We’re slowly getting over a rash of rotten colds and chest infections here and after a full week trapped indoors, we were feeling cabin fever to the extreme. Spotting a break in the clouds, we jumped in the car and headed to the New Forest for the afternoon. It was freezing! (all images are clickable)

We parked up alongside Rhinefield Ornamental Drive which features some of the most impressive trees in the UK — including the tallest Redwood and the heaviest Sequoia! — Leila wasn’t hugely impressed but it doesn’t take much to get me and Paul nodding appreciatively. L hugged a couple of trees, I took a bunch of texture photos and P put up with our moaning about being cold/tired/ill (delete as appropriate).

On the way there, we stopped off for a cream tea in Brockenhurst courtesy of a Groupon deal — no photos, I was too busy shovelling treacle tart down my face. I also managed to lose a button off my (button-through) dress when I was pulling Leila’s leggings up in the loo, it shot off like a rocket and ricocheted off three walls – someone’s been eating too many mince pies over the festive period.
Ultimately not the most exciting photos in the world but I’m such a sucker for fallen leaves and texture.

Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend? Tell me what you’ve been getting up to!
Lovely photos!
Love the photos! Especially that last Robin one 🙂
Gorgeous photos and that little girl of yours is getting cuter by the year, bless her!
These are gorgeous photos Charlotte. I think you captured the essence of the chill and atmosphere beautifully and Leila! She’s beautiful 😀
ooh this little bird is so cute 🙂 And Leila looks lovely and pretty as usual, she seems to be enjoying her time 🙂
It’s freezing here, too, but sunny as well, definitely a good time for a walk in the woods!
I love the photo’s!!
Awww, little L is gorgeous!
I can fully sympathise with you re. the button popping. Before Christmas I bought a new coat, the button has popped off that bugger about five times. Now, the coat isn’t tight but I INSIST on shoving my scarf over my boobs because it keeps my chest warm.
I bent over in Waitrose to get a sandwich and my button popped off and fell into the back of the fridge, I asked the guy to retrieve it and he had to shut down the entire fridge bit to get my button back.
No way! I was just there myself yesterday, and stopped off at Rhinefield house for afternoon tea! Lovely photos, and the trees really are quite amazing!
how adorable is this post. not sure what is the cutest, the colourful {twitter} bird, the pink boots and the smiley face. aww 🙂 x
Great photos and your girl has such stunning blue eyes! I wish mine were as vibrant. What camera are you using, you are a great photographer. 🙂
I love Rhinefield Drive! It’s so magical. Beautiful photos, and Leila is so adorable, as always x
Your bb is adorable.
Love the leaves piccies. When the Brock and Bruin (totally presuming that was where you went) was owned by the original owner I used to work there to get pennies as a teeneager!
What a small world!! (it was the Buttery at Brock and Bruin) x
Absolutely lovely photographs! I love mossy, woodsy things! And your daughter is precious!