My new Lipstick Organiser!

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 25 - 2011

Yeah, so you lot are sharper than a brand new 24/7 eyeliner pencil.  Of course, the crafty thingie that Mr. L was constructing for me was my new Lipstick Organiser.  So good, it needs capitalization.  Well done for guessing correctly!

Wanna see it? (tough, I’m showing you anyway)

I know it’s a little bit rustic-looking but damn, it works like a dream.  I can see each lipstick at a glance and organise them into shade ranges.  My OCD tendencies are acting like they just scored a touchdown!

It was a total pain in the arse to make (says Mr. L) and I have massive gratitude to Koren for the inspiration.  Mr. L didn’t use the same measurements as him though… we wanted to use thicker cardboard, it needed to fit my Helmer drawer neatly, so accounted for that and we had to enlarge some measurements to make room for my largest lipsticks (Urban Decay and Burberry incase you were wondering!).

If you want to watch Koren’s video on how to make one of these little marvels, it’s embedded below!

What do you think?  Do you have one of these?  Want one?!

50 Responses to “My new Lipstick Organiser!”

  1. Lauren Alice says:

    This is brilliant! Can he make me one?

  2. Wow, what a great idea! And you can paint the cardboard to match your drawer too! 🙂

    • Yes, I should totally get him to either paint the cardboard or wrap some lovely patterned paper around it!

      • BooBooNinja says:

        It might be easiest to spray-paint the cardboard.
        You could do contrasting colours for the x and y axes.

        Mr. L would be an absolute angel if he took the time to wrap it and then re-cut the slits.

        Thanks for sharing your organizer. It looks great!

  3. Anitacska says:

    Fantastic! I keep my lipsticks in icecream tubs which works well, but this is fab! How many lipsticks have you got? Must have taken him a while to make, well done Mr L!

    • I’ve seen your collex vids with the ice cream tubs! They work really well, I keep my pencils in a couple of chinese takeaway cartons – they’re the perfect length!

      Don’t make me count! *counts* – there’s 92 in the drawer and probably about 7 or so floating around and another 4 that I haven’t opened put away yet ‘cos I need to take photos! It’s a SICKNESS. xxx

  4. Robyn says:

    Oh my GAWD, this is awesome! I’m sure I’ll try to make one and get a papercut/fuck it all up/end up crying but I’ll be giving it a stab!

  5. Vonvon says:

    What a diligent work! How neat!

    • See, this is the major reason I got him to do it for me. He’s a perfectionist with things like this. If I’d done it, half would be super neat and half would have looked like I’d let the dog do it. xx

  6. Brilliant! But what’s the drawer thingy they’re in? How large is it, where does it come from?

  7. Sophie says:

    Awesone, I want one! Totally don’t have the patience to make it though. Might ask the boyfriend and show him this 😉

  8. gio says:

    What a great idea! Mr L has done a wonderful job!

  9. Leah says:

    Tis a thing of beauty! First I need a Helmer, then the cardboard it came in 😉

  10. Lauren says:

    Love, love, love! What a fantastic (and cheap) idea. If only I was creative enough.


  11. Naz says:

    That’s awesome! I showed your post to my mom, who wears lipstick 24/7, and she loves the idea! She’s planning on bribing my dad to make her one. 😛

  12. redtiger21 says:

    Awesomeness!! This is like porn for people like me who have a thing for lipsticks and tidiness!!!

  13. Wow, I love it!!! It looks amazing 🙂 I will definitely have to make one when I actually have some free time!

  14. Rachel says:

    Wow, that is super organised – pretty brilliant actually!

  15. Rae says:

    Eeee it’s so prettyyyyyy! (Well, obviously, like – not pretty because it’s made out of plain cardboard. But my OCD half is having a small fit because of this! It’s so STRAIGHT! And ORGANIZEY! :D)

  16. kelly says:

    amazeballs! I neeeeeeed one for my nail polish collection, my Carmine box is full!

  17. Saim says:

    So organized! Love the idea.. might give it a try

  18. Trimperley says:

    Brilliant,thanks for sharing.

  19. Maca says:

    Wow, me likes! I wish I’d need one of those, because it would mean I have a gazillion lipsticks! (I don’t…)

  20. Z says:

    Ah-ha! I thought it was for nail polish, but lipstick is even better! That’s awesome!

  21. How many lipsticks do you have!!!!! I cleaned out my makeup bags last week and its such a good feeling to get organised.

  22. BooBooNinja says:

    Would you mind sharing the measurements and cardboard thickness you used?

  23. Ahhh I totally want one! Can’t imagine how much time it took to make though ;]

  24. Geek Faerie says:

    I’ve been talking to my beau about doing something like this. I had actually considered having him and his wood working friend craft me up some sort of 2×4 system with holes drilled in it. that way I can set it on a shelf or in a drawer. Love what you’ve done with your organization skills. Hopefully you thanked Mr L profusely for his labor of love. <3

  25. Becca says:

    Can you please share the exact measurements you used for the Helmer drawer? I just got one and would love to do this but am spatially challenged. Thanks!

    • Sorry Becca, I didn’t write them down anywhere and I’m off on holiday in the morning so won’t have time to measure my helmer. Maybe the ikea website lists the drawer dimensions? That’s all you need, height doesn’t really matter aslong as its not too high to fit (mine are quite short so I can get easy purchase on the lipstick I’m reaching for).

  26. dessa says:

    amaaaaaazin! x

  27. MAYA says:

    Thano you so much!I so needed this. I just made one:)

  28. Rain says:

    Is he a Filipino? Good job with the organizer

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