Lipstick Psychology: What does your lipstick say about YOU?

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 6 - 2011

I found this little article over on and it made me smile (and dig out all my lipsticks for a bit of self-analysis).  What does the shape of your lipstick tip say about you?

Honestly, if I was having a peek in someone’s makeup bag… found a lipstick, wound it up and saw a tip like #1… I’d move the hell away from the owner.

Me?  I’m a #4 – I just keep ’em in the shape I buy them! But, I’m nothing like the personality described.  Infact, if you wrote down the opposite of every adjective used to describe a #4-er, you’d get closer to me.  My Nan however, was an absolute #3.  I used to marvel at her perfectly rounded lipsticks… and the description, well it describes her so well it’s a little bit frightening!

What are you – and does the description fit with your personality?


30 Responses to “Lipstick Psychology: What does your lipstick say about YOU?”

  1. This made me laugh, I was looking at the shape of Em’s lipstick the other day – its very like No 1 but only on one side, but sort of deeply grooved with a long narrow sticky up bit, came to the conclusion it wasn’t because she was an artistic soul, yearing for love whilst needing her independence but because she has very large lips that wear out a deep groove in her lippy! I am like you, a No 4 in lipstick shape but not in any other way – put me in the kitchen and control me at once!

    • jessicaababee says:

      This was not accurate at all! I always leave the lipstick in the shape i get it but im definately not self confident, creative, the center of attention, or uncontrollable.

  2. Rebecca says:

    Wow! Two of these mimic my own sticks and both personalities match… er… collide. 🙂

  3. I’m between 3 and 5, 3 at the start and it ends up in 5.

  4. What the…? with #1??!!!! But I remember seeing a similar shape like that for my girlfriend’s lip balm (chapstick me thinks)….so bizarre!!!

    I’m more of a #4 – but that’s because I have so many lipsticks that I’ve never worn them down to scary shapes before!

  5. ZebyK says:

    Usually, I’d happily say I’m number 4. However after managing to snap a lipstick right off the bullet yesterday I feel I’m a bit of a lost cause! xxx

  6. Anitacska says:

    I’d say probably #4, but I’d also say what a load of b*****s. 😛

  7. Jamilla says:

    hahahahaa! I’m a power woman lol!

  8. Rachel says:

    I’m number 1, well not that extreme but mine goes to a point in the middle, slanted on either side

  9. My lipstick shape is dead on #4, but my personality description is #5. This whole theory is flawed. 🙂

  10. Rachael says:

    Love this! Cracks me up. But does anyone’s lippie REALLY look like that first or last one? Seems like that’d be difficult to use.

  11. Leah says:

    I am a #4, if I use one long enough to make a dent before going onto the next new thing. What a crock of shiznit the description is though 😉 When I was younger my lipsticks used to go like #1, which was a bit odd. I have no idea what I was doing to them.

  12. Liza says:

    Haha cute but same as you, I’m #4 but not really anything like that! These things are fun though.

  13. Yazmin says:

    im the power women lol….im totally the opposite lol

  14. Alice says:

    I’m a 2, I think. Mainly because I don’t seem to be able to put lipstick without a brush.

  15. Saara says:

    Lol, How on earth could you achieve #1 practically??!? It’s like its been eaten away at hahahahaha

  16. Kathrine says:

    Shape-wise I’m number 3. I think it would be arrogant to suggest that it fits exactly with me! Can’t say I’m ashamed though!

  17. Daintynymph says:

    Shapewise I’m a combination of 4 and 5. Personalitywise, I’m probably a 2.

  18. I’m #4 and I TOTALLY HOLD GRUDGES. It’s about half right.

    And my sister is totally #2!

  19. I’m #4 but I totally need to start using my lipstick like #1! XD it’s so cool looking!

  20. I’m a Power Woman! Urgh I did actually used to know someone whose lipsticks looked like shape no. 1. So wrong. BTW I swear I saw this exact article (ok, not exact, but basically the same concept!) in a Prima magazine in the mid 90’s!

  21. stephanie says:

    hmmm I’ve never though of this before but it’s interesting to read. Im not sure if it’s the case with everyone though.. xxx

  22. redtiger21 says:

    lol these are so funny! I’d say my lipsticks look like number 2, but my personality is more like number 4.

  23. Claire says:

    I’m a number 4, I like to keep my lipsticks in that shape and I feel like you have more control over application than any of the others. I’d say I’m more of a control freak than a power woman. I remember being really upset when someone borrowed a lipsticks and after one application had squished it flat- she just started using it like a pencil I was like noooooooooo!

  24. Crystal says:

    My grandma was a #3 I used to wonder how she managed it. I dont think she used brushes. I am a 4…with a slight bit of a slant to it.

  25. Jenna says:

    Haha – I’m definitely a #1
    Great article, will be sharing it on my blog!

  26. Brilliant – I am a 4 but used to work with a girl who was a 1 and I couldn’t believe her lipstick wound up like that!!

  27. […] 1.  What does your lipstick shape say about you?  Apparently, I’m a Power Woman!!  If only that were true!! {lipglossiping} […]

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