Johnson & Johnson Best Beauty Blogger 2011 – The Trophy!

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 8 - 2011

A couple of you* asked to see the trophy that I was awarded following my jammy scoop of Best Beauty Blogger title at the recent Johnson & Johnson Beauty Care Journalism Awards.

I’d rather I didn’t look such a scruff in the photo below so please ignore the creases and two-tone hair but a). it was the best of a bad lot and b). Mr. L gave me the “if you want me to take this photo of you, let’s do it now” ultimatum at a time when I looked, well… a bit of a scruff!

I’ve got my trophy displayed in my parent’s front room at the moment because they’re thoroughly loving casually dropping it into conversations with the Pools man/Avon lady/Betterware Catalogue picker-upper.  It’s hideously embarrassing if I happen to be around when all this is going on… but secretly, I’m loving that they’re loving it.  How could I not?

Thank you for your lovely congratulations last week, I really don’t feel very deserving but I’ll gladly take them all the same!

*at least one of you did, honest!  I’m not making it up just so I can show off my award and bring it up AGAIN!  As if I would…

34 Responses to “Johnson & Johnson Best Beauty Blogger 2011 – The Trophy!”

  1. Sinead says:

    Well done hunny! You totally deserve it! x

  2. LOVE IT! Can’t wait to play ‘pretend Oscar speeches’ with that badboy in the middle of Pret. A very deserving winner my dear xxx

  3. Udita says:

    h aha! no matter what the rest of your self looks like…. your nails look FANTASTIC! (hope that makes u feel better!)

    congratulations and well deserved! 🙂

  4. Jess says:

    You look lovely! And congratulations on your award.


  5. Lillian says:

    Congratulations! And you look lovely, so happy 🙂

  6. Debbie says:

    Aw bless you hun, you should be very very proud, you look so cute in that first photo, it made me chuckle! Honestly seriously well deserved award btw – I like everyone read shed loads of blogs, most I love most of the time, yours I love all of the time. x

  7. Mercedes says:

    Congratulations! You totally deserve it.

  8. Rae says:

    And it’s a very pretty trophy at that, Charlotte 😉 Congratulations (again!) You definitely, DEFINITELY deserved it. Don’t try to convince yourself otherwise! xx

  9. thebristolbeautyblog says:

    Well done lady! You definitely deserve it! xx

  10. Jan says:

    Fab and well deserved, I am absolutely delighted for you – love the photos, at least you can pout at your husband, Ned takes my photos and to pout at one’s 18yr old son is wrong wrong wrong. Jan x

  11. Sophie says:

    welll done you totally totally deserved it!
    (also gotta say it, you’re looking really slim lately?) xx

  12. Big congrats! And, yes, I’ll add to the consensus: you totally, definitely deserve it! <3

  13. LeanneOCD says:

    Congratulations Charlotte! You look very happy in the pic x

  14. liloo says:

    I love your ‘just been naughty in a stack of hay’ hair.
    Seriously, you look lovely, omg, how much weight have you lost since the wedding photo!!! well done xx
    p.s the award on the first photo actually looks like a design on your t shirt xx

  15. stacie says:

    Congratulations again I think you look lovely xoxox

  16. Jorid says:

    You look lovely 🙂
    Congrats so very much on the trophy/award thingie! You really deserve it. Keep up the good work!

  17. Congrats sweetheart and well done for your award!!You really deserve it!!

  18. Timperley says:

    Great blog that regularly beats a lot of magazine articles. Conratulations.

  19. Gemx says:

    Congrats on your award! You deserve it! 😀

  20. Vijaya says:

    Congrats. BTW, you actually look very pretty there. I like your hot pink cardigan!

  21. Oh, i’m so happy for you. 😀 Keep it up!

  22. alafair says:

    congratulations!! 🙂

  23. Pandora says:

    CONGRATULATIONS Charlotte. I am so thrilled for you xxx

  24. kelliegonzo says:

    actually i think you gorgeous and skinny minny in this pic! congratulations on your award, you deserve it!!

  25. Wow congrats Charlotte!! You totally deserve it 😉 x

  26. Claire says:

    Congratulations again lovely. x

  27. Tass says:

    Yay it’s lovely! You’re looking so thin xx

  28. Joy says:

    Congratulations! You completely deserve it! 😀 x

  29. Tina says:

    Totally well deserved!!! 😉 Congratulations!!!


  30. Nadia says:

    Congratulations!!! Plus I think you look gorgeous in the photos x

  31. redtiger21 says:

    Well done you- and a very pretty trophy!

  32. If that is your scruffy look I think you should start a fashion blog too! Congrats x

  33. Woo! Round of applause for you. You are looking gorgeous & again, well done!xx

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