Final Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 25

Posted by Lipglossiping On February - 1 - 2011

Well good people, this is it…

It’s been a giveaway marathon but I hope you’ve enjoyed it.  I have a very special prize donated for my lucky UK readers today.

Do you want to know what it is?  I’m really excited and hope you are too!

The good people at Clarisonic have only gone and donated a bleedin’ Clarisonic Plus worth a blisteringly cool £179 for one of your lucky beggars to win!

They Say:

Clarisonic is the sonic technology proven to gently yet effectively loosen dirt and oil to clear your pores. The Clarisonic Cleansing System uses a patented sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second to clean, soften and smooth your skin. In just 60 seconds a day, the Clarisonic micro-massage action cleans more than twice as effectively as manual cleansing.

Clarisonic Sonic Cleansing Benefits

  • Removes 6x more makeup than manual cleansing
  • Leaves skin feeling and looking smoother
  • Cleanses so well that products absorb better
  • Gentle enough for twice daily use
  • Helps reduce oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes
  • Helps reduce the appearance of visible pores
  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

It’s been the beauty must-have for the last two years and shows no signs of fading into gadget obscurity like others that have gone before.  It’s been touted as the best investment you can make for your skin and I’m so delighted that I have the chance to offer one of you lovely lot a Clarisonic Plus to call your own.

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 8th February.

UK Only.

I haven’t forgotten you lovely international ladies, I’ll announce the mystery prize next week.

If you’re from outside the UK but don’t want to miss your chance at winning “most dedicated” entrant mystery prize… you can still comment.  Just let me know that you’re not eligible to win the daily prize because of your location!

Winners will be announced later this month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

412 Responses to “Final Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 25”

  1. Marie says:

    Oh enter me please, this looks just fabulous!

  2. Enter Me. Thanks
    Now I can go to bed. 😀

  3. Dora says:

    This….is……so….AH-Mazing!!!! I so wish I win this one. My skin will love you so much if I do =) xx

  4. Madeleine says:

    Enter me.
    My mum and I have been discussing getting me a clarisonic for my birthday. She’s said no so far because she’s got me a new laptop which I’m using right now even though it is my birthday in April. It would be amazing to win this.

  5. Sarah Bailey says:

    Wow amazing, thank you so much for running the most fab blog and having these amazing giveaways.

    Please Enter me xx

    • Bev says:

      Enter me please! This looks amazing, u do a fantastic job blogging and donations like this prove it! Thanks x

  6. Jess says:

    Enter me please!

  7. Jools says:

    Oh wow would love to see if it lives up to the hype enter me pretty please :0)

  8. Lily says:

    I think it would be any beauty addicts dream to win this!

  9. Anna says:

    Enter me please!

  10. vid says:

    wow what a corker to end the giveaways!!! Enter me pleasey!!

  11. Hayley says:

    I WANT ONE SO BAD. I can’t afford the bugger though. Enter me please. x

  12. Agata says:

    aaaaaaaand enter me please 🙂 x

  13. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Wow, what a prize! Enter me please:) I would love to win this;) thank you for a fantastic giveaway selection…I have entered everyday! Good luck to everyone 4 all the competitions and keep up the fantastic work on one of my ‘favouritist’ blogs;)

  14. Hanni says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  15. Catriona says:

    Wow, that’s a fantastic prize! Enter me please, my skin feels really congested and bleurgh – stupid Glaswegian winter!

  16. Maria says:

    Enter me please!

  17. sophie says:

    wooooooow i hope i win this! enter me please!

  18. Dina (XYYan) says:

    Not eligible! Good luck UK ladies 🙂

  19. yasmine choudhry says:

    wow what a fab month of prizes but this has to be the Best
    I would Lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve
    this, always wanted to try this.
    please enter me
    i thank you for all the giveaways you had and as you updated daily appreciated
    thank you

  20. Stephanie Cummins says:

    oo please enter me into this…looks fab!!!

  21. Vicky says:

    Please please enter me!!! Love ur blog and ur tweets make me giggle vxxx

  22. Daisylou says:

    I was only thinking about one of these but couldn’t afford it. I get Milia on my cheeks and heard one of these will clear it. Which would be a God send! Thanks for your blog and the prizes, you are very kind. daisy xxx

  23. Emma says:

    Ohhh wowww!!
    I’m so excited to even see this as a possible prize, how amazing is this!

    It looks absolutely amazing, I’m reallly keeping my fingers crossed for this one 😉
    Thanks so much for organising all of this, it must have been such hard work but it’s been loads of fun every day waiting to see what’s next. Especially this one as it was a total surprise after the Christmas eve ordeal!

    Please enter me 🙂 good luck everyone else – huge congratulations to whoever ends up with this one! <3

    Emma x

  24. Sonal says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  25. Simona Cheung says:

    You’ve saved the best til last! 😀
    enter me pls! x

  26. Vicki says:

    OMG how fab!! I would love one of those….please!!!!!

  27. Nicoline says:

    I’d love to win most dedicated. :p
    I’m from Canada, and I’ve been watching 🙂

  28. Roisin says:

    enter me please!

  29. Ah! Clarisonic. Enter me please!

  30. Katy says:

    wow I was so curious to see what the final prize would be and my jaw actually dropped when I read this! enter me please! xx

  31. liloo says:

    can you believe it?
    how can you just write ‘enter me’ to this one, like it is a pack of sponge tip applicators from asda. omg. would have never guessed this in a million years. never never.
    woah. hell yeah i want to enter this one x

  32. Claire says:

    Please enter me? x

  33. OohNiceCupOfTea says:

    This would be incredible, it’s something i’d never be able to treat myself to! Whoever gets it is a lucky bunny 🙂

  34. Emily says:

    Woooow, this is a great ending to your amazing giveaway and I’d love to win it. Thankyou so much for all of this!

  35. Cassie says:

    Oh. My. Gahhh.D!! What a prize!

    Enter me please!!

  36. Eliane says:

    OH MY GOD!!!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G PRICE!!!!
    I would love to win this, enter me please xxx

  37. Anna says:

    Oooh, its like christmas all over again!

    Anna x

  38. Lillian says:

    AGHHH!!! I wish i could have saved up all my entries for this one! 😛
    Ohhhh i want to wiiiin!
    Please please oh please enter me!

  39. Farah says:

    Woohoo! PLEASE ENTER ME!!!! I have read so many good reviews about this product…!! I have been debating wether to buy this or not as my face is acne prone. This giveaway is absolutely fabulous!!!! Thanks 🙂

  40. kirsty says:

    Omg enter me! Would LOVE to win this!

  41. Eliz C says:

    Epic! Enter me please! xox

  42. this has been on my wishlist forever! you were not lying when you teased and said on twitter how fab this prize will be and I thought the naked palette was such a lustful product oh wow hehe PLEASE enter me :D:)
    x x

  43. Amy says:

    *jaw drops* How generous is that?! I want – no i NEED one of these so bad 🙂

  44. Jaynee says:

    Mazeballs! Enter me please x x

  45. Alla says:

    enter me please

  46. Cheryl says:

    Not eligible 🙁 but I’m still goin for most dedicated!

  47. Dani says:

    Oh my word this is amazing! Please please enter me! How ridiculously exciting is this?! Xx

  48. Ally says:

    O_O amazing prize! Enter me please

  49. glittermillie says:

    Wow, what an amazing prize! Enter me please 🙂
    Thanks so much for all the amazing giveaways you’ve done.

  50. Claire says:

    Ooh, please count me in and enter me. xx

  51. Sophie says:

    Wowzers! Please enter me so I can treat my winter ravaged face! 🙂

  52. Gemx says:

    Wow, what a great finale! Enter me please and thank you for running this all month, especially after the website mishap over new year 🙂 x

  53. Wande says:

    ohhhh gosh, this is just what my skin needs!!!!!!!!!


  54. Imo says:

    AH! you really are spoiling us lady! enter me please =D…imats haul too please x

  55. Erica says:

    OMG!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!

  56. Anny says:

    please enter me!
    i really hope that i can win this!!!

  57. Brittany says:

    Hey lovely. I just want to say thank you SO much for these 25 days of gorgeous goodies! You have been more than generous, and I hope you have had lots of fun with them all 🙂

    Love Britt xxx

  58. ting says:

    wow!!! you are SO nice!!!
    plz enter me:)
    thank you

  59. Pluto says:

    absolutely gorgeous !!
    enter me please 🙂

  60. Sydney says:

    Fab last giveaway gift!!
    Enter me please x

  61. Becca says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  62. pangpang says:

    the greatest giveaway i ever seen:)
    please enter me!!!!

  63. Maisie says:

    Waaaooooww! You certainly saved the best til last, this is amazing :p enter me pretty please 🙂 xxx

  64. @_PurpleAi says:

    Enter me please … Wow what a giveaway 🙂

  65. clare says:

    Wow! Please may be entered for the competition – fab giveaway!

  66. Jasmine says:

    OH MY GOD this is just amazing, my jaw really hung wide open for a second or two!!!! Enter me please, my fingers are soooo crossed!!!!

  67. Heather says:

    Great prize! Good luck UK ladies!
    I hope to be the most dedicated! 🙂

  68. mayuri says:

    enter me please!

  69. Jeni says:

    Entering for most dedicated 🙂

  70. Ellen says:

    Oh wow, what a prize! Enter me, please! x

  71. Melody says:

    Can you say grand finale? What an AWESOME final giveaway. How are the rest of the women in the UK not awake and entering now???

    ENTER ME please! fingers crossed xx

  72. tousledkitten says:

    Wow, would love to win this one!

  73. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Great prize. Thanks for running the contest (again) x

  74. Joy says:

    Lovely prize! I really want a Clarisonic 🙂 xx

  75. Claire says:

    My jaw literally dropped, thank you sooo much for these absolutely amazing give aways!! seriously I don’t know how you can bear to part with all of this wonderful stuff, but I would be delighted to take it off your hands if you would be so kind as to enter me 😀 xxxxx

  76. Mai says:

    not eligible but still trying!

  77. kimberly says:

    I always wanted one :DD !!!
    Enter me please !! xx

  78. Marga says:

    WOW this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
    Enter me, please! Thanks a million for the giveaway!

  79. Petra says:

    Not eligible but wow! This looks amazing!

  80. Erin says:

    I’m silently weeping. But thank you for the terrific prizes offered that included the US ladies! Fingers crossed!

  81. Fee says:

    Amazing amazinng!

    Would love this 🙂

    Fee xx

  82. pwettybambi says:

    WOW enter me please x

  83. stacie says:

    OMG this is OOC! Please enter me xoxox

  84. Chloe says:

    Ohhh this is my dream product! just wish student budgets stretched to it!


  85. Katherine says:

    Oh my goodness, has it been 25 days already???
    Enter me please 🙂

  86. Julia says:

    Ohhhhhhh how I wish I could win this 🙁 but but, I’m still stuck for most dedicated, advanced congratulations to the lovely UK lady who’ll bag this baby!

  87. Ola says:

    Wow, this is fantastic 🙂 please enter me!

  88. Priyanka Nayar says:

    omg please please pleasssssssssssssssseeeeeeee enter me x

  89. Heather says:

    enter me pleeaase (: amazing giveaway!

  90. Jessie says:

    Ahhhhhh, I soooo want this, please please please enter me!

  91. Lauren says:

    Oh, wow! Amazing prize!
    Been desperate to try this after hearing so much good things.


  92. Devon says:

    Good luck UK peeps!

  93. Zoe says:

    oh my word, wow! please enter me, what a fab giveaway xx

  94. Thian says:

    please enter me for the most dedicated prize…

  95. Jennifer says:

    wow please enter me for this beauty gadget!!!

  96. Esha says:

    OMG would love to win this beauty, enter me please:)

  97. Janet T says:

    Good luck U.K. ladies! I’m U.S.

  98. Udita says:

    so sO SO wanna win this! (like the other 2 billion ppl who will enter! lol)
    still, enter me pretty please!
    x x x

  99. Rae says:

    Most dedicated? Thanks, lovely 🙂

  100. Ezzy says:

    Wow UK ladies i envy u all!!
    anyhow I still hope to be the mos dedicated entrant 🙂

  101. Not eligible to win this, but would like to win the “most dedicated”. 😀

  102. Mary says:

    Would love to win this!!!!!!! The best giveaway prize EVER!

  103. Tululu58 says:

    Aww jealz! Not eligible but good luck UK ladies! 🙂

  104. Grace says:

    Not eligible, but this is be an amazing prize to whoever wins it!

  105. Heather says:

    Not eligible, but excited for the UK ladies 🙂 Hoping for “most dedicated”! 🙂 xx

  106. Aneela Aziz says:

    Not eligible
    but enter me for the most dedicated ones 🙂

  107. Alexandra says:

    you don’t understand how much my terrible skin NEEDS this! Enter please!

  108. peiwen says:

    not eligible but still going for most dedicated 🙂

  109. Mona says:

    Best prize!!! Please enter me, pretty please 😀

  110. Bourriquette says:

    *sound of my heart breaking*
    Lucky UK ladies!! Let’s try the most deicated mystery prize then…

  111. Arianne says:

    OMG I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE! i cant afford it ;( I NEED THISSS

  112. hannah says:

    Please enter me.

    Thank you.

  113. em x says:

    please enter me Charlotte:-)
    gonna be sad the giveaways over only for the suprise of whats coming next.
    maybe i’ll do christmas this way instead of over in 2hrs

    em x

  114. Amy says:

    please enter me 🙂

  115. Asmaa says:

    Awesome final giveaway! Please enter me =D x

  116. Emma says:

    enter me pleasee x

  117. Louise says:

    Oh wow! Please enter me!! I never say this but I hope I win this!! My skin is dreadful and I can’t afford one myself! Good luck to everybody! 🙂

  118. katy says:

    I’d love to win this 🙂 xxx

  119. camille says:

    Wow! Enter me please xxx

  120. Cat says:

    ENter me please 🙂 xx

  121. Patricia says:

    What a generous prize, unfortunately I’m not in the UK, I’ll still leave a thank you for having the patience to go through with this again after the site problems, you are really dedicated!

  122. Viv in the UK says:

    Enter me please! Thanks for these giveaways 🙂

  123. Hollie says:

    Thanks for doing this amazing giveaway! Would love to win this! Xxx

  124. Lauren Barber says:

    Amazing prize! My skin is in desperate need for this!!! Pretty please enter me! Lx

  125. dreamer says:

    Please enter me

  126. Maria says:

    Ooooh! Lucky ladies! I love, love, love my Clarisonic.

    Not eligible though. 🙂

  127. Judith van Bemmel says:

    UK ladies get the best prizes…

    Worn me if you ever do this thing again, so I can move to the UK temporarely!

  128. Bex says:

    OMG! Please please enter me! Thanks!!!
    Bex XxX

  129. i have alwaysalwaysalways wanted a clarisonic, please enter me!! xx

  130. Bhumika says:

    please enter me 🙂 xo

  131. liz says:

    Yes please! Enter me thanks 😉

  132. Lisa says:

    WOW! What a very generous and wonderful prize! I’m seriously considering saving for this so would love to win it (as would thousands of beauty addicts hehe) 😀

  133. sara says:

    I know!! How fabulous is this? Imagine the glowy gorgeousness one could achieve with this…..Thank you so much for the whole of this giveaway even if I don’t win something it’s been really fun x

  134. Dani says:

    This is the most amazing prize, just…wow! Would love a chance to win it 😀 how exciting! xx

    P.S. I tried to enter using my phone but it appears to have deleted my comment as I can’t see it on here, so if I accidentally posted twice, I’m sorry!

  135. Roberta says:

    Wow that’s my dream!!Thank you Charlotte for sharing with us!

  136. Kimberley says:

    I NEED this in my life, enter me please!!!!! x

  137. Eilidh says:

    Please enter this scabby-faced bride-to-be. Seriously, I look like Emperor Palpatine.

  138. Charlie says:

    Amazing prize, someone is going to be very lucky indeed!

  139. ZebyK says:

    Oh my god, I literally jumped up & down and squealed when this page loaded up…my boyfriend sighed, rolled his eyes and ignored me lol. Please enter me into this one! I’ve been lemming one of these for ages, but the price tag is way above my student allowance! Love lots xxx

  140. sugar sugar says:

    Still not eligible 🙁 How I envy your lucky UK readers… LOL!

  141. Jane says:

    Aww wow! Enter me please! x

  142. Sophie says:

    oooh possibly saved the best ’til last 🙂 enter me please 🙂 xx

  143. ashlie says:

    AMAZING prize. I reallyreallyreally want to try the clarisonic! Please enter me xx

  144. Kathleen says:

    OH MY GOSH, that is not true!! how amazing the prize is!!
    this time i am really so so sad about the fact that i don’t live in UK. But, still, would win most delicated!!

  145. Kirsten Murphy says:

    Fabulous prize, the winner of this will feel like it’s Christmas again!! Enter me please

  146. kelly says:

    What a wonderful prize – I have wanted one of these in ages. Please enter me 🙂

  147. Nadia says:

    Ooooh yes please! I would like to be entered into this amazing contest! Thank You.

    I’m a UK resident and this would be a lovely upgrade from my mini facial brush [as cute as it may look] from the Body Shop *lol*.

    Good Luck everyone! 🙂


  148. ThatAndThis says:

    This is the best prize yet!! Pls enter me!! xx

  149. Karen Scammell says:

    yes pleaase!
    karen s
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  150. Nicola says:

    This is definately the best giveaway I’ve ever seen, so please enter me! Thank you Charlotte. 🙂

  151. Carol says:

    omg, that’s a huge giveaway prize right there! so glad i kept checking back 😀

    good luck to everyone who has entered thusfar! 🙂

  152. deborah says:

    oh wow! please enter me!!!

  153. Emma says:

    Oooooooooooo! Please enter me! 😀

  154. lishlash says:

    Amazing! Please enter me 🙂

  155. Anitacska says:

    I need this, please enter me!

  156. nicolajones says:

    Oh yes, would love one of these… enter me please :o)

  157. farah says:

    Cleaning out the gunk_ Please enter me too!Im from Paris hun!

  158. Sarah says:

    Oh I would absolutely love this one, enter me please! You’re spoiling us! 🙂

    Sarah x

  159. LeanneOCD says:

    OMG!!! Ive been wanting to try this for agggggeeeeeeesssss *fingers crossed* What a fab prize!!

  160. Rachel says:

    This looks right up my street, enter me please!

  161. Helena says:

    Oooh, please enter me!

  162. lionlovingtiger says:

    Nice work lady – count me in, would love to try one of these bad boys!x

  163. ilaria says:

    Wow, thank you so much!

  164. Hell to the yeah! Immense prize. Please enter me! 🙂 xx

  165. Hannah says:

    oh my gosh, AMAZING PRIZE!! Please enter me 😀 xx

  166. Reenie says:

    O_o Enter me please!!

  167. AlicatAHL says:

    Oh my word! What a brilliant prize! Enter me please!

  168. Rachael says:

    Wow! Please enter me x

  169. beautyh2t says:

    ahhhhhh enter me please, oh my word exciting!

  170. Amy Leon says:

    I’m very intrigued! I have all the issues they mention so would love to use it! Please enter me into the last comp!

  171. Anna Crystal says:

    Oh yeay, enter me please!

  172. Belle says:

    Oooh! Enter me please xxx

  173. Sarah says:

    shitting hell,yes please! xxxxx

  174. Hina says:

    Enter me PLEASE

  175. Lucy says:

    Enter me please, how exciting!

  176. Lindsay says:

    Wowzers. This is such a fantastic prize.

    Please please enter me! x

  177. Mercedes says:

    Brilliant finale!
    Please enter me.

  178. Kelly McBride says:

    Enter me please and thank you x

  179. Mandy says:

    Enter Me Please

  180. Sarah says:

    Enter me please. 🙂

  181. Sophie says:

    O.M.G what a prize!! Amazing!

  182. Kirsty says:

    I think I would wet myself if I won this! Enter me please xx

  183. Emily says:

    I hear about this everywhere and I’ve been wanting to try it so badly! Fingers crossed!

  184. Alison says:

    Enter me please xxx

  185. Cat says:

    Oh god this is fantastic! Thank you! Please enter me!

  186. Rosie says:

    I’ve always had problems with my skin. I’d love to try this! (enter me please!)

  187. Kelsey says:

    This is sooo generous, I would really love to win thank you!

  188. Maxime says:

    Wooow I’d love to be entered please 🙂

  189. Kate Mathewson says:

    Amazing thank you! X

  190. Belle says:

    Whoa you are definitely ending the giveaway with a bang! I think you saved the best for last:-) Thanks!

  191. Gabrielle says:

    wow, what an amazing prize! enter me please x

  192. Sam says:

    What a fabulous prize! Please, please enter me. Thanks! x

  193. Leela33 says:

    Please enter me thanks.

  194. Alice Shrestha says:

    Lovely prizes .. I am your biggest fan .. have read all your blogs and tweets .. Please enter me!

  195. Maya says:

    ahh amazing! please enter me x

  196. Elizabeth says:

    Jaw drop!

    Please enter me!

  197. Saz says:

    ooh what an amazing giveaway! enter me please 🙂

  198. redtiger21 says:

    Wow, that’s amazing, and so generous! Please enter me!

  199. Laura says:

    Oh my god, this is amazing! I want to try a Clarisonic soo badly, but it’s such a big initial outlay 🙁 Please please enter me!!xx

  200. Sofia B-M says:

    ooooh!! enter me please! xx

  201. Janaina says:

    Amazing! Please enter me! xx

  202. Sarah H says:

    Yes please yes please yes please yes please!! x

  203. fickle says:

    Please + thank you!! Enter me please!!

  204. Elaine H says:

    Please enter me too, prize is fabulous x

  205. CarlaG says:

    I’d love to be entered please!

  206. Jessica says:

    Wow! This is great, I ‘ve always wanted to try a Clarisonic but they’re just so expensive!

  207. Janie says:

    Ohhhhhhhhh, I need this.
    Enter me please 🙂


  208. Claire Linley says:

    Amazingly generous! Please please enter me! <3 I would absolutely lurve one of these!! x

  209. Joanne says:

    Woo Hoo! Please enter me.

  210. Wow- Would LOVE to win this sooo much, thanks for this giveaway, how incredibly generous.

    Please can I enter to win, and my email is

  211. Lindsay says:

    Wow, I am dying to try this. Please enter me 🙂

  212. Wei says:

    Please enter me! 🙂

  213. Nina says:

    woooooooooooooooow!!!! enter me please!!

  214. DalaLuz says:

    Wow, mega sweet price, I am now seriously thinking of enticing you to move over to NL 🙂 For now, good look to the UK belles. I did tweet your mega-price for my lucky UK followers (although they do suffer greatly from being a lot of water away from my humble awesomeness).
    Your RT link for this competition did not work, BTW, you might want to take a look at that.

  215. Domzy says:

    Ohh please enter me! I would love to win this. Been wanting one for ages but my brokeness has not permitted 🙁

  216. AltiusTendo says:

    Can I please be entered in this great comp? Cheers!

  217. tania says:

    enter me please! xx

  218. Abbi says:

    Fabulous final giveaway please enter me

  219. FragrantWitch says:

    OMG! enter meeeee please!

  220. Chaohui says:

    This is like the iPad of giveaways for techno geeks!

    Please enter me, thanks! x

  221. Siobhan says:

    Enter me 🙂 xxShivvyxx

  222. MsWedgie says:

    Ace final prize!! 🙂 Enter me please! 🙂

  223. Emma says:

    What a fab prize! enter me pls 🙂 xxx

  224. S says:

    Wow, please enter me! I follow via bloglovin’.


  225. Corrie says:

    wow! Please enter me 🙂 x

  226. Margot says:

    I live in belgium so not eligible! x

  227. Caz says:

    Sounds amazing, enter me please! xx

  228. Kelly says:

    Ooh this sounds awesome, enter me please 🙂 x

  229. Picksley says:

    Enter me please! xxx

    Dude, I do not envy you having to pick out all the winners.

  230. Sam says:

    Wow! enter me please! 🙂

  231. Beth says:

    oooooo enter me please x

  232. charlotte says:

    Oh my goodness, this looks amazing!

    Enter me please x

  233. Soraya says:

    Amazing prize! Enter me please 🙂 xx

  234. sarah says:

    wow most amazing giveaway ever i think!

  235. Bianca says:

    Oh my, oh my, oh my, enter me please…this sounds amazing!

  236. Nicola says:

    OMG! So amazing! Enter me please 🙂

  237. Alison says:

    oh my godddddd.
    what an amazing prize to end the giveaway with!! my skin’s literally NEVER been fully clear, i’m still searching for that one product to help it along. maybe this could be it 😛

    fantastic giveaway charlotte – thankyou so much (even if i don’t win anything!) (:

  238. Whoa! Enter me please, enter me please, and did I mention, enter me please?

  239. zoe says:

    enter me please!amazing giveaway charlotte x

  240. Lucy says:

    Please enter me x

  241. Rachel says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 x

  242. Aileen says:

    Oh. Em. Gee!!!!! Talk about saving the best for last!!!!!!!!!! This advent/new year’s giveaway has been the best ever!!!!! xx

  243. huong says:

    oh what a great way to end! ^_^ enter me please!

  244. Ann says:

    Yes please! This is a great prize! So Please enter me!

    I am so so so sad that I will be missing out on getting to enter for the most dedicated prize. I entered every single one pre-blog-explosion, but I know there’s no way you can check that 🙁

  245. alafair says:

    Not eligible 🙁
    very nice prize!!

  246. Romey says:

    Please enter me too.

  247. Sarah says:

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  248. Hannah says:

    *Squeeeeeeee!* I’ve always wanted one of these! Enter me please! xx

  249. Jenni says:

    Oooo… Oooooooo….. *waves hands frantically in air like when I was at school* Pick me please, meeeee! :o) Would love this lots, thanks! x

  250. Great giveaway, Please enter me!!


    The doll on fashion

  251. Candace says:

    oooh, enter me please! 🙂 x

  252. Oh my word. I do so very want one of those!

  253. Louise says:

    oooo very exciting I would love to try the clarisonic enter me please Charlotte and thanks for all the giveaways xxx

  254. Clocks7291 says:

    These giveaway prizes have been amazing! I want all of them so badly! haha Thanks so much for going through the trouble of doing it all again. Enter me, please and thank you! 🙂

  255. WOW, amazing giveaway!!! enter me please xxx

  256. Ellen says:

    Enter me please. Would love to see if this could clear my spots once and for all!

  257. Lucy says:

    amazing! enter me please xxx

  258. Laura says:

    Another amazing prize! Enter me please. x

  259. Karen M says:

    Enter Me Please

  260. Emma says:

    Amazing prize! Enter me please?

  261. Nicole says:

    *sobs a river of tears*…you can’t enter me, I am not eligible, but i am very very very dedicated! xxx

  262. Emily Paterson says:

    wow. you are amazing charlotte.

  263. Lauren says:

    wow!. Amazing. please enter me 🙂 x

  264. OMG how much would I love this??? Enter me pleeeease! x

  265. Grace says:

    Please enter me. Thanks for all your hard work.

  266. Kirsty says:

    Amazng finale! xxxx

  267. Andrea G says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 I’ve wanted one of these for soooo long, amidst a break-out now 🙁

  268. Helen says:

    Wow – what a fab final giveaway – enter me please xxx

  269. Summer says:

    Happy first February!!!!

    😉 Seeing as I couldn’t say Happy Xmas when this giveaway originally was. What a fantastic prize, very exciting! xx

  270. Pip says:

    Please enter me! I’m dying to try this out!

  271. amelia says:

    wow this giveaway is amazing. id LOVE to try this thankyou for entering me!xx

  272. FaceFixers says:

    And I was seriously wowed by the Naked Pallette prize!
    This is amazing, so enter me please!
    and thankyou for hosting this AMAZING giveaway xx

  273. Penny says:

    Woah, love to win this. please enter me 🙂

  274. Poppy says:

    enter me please!

  275. Louise says:

    Enter me please!

  276. Tom says:

    Please enter me into this giveaway 🙂

  277. Amy says:

    Wow 🙂

    Enter me please!


  278. Suzi says:

    Oh godness they are getting better and better! I so want to try the Clarisonic. Please enter me, thank you, thank you.

  279. Ally says:

    Please enter me~! I’ve been looking at reviews and prices for these. Fab last prize :~)

  280. Stylishpop says:

    Oooo enter please 🙂

  281. rachel says:

    This is the best giveaway prize ever! Thanks 🙂

  282. Jen says:

    Amazing – please please please enter me 🙂

  283. Bliss says:

    enter me please 🙂

  284. Kate says:

    Please enter me! x

  285. hannah says:

    please enter me 🙂 xx

  286. Anna says:

    I’d love to enter, thank you.
    This has never really been on my wishlist, just because of the price. But I’ve heard so many great things. ^^

  287. Imogen says:

    Enter me PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAASE! I wanna win this so bad!

  288. marie says:

    oo please enter me 🙂

  289. bee says:

    omg! enter me please 🙂 xx

  290. Khadija Jamal says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  291. Jen says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  292. Lisa says:

    I have wanted one of these for a while! Count me in

  293. charlotte says:

    please enter me!

  294. Lau says:

    I’d love to enter please!! My skin is suffering from the weather and central heating exposure at the moment so this would be a dream for my face! Xx

  295. Loz says:

    Enter me please woohoo 🙂

  296. amanda says:

    enter me please Charlotte! Lovely to meet you the other day! x

  297. Shifa says:

    oohh this is huge! enter me please 🙂

  298. Jaime says:

    Please enter me 😀

  299. R00ki33 says:

    Ahh Enter me pleasee!!
    This is amazing and way to expensive for me to actually purchase lol! Good luck everyone!!!
    I also wanted to say as this is the last giveaway (i think..) that all us readers really appreciate you doing this giveaway all over again! Thank you so much!!

  300. Caffio says:

    Count me in (please)! xx

  301. Aimee Lee says:

    Enter me please:) such a generous giveaway!!

    thank you!


  302. LucyB says:

    Wow! I would so love to win this, definitely enter me please! x

  303. Harpreet says:

    enter me please x

  304. Phoebe says:

    wow! You blow my mind! I have wanted one of these to scrub my grubby little face with ever since I saw it, I never feel like my face is properly “clean”- Those pores! Anyway…. This would be amazing to win! Enter me please 🙂 xxx
    p.s I had to grip my chair when i saw this!

  305. Pamela Lord says:

    wow, that’s amazing! enter me please x

  306. Jess says:

    woah enter me please! 🙂

  307. Hinna says:

    Quite easily the most incredible prize! Please enter me? Thank you xxx

  308. Jess says:

    Ooooh yes pretty pretty pretty please…been saving up for the Clarisonic…to win one would be amazing!

    Enter me Please!

  309. Shanee says:

    Wow! Please count me in. Thanks

  310. Alisha says:

    You’ve most definitely saved the best till last! I’ve been wanting this for ages but I can’t justify spending that much money on it :/

  311. Angelabdc says:

    Wow! enter me please

  312. Daisy Banham says:

    Amaaazing! Please enter me! xxx

  313. Carly says:

    Please enter me! I’ve been lemming a clarisonic for abolutely ages! Fab prize! xx

  314. Nazia says:

    Wow! You’re amazing!

    Please enter me =)

  315. Candy says:

    Enter me please 🙂 <3

    your blog is awesome! i wish i could pluck up the courage to write a beauty blog! Your reviews are amazing, and i always find myself buying stuff you recommend 😛 haha, not always a good idea when i'm broke! =.="

    keep up the good work 🙂 thumbs up!

    God Bless


  316. Fiona says:

    Enter me, please! Thank you

  317. Kim says:

    Wow what a finale prize! This is amazing! Enter me please lovely xxx

  318. Becky says:

    Amazing giveaway, enter me please!

  319. ameenah says:

    You’re posts are so lovely! Please enter me xxx

  320. Vikki says:

    Wowza, enter me please! x

  321. Lauren says:

    enter me please! xx

  322. Sam says:

    WOW….I had a feeling this would be a good un, judging by the last few prizes 🙂 I kept thinking she’s never gonna top it and then you pull this out the bag lol. Please, please, please enter me 🙂

  323. Steph says:

    Amazing! Would love to be entered into this please! Thanks!! xx

  324. Faybee says:

    Oh wow! Enter me please xx

  325. Zara says:

    Please enter me! Thanks x

  326. mugene says:

    Magnificent prize!
    enter me please 😀

  327. Wendy says:

    What a brilliant giveaway! Please enter me 🙂 xxx

  328. Lucy says:

    please enter me 🙂

  329. Wow, you really did save the best for last! Please enter me!

    Ellie x

  330. Terri- leigh says:

    Enter me please x

  331. Kirsty says:

    Wow, I’d like to enter please!

  332. Julie says:

    OMG please please enter me, I am desperate for one of these. JX

  333. Christine says:

    I’ve been tempted by this damn thing for months. Curse you price tag! Please to be entering me 😀 x

  334. Claire says:

    Enter moi please

  335. IZABELA says:

    OMG I’d love to win this. Enter me please! Ta x

  336. Tass says:

    Most excellent prize! Enter me please xx

  337. Pur-lease enter me! pleaseeeeeeeee

  338. Hannah says:

    Crikey, what a brilliant prize! Enter me please xx

  339. shauna says:

    wow! i didn’t think the prizes could get better! please enter me! 🙂

  340. Jade Coldwell says:

    Wow what an amazing prize, please pop my name down, i’d love to be in with a chance!

  341. Jade says:

    wow, amazing prize!! please enter me x

  342. Jenny Cole says:

    Thank you for this month of giveaways – there have been some amazing prizes! Please enter me for this last one 🙂 xx

  343. Janice says:

    Nearly 350 comments =0
    Lol… it would be amazing if i could try this out =D
    Enter me please!!

  344. Amy-Louise says:

    Please enter me 🙂 x

  345. Stephanie says:

    Please enter me!
    I’ve heard so much about this product and i’ve been reading VexInTheCity’s reviews and it sounds really good!!

  346. Enna says:

    Wow – thank you for all the amazing giveaways this month!
    & please enter me! 🙂

  347. Katie H says:

    What a finale!!! *claps* loved this whole giveaway, thank you for running it!!!!

  348. @_PurpleAi says:

    Enter me please … wow a clarasonic x

  349. Roberta says:

    Enter me please!

  350. Lucy says:

    Oooh! *crosses fingers* Please enter me! 🙂

  351. M says:

    Omg, i’d love a clarisonic! What an amazing giveaway-enter me please! Thanks x

  352. MaryOF says:

    Super giveaway !
    Thanks for all your brilliant info and reviews.
    Much appreciated.

  353. Angie P says:

    Please please please enter me!!!! I have been on the verge of buying one ever since I registered with vex in the city! I’m a skin care addict and my bank balance is suffering!! 🙂

  354. Caroline says:

    Enter me please! x

  355. Wow, that is an seriously amazing prize! Enter me please x

  356. Amy says:

    Enter me please! x

  357. Marie says:

    Please enter me! My grotty skin soooo needs this!

  358. Holly says:

    absolutely incredible, please enter me! 🙂

  359. nicola-x says:

    wow great prize!!
    enter me please 🙂 xx

  360. Catherine says:

    thanks, please enter me 🙂

  361. Lisa says:

    Woahh Awesome:D enter me please

  362. Jean says:

    such a great prize! not eligible, please enter me for “most dedicated.” 🙂

  363. Anne says:

    oH MY, WHAT AN INCREDIBLE PRIZE! I’ve been coveting these since I first read about them on line.

  364. Rhi says:

    omg incredible! enter me please!

  365. Lisa says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 x

  366. Emma Ingram says:

    Wow thats a super prize! Please please consider me!! Ps Keep up the good work! you make my work day bearable!! ha ha!!

  367. Tracey says:

    Please enter me!!! xxx

  368. Sonia says:

    My heart is literally beating frantically inside my chest just looking at this amazing productO_O. Enter me please! xxx

  369. Galen says:

    Wow, amazing prize! Truly a fantastic finale to a month of giveaways!

  370. Hibel says:

    this is more than I would have ever expected, I am speechless! I have no idea how you’ll find the energy to wrap all this stuff and send it across the UK, they’ll think you’re crazy at the post office 😀 And maybe you are because I wouldn’t part myself from all these goods very easily.
    Enter me for this last episode of the greatest giveaway ever xxx

  371. Sara says:

    Please enter me! Literally dyyyying for a clarisonic. Much love xxx

  372. amy says:

    an amazing prize thank you
    my skin could really do with some help enter me please

  373. Jessie says:

    oooh enter me please xx

  374. tailorstitch says:

    enter me! I would love to see what the fuss is about

  375. Please enter me for this AMAZING giveaway!

  376. sarah says:

    enter me please! this looks amazing!

  377. Rachel says:

    Enter me for this great prize. x

  378. Poppy says:

    Please enter me!

  379. Joselin Dasilva says:

    No way! ive been wanting a clarasonic for ages!
    I’d deffinatly like to enter please


  380. Loreen says:

    Enter me please…thanks!

  381. Kelly says:

    Enter me please 😀
    This is amazing x

  382. kelly says:

    what a great prize, would love to try this

  383. sarah says:

    omg I would loveloveLOVE this prize!

    Been debating for a while whether to get one, but being a poor student I can’t quite justify it at the mo 🙁

    Please enter me! xxx

  384. Amy says:

    Enter me please! What an incredible prize!!

  385. Nagisa says:

    Wow, I want it!!
    Enter me, please!

  386. Candace says:

    What a lovely giveaway – Please enter me!

  387. Sian says:

    enter me puleeease

  388. Kate says:

    enter me please! 🙂 x

  389. JUDE DUNN says:

    Fabulous, this has been on my wish list for such a long time. Can you enter me please xxx

  390. Stef says:

    Oh my gosh! Enter me, please 😉

  391. Annie says:

    enter me please!

  392. what a great giveaway! enter me into it, please 🙂

    Catherine x

  393. Emily says:

    Oh my flippety flip this is amazing! Please enter me – as a lowly teaching assistant Im far too poor to even dream of owning one of these beauties!! xxx

  394. Wow, what a prize! Enter me please.

  395. Mina says:

    Enter me please 🙂 thank you xxx

  396. Lebinh says:

    Please enter me!

  397. Judy says:

    Wow, amazing giveaway! Have heard nothing but great things about this so am desperate to give it a try to see if it would give me happy skin 🙂 Consider me entered! xx

  398. Sheenie says:

    Wow wee! I’d love one – please enter me into the draw! Currently saving up some pennies for a Clarisonic (first a whopping car insurance to pay off first) so if I’m not lucky, I will buy one. Eventually.

  399. gill close says:

    Oh this could be the skin saviour I need! Please enter me

  400. Vicky says:

    Amazing giveaway! Enter me please!

    Thank you 🙂 xxx

  401. Loda says:

    You got to be in it to win it. I would love to try this skin must have.

    Fingers/toes/all body parts crossed!

  402. Jen says:

    Ooooh this is such a fab giveaway! Please please enter meeeeeeee! 😀

  403. Hayley says:

    I would love to be entered!

  404. Steph says:

    Enter me please, I am dying to try this out!!! Thanks

  405. le says:

    i’m sorry if double posting, I was on my iphone earlier and it said it was duplicate entry.

    but to be on the safe side.

    Please enter me!

  406. Mamavalveeta03 says:

    I’ve heard that the Clarisonic is great for helping skin get ride of acne and signs of aging. Both things that I am dealing with. Sounds good to me, if it really works!

  407. Louise says:

    I have heard great things about this! Please enter me into the draw.

    Thanks. x

    ps – Love the blog! : )

  408. Long Tall Ally says:

    Amazing giveaway, please enter me! My skin could do with some serious help…. xx

  409. SoFroLushes says:

    ooh I like the sound of this prize – pls enter me. fingers crossed and toes – must cross both on my children too ;-0

  410. ne-knopka says:

    Not eligible! Good luck


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