My Jobis makeup bag a.k.a My new favourite thing!

Posted by Lipglossiping On March - 7 - 2012

Having my weekly mooch around T.K. Maxx (I can never remember how many bloody x’s to use) today proved to me two things.  One… I really don’t need any more nail polish and two… I should replace my polish obsession with a makeup bag fetish.  And so I did.

Check out this beauty from Jobis (no, I haven’t heard of them either) that I picked up for the princely sum of £9.99

I’m a massive sucker for a flash of leopard print and heard my name being screamed loudly by this not-so-little accessory from across the store.  At first, the inner print stole my heart… but then, when I opened the second zip to reveal a brush holder compartment?!  Well, I couldn’t get my purse out of my handbag quick enough.

I insisted that Mr. L and Leila immediately stop what they were doing and come back home with me so that I could spend the next 40 minutes lovingly fluffing my brushes (not a euphemism) and fill my lovely new Jobis with the perfect configuration of makeup stuffs.

Look!  It holds my long-handled brushes beautifully, you can fit a whole face-worth’s in there!

I know that stock varies from store to store but my local had a few of these with all the purses and I didn’t see them in there last time – so if you’re in the market for a new makeup bag, may I suggest that you run to your nearest T.K. Maxx and nab one of these beauties before some other makeup-loving cowbag beats you to it.

Do you like it or is leopard print your style nemesis?

14 Responses to “My Jobis makeup bag a.k.a My new favourite thing!”

  1. Monica says:

    I really like this. It doesn’t look all big and bulky, but it seems to hold a ton of stuff. We don’t have a T.K. Maxx in the states though =/.

  2. Leah says:

    Ooh! There’s a TK Maxx at the end of my road 😀

  3. Naomi says:

    This is amazing! The brush compartment has got me sold too! Must get down to TK Maxx pronto!

  4. Trimperley says:

    Jobis are a German clothing brand. They used to produce some lovely (but some times a bit matronly) stuff. I haven’t seen their clothes in the UK for ages.

  5. Tina says:

    Unbelievable, it only costs a tenner? I was expecting well over 30 judging from those pics!!! Great buy!!! I’ll try and have a look early next month, hopefully I’ll be lucky! 🙂


  6. Emma says:

    I bloody love that!

  7. Eyeknee says:

    I’m also sold on the brush holding segment!

  8. liloo says:

    This beauty must have just for £9.99? bargain!
    I must look again for the meaning of ‘nemesis’
    aaa i forget everytime cos people never use that word in normal language xx
    liloo/@tsunimee xx

  9. Kara says:

    I Have this, isnt it great…. so handy, likewise picked it up during a random TK Maxx rummage 🙂 just wish I could get it in white so it matched my luggage as its great for traveling xxxxxx

  10. June says:

    Ahhhhh I just stumbled across this… sooo beautiful! I wish I had seen this page a year ago, no hope of finding one now! 🙁 Hope you are still enjoying yours! xxx

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