Happy fresh new year! 2012… doesn’t that make you feel old? It’s like a year from the future or something – I’m sure that in my head, it’s still 1998 (or maybe that’s just my music collection).
I hope you’re all knuckling down to making good on those New Year Resolutions? I’m forever making resolutions that I semi-stick-to so I’m not sure that there’s much point in creating a new bunch but suffice to say, I’d really like to shift the remaining podge before the year is out; make Leila the happiest/most well-adjusted child possible; be a better wife and friend; become a millionaire/more comfortable in social situations/outgoing etc. etc.
If I can achieve all that before the year is out, I’ll know I’ve eaten too much cheese before bed time.
Do you have any New Year Resolutions?