Love Clean Skin? A short film by REN (NSFW 18+)

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 9 - 2012

My husband has just finished watching REN’s new short film after I squealed like a 12 year old and called him over to my computer.  He watched with a flicker of amusement on his face and as the screen darkened, turned to me and said “so REN… they’re a Swedish brand right?”.

Well, no.  But REN is the Swedish for “clean” and the British brand (thanks Jane!) are celebrating 11 years of sharing their passion for beautiful, clean skin with the world!  Screw stereotypes, let’s roll with it.  Please don’t click play at work/infront of the kids.  You have been warned.

Danny Brook Taylor, the man behind the short film said:

There’s a modernity about REN, coolness and confidence that we wanted to expose.  It’s about saying I’m happy with my skin, and I’m going to care for it, show it off. Touch someone’s skin that I love and celebrate it.

Personally, once I stopped blushing in my slightly prudish way, I kinda fell in love with the simplicity of it.  Sure, it’s attention-seeking and “ooh aren’t we being controversial” but I can’t help but admire the gentle premise and the rejection of the airbrush when it comes to body image.  Yeah REN, you got my attention and I love you a little bit more for it.

What do you think of REN’s short film?  Like it, loathe it?  Wanna talk about it?  The twitter hashtag is #lovecleanskin and the guys responsible are @renskincare

18 Responses to “Love Clean Skin? A short film by REN (NSFW 18+)”

  1. liloo says:

    alternative ending:
    him: ‘so how do you feel’?
    her: ‘ bloody pissed off really. Couldn’t help myself thinking about where the hell I put my camera cable and I need to finish this blog post for the week end and it’s thursday night tonight. On top of everything, right, there is this night out at the end of the moment, where miss perfect girl at work is going to be there, I got nothing to wear, and, and I am still fat like, like, like a fat cow and I’ve got nothing to wear. There is this dress I’ve seen on Asos, right but I am waiting for the refund of these diet shakes on my paypal. Oh my god, I didn’t tell, didn’t I, about these diet shakes…


  2. liloo says:

    {correction} *end of the month

  3. Even *I* almost spat my wine out watching that ;). I know what you mean about the simplicity and having met Robert Calcraft from the brand, I can see why they went for something so totally different. Not sure that I needed to see that blokes everything though!
    Signed, Shocked of Oxon 😉

  4. Really nice one, very organic and natural. Clean, I would say) Thanks for sharing!

  5. Lilmiznutcase says:

    I think not work appropriate sums it up quite well. It’s gorgeous, romantic and sensual, but, basically, it’s porn. Looks like fun though. Perhaps when it finally stops snowing it might be worth a try 😉

  6. Lkillie says:

    Wow, did not expect that at all, haha. However, I like the natural feeling I get from it. What is more natural than a mountain lake and being in love?

  7. Congratulations, Ms Glossiping. You just got my boyfriend to watch an ad about skincare. And he liked it.

  8. luxiehoney says:

    … Crikey. I actually really liked it, but it was a bit… unexpected. xxx

  9. Emily says:

    Its like porn, but there was a mix up in the audio department

  10. Aesthete says:

    That was awesome!

  11. OMG! Why do I suddenly feel like a 12 year-old? CANNOT.STOP.GIGGLING.

    I love REN already and they really didn’t need to trouble themselves so much. 😀

  12. Iram says:

    REN tried shock tactics and get people talking. they could have done the same thing but much more classy way!

  13. Rebecca says:

    I love this ad- it’s beautiful- but I wouldn’t associate it with skin products. I have the “I want that life” feeling, but I’m not sure REN (rather than a spa holiday in Sweden) could deliver. Oddly enough, I found the Burberry “vibrator perfume” ad awfully tasteless, but this one is just pretty. Really pretty. Can perverts have standards?

  14. Sarah says:

    I thought it was really lovely. *shrug*

  15. I was surprised by how far this went, for me they could have cut the section with her bobbing up and down open mouth porn star stylee, it was quite apparent from the lift out of the water what was going on. But, that said, it has a beauty to it that is really attractive, the song was beautiful. I liked the naked sitting on the dock bit, I only wish I had ever had a moment in my entire life when I felt that body confident! As for her response I am guessing “frickin freezing” might have been nearer the mark!

  16. AshD says:

    Will def be boycotting REN after that – totally inappropriate. Good thing I never liked one of their products anyway! What on earth does porn have to do with skin care? Tsk tsk tsk!

  17. Ida says:

    I don’t see how this is porn at all. It’s just pretty. Porn is many things, but pretty it aint. I don’t think her facial expression is “OMG PORN”, it’s pretty normal I think. Unless y’all have a poker face on, wishing for it to be over soon? 😉

    It’s two people having sex – it happens every day. Fortunately they’re good-looking, otherwise this would have been a tough one to get through 😀

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