Christmas Catch Up…

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 17 - 2011

Christmas is well and truly kicking my arse at the moment.  I’m snowballing out of control with work deadlines, family commitments, self-imposed pre-christmas goals and other random stuff like finding time to sleep.  Get the violin out, infact… better make it a cello.

I’m not the kind of person to follow the above statement up with a quip like “…but it’s good to be busy!!!!”, cos it’s not – it actually f-in sucks to realise that the last time you vegetated infront of YouTube was well over a month ago.  It sucks even more when you look into the near future and can still only see STUFF.  Like a big, blankety blizzard of crap that threatens to engulf and swallow you whole.

Merry Christmas by the way….

So, what this means is that posting may be a bit thin on the ground over the next couple of weeks.  I’m scheduling in posts now and there’s a LOT of nail posts going up.  If you’re a blogger, you may be smiling wryly to yourself right now because as most beauty bloggers know… a NOTD is the post that gets thrown up when you’re too knackered to write an indepth review.  HERE.  LOOK.  PRETTY.  NAILS.

No disrespect to nail bloggers btw, your shit rulez ‘cos you do comparison swatches and all that actual USEFUL stuff, whereas I just go “oooh look nail polish!”

Now, don’t actually feel sorry for me… because I’m going on a Spa break tomorrow with VexintheCity (woohoo!)  Admittedly, we check in at 2pm and will be gone by 10am the following morning, and I have to drive like a billion miles there and a billion miles back.  And then when I get back — ON THE SAME DAY — I have to pack to go away again with the family for 4 days and then get back on Christmas Eve and cook a meal for 7 that evening and a meal for 8 the following day.

Has that cello arrived yet?

Ok, I’m shuttup now.

How are your Christmas(es) shaping up?  Ready to replace the turkey for your own head in the oven yet?

14 Responses to “Christmas Catch Up…”

  1. Julia says:

    Oh my goodness, I have a close friend’s wedding, that I wouldn’t miss for Benedict Cumberbatch even, and it’s taking place on December 23rd in a beach in another province, so I fly out the 22nd, wedding 23rd, and fly back 24th noontime…it means I have to get my Christmas pressies all wrapped up before the 22nd so I’m not shedding coz of the stress on the 24th…but thankfully I don’t have to cook on Christmas Eve for 7 ppl…whew.

    But yeah still hectic

  2. Anitacska says:

    Yep, same here. I’ve been running around like a headless chicken. And lol at your nail polish post comment because that is exactly what I’m planning on doing. 😀 Although I have just taken over 100 photos (because I’m alone in the house for a change) for upcoming posts, but god knows when I’ll actually have the time to crop and watermark the photos and write up posts. Well, hopefully after the 25th. But until then… NOTD posts!!! 😀

  3. I hear you. I might just have posted a nail post too……what temperature should I pre-heat the oven to to cook my head again? Enjoy the Spa break 😀
    Jane x

  4. Rina says:

    Lol from here too at the nail comment. Good luck with all the projects and hope you have a lovely Christmas in the middle of it all! x

  5. It was not before this Wednesday that I realized that Christmas is next week-end!! I have a crapload of work, zero day off, hardly find the time to blog (or for the matter, to put decent makeup on!) and I’m just exhausted. Plus, the weather hasn’t even started to be Wintery here, which makes it hard to realize this is mid-December.
    I have a munch to attend on Christmas day that I’m not even looking forward to because of all that work waiting for me the next day. And no need to say I haven’t done any shopping yet!
    Boy, I wish Christmas was in July!!

  6. Don’t feel abd about not doing posts over christmas, I fully intend to have some time off and relax with my husband and girls. I find sometimes that bloggers feel so under pressure to post because everyone else is everyday. I dont have enough time to read everyones posts let alone do my own! Just relax and looking forward to nail posts. (I notice on my blog I get less comments whenever I do beauty stuff instead of nails!!)

  7. Leah says:

    Enjoy the spa break. Up until a week or so ago I was feeling distinctly murderous, but now I’ve got all the Christmas shopping and wrapped most of it I feel a lot better. Also shutting up shop for 2 weeks is really making me smile. I’m very thankful I’m able to go to family for Christmas and have someone look after me. If I had to cook and clean the whole time I think I’d sod off to the pub for the duration!

    Merry Christmas all x

  8. kelly says:

    Erm, we have nothing too crazy. Emmy has some school friends round tomorrow for a mini Xmas party. Tuesday we are off to hell on Earth that is Bluewater to see the man in red, get one last present and get Emmy’s feet measured. Wednesday and Thursday we have lots of baking to do and Friday we have the panto.

    All in all, a little busy but fun busy! I am hosting Christmas but prepare all my veg the day before. I don’t let it panic me, if the suckers have to wait then its tough 🙂
    Enjoy your spa!

    • kelly says:

      oh and nail posts? That’s all I seem to be churning out at the mo, even though I have so much new make-up to blog about! But time and natural light seem to be in short supply!

  9. rhamnousia says:

    OMG, don’t get me started on Christmas!

    I was meant to finish work at the start of December and be off in America over the Christmas period but shit hit a fan and now I’m working right up until next Friday.

    Along with that, I’ve moved back home for Christmas like I normally do and so have been having to do housework for a massive house too, it’s not fun Charlotte! It doesn’t help when you brother and husband are out all hours having a good time and you’re doing casework at home.

    This is my wind down time on a Sunday and I’ve just about finished all the clothes washing and drying..and ironing and I’m shattered!

    To add to that, I STILL need to pick up the turkey, get some goose fat, bring home some potatoes and get a Christmas dessert.

    Oh..and bring home some crackers.

  10. Elsie Barley says:

    Good luck and Merry Christmas! Hope you get it all done. I am just panicking away in the corner and keeping my fingers crossed it all comes right in the end.

  11. Nazneen says:

    I’m in exactly the same boat (minus spa date, weep). I’ve got a bit of a late start today (hence commenting) but I won’t be home until after 10 tonight. I was feeling Christmassy earlier in the month but now I’m just overwhelmed.

    Btw, do you get the train from London to Winchester sometimes? I live in Southampton and I saw someone who looks a lot like you on the train home one day last week! x

    • The spa break got cancelled cos the pool was out of action! Boohoo. Yep, I get the train sometimes – last time would have been the 7th December. Was it me? I hope I wasnt picking my nose. I probably was.

      Hope the drowning feeling leaves you soon! I feel a bit better now I’m on my holidays and completely blocking out the impending Xmas eve rush! Merry Xmas!

  12. Roxanne says:

    The worst part about Christmas is when you’re a student and your last final is on the 21st! ARG! I’m in fourth year of a biology degree, so that comic applies IMMENSELY to my current situation. I seriously know hundreds of enzyme names and reactions and my brain just feels like jelly. On the bright side, I’m finished today (at 6:30, boo!) so I can focus on awesome Christmas makeup and nails!! FINALLY.

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