An uber lazy bank-holiday kinda face…

Posted by Lipglossiping On May - 30 - 2011

If anyone took the time to analyse my blog, there would be a few words that showed up regularly. Like, really regularly.

Cake, Leila, Lipstick and Lazy.

Infact, (given an extra 7 hours in the day) I could write a blog about lazy.  Though such dedication to detailing my idleness would defeat the purpose of the exercise somewhat.

So, instead… I’ll show you my lazy bank-holiday FOTD.

All you can really see is the mascara right?  Well… I’d like to tell you that I carefully engineered it to look that way.  Yano, the not-natural, natural look?

Infact, I really didn’t…  This was my FOTD for my Mum’s 70th Birthday on Sunday.  A special occasion.  This… my ‘special occasion’ face.  My makeup is weeping from my loss of mojo and complete lack of inspiration.

Here’s my list of products…


Shills Super Magic BB Cream

Guerlain Meteorites in Mythic

Bobbi Brown Illuminating Bronzer in Maui (as a blush)


Avon Supershock Gel Eyeliner in Black (tightlined on the upper lid)

Max Factor Lash Extension Effect (2 coats)

Joe Blasco Ultra Base in Ultra Fair to conceal


Chanel Rouge Allure Laque in #76 Ming

Lovely products but look… 7 products for a ‘special’ FOTD?  That’s lazy.  I’ve confused ‘whee, this a great opportunity to PLAY with your face!’ with ‘make yourself look presentable but ultimately dull’.

I think that I’m just not used to having the time to do things like that and so when I do get the opportunity… I don’t know what the hell to do with it!

Would you be kind enough to inspire me with some of your favourite bloggy peeps who do awesome makeup please?  This boring old cow needs some cosmetically-charged awesomeness to get her through the week.

52 Responses to “An uber lazy bank-holiday kinda face…”

  1. you look absolutely radiant! I’m still in my nighty-gotta get my face on because we’re off to Westfield today

  2. Grace London says:

    I’m going to be *really* boring, and say that for something like your Mum’s birthday, a subtle my-face-but-better look is entirely appropriate 😉

    I like watching the Pixiwoo girls for a bit of inspiration – I won’t do the whole look, but I often come away with ideas about using different colours or a new technique/way of applying something. Into the Palette is also good, because it takes you through step by step. I like beautybloggingblonde’s videos a lot too (and she has a lovely voice, very soothing).

    • Yeah, it’s true about appropriateness but when you have an excuse for the time to play and still manage to do the same face you do everyday… you either need a big makeup clearout or get inspired!

  3. Eyeknee says:

    You look really lovely. Also, your face is getting skinnier!

  4. cclarebear says:

    I love this look on you!! If your mother’s anything like mine (and she may no be but hell…) she doesn’t like a lot of makeup on her daughter anyway so i suspect it’s a look that’s spot on 😉

  5. I agree, I think this is spot on for a mother’s birthday do. Anyway, if you can get away with looking this gorgeous with a natural look (I’m tres jealous) then go for it!

    • Aww, too kind… I’m just irritated by my lack of imagination at the moment. I should break out some simple palettes and force myself to go with the suggested shades.

  6. You look really pretty like this, though! Entirely appropriate for your Mum’s birthday, and I like your hair as well.

    Hmm. A lot of the bloggers that I follow do really bright, crazy eye makeup – not really sure if that’s your thing!

    I find this girl absolutely adorable though, and very very talented. Love her EOTDs.
    If you ever get interested in Asian cosmetics, she’s the girl to go to!

  7. Katy says:

    Please please talk a bit more about BB creams? I’m dying to try one but I keep hearing good things about loads of different brands and don’t know which one to choose but you have the same colouring as me and I have a lot of pink/red in my face that I want to cover and it looks like the one you have covers it well!

  8. Alexa says:

    You look so pretty and the MaxFactor mascara makes your lashes look amazing. Such a fabulous mascara isn’t it?

    And yes…Like Katy said. Please talk more about BB creams xxx

  9. Lily says:

    I have to agree with everyone else, that neutral/ natural is usually best for parents/ relatives related events! You wouldn’t want to turn up looking like Ru Paul, would you?!

    I have a section on my ‘I Love Beauty Bloggers’ page called ‘Best for FOTDs’ full of links to ladies who are AWESOME with make-up. I always look at their blogs if I’m lacking in the inspiration department, might be worth a look 🙂

  10. Alice says:

    I think you look gorgeously natural, and I love that the mascara is the thing that ‘pops’ because you’re eyes are gorgeous and it makes them stand out. I wish I looked as lovely with ‘natural’ make up on x

    • That’s very kind of you to say, I feel like a right moaner but it frustrated me that the one time I had carte blanche to do what I wanted… and I ended up with my everyday look. I think I’ve fallen out of love with eyeshadow.

  11. I think the look is perfect for mum’s day and for this time of year. You look very fresh and pretty. As I get older, I find less makeup makes me look less OLD. Of course there’s using less product and then there’s the *appearance* of using less. I still wear some kind of base, even if it’s tinted moisturizer, a luminizing blush, eyeliner, mascara, and lip color. At a minimum. I usually toss in 1-2 eyeshadow colors, too and still manage to pull off the almost-no-makeup look.

    I second Pixiwoo tutorials and would add Lisa Eldridge.

    Here are some others I enjoy:

    [Edit: WordPress rejected my original message to YouTubers as SPAM, so I can’t include the links.]

    If you are interested, look up
    – MakeupByTiffanyD
    – makeupgeektv
    – kandeejohnson
    – gossmakeupartist
    – Glitterdollz7
    – dabblerDOTca (the Beau Nelson ones)

    • Thank you so much for such a comprehensive list, I’m not really big on youtube vids just because I struggle to find the time to watch them through! But I shall make an effort next weekend and hopefully emerge endlessly inspired! Thank you xx

  12. kirstie says:

    if I revealed my mother’s age on the internet she would actually murderise me. Kill me. You are a brave woman!

    Looking good too!

  13. Rae says:

    *whispers* My special occasion face looks startlingly similar to yours! I guess we’re just two boring gals, yah? I’d never be able to get my lashes to look like that without some major false lash business, though… 😛

    A few favourites:
    -Youtube: Lisa Eldridge, camiloveskiwi, and Pixiwoo
    -Recent international faves: and
    -And of course: Temptalia and Padmita (

    Have fun finding your inspiration, lovely!

  14. Kirstie, that’s hilarious! My mother is now younger than I am. At least according to her, lol.

  15. Robyn says:

    You look so pretty. I like it. Couldn’t Chanel have come up with a nicer name than ‘Ming’ though?!

  16. Rachael says:

    You dont look dull to me! You look glowing and natural. 🙂 Perfectly fine for a lazy Sunday.

  17. I think you look gorgeous! I’m also in a lazy makeup phase (I prefer to call it a “natural makeup phase”) and I’m just rolling with it because I know the urge to wear makeup that requires effort will strike soon. Maybe.

  18. Your skin looks fab in this pic – lovely & fresh & clear 🙂 xx

  19. Sierra says:

    You look absolutely beautiful. “Lazy?” Well, you might feel lazy, but you certainly don’t look it. I can’t get over how gorgeous your eyelashes look!

  20. You look gorgeous. I’ve been so uninspired recently too so I’m going to swap all my make up around so that other stuff is to hand and see if that works, because I’ve been so safe recently that it’s driving me mad.

  21. Kim says:

    You look gorgeous. Wish I looked this good with natural looking makeup. Love your lippie xxx

  22. liloo says:

    you have the most amazing eyelashes. dear me, i wish i looked as good when i was lazy xxx

  23. I think you look beautiful!!! I can’t seem to get away with that simple a look. Fresh and pretty!

  24. JMTolman says:

    Personally, I think you look just fine, but here are the sites I look at if I’m in need of makeup inspiration: Specifically the “Blush Response” section! 365 Days of Eyeshadow section

    Hope that helps!

  25. NeenaJ says:

    With an 18 month old underfoot, I hardly have time to apply a face much less be creative about it. No matter how many “ooh pretty” colors I acquire, I find myself going back to the tried and true neutral, boring looks.

    I love a lot of the folks already listed, but I also look to these ladies to push me out of my comfort zone:

  26. Cacau says:

    But you look GORGEOUS in your lazy FOTD. I love it. You are pretty already, but this simple look suits you 🙂
    Still, perhaps you could watch some pixiwoo? Lisa Eldridge? They have amazing tutorials. Jangsara has some very unique looks too ^^

    Good luck on your quest! 😀

  27. Syen says:

    Hello! I think you look absolutely gorgeous. I love how Maui just gives the skin that glow. I absolutely love your complexion. =)

  28. Sydney says:

    Simple yet effective. You look beautiful.

  29. lucie.lovely.cupcake says:

    Er…. Hello, Kate Winslet? Have you been told you look like her before? This is just what sprung to my mind when I s

  30. lucie.lovely.cupcake says:

    Er… Hello Kate Winslet?! have you ever been told you look like her? This is just what sprung to my mind when I saw your photo anyway 🙂 xx

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