Having my weekly mooch around T.K. Maxx (I can never remember how many bloody x’s to use) today proved to me two things. One… I really don’t need any more nail polish and two… I should replace my polish obsession with a makeup bag fetish. And so I did.
Check out this beauty from Jobis (no, I haven’t heard of them either) that I picked up for the princely sum of £9.99
I’m a massive sucker for a flash of leopard print and heard my name being screamed loudly by this not-so-little accessory from across the store. At first, the inner print stole my heart… but then, when I opened the second zip to reveal a brush holder compartment?! Well, I couldn’t get my purse out of my handbag quick enough.
I insisted that Mr. L and Leila immediately stop what they were doing and come back home with me so that I could spend the next 40 minutes lovingly fluffing my brushes (not a euphemism) and fill my lovely new Jobis with the perfect configuration of makeup stuffs.
Look! It holds my long-handled brushes beautifully, you can fit a whole face-worth’s in there!
I know that stock varies from store to store but my local had a few of these with all the purses and I didn’t see them in there last time – so if you’re in the market for a new makeup bag, may I suggest that you run to your nearest T.K. Maxx and nab one of these beauties before some other makeup-loving cowbag beats you to it.
Do you like it or is leopard print your style nemesis?
I really like this. It doesn’t look all big and bulky, but it seems to hold a ton of stuff. We don’t have a T.K. Maxx in the states though =/.
You do have tk maxx in the US, I think its called tj maxx over there
Ooh! There’s a TK Maxx at the end of my road
P.S. I forgot to say I’ve drooled all over my keyboard. Bet Lynch has got nothing on me, I’ve even got a leopard print tattoo!
I wanna see it!
…unless it’s on your bum.
This is amazing! The brush compartment has got me sold too! Must get down to TK Maxx pronto!
Jobis are a German clothing brand. They used to produce some lovely (but some times a bit matronly) stuff. I haven’t seen their clothes in the UK for ages.
Unbelievable, it only costs a tenner? I was expecting well over 30 judging from those pics!!! Great buy!!! I’ll try and have a look early next month, hopefully I’ll be lucky!
I bloody love that!
I’m also sold on the brush holding segment!
This beauty must have just for £9.99? bargain!
I must look again for the meaning of ‘nemesis’
aaa i forget everytime cos people never use that word in normal language xx
liloo/@tsunimee xx
I Have this, isnt it great…. so handy, likewise picked it up during a random TK Maxx rummage
just wish I could get it in white so it matched my luggage as its great for traveling xxxxxx
Ahhhhh I just stumbled across this… sooo beautiful! I wish I had seen this page a year ago, no hope of finding one now!
Hope you are still enjoying yours! xxx