Always a sucker for a bargain, I dived in head first when ELF recently cut the prices of their new(ish) Studio Matte Lip Colors to £1 a piece. I jumped on them more because I love lipsticks in pen form than because I love matte formulas. Let’s face it, matte formulas can be tricky to wear unless you’re 14 and addicted to Carmex.
Currently available on the UK website in four neutral shades, I grabbed the lot (and some nail polishes that I’ll probably never get round to blogging).
Tea Rose, Coral, Praline and Natural are the four shades available to purchase.
Here’s what they look like in the tubes…
For what it’s worth, I really like the packaging on these. The simple and minimalistic black casing defies their £3.50 price tag. The lids click to a tight, flush close and the twist mechanism feels like it will go the distance. No complaints from me.
The formula on these didn’t vary too much between shades. I found Praline perhaps gave the most drag during application, a little less creamy than the others but probably my favourite to wear because it looked the least chalky once applied.
Tea Rose was the creamiest but I felt that the colour was a little off, it’s quite mauve based which made my lips look a little… dead.
Coral looks far more apricot than a true coral shade in my humble opinion and Natural is easily the most nude for my complexion. They’re a good, solid bunch of lip-neutral shades and I think most should be able to find one shade from the selection that will suit their skintones well.
And the lip swatches…
I know I usually do a full-face shot with lip swatches for context but none of them flattered me and I have a huge zit on my chin that has been there (without a head) for the past week – some days, you just can’t face those pesky FOTDs and today was one of them. I also thought the close up might be useful so that you can see just how ‘drying’ each shade appears on the lips.
The paler shades definitely come out a little chalky looking, something that would easily be remedied by a touch of lipgloss to conceal those furrows. In terms of comfort, I didn’t actually find them particularly drying on the lips which is testament to a quality purchase from the budget brand, however, I wouldn’t describe them as moisturising either. Just your standard, good quality matte lipstick.
The ELF Studio Matte Lip Colors taste very fruity but are not particularly scented, something which surprised me (on both counts). The taste, although synthetic, is pleasant enough…. similar to what you’d expect from something like a chapstick.
Overall, and for the money, I can’t really fault them too much. Sure, I’m not really a fan of how the colours turned out against my skintone but that’s personal preference… throw me a red or hot pink and this could well have been a gushing post of epic proportions. I’d say, give ’em a go – you might just find your holy grail nude matte lip!
ELF Studio Matte Lip Colors are available to purchase online at the ELF website, priced at £3.50 each.
Thanks for the heads up! I’m not much of a matte person, either!
I was sent Praline and then bought three backups when it was on sale for £1 as I really love it. It is matte but my lips do feel softer after I’ve used it and the colour is perfect for a my lips but better shade, the next thing ELF should do is bring out a lipstick that is exactly the same colour.
I don’t know if it’s just the colouring on my laptop (it probably is) but my Praline looks a lot more like your Tea Rose. The same is true of the swatches we both have, Praline looks a lot browner on your skintone and lips whereas on my it came out pinkier. You know the way Natural looks natural on you? That’s how Praline looks on me.
I think I want to try the coral!
I’d like to see more colours as well, I think, but these do look great for the price. I love matte lips (even though I have the driest lips in the world!) And I haave TWO massive no-head spots on my chin. WTF. No full faces for me this week
Tea Rose is my favorite. I like to stick it in my purse when I go out as it makes a great subtle color to layer under glosses or leave bare.
I did exactly the same – I bought all 4 when they were £1. Tea Rose is REALLY flattering to my skin tone, Natural is OK on me, Coral looks a bit tarty on me and Praline looks like I have chocolate (being polite!) on my lips – it just doesn’t suit my skin tone at all.
I’ve decided I prefer a matte finish, even with the lines in my lips. I will get back ups of Tea Rose.
Excuse me while I drool EVERYWHERE! These all look so beautiful and creamy to me. I’d heard people rave about them but didn’t realise they were sort of lipstick-y
Never tried matte shades before, I hate the feel of a dry lip and I guess the matte sound puts me off, but am considering trying the natural shade. Can’t buy yet though, skinteroony and that website is never a site to visit to buy just one thing!
I love the coral and praline
I like the colour Praline has
Great review! thx!
Thanks for the great review of our Studio Matte Lip colour, glad you liked them. PS: Did you know that the end conceals a sharpener? :0)
these are half price for 24 hours only and it’s a google search which led me on this. am not scared of the drying part, i am scared of the smell part. aaaaaaaa i dont know