Wondering about MAC’s Wonder Woman Collection?

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 13 - 2011

The timing of MAC’s Wonder Woman collection seems a touch premature to me, with the long-awaited release of a Warner Bros movie slated for 2013, I’m surprised that they didn’t hold out a couple more years and ride that cash cow all the way to the bank!

Regardless, the new collection will be arriving in stores much sooner than that.  Temptalia has the lowdown on the collection which is due for an international (non-US) release of March 2011.

image courtesy of. Temptalia.com

The 32-piece collection (yes, I counted em – anyone wanna check my maths?!) is already kicking up a storm amongst beauty-loving MAC fans worldwide.  The biggest bone of contention?  The packaging…

Temptalia readers have been showing their contempt for the design with comments including:

“…reminds me of the toy makeup I used to beg for when I was a kid.” – source

“…this packaging is actually so horrible that I doubt I’ll be purchasing much (if anything) from this collection.”source

“…I don’t like the packaging.  The packaging looks verry childish.  I’m gonna buy nothing.”source

“…I wouldn’t be caught dead taking them out in public.”source

Of course, there are many protesting in defence of the packaging too…

Me?  I’m not ashamed to admit that I love it.

Sure, I love my Guerlain palettes and the sleek lines of my Rouge D’Armani lippies which always make me feel a little bit posher than I really am when I flash them about infront of people (I totally do that).  But… I really think MAC have pulled the “Wonder Woman” theme off magnificently!

image courtesy of. Temptalia.com

Look at those contrast gold-rimmed pans!  Love. It.

I do understand people’s disappointment… if the theme isn’t for them, it simply isn’t for them and if we all shared the same tastes, wouldn’t the world be a boring place?  But I can totally appreciate that for the theme… this packaging is ticking ALL the right boxes.

As an aside, it’s something that I didn’t think MAC achieved with the Disney VV collection which left me feeling that they hadn’t put any real effort into doing Disney (and it’s fans) justice.  There’s no denying that if a brand can “plug-in” to a much-loved theme and capture it’s essence within the collection, then the tills won’t stop ringing until the last lipstick has been sold.  Easy money if you can get it right.

image courtesy of. Temptalia.com


What do you guys think of the packaging for MAC Wonder Woman collection?  Adorable or Deplorable?  Vote!

How do you feel about the packaging for MAC's upcoming Wonder Woman collection?

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45 Responses to “Wondering about MAC’s Wonder Woman Collection?”

  1. eRiN says:

    I can’t vote for some reason, but I love the packaging! It’s fun 🙂

  2. Mercedes says:

    I’m sure a lot of people will hate it. But I think I like it! It will defo stand out in my drawers. We’ll see what it looks like in person. XXX

  3. Kelsey says:

    I couldn’t agree more! The packaging IS Wonder Woman. It IS comic-themed. I’m really not entirely sure what everybody was expecting from it, but I think it’s perfect, and probably one of the best collections I’ve seen from MAC, in terms of packaging matching the theme. I can’t say I’ll be buying all that much from the line, but that’s not because I dislike it. I just can’t afford the jacked up price tags!

  4. Emmy says:

    totes agree with Kelsey: one of the best (packaged) collections I’ve seen from MAC! Gonna start saving now so I can buy it all… 😉

  5. Alison says:

    Absolutely beautiful, my first ever MAC purchases will probably be from this collection!

  6. liloo says:

    i thought venomous villain was tacky until i saw this. good grief. horrible horrible horrible.

  7. tiptoe shortbread says:

    Looooooooooooooove this, it’s flashy, it’s tacky and it’s gorgeous, Wonder Woman all over….can’t wait, and those 2 tone blushes look fab!!!

  8. Nicole says:

    I love love love it…yes, it looks toylike, yes, it looks tacky – yes, it looks like a comic – isn’t it supposed to???
    want it all….now…

  9. Jen says:

    An abomination. Villains was just cheap and nasty. This transcends cheap and nasty by persevering with the nasty and putting real effort into making it look expensive yet utterly naff.

    Did I mention I don’t like it? ;o)

  10. Rach says:

    It’s sure getting a marmite reaction! I’ll b getting some if the products are good!

  11. Ola says:

    Gosh I love the packaging PRECISELY because it looks cheap-ish! It’s so fun and young. I like sleek packaging too, but it’s nice to have something so retro and funky. Makeup should be fun anyway!

    Very tempted by the blusher on the left. Beauuuuutiful!

  12. Lindsay says:

    I totally agree with you. I love it precisely because they’ve really gone all-out for the Wonder Woman theme. I think the lipstick styling is my favourite, with the star on the barrel. I can see how it isn’t to everyone’s taste, but there are tons of super-sleek ranges around; it’s nice to see something a bit more fun from MAC.

  13. It’s just so very Wonder Woman – captured perfectly!
    I have a fond memory of talking to my Dad in the park, anticipating the arrival of Wonder Woman on TV (later that day I guess) – We loved it!

  14. Debbie says:

    Not doing it for me at all sadly, get the concept and I think as you say they have pulled it off well but for me make up isn’t purchased on a whim its a considered purchase and I like a luxe look and feel if I am not buying bargain basement in Boots.

  15. Anitacska says:

    I can’t vote. 🙁 I hate it though, it looks cheap and tacky. Sorry. BUT I will pick up a few things like the MSFs and blushes, and maybe a lipstick/lipgloss and/or eyeshadow palette IF the colours are nice. I don’t buy things purely for the packaging or don’t not buy things if I don’t like the packaging, so it’s not a huge issues, but I certainly don’t like it at all. I’d never even heard about WW (shock horror!) so I’m not a fan and couldnt care less, lol.

  16. MsDriftedSW says:

    I totally agree with you! I love it!! At least (as with the London Liberty) you get some kiss-ass packaging so it stands out and draws attention! I love it!

    And I bet you half of those nay-sayers will still end up buying it because its so CUTE!!

  17. rhamnousia says:

    Atleast they’ve put some effort into this unlike the VV collection where they just got their bog standard packaaging and whacked a Disney character on it.

    I quite like the way they’ve actually put the effort in..I don’t know if I’d buy anything from it but I find it funny how nigh on everyone was bitching about how crap the VV packaging was but it didn’t stop them hauling it.

    MAC must be loving the power their have over the masses. If I was in charge of their packaging, I’d make a turd range and see how that took off, I bet you anything people would still buy it just because it’s MAC.

  18. Kirsty says:

    Love it! I don’t tend to shop at MAC, the few things I do have were gifted but I am very tempted by this collection. The only thing that’s putting me off is going to the counter, have read so many horror stories on blogs about the staff and I am also not clear what there set up is. Add to that the fact that the counter is in Harvey Nichols and the intimidation levels are through the roof!

  19. Amy says:

    I personally love it, but I am OBSESSED with Wonder Woman, so I might be biased. Seriously, I have Wonder Woman knickers!!


  20. Lily says:

    It reminds me of kid’s lunch boxes and old toys from McDonalds happy meals. It does fit the theme though…Still, the products themselves look rather ‘blah’ to me. Surely Wonder Woman would want glitter and bold colours?!

  21. MsWedgie says:

    Love it…love it….LOVE IT!!!! Make up and a DC Superhero…two of my fave things. 🙂

    People said that the MAC VV collection looked horrid and tacky, but a lot of those people still went out and bought it when it came out. At the end of the day, if you really love the colour/product then the packaging shouldn’t really matter all that much

  22. Zoe says:

    I love the packaging! Will certainly make a talking point in the ladies loos on a night out!
    Great blog.
    Zoe x
    Please take a look at my blog-

  23. gio says:

    Although it fits well with the theme, I still find it cheap and tacky. I think they could have done better tbh.

  24. Ola says:

    Hmmm still looking at the blushers and drooling all over the desk. Attractive, I know. But I wonder… I actually much prefer cream blushers and they’re usually released with MAC limited summer editions… should I hold off and wait in faith that they will release some beautiful cream colours?

    Oh the choices. The ever so hard choices.

  25. Scientific Housewife says:

    It’s a little gaudy but would make for great conversation in public 🙂

  26. I LOVE it! It’s pop art, comic book style colours, bright and punchy.. it fits in really well with the theme.

  27. Jeannine says:

    I love love love the packaging. I grew up in the late 70’s and was obsessed with Wonder Woman. I think the packaging captures the comic aspect of the character very well. I am excited for this release. Very excited.

  28. FragrantWitch says:

    OMG! I am more excited than a 36 yo woman should be but I LOVED Wonder Woman as a girl in the States! The packaging is fab because it evokes the cheesiness of the series and the many of us who wore tin foil and gold- painted tin foil costumes at Halloween and longed for a lasso that would make people tell the truth. I could finally have found it if my brother really did record a crummy Billy Joel song over my precious mix tape! 😉 roll on March….

  29. Jet says:

    We can’t all be comic book geeks! But I love it!

    The packaging is hot and appeals to the me that used to beg for toy makeup and read comics. I’m a weird one!


  30. alexandra says:

    I love it! actually lusting after these products.
    Whatever people say this is guaranteed to sell out!

  31. I really like 2 lipsticks in the middle <3

    When it comes to the packaging, I don't know. For me, it just isn't MAC. When I 1st saw MAC products, which was only few years ago, I noticed it because of its nice and simple packaging, and this looks like something that's gone totally off. I know it's about the theme, but in my opinion, it makes MAC look really cheap. And I don't like that. 🙁

    p.s. for some reason I can't vote?

  32. Alla says:

    i’m not afraid to admit i like it too, after i saw it on temptalia i thought to myself that it might be time to get some limited edition stuff from MAC, all my things are permanent line now. it’s cute 😉 though i like to flash YSL rouge volupte too.

  33. becca says:

    Ahhh, mac. I’ve had my ups and downs with them over the past 12 years (since I bought my first little pot of Juxt eyeshadow at age 16), but I’ve gotta give ’em credit for their versatility. I mean, just think about how opulent the packaging is for the signature line that comes out every year at xmastime, and contrast it with something like this. Yes, it’s tacky, but it’s also inspired by a comic book. I’m married to a comic book geek and partake of the odd graphic novel or webcomic myself every now and again, so I very much appreciate the art form, but I wouldn’t hang a Lichtenstein painting right beside a Matisse. It would make no sense to put these products in packaging that wasn’t at least a little bit campy, and I think they’ve pulled it off nicely.

  34. caz says:

    I don’t hate the packaging..just a little uninspired by the products themselves. Only thing I’m gonna get is reflects pearl i think..which is a permanant pro product anyway

  35. Geek Faerie says:

    I said on Temptalia’s blog post and I said it on my own, I LOVE THIS COLLECTION!! I have been waiting for this colleciton to come out since whispers first hit the air last year round abouts this time. I am getting the entire collection as soon as I can. I LOVE Wonder Woman! She has been my idol ever since I can remember. Growing up with Linda Carter playing her on the tv series as a kid was who I wanted to be when I grew up. I love the packaging it’s a wonderful tribute to her classic look (ignore the new costume in the #600 series of the comic book. Blech!) I am so psyched for this collection and then some!

  36. Phyrra says:

    I like wonderwoman but I hate the packaging.

  37. Esha says:

    I have to agree with you the packaging is spot on, i love it and can’t wait to get my hands on the MSFs!

  38. Jo says:

    The whole point is a WW theme, which MAC have pulled off perfectly. Love the lipsticks in particular. If you really object to the packaging then don’t buy it – MAC have a big enough core range that you don’t need to.

  39. Alisha says:

    I completely agree with you! Love the packaging! Oh gosh my shopping list has just increased…

  40. The packaging is really fun, but I think I’d like to see this collection in person before I make up my mind about it. I do like the colored mascaras they’re releasing for this though 🙂

  41. Lillian says:

    I really love it. No denying it’s tacky and gaudy, but it’s fun and completely in keeping with it being a comic book superheroine! And I also like all the detail, like the metal of the lipstick tube being gold now. I don’t really like the sound of too many of the products though :/

  42. redtiger21 says:

    I do think the packaging is pretty cool, but I’d rathar pay less than mac prices for it, if that makes sense.

  43. Sarah says:

    At first I thought the packaging was a bit over the top, but now I think it’s kind of retro & fun. How geeky chic would you feel pulling out a WW lippie!

  44. Rebecca says:

    Love, love, love it! Brings me right back to my childhood. Unlike some people who say they would be ashamed to use it in public, I would make it a point to be sure that people saw the awesomeness of it! Can’t wait; gonna start saving now! 🙂

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