and Google has their own blogging system called Blogger.  It’s like Man U. vs. Liverpool, Google are taking the ball away and won’t let WordPress play with it.  If you stop receiving updates from – then it’ll be because you were playing with the ball and Google is a biatch.

So what are your alternatives?

Well, to stay up to date with my beauty related ramblings you could…


Subscribe to via email.  This basically means that you’ll receive one email (never any more) per day containing the posts from the previous 24 hours.

Subscribe through a 3rd party such as HelloCotton or BloglovinYou can use these services to subscribe to all your favourite blogs and find new ones.

Subscribe via Facebook.  If you click that little ‘like’ button over on the left there (above the Google Friend Connect widget), you’ll automatically like the Lipglossiping facebook page which should then send you a wall update whenever a new post goes live.  This is of course, assuming that you’re signed up to Facebook.

Subscribe by adding the RSS feed to your preferred RSS reader.  If you already use one, you’ll probably know how to do this, you usually just need to copy and paste the URL into your feed reader – my feed can be found here.  If you don’t already use a feed reader, my preferred reader of choice is called Bloglines and I’ve used it for years.  Here’s a screenshot of how mine currently looks.


Basically, there are lots of other ways that you can keep updated with my rubbish.  I’m on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Facebook – I’m everywhere I shouldn’t be just so I can avoid doing some work.

Are you subscribed?  Mind if I ask how you stay up-to-date with

13 Responses to “You may need to update to stay up-to-date!”

  1. Eyeknee says:

    Email updates – which I love – twitter and FB. But I usually read the emails or come here directly.

  2. Saara says:

    I use bloglovin- it’s easy to use and keeps all the blogs I read in 1 place 🙂

  3. victoria says:

    Think I’ll sign up for your email updates, but will look into Bloglovin. I love your site and don’t want to miss out.
    Grr Google 🙁

  4. Vix says:

    I’m new to Bloglovin and it does the job for me. Before this I used to have the blogs I liked bookmarked in my browser and just checked in every couple of days. That’s when I lived in the dark ages! 🙂

  5. God this is so bloody annoying of blogger, I am already using bloglovin so will follow you with that, GFC was just nice and straightforward.

  6. Reena says:

    I follow using Bloglovin’, having just very recently moved over from Google reader.

    It’s great ‘cos you can put your blogs into different folders which is wonderful! 🙂

  7. Naomi says:

    I just have your site on my Bookmarks list and check it everyday 🙂

  8. kelly says:

    Same as Naomi!

  9. Alicat says:

    Oh my goodness, I have no idea what you’re talking about! I just kinda have it bookmarked and visit every day. Am I missing out somehow?

  10. liloo says:

    If I hadn’t gone to your website by entering your address in my browser, i wouldn’t have had sight of this blog post. All this malarkey so that google plus boosts their rubbish google plus. Adding your address in my google reader straight away but i am bound to forget about the other blogs i follow. i dont know which ones are blogger and which ones are wordpress 🙁

  11. Shortiee31 says:

    Ahh man.. I follow through GFC but will now subscribe via email! 🙂

  12. Rebecca says:

    I use Google Reader and it’s simple enough just to add the blog address into the top bar and the posts are there with all the Blogger blogs I follow too. Simples!

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