Red Lips Day 7: Urban Decay Revolution

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 14 - 2011

Sometimes a favourite comes in an unlikely guise.  I love Urban Decay, I really do… they’re a brand that get me equally ecstatic when they get it right and just as hacked off when they screw up.  I think you have to care about a brand to experience proper emotions about what is, after all, only makeup.

So yeah, I like Urban Decay.  But I don’t generally get that excited by their lipsticks.  I was sent this one just before Christmas and because I had a Chanel to wear… this one got pushed a little further back in the queue.

Revolution is a glossy, creamy true red.  Pillar box and opaque as-you-like.  I used a lip brush but it practically painted itself on.  I can’t find fault with this product… the adorable ‘dagger’ packaging, smooth application, glossy finish (if glossy reds are your ‘thing’), and a longevity that’s competes up there with most of the other, less-creamy formulas I’ve worn so far.

I suppose, if pushed… it does have a greater risk of transfer because of the creamy formula but just do that filthy-looking finger pop trick to remedy any of that nonsense!

Urban Decay Revolution retails at £12 but I have seen it on discount websites for a lot less than that… but shhh, you didn’t hear that from me.  If you want a BOLD, creamy red… go forth and buy.

34 Responses to “Red Lips Day 7: Urban Decay Revolution”

  1. Oh wow, you look incredible in this shade. I need it.

  2. Debbie says:

    I am not sure you realise quite how stunning you are. This looks terrific on you. x

  3. El Pinko says:

    Love this shade, am wearing it today but patted on by finger to mute it a little

  4. Rae says:

    Well hellooo there, gorgeous!

    /end creepy voice

    But seriously, Charlotte – this looks fantastic on you! I love it 🙂

  5. OMG, the packaging looks stunning! Want it! 😀 And of course, this is a gorgeous red <3

  6. Jen says:

    THIS I am getting. What is this trick to which you refer?

  7. toyboys says:

    Stunning colour but I hate the dagger on the tube with a passion. At best it’s going to break off in my bag, leaving sharp edges to scratch me with, at worst, I’ll end up with puncture wounds every time I open my makeup bag. I know it’s only plastic but it’s still sharp.

    • I guess it’s not the most portable lipstick out there… I don’t really carry it around with me though. It just sits in my lipstick drawer so I don’t have to experience that irritation! x

  8. Shortiee31 says:

    You’re totally rocking this! Love their packaging too 🙂

  9. Evelyn says:

    i told myself i wasn’t going to go crazy this year and buy things i dont need … but this lipstick is gorgeous!!

  10. I also have this lipstick and you are right, it is very bold and creamy as if you are wearing a clear lip gloss on top 🙂
    I wonder what red you will call your favourite after these posts 😉 x

  11. Elizabeth says:

    I tried a sample of one of their lipsticks and loved the creamy formula — but I found the taste to be horrible! How do you feel about the taste?

    • Vijaya says:

      Did you get Apocalypse? That one tastes the WORST. Different UD lipsticks have different flavors and scents.

      • Well… I couldn’t manage a whole one…


        I haven’t noticed any funky tastes with this one or Naked but we should compile a database of all the gross tasting/smelling ones and petition UD to get rid!

  12. Vijaya says:

    I love UD lipsticks, but I’m gonna have to disagree with you about the dagger. It complicates storage, and stabs you if you try and keep it in your pocket. Urban Decay packaging is the bane of my existence: It’s cool enough that I want it and impractical enough to complicate my life. xD

    BTW, if you like the Urban Decay lipstick formula, you should give Oil Slick a try. It’s this sheer black color with a bit of sparkle that’s so unique, and I love it. It would look so vampy and daring on you. Personally, I’d love to see it on a lighter skinned woman, but all of my light skinned friends are too wussy to give it a fair shot.

    • Oh I love the superfluous packaging. Sure, it ain’t practial… but it’s purdy!

      I don’t carry many lipsticks around with me. I work from home so don’t need to cart them to and from the office. I also love the BOS elaborate packaging which always seems to divide opinions too huh?

      I’ll definitely keep Oil Slick in mind for next winter!

      • Vijaya says:

        It does. As cool as the UD <3 NYC thing was, It takes up so much space. It's not quite enough to keep me from buying but when I get home and try and stick it with my other palettes I always make a face that resembles D= <-that.

  13. Leone says:

    This looks beautiful on you!

  14. Jen W says:

    Oh dear. looks like I have to add another red lipstick to my collection (which is already enough for 3 lifetimes).

    Looks amazing on you, and I do love the funky packaging

  15. em x says:

    ooh you look lovely(as always)

    whats your Fav red out of the ones you’ve shown us so far?

    I cant decide between this and russian red

    em x

  16. redtiger21 says:

    What a pretty shade!! I’d never even looked at a UD lippy before!

  17. You look absolutely stunning in that lipcolor!!! ♥ x

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