OCC Lip Tar Parade…

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 27 - 2011

Sometimes I get a little bit guilty looking at all the lovely things that I’ve bought and haven’t gotten around to swatching for the blog and after a conversation on Twitter last night with @PinkSith, @LondonMUGirl and @Fauxlivia – it shamed me into grabbing my ‘waiting’ box and dragging the things out of it that I knew I should have gotten around to swatching a bazillion years ago.

7 lip tars (I didn’t bother with the less wearable shades I own) and a pair of slightly sore lips later…

L-R: Hush / Memento / Grandma / Trollop / Pageant / NSFW / Stalker

They all need to be applied with a lip brush and each gives great coverage with just a small amount.  I tend to use a little more than I’ve read *should* be needed but I always end up blotting after because they transfer to my great big front teeth like a total bitch if I don’t.

~ HUSH is the palest shade I own… it’s a beige nude which works well with a smokey eye and is *just* dark enough to avoid the corpse bride look.

~ MEMENTO is a darker, more wearable nude on my skintone thanks to a pinker hue than HUSH.

~ GRANDMA was a gamble for me when I bought it… I thought it would be far too warm for my skintone but it actually turns fairly neutral on my lips despite the tube colour.  One of my favourites for Summer and can be built up to a rich coral with a couple of coats.

~ TROLLOP was purchased purely on the basis of its awesome name so I’m really pleased that I love the colour too!  I’d describe TROLLOP as a warm pink… verging toward the guava territory but not as warm as GRANDMA gets after a couple of coats.

~ PAGEANT was my first Lip Tar… I wanted a hot pink that wasn’t quite neon and found it in this shade.  If you want something a touch bolder than this, go for ANIME (which I don’t have).

Ahhh… the reds…

~ NSFW is the classic neutral red and it really is one of the most bang-on reds I own.

~ Thinking that I didn’t need another OCC red when I was already in love with NSFW, I almost didn’t pick up STALKER.  But oh boy am I glad I did?  It’s a true vampy cool-toned red that works verynicelythankyouverymuch on my skintone.


Now, I don’t really wear these as often as I should… they need a brush to apply, don’t be trying from the tube unless you have some serious skills.  They can also feather if you over-apply or generally suffer from this anyway… clear lip liners for the win!  I’ve also mentioned the transfer issue… a slight purse of my lips and my teeth get a nice coating too.

Does this mean that I regret buying them?  God, no.  I just regret being too lazy to take the extra little bit of time to ensure that I do these justice.   I hereby solemnly swear to break out my OCC pinks a little more this month!

OCC Lip Tars can be bought in the UK from sites: MakeupArtistBoutique, Cocktail Cosmetics, GenieCosmetics and LoveMakeup.

Do you own any OCC Lip Tars?  Which ones are on your wishlist?

37 Responses to “OCC Lip Tar Parade…”

  1. firstly, you look IN.CRE.DI.BLE!

    also, great choices on the lip tars! they all suit you perfectly (nsfw makes you look totally old hollywood and glamorous). grandma and trollop are my personal favourites :).

  2. I’ve been thinking about how I should do a post like this with my lip tars – although I have far less of the ‘wearable’ shades. I’m totally loving Pageant and Stalker right now. x

  3. Paris B says:

    I had Grandma and its a really gorgeous colour. However, after a few months, I dug it out again and I saw the formula had separated and it was quite icky because it also smelt off. I had to chuck it, which is a pity because there was so much of it left 🙁 And I think you look amazing in these shots! 🙂

  4. Robyn says:

    I love Grandma and Stalker on you! Your skin looks awesome too 🙂

  5. Stalker is *perfect* for you. Grandma looks nice too but what a weird/icky name??

    I don’t own any lip tars but would like to. Also – clear lip liners are not something I’ve used but sound amazeballs! Recommendations please?! xx

  6. konni says:

    They all look awesome on you. To be honest a fair few of them are on my wishlist already, but I have to add Stalker now – it looks amazing. I still don’t own any, I’m having an aversion to internet shopping lately. I want instant gratification!

  7. Debbie says:

    Wow, these look absolutely stunning on you. The reds with those green eyes, killer. x

  8. Becca says:

    The colours look great! I love the look of Grandma, such a strange name for the shade though! x

  9. liloo says:

    great big front teeth = haha
    this is a such a useful post, there are so few posts out there comparing shades of lip tars which show the face so you can see the lips in complement/contrast with the rest of the face: you have no idea how much this is so much BETTTER (yes, better with 3 T, so there) than any other lip tar comparsion posts. Got no idea how you manage to take the same pose for your lipsticks ‘shots’ especially in the middle of discussing body issues matters on twitter at the same time, but we appreciate it so much!!! I couldn’t help but noticing your slimming frame and slightly worried your collarbones are going to show up more than mine if this carries on like this, and i am not sure i m happy with this you know.
    thank you for an amazeballs comparison. before the post, it was memento which i preferred now i am not sure anymore: looks a bit bright to me, very bright. I would love to purchase the white, the black and that red shade of stalker which i am so glad you bought. You know what would make me happy: since you need so little to apply, i would if the brand provided miniatures of these, about 1/2 or 1/3 of the size and then we can do pick and mix, a la woolworths when we buy a pack of sweets: then i wouldn’t feel so guilty. occ lip tars seem (i say ‘seem’ cos not bought any yet) seem to be the perfection option, when you want coloured lips but not all gooey glossy sticky feel of traditional lipsticks and glosses. Oh I want some. the thought of owning a black one (mainly for halloween purposes) and knowing it won’t feather and last as long as my drunken antics on halloween night is making me more happy than i should be

  10. Samantha says:

    You’re looking gorgeous. I’ve been coveting Pageant for a while now and I have similar colouring to you so now I’m certain I want it! I’m going to pick it up as soon as I get my card back. 50 days without my debit card just this year and it’s killing me!

  11. Alla says:

    looking gorgeous, lost tons of weight, i can tell 🙂 keep it up girl!

  12. Lily says:

    ‘Grandma’ actually looks amazing on you, even if you do feel it might be a tad too warm. I know what you mean about not using them because they’re just so much more effort than sweeping on a solid lipstick! I have Trick, Hush, Anime and my favourite lip colour ever – Hoochie. Hoochie and trick are swatched here http://bit.ly/gmi3vo and I’m probably wearing Anime in an FOTD post if you’re interested in that too!

  13. Rebecca says:

    I love my Lip Tars. I kind of like my MAC Lip Mixes more but the colour collection of the Lip Tars can’t be beaten.

  14. Sydney says:

    I have been trying to deny myself these Lip Tars for ages owing to the fact I own so many lip products already.

    And now here you are, posting about how fabulous they are and making them look fantastic on you!

    Not going to lie, you’ve driven me to the website and filled my basket for me!! 🙂

  15. Leah says:

    My God, woman! HOW good do you look in those pics? Ravishing!

    My faves are Grandma and Trollop, which are at the pole opposites of decency, mwoo hahaha.

  16. kelliegonzo says:

    HOT DAMN you look so good in these pics!

  17. Vijaya says:

    You look great in all of them!

  18. Grace London says:

    NSFW rocks on you. I love Stalker and Pageant too. I thought I wanted Memento for a kind of natural(ish) rosy lip, but I think Trollop might the colour for me. Make of that what you will 😉

  19. Meeta says:

    I also am lazy in getting these out and wearing them (I have Hush, Melange, Grandma & Demure) but it doesn’t stop me wanting Mememto and Trollop! They all look fab

  20. Phoebs says:

    you look gorgeous with all these shades! You’re lucky to have such smooth lips ^^ xxx

  21. Rachael says:

    You look amazing!! And these products all look lovely on you. I am going to have to buy a few, especially Trollop. What an awesome name!

  22. Tass says:

    Thank you for all the swatches. It really helps to see how lip colours look when applied. Pagaent is my favourite of the lot and I don’t know whether it’s because it’s late or coz I’ve been looking at the photos too long, but the reds look the same to me :S

    P.S You Skinny Minnie you! xx

  23. Rachael says:

    Ok, I bought some. Its your fault! 😉

  24. Gemx says:

    Great swatches! They all look amazing on you, I especially like the reds and Grandma is gorgeous! I don’t know what I was expecting from the name! :p

  25. Phyrra says:

    You look awesome in them! I think I’m one of the only people to not like the way they looked/felt on me.

  26. Wendy says:

    I have always womdered do they have a smell???

  27. Jade says:

    Not fair Charlotte they all look amazing on you! 😀

  28. Julianne says:

    This is such a useful post for comparisons. I really want to try these, especially NSFW and Stalker, I do love a good red. I also love a good bright pink but none of these are quite bright/dark enough for me!

  29. Catherine says:

    Wow amazingly these literally ALL look gorgeous on you! Thanks for this post – I’m planning to purchase from OCC and your photos and descriptions are very helpful

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