Leila is two today!

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 16 - 2011

My beautiful little girl Leila turns two today.  I’m sorry I don’t have a ‘normal’ post lined up for today but I spent all weekend going OTT organising her birthday party and I’m pooped!

I’m also sorry for another Leila post but if this blog stays in the internet ether for however many years, I’d love her to be able to look back one day and know that despite all the makeup related chatter, she was always my number one girl.

I spent 10 minutes yesterday evening telling Leila all about when she was born.  I told her how the first thing she did when she emerged was look for something, anything to stick in her gob.  Just like her Mum.

I told her how we spent the first 3 months of her life trying and failing to smooth the frown from her temples and I told her how I wanted to spend the rest of my life whispering “I Love You” into her ear until I knew for certain that she’d never, ever forget.

Leila, I don’t half love you stinky bum.  Happy birthday big girl!

66 Responses to “Leila is two today!”

  1. ZebyK says:

    Oh Charlotte, I always love your Leila updates, she is just so beautiful and looking more and more like you. Give her an extra kiss from me! Xxx

  2. Grace London says:

    DAMN you for making me all teary-eyed first thing on a Monday! Happy birthday to your very beautiful girl. How did that go so fast?

  3. She is so so so beautiful! Happy birthday Leila!

  4. Meeta says:

    She is too cute! Happy Birthday Leila!

  5. Nina says:

    What a beautiful, sweet little girl you have! Happy Birthday to Leila, may she always light up the life of those around her… 🙂

  6. Rima Kaur says:

    Happy Birthday to Leila,
    all the way from India!

  7. Anitacska says:

    Aaaw, such a cutie pie! Happy 2nd birthday lovely Leila! xxx

  8. Ledo says:

    Happy Birthday Leila 🙂

  9. Victoria says:

    Happy birthday Leila. She is beautiful x

  10. Charlie says:

    She’s so beautiful. Happy Birthday Leila!

    It’s Lola’s 2nd birthday at the end of the month, I might just copy this post 😉

  11. Sarah says:

    Aww how adorable!!

  12. Alicat says:

    Happy birthday gorgeous Leila! What a beautiful little girl she is, an absolute love! Enjoy her at this age because believe me, they grow up fast and you’re left wondering what on earth happened. Lovely idea to include her in your posts, she’ll be equally horrified and chuffed when she’s older! xxx

  13. Esteeem says:

    awwww, so cute!!! happy birthday leila! <3

  14. Laura says:

    Charlotte you have a beautiful daughter and I love reading your post’s about her!

    Happy Birthdya Leila!

  15. Karina says:

    What an adorable girl! Happy birthday! 😀

  16. Julia says:

    Your little girl is a blessed stinky bum to have a Mommy like you. 🙂 Wow God bless her on her special day, what a gift to have a daughter like her 🙂

  17. How exciting! I know it’s cliche, but isn’t it amazing how quickly it all goes? Have a wonderful day- both of you!

  18. kyanvi says:

    such a beautiful girl, happy birthday Leila!

  19. karleigh says:

    Ahhhhh she is just perfection, absolute perfection.

    Happy Birthday blue eyes xxxx

  20. teenee says:

    happy birthday to your gorgeous baby charlotte! 😀 she has just absolutely darling beautiful eyes! 😀

  21. shanice says:

    Oh this post didn’t half give me shivers haha, happy birthday Leila!x

  22. Sydney says:

    Reading this post has started my Monday off fantastically!

    Happy birthday to your gorgeous little girl 😀

  23. Nicole says:

    Beautifully written, tear-jerker post! Hope the day was wonderful for all of you

  24. Fee says:

    Ahhhh so lovely to hear another make-up mad mummy posting pure love for their wee one! She’s GAW-gus!!
    My little boy is 2 on WEdnesday and like you, I spend every minute I can telling him I love him…what you said really struck a chord, I never want him to doubt it or forget it…I want it to ring in his ears when he’s going to sleep or not with me for whatever reason….I feel like I’m going to burst with it sometimes! Made me more scared, more brave, more happy, more confused than I could have imagined!

    I believe children are the punctuation in our lives….they’re the exclamation marks, the full stops, the commas and dot dot dots…and very often the question marks!!!

    Thanks for sharing your first passion and echoing mine

  25. Louise says:

    what a super sweet post Happy Birthday Gorgeous Girl xxx

  26. SaBaH says:

    Wow it was my birthday yesterday! So Leila is a Taurus like me! Happy birthday little girl! You’re so adorable! xoxo 😀

  27. gio says:

    She’s so beautiful and sweet! Happy birthday Leila!

  28. Rae says:

    Aww 🙂 Happy birthday Leila! Hope the two-year celebrations go well!! xx

  29. Gemx says:

    Aww, so cute! Happy birthday to Leila! 🙂 xx

  30. Debbie says:

    God love her, she wears your love like a badge! She shines with happiness and whilst you are blessed to have her she is equally blessed to have such a super mummy (and daddy!) and boy will you two have fun in years to come, from a mum that knows what a delight being really good friends with your 18 yr old daughter really is! huge hugs to you both xxxxxxxx

  31. Vijaya says:

    Such a beautiful little girl. Happy second birthday! <3

  32. Jen says:

    HPB to the little cutie-pop!

  33. Lily says:

    Aw, she’s so cute! You know that not only will she have relatives giving the ‘I remember when you were *this* big…’ talk, but all your blog followers too 😛

  34. Debbie says:

    In danger of repeating myself here – did write a comment clicked submit and it disappeared into the ether, and will no doubt appear immediately above this one the minute I click submit again! Just wanted to say that Leila is quite gorgeous and she shines with happiness, she is blessed to have your as her Mummy and you two are going to have so much fun over the years! Happy Birthday Leila x

  35. sugar sugar says:

    awwwwww she’s adorable. happy birthday to her! 🙂

  36. Leah says:

    Happy birthday little one. As someone trying (and trying, and trying) to have a baby, your words made me well up. So lovely. x

  37. Jessi says:

    Aw, you are such a wonderful mommy. Your post made me tear up a little and I don’t even have any kids! I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

  38. Vicky says:

    You could sneak a pic of her into every post!
    She’s too adorable <3

    Happy birthday, Leila!

  39. Carol Mavro says:

    What a wonderful post made me quite tearful! Happy Birthday Leila x

  40. sara says:

    What a joy to be witness to such love

  41. Jenny Cole says:

    Happy Birthday Leila! I always love reading your Leila posts – it’s so lovely to see how she’s growing up and you take the cutest photos of her! Hope you’re all having a lovely day xx

  42. Aww what a beautiful little girl you have – her eyes and smile are so radiant. I’m also filling up reading your gorgeous heartfelt post and feel exactly the same about my little ones (3&6).

  43. LeanneOCD says:

    Oh god, that brought a tear to my eye! Happy 2nd Birthday Leila. Charlotte, you and the hubster certainly make beautiful kiddie-winks. Love the Leila posts. Keep em coming x

  44. Tass says:

    Will never tire of reading Leila posts 🙂 Happy birthday to your beautiful lil girl xxx

  45. She is just so gorgeous and what a lovely post! I hope she’s had a lovely day. The time just passes too quickly it’s so nice to have these moments recorded for you to look back on. Thanks for sharing it with us xx

  46. Awww! Happy birthday to Leila and proud mummy! I’m super emotional tonight… you’ve set me off woman!x

  47. Phoebe says:

    She is adorable! Happy birthday!

  48. Esha says:

    She is absolutely gorgeous, just like her mummy:)

  49. God you lot, talk about lump in my throat *swallows hard*

    You are your kindnesses are so appreciated. I’m printing this out and put it in her box of special things. Like I said on Twitter, she has the coolest internet Aunties a girl could wish for x

  50. jeanie says:

    She is an angel! Happy Birthday!

  51. Rowena says:

    Leila Bear! You have no idea what Auntie Candy has in store for you in August. BRING ON BAD HABITS!

  52. Charlotte, don’t you dare apologize for another Leila post… she is gorgeous! I love reading about her milestones and your experiences as a mother, plus your photography is always so wonderful.

    And to Leia – happy birthday babycakes! When you’re old enough you can get on Twitter and join in all the fun mummy has with your internet aunties 🙂

  53. Charlotte, don’t you dare apologize for another Leila post… she is gorgeous! I love reading about her milestones and your experiences as a mother, plus your photography is always so wonderful.

    And to Leila – happy birthday babycakes! When you’re old enough you can get on Twitter and join in all the fun mummy has with your internet aunties 🙂

  54. Happy Birthday lovely Leila!

  55. Natalie says:

    Aww happy birthday Leila – was looking forward to our lunch yesterday 😉 hehe – see you Friday xxx PS she looks sooo cute xx

  56. Olivia says:

    happy birthday leila! she is gog, i love her cute little chubby cheeks.

  57. Julianne says:

    Aww, happy belated birthday to Leila!

  58. She’s gorgeous and looks just like you! Happy belated birthday baby!

  59. Melissa says:

    Happy Burfday you gorgeous lil’ thing! I hope you had a wonderful day!

    I could seriously munch those cheeks. Major squish!

    <3 xx

  60. Syen says:

    Hello! I don’t comment here all that often, but I just wanted to wish Leila a very happy birthday!!! She’s a beautiful, beautiful little girl. Oh, those gorgeous eyes! =D

  61. Syen says:

    Hello! I don’t comment here all that often, but I just wanted to wish Leila a very happy birthday!!! She’s a beautiful, beautiful little girl. Oh, those gorgeous eyes!! =D

  62. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

    I know I’m a bit late and all but she is GORGEOUS. I remember being younger and getting annoyed when all the old Indian aunties would pinch my cheeks and I’d think “why the hell are they doing that? Don’t they know that it hurts?!” but after seeing this pic of Leila, I totally see why it’s so tempting.

    I hope she had a fantastic day and that mum (aka you, as if you didn’t know :P) wasn’t too stressed out. I won’t say the same for Mr L because I know men never get stressed when it comes to birthdays..or much else (the lucky sods).

  63. This made me tear up, I’m sure you’re a sweet and loving mom! Your little princess is simply adorable! Happy Birthday to her 😀 x

  64. Happy Birthday to your beautiful baby girl! x

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