Chanel Holiday 2011 – Poudre Universelle Libre in Féérie

Posted by Lipglossiping On December - 15 - 2011

Sparkle sparkle went the fairy atop the Christmas tree – gently dazzling all those who looked upon her beauty.  That’s what I want to do, I want to shine… it’s my turn!  Godammit Mummy, you promised meeeeee!

And so, it happened that I was shopping with LongTallAlly late last month, and ‘cos she’s on a self-imposed spending ban that seems to be lasting her ENTIRE life, she did what all women do… she fully enabled me into this purchase of the Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre in Féérie just to make herself feel better about not being able to buy anything.  Bitch.

Actually, that’s not entirely true, because tradition dictates that I must buy something from each Chanel Holiday collection.  It’s a new tradition, do you like it?  And this is what caught my eye with it’s soft pink powder, finer than baby lanugo – it shimmered in the pot and called to me, more siren than féérie to be honest.

Well hello!  You’ve got more glitz and glitter than a high street filled with nothing but Claire’s Accessories.  It’s not that I don’t like you Feerie, I do… I’m actually a little bit in awe of your rose-gold beauty, but I just don’t think I can wear you without a matching creosote tan and quickstep outfit.

Can you see the glitter?  Can you?  CAN YOU?!?!  Don’t say no.

When I first applied Féérie, I knew it was going to be glittery… but I honestly thought, that as a secret glitter-lover, I could work it.  Truthfully, I just keep waiting for someone to try and helpfully remove a piece of glitter from my face before realising that I’ve actually bathed, rolled and gargled with it.

So, to be fair… it’s not you – it’s me.  Transport me to the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool and cast me among the stars, I’ll come back with a trophy, hell, I’ll replace the discoball and be brighter and better than any other in the land.

I love you Féérie and I’ll wear you in secret, when I don’t need to leave the house.  Maybe I’ll dust you over my decolletage… but truthfully, we know I won’t.  Who dusts their decolletage for God’s sake, I mean really?  How many times have you done that this year?  Enough to warrant a £31.50 purchase?  No, me neither.

Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre in Féérie is available on counter, priced at £31.50 – *le sigh*

11 Responses to “Chanel Holiday 2011 – Poudre Universelle Libre in Féérie”

  1. Hollie says:

    Looks really pretty, but I’d be worried about looking like Edward from Twilight!

  2. Manon says:

    This product is definitely on my xmas wishlisht! It looks so pretty

  3. Long Tall Ally says:

    I bloody love it. I love it so much it makes me want to weep. Wear it you beast! Wear it with pride! Moisturise yourself up and roll in it after a bath, it’s too beautiful to sit in a drawer!!!

    Ps) I am not a bitch. I am a wonderful human bean who you adore. :p xx

  4. Anitacska says:

    I’ve been uhming and aahing over this and keep swatching it every time I go past a Chanel counter, but decided against it as it is way too glittery for a face powder. I’ve got several of the Guerlain shimmer powder sprays and I also bought the Givenchy one this year, so I have enough shimmer to last me a life time. I spray the Guerlain one on my hair, decolletage (so yes, there are people out there who do things like that!) and my arms and it looks gorgeous. But never on my face. So sadly, this one won’t come home with me. I did get the Chanel pressed highlighter which is not a glitter bomb, but that was ever more expensive. Yikes!

  5. Kirsty says:

    OI! Where’s the Illusion D’Ombre review? Would lurve to see you with the Mirifique shade you bought. I have it – unsure what to do with it bar use it as a liner. :/

    • Ohhhhh, I keep meaning too but it’s getting sidelined by Xmas-y things – I shall stick it by the computer so I keep looking at it until it’s done (not that I have a clue what to do with it either!) x

  6. Please can I use this space to report that this year I did in fact dust my decolletage (scrolls up to your post to check spelling of dodgy French word for upper bossom) I cant quite remember why I dusted it and it is highly likely I was drunk at the time. As far as I recall nothing untoward happened as a result of the dusting so frankly I am a bit meh on the sparkly t**s front tbh. But its Chanel so who cares, dust away!

  7. If you dont want it pass it this way for a review, might look awful on my olive skin though! :-/ You could always use over a blusher as a topcoat, I think that’s look nice. I’m intrigued and going to hotfoot it to my lovely lady at the Chanel counter for a look.

  8. LOL, maybe you will start a new craze for bosom dusting?

  9. Dempeaux says:

    Definitely one to use in the summer as a body highlighter. It’s the only way! 😉

  10. […] from the holiday collections, helped along with those handy points but last year, I only bought Chanel Féérie (not even using my points!) and I’ve barely used it. I’ve lost my splurging confidence […]

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