FOTD: The four product school run

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 30 - 2011

I do the school run a few times a week for my neice and it’s made me realise that what little time I have in the mornings to make myself look human is going to decrease drastically when Leila reaches school age.

I can barely bring myself to pull clothes over my head, let alone apply makeup but I have a duty not to scare the under 8s and so I diligently make an attempt at disguising my 7am death mask with a hint of colour. As you’ll see, I don’t go much on product this early in the morning.

Infact, I rarely use more than four: foundation, mascara, lipgloss and blush.  Of the four, blush is most essential to avoiding that freshly dug up look, as is mascara – lashings of it.

As for my hair? Well I’m just pleased it’s the right time of year for wearing a hat.

Products Used:

• ByTerry Perfecting Fluid Foundation Ultra Correcting Coverage (full review coming soon)
• Illamasqua Rude Cream Blush
• Bobbi Brown Extreme Party Mascara
• BarryM Toffee Lipgloss

What’s your laziest face of the day?


21 Responses to “FOTD: The four product school run”

  1. Anitacska says:

    Tell me about it! I have been doing the blooming school run for 6 years now (plus a year and a half of nursery, but that was slightly less early and not every day). Some days I’m okay, I manage a full face with eyeshadows, lipstick and all, but on the days when I have to wash my hair as well I hardly ever manage more than 4-5 products. I like using cream eyeshadows for a quick sweep, black eyeliner, mascara, foundation, setting powder, blush and lipstick/lipgloss. If I have time I put Mac Brow Set on my brows too, but that falls into the luxury bit of make up for me.

  2. maryam says:

    You look so fresh! like those becca models, your natural skin showing through but its all glowy and effortless, honestly love it! my four are concealer tightlining with black liner, mascara and lip gloss, im naturally tanned so blush isnt a must! x

  3. Welcome to my mornings ;). This pretty much approximates my current makeup routine. I only managed to put eyeshadow on today because the teachers are on strike! I will be VERY interested to read your review of the ByTerry foundation.

  4. There was an extended period in my life where sleep and makeup had a race to see who would win each morning, and usually sleep won. Then, it was a light mineral foundation, mascara, and whatever lipgloss was in my bag. I looked awful 😛

    Nowdays when I’m in a rush, my routine is quite similar to yours – BB cream, blush, pinky lipgloss, mascara on the eyelashes & then a bit run through the eyebrows so they don’t look so messy.

  5. I’ve found getting older has meant I have to wear more make up than I used to! I am best friends with blushers these days and an overall foundation of some sort on my face….even bought myself some proper make up brushes for the 1st time in my life.
    Treasure your youthful looks while you have them… once you go over the 40 mark things certainly start to change drastically and dramatically.

  6. Robyn says:

    I love that Barry M gloss, such a good staple. I think when I’m sprogged up I’ll opt for enormous sunglasses. Even in the winter. Yep.

  7. Z says:

    Woah, you look way more alive than me in the mornings for sure! My routine is similar, except that liner is absolutely necessary. My eyes get a little lost otherwise.

    Also, wanted to say that the creme brulee vaseline made it across the pond and into my hands yesterday! 😀 It’s a lot bigger in person than I thought it would be! Thanks!

  8. I started the school run this year and in the mornings I just conceal under my eyes and put on mascara and lipgloss.

    In the afternoons I add on mineral foundation, blush and maybe eyeliner (the reason I don’t put on face make-up in the morning is because I have a nap when I get home and don’t want to sleep in my make-up and get spots or mess up my pillowcase!)

    Other mums have asked me when I have time to do make-up LOL – but I love putting it on – and it doesn’t take long – especially my morning make-up, which I do just after washing my face/brushing my teeth.

  9. Jamilla says:

    You look quite fresh and perky! Well done!

  10. You look great – I once went on the school run with one eye made up!!! My son is 17 now so its dragging him out of bed that takes the time. But I still don’t have enough time to make myself look good in the mornings.

  11. kelly says:

    If I wear make-up on the school run I do a full face, not that it looks it, since changing to bareMinerals my day face has gone from 20 minutes to just 8 minutes!

  12. You look so pretty! I just did a post like this aswell I have a ten year old son and rely on bourjois delice de soleil face spray, Origins VitaZing moisturiser and an MSF natural to perk up my face of a morning. xxx

  13. Leah says:

    Most of the time I resemble Waynetta Slob. Sad but true. When I’m really afraid of scaring the general populace it’s a cat eye and some lip gloss and I’m good to go x

  14. Alexis says:

    Sounds like my mornings when I have to work super early.
    Foundation, Mascara (Loads of it), Blush (the brighter the better), and some form of gloss or tinted lip balm.

  15. redtiger21 says:

    I know the feeling, I’ve been doing the daily school run for 5 years now, but I never ever do it bare-faced! My typical rountine consists of borjois healthy mix, maybelline concealer under the eyes, Laura Geller concealer/ mac studio fix on zits, Natural Collection loose powder, Laura Geller blush in either Down To Earth or Golden Apricot, Avon supershock mascara in black, mac’s Carbon along the lashline, and benetint on my lips with Lucas Pawpaw over the top. Takes about 10 minutes as I’m a slowcoach!

  16. Vonvon says:

    I know how it is! Ever since my daughter started Reception in September, I am always short of time in the mornings.

    Anyways, I will put on my skincare with Estee Lauder illuminator (can’t remember the full name!). Then BB Cream (it has almost everything, moisturizer, sunblock, foundation, etc), a blush, lipstick or lipgloss. For the eyes, EL cool eye Illuminator, sometimes, a quick swipe of a cream shadow, and or line my waterlines with Stila Kajal Eye Liner (different days, different colours) and smudge it lightly.

  17. Lilmiznutcase says:

    I will do almost anything to stay in bed and extra five mins. At most, I manage mascara (anything), black or brown eyeliner on the waterline and smudged into the upper lash line, benetint, and a bit of lip balm. Occassionally BB cream if I’m looking very rough.

  18. Wordbird says:

    Best tip for the school run that I ever heard was to wear a hat and sunglasses at all times, that way you never have to do your eye makeup or hair. If you want everyone to think your utterly fabulous and glam, ensure you wear a slap of tinted moisturiser and some blush and a swipe of brightish lippy. 🙂
    Sadly, I haven’t managed to achieve this. I’m usually plain faced and still damp from the shower. Poor children, looking at such horror in the mornings.

  19. I love this post, you look so fresh!
    If I’m in a rush then I go for a touch of foundation, blusher, lots of mascara and a little bit of lipstick!

  20. Tina says:

    Love Illamasqua Rude on you, as well as that Barry M lipgloss!!! Basic, yet very cute FOTD! 🙂 xx

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