Estee Lauder NEW Invisible Fluid Makeup Foundation Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 10 - 2012

I’ve been a little bit too obsessed with tracking down and swatching recent Western brand’s attempts at B.B. Creams (still not great) resulting in having become a little blinded to other base releases on the market and this latest Estee Lauder release is one that I’m pleased I didn’t miss.  Billed as one of those skin-matching formulas (which makes me wonder why they need an impressive 16 shades 😉 ) Invisible Fluid Makeup promises to perfect your skin without leaving a trace.  Step back all ye who can’t be parted with your Double Wear, this one’s not for you.

The  base delivers a lightweight, slightly mattifying finish that evens out my redness and softens my pores.  I would prefer *slightly* oilier skin when using this to maximise those mattifying benefits but it doesn’t cause me any tightness on my dry skin either… I just feel that there is a little room to love it more.  Something that I’ll be excited to discover when the weather begins to warm up.

The fluid formula reminds me very much of Chanel’s Vitalumiere Aqua, but delivered with more refinement — I found the Chanel less kind to my drier skin.  The bottle needs a good shake to mix the formula before application and contains a ball bearing inside to speed things along.  Unlike the Chanel, and despite its mattifying features – Invisible Fluid Makeup* gives my skin a luminosity, it remains more transparent despite still affording a more even skintone.  The Chanel simply gave me a light mask which didn’t sit kindly with my dilated pores and fine lines.

If you’ve many blemishes, you may find that this doesn’t give you the coverage you’re looking for.  Similarly, if you’re a tinted moisturiser kinda girl — this may offer too much.  If you just want something that feels very lightweight, is easy to blend, and evens both skintone whilst softening the appearance of pores – you should head to your nearest Estee Lauder counter when this goes on full release next month.

It lasts well throughout the day, slipping a little from my nose by tea-time but wearing evenly across the rest of my face.  The lightweight feel of a tinted moisturiser with a hint more coverage makes for a very interesting new addition to the foundation market.  Do check this one out if you’re a no-foundation foundation girl.

Estee Lauder’s Invisible Fluid Makeup is currently an exclusive for the rest of the month at John Lewis, retailing at £27.00 for 30ml.

* press sample – I’m wearing shade 1CN1

22 Responses to “Estee Lauder NEW Invisible Fluid Makeup Foundation Review”

  1. Pamela says:

    Your reviews are so helpful, thanks Charlotte!

  2. Love the sound if this – a little more than tinted moisturiser sounds like the perfect Summer foundation for me.
    Nic x

  3. Robyn says:

    Want, want, want.

  4. Aww this looks so lovely, a better version of Chanel VA would be a dream since I love VA so much already!
    I hope we do get here in my country!

  5. Grace London says:

    That’s an excellent colour match for you, looks gorgeous. (Off topic, but I love your shirt!)

  6. Klara says:

    To me this sounds like a perfect foundation. Do you know if it contains perfume? Thank you!

  7. I have to try this! I love Vitalumiere Aqua, generally wear it on top of Clinique moisture surge tm on my redder bits; nose, chin, cheeks. I also get a nice luminance from VLA although tend not to wear it all over my face as it feels a little too much coverage for me and a bit too dry. If this is less drying and more comfortable than the Chanel, with added luminosity (is that a word?) then I am seriously going to have to try it – factor in that its about £5 cheaper and it could just pip VLA to my “most loved foundation” spot! Thank you for a really detailed review and thank you thank you for the pics, vital in decision making for me! xx Oh can I be a pain? Could you just have a quick glance and see if it is very pink in tone compared to the Chanel, which would put me off, I love the yellow tone of Beige Tendre (20) as it helps with the last of my rednes, thanks. xx

    • It is pinker, I’d say this is more neutral than full-on pink – Chanel foundations tend to run pretty warm. Having said that, if you look at the ‘swatches’ on the John Lewis website it looks like they offer a few undertones in the same level?

      I’m guessing here… but…

      1N1 = 1 Neutral 1
      1CN1 (mine) = 1 Cool (pink) Neutral 1
      1WN2 = 1 Warm (yellow) Neutral 2

      Not sure if the last ‘2’ on that 3rd one would make it too dark for you – but it’s definitely worth a little swatch on counter.

  8. Ooh! Want! I hate wearing foundation but need it to even out the mess on my face.

  9. Maria says:

    Looks good, not to much coverage…I know what you mean about being obsessed with BB creams! Would be interested to read about your findings?
    Is that top from Oliver Bonas btw? I think I have the same!
    I’ll stop stalking you now! ;))

  10. Tina says:

    Love how it looks and reading your review, I think that this is definitely one to keep in mind (I’ll need to go foundation shopping soon)!!! x

  11. Jamilla says:

    This looks really lovely on you!! I will give the 2W1 a try!

  12. Lisa Goodman says:

    Currently use Chanel Vitalumiere but not the Aqua and like it very much. But this sounds good too and not quite as pricey. Think it will be one I have to try. By the way what lipstick are you wearing on the pic as I love this too.

  13. Michelle says:

    Is there any alcohol content in this foundation?
    Thank you!

  14. Demi says:

    I tried this in boots the other day, never worn foundation before and was looking for something for my holiday. Loved it when the woman first put it on, thought it looked gorgeous – nice enough for me to buy it then and there. Few hours later though my nose looked really oily (enough to grease a pan!) and I don’t normally have oily skin either. I took it off, cleansing and moisturising and everything properly and the next day I had so many spots on my chin :/ I dont really get spots normally either so seems very coincedental. That was after it was applied by a professional as well!

    That’ll teach me for impulse buying haha. But it is a nice look, and everywhere I look everyone likes it so don’t take my experience to say it’ll happen to you 🙂

  15. Ashley says:

    I did a review on this on my blog. I really like the finish this foundation leaves on my skin, it’s so natural. The only qualm I have is that it fades from my nose area as well. I wish it were longer wearing but for that I always turn to EL Double Wear Light!

  16. Ellen says:

    Other reviews said this was sheere than tinted mooisturizer, but they were wrong, you have it correct. It is a light finish foundation. It says it has a matte finish but works well on my dry skin. The EL counter is generous with samples. The colors are not all the same level but different tones. The 1n1 is the fairest, the 1cn1 I wore over the summer but its getting too dark. The 1wn2 was way too yellow for me. When I need more coverage, I wear the EL Resilance Lift Liquid in 1N1 Fair in the winter, I haven’t found a summer shade in it yet. I’d love to be able to wear the double wear light, but the two samples I got, numbers 1 and 2, were both too yellow! I used to think Estee Lauder was an old lady line, but I think Tom Pecheaux has really enlivened it. The pure color eyeshadows are great, just not the fall frosty ones, and I used to love the blushers, the new pure color ones seem to be limited in color range. But this foundation is a keeper and would work for most skintones.

  17. Ellen says:

    Has anyone tried the EStee Lauder Resiliecne Lift in 1c1 nude? It looks kind of pink but the 1N1 Fair, is getting a little dark and yellow on my very fair winter skin. The invisible in 1N1 is very light, but 1N1 in Resilience Lift is darker. Dont’ want to look pink, just want a dewy, medium coverage foundation for winter.

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