The last person in the world to discover…

Posted by Lipglossiping On July - 29 - 2011


See, I thought it was just like Hipstamatic which I don’t use because it’s kinda slow and kinda clunky and not very social.  On the internet, I’m all about the social.  In real life, I’m all about the social… leprosy.

Combine this with my slowwww iPhone 3G and the fact that I was always too lazy to hook my iPhone up to the computer to download pictures, I just didn’t use it for photos, at all.  I mean… I have my camera anyway right?  Well since Mr. L bought me an iPhone4 for my birthday and I always feel a bit of a tit walking around London with my camera slung across my body, I thought I’d have a go at using it with my photographer (read: girl with a camera) head on when I was in London a few days ago.

It’s clearly all about tilt-shifting the shit out of your images and cross-processing them until they cry out for mercy.  Style over content baby.  But nonetheless, I’m no ‘tog snob and it brought a huge revival of love for snapping what I see and trying to think inside a square frame (easier said than done!)

One thing I am GUTTED about though is that I didn’t realise you had to ‘process’ the photos there and then.  I was taking snaps, then clicking ‘back’ thinking I’d fanny about with the filters later on.  In reality, this meant that I was taking a photo, deleting it, taking another photo, deleting it 4 seconds later.  You can imagine my face when I got on the bus home and realised that I’d ‘apparently’ only taken 8 photos that day.  I spent 2 freaking hours on the Southbank with this thing!  Oh well, lesson learned *sniff*

If you’re one of the last remaining people on earth who owns an iPhone4 without Instagram lurking in one of the folders, you should really consider giving it a go.  A ridiculously satisfying way to take, play with and share your photos!

Do you use Instagram?  Leave your link below if you want!

12 Responses to “The last person in the world to discover…”

  1. Charlie says:

    I love Instagram! I take the photos with the normal iphone camera and then add them into Instagram from my roll later when I’m ready to fanny about…

  2. Glitterishallsorts says:

    I hadn’t heard of this (clearly I have been living under a rock) but this will now be the first app to download today! Pudding Cam (although in Korean!) is another great photography app. I had to snap away and randomly click to figure out how to use it but it’s great when you do work it out

  3. Stregalice says:

    Like Charlie I take photos with another camera app and then work them in Instagram.
    I use Camera+ instead of the regular iPhone app, best 1.99 ever spent, because it lets me take plenty of photo and check and edit them slightly before saving them for good.

  4. No, you’re not the last person! I am!

  5. Jo says:

    I’ve just downloaded the app and had a play. It’s fantastic!! I agree with the previous post about using the regular camera roll then playing later. Anyway, hours of fun ahead!

  6. NItzan says:

    You are the second blogger who talks about the Instagram today! [One blogger from my country has blogged about it too] . It’s such a wonderful application! I have just download it and it’s amazing! I’ve download the free one – Is there any adavanced app that has more possibilities ?

    p.s – love your blog and read it every single day!

  7. Phoebe says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE Instagram! I’ve learnt the same way as you about processing pics though.. Only just learnt to tilt shift as well, after about a month of having the app.
    I’m on there as Peluxe 🙂

  8. Shortiee31 says:

    I never heard of Instagram until you started taking pics and posting it on Twitter! But then again I don’t have an iPhone so I am excused 😉

  9. Rachel says:

    It’s amazing apps like this that make me envious of my hubby’s smartphone, but specifically the iPhone! Wish there was software for it I could just use on my computer. Gorgeous pictures!

  10. Mimi says:

    Oh I love it too! Quite new too it as well Im not sure how to add my link but my username is “mimiceline”

  11. sailorjennie says:

    I have you to thank for the discovery of the tilt shift thing on instagram! I was sat there for ages looking at how nice your pictures looked and I couldn’t work out how you did it, but now I know! I’m a bit slow at catching on to things sometimes haha.


  12. Sydney says:

    Ah, thank you so much!
    My friend had shower my his on his Iphone an age ago and I completely forgot what the program was called. Thanking you 🙂

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