To fringe or not to fringe?

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 8 - 2011

Whilst this may not be the most important question we’ll ever ponder, for me… it was all I could think about a fortnight ago as I sat in the hair salon umm-ing and ahh-ing over this very dilemma.

In the end, I did what I always do in situations like this, I semi-commited.  I let the stylist cut me a hint of a fringe, a slight side sweep.  A fringe for wimps really.

I don’t like it. It’s bitty and it’s annoying… it says “Here stands a woman who has no faith in her own judgement!”

What I should have done, is bought one of these before visiting the salon.

The Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe in Darkest Brown.  A clip-in fringe for commitment-phobes!

It’s the easiest thing in the world to attach, simply align wherever you want the end of your fringe to reach and press on the two clips that come attached.  Voila!

Instant fringe!

Now, whilst I am actually in love with my new fringe, it doesn’t come without issues.

1. It’s synthetic and therefore shiny.  If only my real hair were this shiny!  Now, don’t get me wrong… we’re not in doll’s hair territory, it’s not a horrible synthetic shine but it does contrast to my own hair and I need to fix this before I’d wear it out.  I’ve heard that some dry shampoo should do the trick.

2. If you have fine hair like mine, you need to play around with the back of the fringe (where it meets your hair) to ensure that the join is as well-hidden as possible.  Those with thicker locks will probably find this a doddle, I need a bit of careful placement and backcombing.

3.  Beware of relationships with partners, family and friends.  Mr. L and I are no longer on speaking terms since he called me Duane Dibley.

On the plus side, it provides instant gratification for a striking new look on nights out or when I want to confuse my 2 year old.  It’s well cut and heavy enough without being comedy-heavy and perhaps best of all, it covers my grey roots like a dream!

You can purchase The Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe* online at HotHair, priced at £24.

* Press Sample

54 Responses to “To fringe or not to fringe?”

  1. Belle says:

    You so don’t look like Duane Dibley. Mr L owes you something pretty by way of grovelling:)

  2. LouLou says:

    Great idea to try before you take the plunge! I wish i had done this rather than just getting bored one day and cutting it myself. Oops. You look great with a fringe!

  3. danielle says:

    I really like the fringe on you… it’s doing wonderful things for your cheekbones! 🙂

  4. tiptoe shortbread says:

    ooo go with the fringe, it’s fab! I miss mine so I’m a fringe advocate and possibly not the person to take advice from in this situation so…..

  5. Anitacska says:

    I think you look fab with the fringe! And how dare Mr L say things like that?! He has some serious apologising to do me thinks!

  6. Julie says:

    Wow! What a tranformation! The fringe makes you look so much younger, hip and sassy!

  7. deborah says:

    Damn! how hot do you look! seriously consider having one. It suits you very much!!!

  8. That is so cool! I’d love to try clip on fringes. 🙂 xx

  9. sarah says:

    i think it really suits you, i’d go for it!

  10. Kathrine says:

    You are going to get a real one cut, aren’t you? Yes? Good. It looks bootiful xxx

  11. Jennifer says:

    A fringe suits you so nicely. It lifts your cheek bones even more and makes your eyes really stand out. It just works really well for your face shape. I’d love to try this but my hair is dyed red and they don’t have a colour for me.

  12. Gemma says:

    I think it looks really beautiful on you. You could definitely pull off the real thing. I actually want one of these now, but my other half has said in no uncertain terms that if I get a fringe, he will break up with me. Good thing he met me when he did – 6 months before I had mid brown hair and a super-heavy fringe of doom!

  13. sara says:

    Yeah I’m a fringe admirer too it suits you (men are rubbish at this kind of stuff)

  14. Tass says:

    LOL Duane Dibley!!

    Fringe looks super good on you but I wish I had never got mine in the first place. It takes forever to grow out 🙁 xx

  15. Kirsty says:

    Fringe looks great! x

  16. Phoebs says:

    It looks really cute on you! i have a fringe and I never really looked back! xxx

  17. Julia M says:

    This really suits you! I think this is the only time I’ve seen a fake fringe that didn’t need a wide headband to conceal the join between real hair and fake hair.

  18. Debbie says:

    Have to admit to an out loud “oh my god” when I saw first pic, completely LOVE the fringe and the whole huge other benefit is that if at some point your eyebrows fight back its not a problem when the fringe is stealing all their glory already! Love the thought that you are using a clip on hair piece to confuse your 2 yr old, my kind of parenting!

  19. You look beautiful with this fringe! I think next time you go to your salon you don’t need to be scared of chopping off your real hair!

  20. loobylou14 says:

    The fringe looks great on you and looks nothing like Duane Dibley but the reference did make me laugh.

  21. liloo says:

    “simply align wherever you want the end of your fringe to reach and press on the two clips that come attached” <— I've taken the habit to ignore instructions that say 'SIMPLY this and SIMPLY that. If you are stuck for inspiration on blog posts, please will you do a step by step with photos? I'd love to see how you attach it. Such a difference and so instant change. You turned from lipglossiping to jessie james in 1 minute. I know you don't know the answer to everything but how do I go about choosing the best colour to go with my hair? xx

  22. Vijaya says:

    I think you look great with bangs!

  23. Pandora Symes says:

    Absolutely do it – it looks GREAT!

  24. jen says:

    you look sooo cute in those bangs!! luv it!!

  25. becca says:

    Cut it! Bangs grow out incredibly quickly and there are so many cute ways to change them up as they grow. I have a habit of cutting blunt bangs that are a bit longer on the side, enjoying them for 6 weeks, then transitioning them into something choppier, then pushing them over to the side… they’re actually really easy to grow out, so long as your stylist knows what she’s doing. I currently have what I like to refer to as a “Bieber Sweep” and I love it. Hides my huge forehead. I want to grow them out to look like Hilary Duff’s new bangs, though… see? OPTIONS! I say do it.

  26. Julia says:

    The fringe frames your eyes beautifully, drawing more attention to them, I got a fringe, too but I’m not blessed with thick locks in my crown area, they have a tendency to spread out…

    I’m liking that fringe on you, Charlotte 🙂

  27. Mel says:

    This is awesome, I must get one, it looks fantastic on you, where has this been all my life, haha. I have always wanted a fringe but since I tried my luck unsuccessfully when I was in school only to discover that my cowslick has a mind of its own so I would never be sporting the perfect straight flat fringe like you have here. Thanks for sharing, I am looking it up now 🙂

  28. Katrine says:

    It looks great! As another verypaleperson, (though not of the dark haired variety), I think that a sharp fringe really does wonders if you have a tendency towards ruddyness or uneven skintone. Those can make one look messy, but with a graphic dark fringe, the messiness-factor is instantly turned down! Completely apart from that, it just suits you very, very well.

  29. rhamnousia says:

    You look very devious in that last photo, like you’ve done something you’re super smug about.

    I like the fringeyness.

  30. Mel says:

    Oh one question about the Cosmopolitan Collection Sexy Straight Fringe, does it mention on the packaging what size it is, in length, I can’t find it on the website at all anywhere???

  31. Rae says:

    LOL! Is it wrong that I actually kinda like the look on you? ^^ I totally think you should get bangs, Charlotte!

  32. Esther says:

    Awww, that so-called wimpy-fringe still looks pretty good though! And I think you’re working that look really well. 😀

  33. Geek Faerie says:

    I really like you with both looks. You’re lucky and can pull off the fringe so nicely. And even better clip on fringe means when it bothers you just yank it off. LOL

  34. DaenaCat says:

    Duane Dibley??? Not a smegging chance! You look Ace with a fringe!

  35. NeenaJ says:

    I guess I’m going to be the lone dissenter here. The temporary fringe looks cute & sassy, but I think the “no fringe” look better complements your lovely face. A clip-in is the perfect solution!

  36. Maca says:

    Love it! I’d say go for it.

  37. redtiger21 says:

    I’m undecided! I’m not generally over-keen on fringes. However, you do seem to carry one of really well, and it gives great shape to your hair. I’m no help whatsoever!!

  38. FragrantWitch says:

    You rock that fringe. It does fab things for your cheekbones and eyes, you look younger and hawt (-er)! Men know nothing about these things, so just ignore the hubby. 🙂

  39. Jess says:

    Dibly? No. More like Zoe Dechanel! 😉

  40. Rachael says:

    fringe looks great on you! its very blunt and modern. 🙂

  41. krissy says:

    oh ive seen these before somewhere, but what a great idea! the fringe suits you! i wish i had come across this before i got my fringe cut cos i really dislike it lol.. i wonder if you can get fringe extensions. hmm

  42. Gemx says:

    Wow, it looks really natural! This is such a good idea, I lack the confidence to cut in a fringe of my own, I too go for the wussy side sweep 😛

  43. Marina says:

    I like the fringe and although we cant see the top of it, it looks like it blends in with your hair really well 🙂

    Oh and it makes you look heaps younger! xo

  44. Gemma says:

    A fringe really suits you 🙂 x

  45. Ann says:

    It looks awesome on you, but that doesn’t mean you should cut your real hair!!! Just speaking from experience, there’s like a 1 in 10 chance that you could get your real hair to look similar to the fake fringe, and you’d have less thickness overall (since a lot of hair would be committed to get a thicker fringe like this) .. plus, disobedient-hair-day can be made ten thousand times worse when you have fringe.
    Not to mention that fringe is only ever the perfect length for about 10 seconds, before it grows and becomes too long, or you cut it and it’s a bit too short.

    I say keep the fake fringe for playing with, but leave your hair as it is 🙂

  46. ashD says:

    You’ve got to do the fringe – it looks great!

  47. I love the fringe – a new look for the Autumn maybe?

  48. DafneB. says:

    You must share what lipstick you have on! Love the colour!

    • Oh gosh, I can’t remember what it was and this monitor I’m using isn’t accurate enough for me to take an educated guess! I shall keep trying to think, sorry x

  49. Farah says:

    I think a fringe looks great on you!!!! Its very Chic!! X

  50. Rebecca says:

    All I can say is wow! You look great with the fringe (or bangs as we Americans would call it). It’s very young and sassy and looks adorable on you. 🙂

  51. Anne Marie says:

    OMG a fringe really suits you it makes you look much younger too.

  52. Syen says:

    I haven’t commented very much here, but I must say, that fringe REALLY becomes you! Very pretty, Charlotte! =)

  53. Kiki says:

    I am convinced! That fringe looks fantastic on you!!!!

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