Urban Decay 15-Year Anniversary 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil Set

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2011

This here post be ALL about the pictures…

The Packaging…

The Pencils…

The Swatches…

The Thoughts…

Urban Decay’s 15-Year Anniversary 24/7 Glide-On Pencil Set* is a meaty limited edition installment to the brand’s recent releases.  At £60, it’s not a purchase that most will be making lightly.

Many of you will already have some of the colours that are included in this set and although at £4 each, the set represents excellent value compared to buying each liner individually – it’s still a hefty price to lay down for a bunch of eyeliners.

As for the actual product, they’re good… solid, dependable and colourful.  Exactly what you’d expect from the brand who are capitalising on their cult products.

Asphyxia, Ransom and Binge are all a little on the weak side in terms of pigmentation.  Beautiful shades, but they need layering to build up the intensity.  On the flip-side… the rest absolutely make up for what those three may lack.  Simply stunning.

The set includes some exclusive only-available-in-this-set shades, I’ve *’ed them below:

*Asphyxia – pinky iridescent purple
Baked – bold bronze
Binge – deep metallic navy blue
Bourbon – medium brown with gold sparkle
*Corrupt – dark metallic brown with silver glitter
Electric – bright aquamarine blue
*Midnight Cowboy –  beige with gold sparkle
Mildew – deep mossy green
*Perversion – blackest carbon black (blacker than Zero!)
Ransom – bright iridescent purple
Rockstar – darkest eggplant
Stash – dark olive with gold sparkle
*Stray Dog – shimmery brown taupe
*Uzi – gunmetal grey with sparkle
Zero – zealous black

I’m torn.  Whilst I can’t criticise the set for what it is… I do wish that UD had made it available in a mini-size at a lower price point.  £60 prices a lot of fans out of the market and personally, I’d struggle to justify a £60 spend on this set when I wouldn’t have hesitated dropping £30 on a mini-sized version.

Still, that’s a little unfair because there’s many of you who will happily part with the money for a delightful set of lovely eyeliners that do still represent excellent value for money.

The Urban Decay 15-Year Anniversary 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil Set is available online NOW at Debenhams.com and will be rolling out instore on the 15th Feb before becoming available to HoF and other online retailers from the 1st March.

Priced at £60.

If you do buy from Debenhams online, be aware that there is currently a 10% discount code available for online beauty purchases.  Click here for more details and to save a few pennies!

Will you be buying?

*Press Sample

68 Responses to “Urban Decay 15-Year Anniversary 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil Set”

  1. Kirsten Murphy says:

    Much as I can’t live without my UD liners, £60 is a bit steep for a set that includes shades I already have. I agree with you, a mini set at £30 and I wouldn’t hesitate!

  2. GlossGalore says:

    I’m SO glad I was skiving off work and looking at Twitter and saw your tweet about this post. I wasn’t sure when this set would be available and chances are had I not seen the tweet it would have sold out before I could get my mits on it.

    I’ve wanted to buy some of these pencils for ages and while I probably would have paid £11-ish each for them over time, I’d rather pay £60 to get a wide range of colours NOW. I’m all about the instant gratification you see 🙂

    It was a considered purchase as at £60 it is a bit toppy for eyeliners and It does mean that I’m going to have to cut back big time on a few other bits I was going to get this month but I think its worth it.


  3. sugar sugar says:

    This set is sooooo pretty and definitely worth the money. I wish we had UD in my country. 🙁

  4. ashlie says:

    Hmm i think it’s great value, but I thought they were going to be cheaper lol. I dont know if I should buy them, because I dont really wear eyeliner, but the saving you make, makes me want them, even though I wouldnt use them often :L

  5. Sophie says:

    hmm thats quite steep but i do love UD liners, i wouldnt rush out to purchase this though as i already have the sahdes that i love and im not likely to use the rest x

  6. Robyn says:

    I simply can’t afford it – I could maybe stretch to it and eat carrots for a week but I’d never use them all up. Where’s the mini sizes?!

  7. Dailypolish (sara) says:

    I totally agree with you. I’d gladly part with £30 for a miniature version…but I know I won’t use up all the eyeliners in their full size form (I’m deliciously drowning in liners and I can’t remember the last time I finished one…so I guess £60 for eyeliners that last for years? Maybe…but even so!). I honestly don’t wear the Urban Decay 24/7 liners I do own. So maybe I’ll just sit this one out, gorgeous as it seems. There are a LOT of brown leaning shades!!!

    I’d be happier if UD brought out their old school nail polishes. Now THAT is worth £60 for the full set! Double even!!


  8. Anitacska says:

    Okay, so I don’t have a set beauty budget or financial problems, but still, the accountant in my head is screaming at people saying £60 is too much for this set! If purchased individually, 15 eyeliners would set you back £195! That is INSANELY good value in my mind! Of course I can see not everyone needs 15 eyeliners and that’s fine, and I can see that not everyone can justify paying £60 for eyeliners. But the price itself for this product is not “steep” at all. I love all the colours and can’t wait to get mine! 🙂

  9. Sophie says:

    It is gorgeous. I want it xx

  10. Gemma says:

    It’s a good thing I’m on a spending ban this month, because I really think I might have been tempted by this, even though I have the mini set, plus a few full sizes already. £60 really is too much to blow in one go though, even if it’s good value compared to buying them separately.

    *so* pretty though.

  11. Patricia says:

    It’s a great value purchase, indeed, but unfortunately UD is one of those brands one has to buy online where I live, which means additional (and not very small) shipping costs. Even if priceworthy, I think there is a wee bit too many colours on the brown scale, to be honest. It would have been nicer to have a couple more “fun” colours, like a lime green and why not be bold with a yellow or an orange… but for those wanting to build quickly up a collection of eyeliners, this looks like the perfect purchase.

  12. redtiger21 says:

    It’s too much for me, although it does only work out as £4 per pencil, which is fine when you look at it like that! I heard they’re doing a lip one too??

  13. I thought I didn’t want this, because I don’t wear browns much, and I’ve already got three of the other pencils as minis, but then I saw the swatches. No way I can justify purchasing this though!

  14. Lily says:

    Midnight Cowboy looks gorgeous – shame it’s only with this set! I don’t really like UD 24/7 pencils, they barely show up on my waterline so if I want a strong colour I have to press eyeshadow over the top…which I can do with a £1.99 white Natural Collection eyeliner, anyway! I agree though, they should have released a mini set instead.

  15. Amee says:

    i loved and green and blue group a lot…

  16. quinie says:

    wow i think this is really expensive. they really should have a mini set instead since eyeliners take a long time to finish and often, they have to be thrown away before finish using them as they expire too.

  17. Amy says:

    I just ordered it. I only have two of these pencils (that aren’t in the box) as well as the double ended one that comes with the naked pallet and I LOVE them. I’ve been waiting for this set with baited breath. And now I have to wait till Friday for it to arrive!

  18. Leah says:

    Oh God! I really really REALLY want this set but I’m saving for my wedding. I shall bookmark this page and come back to drool, slurp and dribble every day.

  19. DalaLuz says:

    O wow… It’s absolutely gorgeous, I want it bad… What a pity they didn’t make some mini sets available for certain color ranges. I am sure this is a great value, but my love will strangle me alive when I would spend so much money on a luxury item… And so he should, because many bills need paying, but if I had no financial issues I would be hitting that buy! Buy! button now 🙂

  20. Nicola says:

    Argh, I’m torn. I only have two of the liners out of this set and £60 is amazingly good value for the set, but it’s still a lot of money to spend on eyeliners! I definitely agree with you that a mini set would have been much better – I’d jump on that!

  21. Cassie says:

    Naw, don’t think I’m going for them. I’ve the mini liners and quite a few colours already from UD, in addition to my dalliance with other brands.

    I doubt I’ll ever manage to finish off a full set of regular size liners, plus there’ll always be the temptation of new collections. I think it just doesn’t grab my attention like the Naked palette or Alice BOS did.

    And who needs four Zero liners?! If UD sold the exclusive colours as a single set without lumping other repromotions in there, I’d probably be off in a beat.

  22. FragrantWitch says:

    These look fabulous but I couldn’t justify £60 on eyeliner alone- that’s like 2 or 3 pairs of shoes for my daughters! I’d rather buy the ones I love individually. Enjoy to all those who splurge though!

  23. oohnicecupoftea says:

    The only one i’m lusting over is Midnight Cowboy… and it’s unavailable on its own – always the way! I think there are a few dupes of it around though so I guess i’ll check those out

  24. Claire says:

    wow! these colours look gorgeous! x

  25. clare says:

    Gotta confess that I went for it after spying it on the Debenhams site last night… I only have the double ended zero/whiskey 24/7 from the naked palette and was planning to get a couple more to try as and when. I did wake up this morning thinking £50+ on eyeliners… yikes! But now I see these swatches and it’s all okay again…
    (Totally agree that they should’ve been minis though)

  26. Alison says:

    i don’t think i’d hesitate too long! as soon as i saw the set was available i jumped on to debenhams and nearly cried at the price tag. i’ve been looking forward to this set since it was announced, i mean look at it! i’m the same as clare though, only having the double ended one. i love them though, and am a proper eyeliner fanatic :/

    i think the only 2 things stopping me are 1. having zero money at the moment and 2. maybe i can persuade my boy to buy me it with his student loan instead 😛

    (a girl can dream, right?)

  27. Katrina says:

    I whined so much last night when I saw your tweet that my boyfriend bought them for me! I plan on giving him half the money back so I don’t feel so guilty!

  28. Vicky says:

    I splurged out on this set yday!! I should have waited and could have had the discount 🙁 Oh well 😛
    Although I will have some doubles (I have a mini set) it’s a really great value and will last a very long time, I’ll just won’t spend so much for a while now haha xx

  29. Nicoline says:

    I love the Baked and Electric colours. I don’t think I’d buy it. It’s a bit much for me. (Ok, a lot.) But they are beautiful.

  30. Aileen says:

    wow, never seen a blacker pencil than perversion!! thanks for the swatches! xx

  31. Karen M says:

    I am in love! I have wanted this since the first post…I love UD- Liners and will definitely purchase this.

    Does anyone know if its going to be available in Boots instore? I have lots of Advantage points to ease the pain of a £60 spend!

  32. Scientific Housewife says:

    I ordered this a couple of weeks ago on my birthday and I LOVE it! It will last me at least a year 😉

  33. Fee says:

    Really didn’t think about it as only £4 each…which is amazing value for money…but on the whole £60 is alot on eyeliner in one go!

    I do love it though……and your photography for this is spot on, lady!

    Fee x

  34. kirsty says:

    As much as I would love to, I wont be buying this. I own a lot of the minis already!

    Do you know if they ill be making any of the limited shades perm as they have done in the past? Would love Stray Dog and Midnight Cowboy!

    • I don’t know of any specific shades in this set that are going to be made perm, but I have it on good authority that the 24/7 Shadow Pencils will be launching in three nude/highlighting shades. xx

      Btw, I couldn’t get your UD sample lovely – I’m sorry, I’ll try again next time I’m up x

  35. Beautyshades says:

    Ow! this is really pretty but a bit expensive for me :). The colours are very pretty

  36. Julia M says:

    I would buy this if they had a mini set at a lower price, like yousaid in your post. £60 is far too much to spend in one go on nothing but eyeliner, no matter how good the value is, though!

  37. Resha says:

    i am SO on the fence about buying these. Several colors (about 5) i see myself wearing…but the others….i dunno…

    ahhhhh i dont know!!! and your gorgeous photos aren’t helping me walk away from this easily!

  38. Emily says:

    See as much as I love these, and as much as I’m lusting for Perversion and Midnight Cowboy, I’ll never be buying this set – it’s too far out of my price range. Totally agree that it would have been more marketable as the mini set…. I think I’d probably have snapped it up then 🙁

  39. Erin says:

    I’m in the US, and I bought this from the UD website as soon as it was available. I just couldn’t pass up the deal, even though I already had 5 of the colors. I love eyeliner, and especially the UD pencils.

    These are great swatches. I hope that you guys get the 24/7 shadow pencils though. Those are just like the liners but a thicker pencil, the colors are rich and totally to die for! If you’re shaky on this, wait for those because then you can get individual shades that are somewhat close to these. Chistine had a great post on the @ temptalia.com.

    Those who buy, I’m sure you’ll enjoy! -Erin

  40. Asmaa says:

    I wish I had £60 on me at this current moment in time!! £4 each for an Urban Decay Eyeliner Pencil !! I feel like crying! I’m gonna end up missing out unfortunately =(

    Unless I can persuade my sister to go halves with me (now that is an idea!) =D …although we’d probably end up fighting over the black and brown colours =/

  41. Makeuptini says:

    I only liked the Mildew color. Too much money for uninspiring colors. I’ve been looking for years for a replacement to Clinique’s Blue Jade pencil eyeliner. Haven’t found one yet.

  42. Alisha says:

    I’ve been dieing for this! Thanks for the heads up on the discount 🙂 xx

  43. Sam says:

    Beautiful colours and great value….but to shell out £60 on eyeliners in one go is a bit steep for me 🙁 Shame they didn’t release a mini set to cater for all budgets…… Sad to miss out tho as UD are one of my top 5 brands for sure!!

  44. Vijaya says:

    I love this set; I’ve been using it daily for the last month. I hope you enjoy them, as well!

  45. I want these sooooo badly! they are just gorgeous but can I justify the price £60 for a bunch of eyeliners … I am unsure would not say no to this as a birthday present hehe

  46. Esteeem says:

    i’ve been waiting for these for agessssssssss!! Thank the lord you posted about this coz I wasn’t at work this week and didn’t know we had them in stock.. ahh finally there’s benefits to working for a dep store!
    Just bought mine online, cant waitttttttt!! Will defo be blogging about these/trying FOTDs as soon as poss =D


  47. I’m hoping that eBay will be saturated with the colours that people don’t want and then I can pick some of those up slightly cheaper.

  48. Marie says:

    Oh. My. God. Just bought it, can’t afford it but I really, really couldn’t help myself. Only two shades I didn’t really like.
    Slowly starting to dawn on me what I just did. That’s 54 quid I’ll never see again. Except every day when I look in the mirror at my lovely eyes. Feeling a bit multiple personality-ish at the moment. Might need a beer to settle myself down. Going to go rock myself slowly whilst looking at my purse and crying.

    • Lynn says:

      ROFL! Your comment just made my day because I felt the exact same way when I clicked the ‘submit payment’ button ;C

  49. I agree, I think I’d be much more likely to purchase this if the pencils were smaller, and they brought the price down. It’s a lovely selection of colors, but I do wish that they would’ve included Honey and that bright green

  50. Jessica W. says:

    Ever since this was announced, along with the price point, I’ve been battling myself as to whether or not I can justify it. I absolutely love UD liners, and the array of them are amazing. Luckily I only have like 2 liners that are in the set, so duplicates don’t put me off, one being Zero. However it being $92 stateside is slightly off putting. That being said, it is tax season and I might just buy it anyways and try not to think about it. I would also NEVER be able to tell anyone I actually purchased this haha, they would never understand.

  51. Samantha says:

    I’m most surprised that for a change we aren’t getting shafted on price so much over here. Usually things in the US don’t seem to be much more in dollars than they are in pounds XD According to my currency converter this works out about 56 quids in the US which is about the same as the 60 here. Still far too pricey for my pocket though! I think a mini version would have been a good idea.

  52. Andrea says:

    They’re really nice, but that is alot of money for a bunch of eyeliners, as you mentioned. The fact that the money could be spent on a variety of cosmetics as opposed to solely eyeliner is I guess what bugs me the most. The one I’m most interested in is Perversion because it is soo black, and I really like the formula. I wish it were available individually 🙁 Zero is nice but when compared to Perversion it looks like nothing!

  53. PlatinumV says:

    So, from what I’m seeing, the most beautiful colours… are just those with the lower colour-pay-off 🙁
    Nope, I’ll skip this.

  54. Renee says:

    It’s already been released in the US (at $92 USD) and, if I had not known the glory that is UD eyeliner, I would have passed. But this is definitely worth it – especially because to buy them all individually would be more than double the price! If you are debating, I suggest just going for it because it’s worth it.

    The only thing I don’t like is the smell. I think it’s the packaging. It just has this really weird plastic smell that kind of grosses me out a bit. However, it could just be my set as I haven’t seen any other reviews that mention this!

  55. Ella says:

    My friends got me this for my birthday the other day 🙂 I love it!

  56. clare says:

    So… my 24/7 box arrived today! Now I have them in my hands I am really glad I took the plunge but I am still slightly freaked at splashing so much cash on eyeliners (- and also at owning so many liners full stop. Before today I possessed only two in total – a 24/7 duo from the naked palette and a benefit freebie off a magazine… am such a liner rookie!). I bought this to play around with the browns, greens and blacks (perversion is amazing!), so will probably stick the pinks and blues on ebay to maybe recoup a little of the cost – they do all look so gorgeous lined up in their case though 🙂

  57. caz says:

    If this had come out a month ago when my loan first dropped into my lap I’d be all over this, but sadly I’ve wasted too much cash to drop it on this 🙁

  58. Beth says:

    i love love love love this set, since i only owned the double ended pencil that came with the naked set i didnt feel too guilty buying this. it is absolutely amazing for giving me a ‘done’ look really quickly particularly since i have reaally hooded lids and all my fancy blending goes unnoticed anyway unless i close my eyes all day so yea this set is for the win 😀

  59. Anmoli says:

    OMG these things are amazing! I own 10 large liners and all the mini ones, since I use those everyday and I need browns for work, I new this would be worth it.
    I brought the set home and my mum sent me back to get a set for herself! (shes going to give me her electric and asphyxia :P)
    If you go to Debenhams now you can get a 10% instore and online xxx

  60. Amy says:

    Hi, I was just wondering if you know if/when sites like ASOS, lookfantastic etc. will be stocking this? I’ve been trying to find out but no-one’s getting back to me. If you have any info on this I would be very grateful 🙂

    • Hi Amy, I’m sorry – I don’t know if they’re making the availability of this wider. I would have imagined that if they were… they would have done so already x

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