Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 3 - 2011

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.

9 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday”

  1. Alicat says:

    Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!

  2. Simone G says:

    What, do you not eat Beetroot & Cum all the time?!!

  3. Julia says:

    Oh my goodness…

  4. Tass says:

    Hahahaha oh dear!

  5. Chelsea says:

    Sounds erm.. tasty? 😛

  6. Jasmin says:

    Or it sounds erm… salty… Sorry bad joke!XD

  7. Kaneta says:

    this made me laugh out loud … sadly

  8. Rhamnousia says:

    Er.. it’s probably because I’m so innocent and naive that I don’t get the joke?

    (Believe that and you’ll believe anything!)

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Beauty Blog Link Love - 26th March 2011

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.

Mavala City Grey Collection

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.

LUSH Let The Good Times Roll Cleanser

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.

ELF – Rosy Raisin NOTD

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.

L’Artisan Parfumeur La Chasse Aux Papillons

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.

Givenchy Summer 2010 - European Exclusive

Ok, maybe just one word: Cumin.


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