The Art of Christmas Gifting

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 12 - 2011

It’s finally November and the Christmas Countdown has officially begun. It won’t be long now before you’re unable get through a work-day without hearing a rendition of “Fairytale of New York”, either on the radio or from a tone-deaf colleague. Give it another few weeks and you’ll be adding “Stop the Cavalry” to the list of songs you never want to hear again — and don’t even get me started on Mariah.

Let’s face it, Christmas is a curious time of year — the very mention of it can fill a soul with both excitement and dread, for with it comes the greatest of expectations. I don’t know about you but I’ve already started planning my gift-giving. I have an iPhone app that lets me list recipients in groups, ranking them by importance and value. I can tick off the various stages of the deed from the moment I’ve decided on the gift, through to purchasing the gift, wrapping the gift and finally, delivering the gift. The shame.

I’m both a wonderful and terrible gift-giver, I take immense joy and satisfaction from tailoring friends’ and family’s gifts perfectly. I deliberate over the ideal present to suit an individual’s personality and meticulously shop to be sure that I also score the best bargains available. This is something that can’t be entered into lightly — it takes careful consideration, planning, and stealthy research. The joy of giving is something that I take very seriously indeed.

I sound great right? You’d want to receive a present from me, wouldn’t you? Well, actually no, no you probably wouldn’t. You see, the flip-side to all this wonderful giving is that the poor recipient has to live up to my expectations in the same way that I want my gift to exceed theirs. If I so much as detect a hint of indifference or ungratefulness toward the fruits of my labour… well, let’s just say, I’d make an awesome Mafioso, horse’s head or no horse’s head.

But don’t let me put you off, I’m sure you’re far more likely to occupy the sane, middle-ground than I am when it comes to treating your loved ones this Christmas. There are many joys to giving the right presents to your loved ones and many giggles that can be had from gifting the wrong ones too! I’m slowly learning that you don’t need to spend big money on flash gifts, I have a brother who loves nothing more than receiving home-baked cinnamon rolls that cost pennies to make and a friend who is always delighted to receive a jar full of I.O.Us in exchange for future baby-sitting sessions.

It’s important not to lose sight of what’s important. You’re not trying to outdo anyone with your splendiferous pressie-wrapping skills, it doesn’t matter if someone else buys Grandma the same pair of fleece-lined slippers, and above all else, people show pleasure in many different ways. Some… less obviously than others. If all else fails, come join the dark-side with me and we’ll just have to keep on practising the art of giving graciously… I’m sure I can find you a space in the Christmas Cosa Nostra.

I’ll be featuring some of my favourite Christmas gifts on the shelves during the run-up to Christmas, stick around… you might just make yourself popular with the most awesomest of pressies!


12 Responses to “The Art of Christmas Gifting”

  1. Vicki says:

    I am the same as you! To be honest I have downscaled this year, I used to make gift bags for certain close friends with homemade biscuits, jar of homemade jam and then their fave chocs and a few bits and pieces bubble bath, little bottle cava etc and then they give me a bottle of wine! I KNOW we don’t give to receive but like you if I spent a good while choosing and thinking of what they’d like and they give me one of the 3 for £10 bottles of wine from ASDA they picked up at their weekly shop it’s sort of depressing really. I really believe in the old adage of ‘its the thought that counts’ and if you gave me something as simple as a bottle of my favourite bubble bath at least they’d be some thought behind it. *rant over…deep breath*

  2. kelly says:

    I looooove Christmas, but since being a mum my love for it is now the giving, specifically to my wonderful daughter. I love buying gifts for other and only have 3 more things to buy and I know everything will be well loved by the recipitants.

    I have a mum and husband who both know me so well that I know I will love my presents as I do every year.

    The only present I have ever been disappointed with? A pair of brown opaque tights from my mother in law. Brown? I never wear a shade even hinting at brown, now she just sticks to a bottle of vodka for me, much more my style!

  3. Nargis says:

    I always find my mum the trickiest recipient of gifts- she doesn’t use cosmetics much (shock, horror!) and doesn’t like chocolate, thinks flowers are a waste of money and books can be found in library.
    She gives smashing pressies, though, although I am open to all gifts, especially if it’s make up.

    • kelly says:

      My mum doesn’t wear make-up, or use perfume, she gets books on her Kindle, doesn’t eat chocolates and hates flowers!

      Needless to say she doesn’t get how me and my sister are so cosmetics obsessed but she duly listens to us and we get great beauty buys from her!

      • Nargis says:

        Mine hates my cosmetics obsession :(so I have to hide my stash :p dad always buys me something like mascara
        My aunt shares my passion and we often gossip about make up, I show off my manicures to her 🙂

        • kelly says:

          Thats a shame, my mum does dig a bit about my ‘stash’ but in a jokey way, and in fact the other day I had no make-up on and she told me I looked peaky!

          My nails obsession is thankfully shared by the Angels on Leightons Dennys group on Facebook, and Leighton himself, so I always have someone who appreciates it lol

          • Nargis says:

            Well, my mum does think that make-up does give you a more polished look, but she doesn’t understand why I need 6 or more lipsticks, three foundations, 30 nail polishes and 10 eye pencils 🙂
            I never tried Leighton Denny, but my friend swears by them!
            My favourite brand is China Glaze

          • kelly says:

            Haha, my friend swear by China Glaze too, but I haven’t ever used it, only recently getting into more professional brands!
            Yeah, my mum doesn’t get that either haha!

  4. Leah says:

    Christmas this year is KILLING me. I love buying presents. Love, love, love. But this year we’re on a cutback because of the wedding so not buying the things I want to is so hard. I’ve told dear hubby-to-be not to buy me anything this year, which is easy as he only does the paying bit anyway, I normally do all the choosing. Not buying things for other people is the problem. I love seeing people’s faces when I spoil them….just not this year!

    • kelly says:

      When we were in the process of buying our house me and hubby said no buying eachother stuff, but he bought me stuff and made me feel bad!
      Just think of your beautiful wedding, it will be worth it and next Christmas you can make it extra special!

      Also have you ever thought about home-made gifts? Are you any good in the kitchen? On good foods website there is a vast range of festive treats you could make and do people food hampers etc

  5. Robyn says:

    I’ve bought TWO presents. And my dad just wants money so really that is three. I’m all over it.

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