Elemis launch FreshSkin, a new range for Teens to Twenties!

Posted by Lipglossiping On April - 6 - 2011

Featuring 9 skincare products with prices starting from just £8, Elemis are looking to plug a gap in the market and bring their reputation for great skincare to a younger audience.

Noella Gabriel, Director of Product & Treatment Development at Elemis describes the range as … “a girl’s first serious skincare regime using high performance ingredients with lightweight textures and beautiful essential oils.”

Products in the range include cleansing wipes, separate day and evening moisturisers, two types of face wash, eye cream, lip balm, face masks and a serum which appears to be missing from the website at the moment.

Make Up Away Cleansing Wipes (25) – £8
Peachy Perfect Gentle Face Wash 100ml – £12
Skin Glow Exfoliating Face Wash 100ml – £12
Softly Softly Daily Moisturiser 50ml – £20
Dreamy Sleep Night-Time Moisturiser 50ml – £22
Tired Eyes Soothing Eye Rescue 15ml – £15
Loving Lips Quenching Lip Balm 10ml – £8
Face Mask Duo deep clean and magical moisture 6 x 7ml – £15

Gemx is kindly going to be test-driving the products on her (more youthful!) skin for a month before giving us her thoughts on the formulations of the new range and how they work for her.

My first impressions are mostly positive with a few doubts thrown in…

I think it’s a shame that Elemis chose to target it so directly to a female audience, I would have preferred to see something more unisex.  Secondly, thinking back to how far my pennies stretched when I was at uni… there are a few products in the lineup that wouldn’t have impressed.  £8 for 25 wipes?  £15 for 6 face masks?  I’m not saying they’re not worth it (I haven’t tried them!) but at that price, I don’t think I would have been inclined to either.  A simple question of economics would have prevented me!

On the flip-side?  I think that £12 and £20(ish) for core skincare items (face wash, moisturisers) is pretty good going from a brand that, let’s remember, is synonymous with some of the most luxe skincare products on the market.

You can buy the range online now from TimeToSpa.co.uk (UK) and TimeToSpa.com (North/South America)

It’s an interesting one, what do you think?

15 Responses to “Elemis launch FreshSkin, a new range for Teens to Twenties!”

  1. Shortiee31 says:

    Along with the price, something that’s been playing on my mind ever since I heard about this range is whether using eye cream in your teens is really necessary?..

    • Marina says:

      I don’t think you could ever be too young to protect the delicate skin around your eyes 🙂 The range sounds great for the mid teen market xo

    • Phoebe says:

      You’re never really too young to start… But I doubt most teens will be worrying about eye care. Especially at £15!

      • Shortiee31 says:

        Thanks for the replies ladies.. Nice to hear different opinions/thoughts!
        I was always waiting till I hit 25+ to use an eye cream.. I think I may consider buying one now 😉

  2. Phoebe says:

    The price really does put me off, otherwise I’d have jumped to try them. While I think you should invest in products, there are such good moisturisers out there under a tenner, so £20 for only 50ml just doesn’t seem worth it.

  3. sophie says:

    £8 for makeup wipes? you’ve got to be kidding me! that would pay for half a week’s food, thank you very much!

  4. Kirsty Simmonds says:

    I was about to go on a bit of a ‘THAT’S SO FLIPPING EXPENSIVE’ tirade, but then I remembered that I’ve bought two NARS blushers in the past week and I’ve spent a stupid amount on products and a MAC brush in the past month. I think if it’s worth it, us students will find the money.

  5. Lily says:

    I agree that for teens that’s quite expensive. Maybe nice for a treat, but if they really work for you and you can’t afford to top up…pretty awful!

  6. As well as the expense issue, it doesn’t really look marketed towards teens. I mean, granted, there is nothing more annoying than “omg we ttly relate to teenagers, look at our groovy use of hip slang!”, but things like Soap & Glory will catch my eye before the more clinical-looking packaging here. I’m not entirely sure what they were thinking of, making it so a) expensive for people with a low budget, and b) so ‘formally’ packaged, for lack of a better word, as the main brands I get my skincare products from are Soap & Glory, (fun packaging! puns! good products!) and the Boots’ own tea tree oil based products (cheap!)

  7. Vijaya says:

    I agree on the price point issue. If you’re marketing to young women, your price should reflect being something attainable to the average college student.

  8. Ann says:

    As an acne prone 28 year old who wants the highest quality products possible on a very limited budget, this line actually looks interesting and promising to me (though I’m not a fan of the packaging.
    I’d be interested to learn more about ingredients etc. I wonder if that lip balm will be similar to the Elemis Lip Rescue that I fell in love with which costs like £14.

    Anyhow, it’s nice to see a really excellent line releasing a lower priced skincare collection, whether it’s aimed at teens or not.

  9. There’s some really interesting comments, particularly about the price point.

    I think that (for me), Elemis isn’t a brand that I *expect* to be marketed toward the “average” teen or college student and I don’t think that’s what they’re setting out to do.

    The ‘grown up’ version of Elemis isn’t marketed toward the average adult female either is it? It’s very much a luxe/aspirational brand. I can’t afford to fill my entire skincare routine with products from Elemis but will pick and choose the ones that I really like and will tighten other aspects of my budget to accommodate.

    I expect that’s what will happen with their FreshSkin range…. either that or girls with ponies will buy it 😉

  10. Gemx says:

    I think they are really pricey for a teenage budget, but for 20’s it’s not bad for a luxury type product. In the past I’ve found that most expensive products I’ve tried always seem too rich for my teenage-esque skin, so it is nice to be able to get a nice moisturiser that doesn’t make me look like an oily monster!
    Some of the range arn’t priced too badly. I already spend £17 on a random day moisturiser in Boots! 🙂

  11. I agree with most of the comments about the price, but it is a luxury brand. I spoek a lot more about it on my blog when I posted about this. I think I will definitely purchase this range when I can afford it and run out of the many many skincare products I have already purchased!

  12. vlisbetht says:

    My son is a fan of elemis sos and the herbal lavender repair mask, but having teenage acne and sensitive skin i was delighted to hear that elemis had launched a teenage range, imagine our disappointment when i saw the offering! they have imediatley excluded a large chunk of the market by the simple choice of packaging to start with… its seems a feeble attempt to cover the teenage younger gap. They could have excelled here as we are both elemis fans. the mens range does not cover my son’s needs, thankfully the womens range is in unisex packaging so he’s not embarrased to use it, although it is costly and was bought for ME!… there is no way… regardless of how good that my son can be persuaded to purchase and use more appropriate products for his skin if the packaging is remotely girly… why did they choose to make it look cheap, tacky and exclusively for girls?… surely in todays day and age they would expect a healthy proportion of their clientelle to be male?

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