Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection: The Packaging

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 15 - 2011

Well, it’s reached our shores… the Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection* has arrived in the UK and is currently available online at Debenhams on a limited edition run.

Released in celebration of Urban Decay’s 15th Anniversary, the eyeshadow collection features 15 never-seen-before full size shades.  These aren’t re-releases of older shades in palette form, you’ll find no MCRA in this palette.

It’s gonna get a bit picture heavy…

demonstrating the reflective finish, not flipping a ‘V’ – promise!

You can’t really hold an Urban Decay palette in your hands without having some thoughts on the way it’s been presented.  The 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection waves goodbye to the cardboard packaging of old in favour of plastic.  It’s better than it sounds, I promise!  The high shine finish, jewelled UD logo and beautiful filigree edging ensures that this is one hunk of plastic that is definitely dressing-table worthy.

Invert the lid and you’ll find a large mirror that stretches from corner to corner.  Lift the platform that the eyeshadows rest upon and you’ll find a ‘velvet’ lined (shallow) compartment below which will give some extra life to the packaging even after the shadows have long been used or even depotted.

Is any of this necessary?  Of course not and I hope the addition of things like the ‘secret’ compartment didn’t bump the price, especially when the packaging of the relatively austere Naked Palette had been so well received.  However, with an extra three shadows on the Naked Palette and only a £4 difference (the price of the NP has risen), it doesn’t seem too out of line from a pricing point of view.

Tomorrow I’ll be focusing on the eye shadows and on Wednesday, those all important swatches.

The Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection is available to buy online at Debenhams.com, priced at £39.00

So, come on lovely people… you never hold back opinions on the UD Palettes.  First impressions?

oh… and here’s a bonus picture for the OCD among us… FINGERPRINTS! *throws arms up and acts like world is ending*

* press sample

25 Responses to “Urban Decay 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Collection: The Packaging”

  1. Vesna says:

    Haha, I love this last photo! 😀 I hate that, lol 😀

    This palette looks really stunning, love your photos and can’t wait your swatches! 🙂

  2. Sarah B says:

    Despite reasoning with myself something is still wanting me to buy it, I do like a pretty box! I am trying not to justify buying it. The mix of colour is too similar to the naked palette for me, I am only really interested in the 4 “colours” in the middle.
    The pricing is fair as well for 15 eyeshadows and a beautiful box, I am actually surprised it wasn’t more expensive especially after spending #60 on the eye pencil collection I was expecting sometwhere over #40 at least.
    As usual your photography is gorgeous.


  3. Gordita says:

    The fact that all the shadows are new is making this a “MUST-BUY!” for me! I hope they’re not all loaded with glitter though, as much as I love my “I <3 NYC" one, too many of the neutral shades have glitter and I find that even a week later there's a stray bit of glitter on my cheek… if anyone ever asks I will tell them I was mauled by a toddler with a glitter gun.
    For storage freaks (like me) the idea that the box has a nice lining meaning it can be used to store rings or whatever is great!

  4. Lily says:

    Eee, I do love this packaging! So gorgeous! Probably wont buy though since I can spot seven which look way too similar to other UD shades I own! Shall wait until swatches to really judge…

  5. Joyce says:

    The last picture killed it for me. LOL I hate packaging that shows fingerprints.

    There’s alot of hype over this product cuz all the shades are suppose to be “new.” However, I’ve seen swatches of all of these eyeshadows and they all look very similar to other Urban Decay eyeshadows, except they have a different undertone. That being said, the 15 Year Anniversary Eyeshadow Palette is not new enough for me. =/

  6. Tbh, the fingerprints thing would actually make me want to cry a little bit. I think I’ll wait for the BOS4, considering as I’ve never owned any UD palettes, and am thus fairly indifferent to repromotes xD

  7. Gorgeous pics. I love the central row of jewel tones but too many of the neutrals look like they would replicate my Naked Palette.

    Looking forward to seeing what looks you’ll create with these.

    Nic x

  8. Anitacska says:

    Oh yes, it does attract fingerprints like crazy! 🙂 I got mine last week and have just reviewed it on my blog if anyone would like to take a look: http://pleasureflush.blogspot.com/2011/08/urban-decay-15-year-anniversary_14.html
    I would just like to say that although these shades are new, Midnight Rodeo does seem to be the devil in disguise (ie MCRA) because it has an awful glitter fallout. I used it the other day and I ended up with glitter all down my face. Just saying. (Oh and guess what, this is included in the new BOS IV too, lucky us!). Anyway, the rest of the palette is lovely and MR is gorgeous too if you forget about the fallout.

  9. Tania says:

    You’ve done it again Charlotte, everytime you post about UD their stuff goes out of stock LOL – I’ve just done the magic stock check test and there’s only 4 of these available according to the checkout page on Debenhams. I’ve grabbed mine and picked up a Naked Palette for my Mum while I was at it. Thank you for the heads up, I’m excited to receive my little box of fingerprint fun and can’t wait to see the swatches!

  10. Ellie says:

    Deep end *sigh*. The packaging is beautiful, and the colour range is beautiful! Don’t have a spare forty quid lurking about sadly though hehe 🙂 xx

  11. Julia says:

    For some reason this doesnt attract me as much as the NAKED palette did and even just yesterday i was faced with the Naked palette here at Sephora in Singapore and to my surprise I didnt jump on it when they said they had stock,
    Am i ill? I cradled the Naked palette tester in my hand, shocked that the staff at ION Singapore said they had them…but the magic had finally faded for me when it was right there, and till now no regrets. I picked up a Rouge Artist lipstick instead.

  12. Janny says:

    The colors look nice but when I saw how small it was in the store, I decided against it. Now if I received it as a gift, I certainly would not say no.

  13. Eden-Avalon says:

    NOOOOOO fingerprints!! Hahaha! The colors didn’t call out to me in the store but the packaging is undeniably beautiful.

  14. Patricia says:

    It’s so pretty… but holy buckets of shimmer, Batman. Can’t UD do a palette with a decent mix of shimmer/metallic shades and mattes? Alas, I’m not 21 any longer…

  15. Rae says:

    Gorgeous photos, Charlotte! I’m salivating over here 😉

    (Well. Salivating, but also going CRAZY because of those fingerprints. Why would you *do* that to us?! :P)

  16. Leah says:

    I’m a total UD ho-bag so will probably get this. I’ll look forward to your swatches.

  17. Joselin says:

    Wow your photos of this palette are impressive, I need to touch up on my photography skills now. I have this palette and did a review on my blog also. I too had a little OCD with the finger prints, but what can you do aye I should be used to it with the whole Nars packaging shenanigan 😛


  18. Rachael says:

    i love, love,love this palette. i already own it but cant wait to see your swatches. 🙂 junkshow was a surprise hit for me. i never thought bright pink would be a good eyeshadow but its so fun to wear! great photos; good lighting and shallow focus.

  19. jane says:

    the packaging is beautiful but perhaps not very travel friendly. I like palettes because they are usually small and compact with lots of colours to take away on holiday or whatever but this i just feel is too bulky. It would look very pretty sitting on your dressing table though!


  20. Julianne says:

    I don’t know whether to get this or not! I’d love it but I have yet to use all of the UD shadows I already own. Eeeek.

  21. Gauri says:

    Enjoy it 😀

  22. First impressions- it looks AH-MAZING and I’d love to get my hands on it. Btw, I absolutely love your “about me” and you have such a down to earth blogging style which is really refreshing to read from a fellow beauty blogger/mommy perspective. I gave you a blog award just because I can! Keep up the fabulous work! http://www.jennysuemakeup.com/2011/08/blogger-awards-are-nice.html

  23. Andrea says:

    I will be buying it, I’d just prefer it if it came in a more travel friendly/MUA friendly case!

  24. Minza says:

    LOVE the last picture! I am dying to get my hands on this palette! 😀
    Rougeberry Fashion

  25. […] posted about the packaging and I’ve posted individual close ups of the eyeshadows alongside their official […]

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