L’Artisan Parfumeur Discovery Coffret for Her

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 17 - 2012

I recently took advantage of the L’Artisan Parfumeur January sales and picked up a couple of items to expand my collection. The first thing to land in my basket was a 100ml bottle of Tea for Two, my favourite fragrance. I’m halfway through my last bottle and waging a constant battle with my husband about his (over)use of my beloved. I watch him apply it, trying to keep calm, share nicely and not react but within seconds I’ve launched myself across the room, snatching it from his hands, screaming TOO MUCH, YOU ARE USING TOO MUCH. Then I thrust a bottle of Old Spice at him and slink away to find a new hiding place for MY precious.

Where was I?

Oh yes, this…

The coffret contains a selection of L’Artisan Pafumeur‘s best-selling scents that lean toward the female market (you can also get a male version).  Priced at £17, the set includes: Mûre et Musc Extrême, La Chasse aux Papillons Extrême, Premier Figuier Extrême, L’Eau d’Ambre Extrême and Traversée du Bosphore.  I’ve only opened Premier Figuier Extrême so far, and have already created a bit of a lemming for myself thanks to notes that include: fig leaves, almond milk, and sandalwood.

I’m not a massive fan of the way these 5ml mini-vials open… with a peel back lid not unlike a bottle of milk, there’s no way to reseal the tiny bottles, frustrating – and with a 2 year old on the rampage, asking for trouble.

Overall, for 25ml of top quality fragrance, £17 is a very good price to pay.  If you’re wanting to dip your toes in the world of ‘posh’ perfume, this would be a great place to begin.  L’Artisan’s £5 shipping charge is prohibitive and also pretty slow for the price – it took nearly two weeks for my order to arrive.  But one sniff of Tea for Two, and I’ve forgiven them.

L’Artisan Parfumeur Discovery Coffret for Her is priced at £17 and currently available in the Sale section of their website.  Probably not for too much longer.

5 Responses to “L’Artisan Parfumeur Discovery Coffret for Her”

  1. Rae says:

    Huh. That packaging… kind of sounds like a nightmare. Or maybe a disaster. Possibly both.

    Hope you like the scents, though! La Chasse aux Papillons and Premier Figuier are two of my L’Artisan faves 😉

  2. Pandora says:

    This made me smile, especially the bit about the Old Spice!! Would love to try these out but I really resent paying £5 for p&p

  3. Mystique says:

    What lovely packaging that it! Simply stunning!

  4. Cheryl B says:

    If you love these, beware the addiction they can cause! I started with Mure et Musc Extreme and Premiere Figuier…and will never end.

    I also love Tea For Two and Vanilia (discontinued.)

  5. Jamie says:

    The vials remind me of the Chinese medicine I use to take as a child, and not in a good way…

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