Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 1

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 8 - 2011

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate.

Each little pot contains multiple facets of intensive reflective colour that glides on smoothly adding sparkle and sheen.

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 8th January.

Winners will be announced early next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

329 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 1”

  1. corrie says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    Sorry to hear of all your problems with your blog, glad it’s all sorted now! xxx

  2. Rachelle says:

    ooh, so pretty! enter me, please! 😀

  3. Pretty please enter me! 😀 x

  4. Jaynee says:

    Yay!!! It’s back! Enter me please 🙂 x x

  5. Louise says:

    Gorgeous colours, reminds me of Autumn! x

  6. Tara Williams says:

    enter me in your giveaway purty pleez! <3

  7. kirsty says:

    yaaay! It begins again. please enter me xxxx

  8. Sydney says:

    That winter berry is a beauty!
    So glad you decided to start this again from scratch

    Enter me please x

  9. Emily says:

    Ooh they’re pretty, Winter Berry looks lovely. I’m so glad your site is back, by the way! 🙂

  10. Taryn Welt says:

    O0o0o0 enter me! these are so pretty! and welcome back to the blogging world btw! i missed you!

  11. Belle says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    Awesome giveaway
    Belle xx

  12. Jessie says:

    enter me please 🙂

  13. Kirsty says:

    I’d like to enter please.

  14. Laura says:

    And me please! 🙂 xx

  15. Cassie says:

    Enter me please!

  16. Lisa says:

    So glad you are back online, I hope you don’t get any more headaches of this magnitude again!

  17. Mai says:

    And so it starts again. Thanks for this 🙂

  18. Katherine says:

    Please enter me, I’d love to win this!

  19. jbrobeck says:

    Thank you!

  20. rachel says:

    Thanks for doing this all again 🙂

  21. Joy says:

    Those colours look gorgeous. I love the look of Bronze. xx

  22. Amanda Moss says:

    Would love to enter xx

  23. Morganne says:

    i’m glad that your back! and again enter me!

  24. Kim says:

    Those colours are right up my street! Enter me please xxx

  25. Qian says:

    Winterberry is beauuutiful!

  26. pwettybambi says:

    please enter me 🙂

  27. lilllisal says:

    Enter me please. I’ve never had them and they look wonderful. I am drooling as I type.

  28. Strawberry says:

    those colours are definitely the ones i would pick up in the shop!
    enter me x

  29. Lillian says:

    Please enter me, I love me some Dazzle Dusts 😛

  30. Susana says:

    I’m so glad youre back!! Your readers have missed you a lot.
    Enter me, please!

  31. marie says:

    enter me please 🙂

  32. Ellen says:

    Enter me, please.

  33. Sukee Basra says:

    Hey. U posted this today i think but it says it closes on the 7th? Can u enter me please if it is open?

    Thanks x x x

  34. angel says:

    Glad that you are back..Enter me please!! Thanks

  35. Holly says:

    i’m so happy you’re back! enter me please x

  36. Hibel says:

    it’s Xmas all over again!!! Enter me please x

  37. Lauren says:

    glad to see you back!, please enter me 🙂

  38. Dora says:

    Ohhh those are sexy colours =) xx

  39. Krystal says:

    Welcome back! Enter me please 🙂

  40. Shifa says:

    love these! Enter me please 🙂

  41. Huong says:

    Loveee, enter me please :)))

  42. Victoria says:

    I’d love to enter again 🙂

  43. Nadine says:

    Ooh, I love sparkles!

  44. Lisa says:

    Great! It begins again!
    However, you know, it ends before it even began..hehe

  45. Julia Arenas says:

    It’s always better the second time around, enter me please 🙂

  46. Catriona says:

    Enter me please, so glad to see you’re back! 🙂

  47. Ashley says:

    Finally! I was slowly dying without Lipglossiping up & running. Now that it is, Charlotte hosts 25 MORE days of giveways? Greatest year EVER!

  48. Faye says:

    Yay prizes!! plus they are really nice colours!! Please enter me.

  49. Tracy S says:

    Love those colours!

  50. Michelle says:

    Thanks for the chance! So glad you’re back 🙂

  51. So pretty!! Enter me please!! 😀

  52. Kylie says:

    These are sooo pretty!

  53. Sarah Bailey says:

    So good to have you back online Hun missed your posts!!

  54. Kate Mathewson says:

    Thank you for making the effort all over again! Xx

  55. Alla says:

    enter me please 🙂 i better be looking in my google reader everyday now 😀

  56. Tom says:

    Lovely colours 🙂 Please enter me into the giveaway.

    (I think you might have made a typo though, your post says entry closed yesterday)

  57. Lottie says:

    Oooh pleae enter me, I’m a slave to barry m!!

  58. Eva says:

    wow ! gorgeous colors.
    enter me please.

  59. ThatAndThis says:

    Welcome back! You have been missed….
    Enter me pls! Thanks. X

  60. Roisin says:

    enter me please! 😀

  61. Emma Dunwoodie says:


    Enter me please.
    Thank you:)


  62. Kathryn says:

    I admire you for starting it again!!
    Enter me please!!!
    Thanks, Kat Xxx

  63. Jemma Page says:

    enter me please 🙂

  64. Yayyy! Please enter me! 😛

  65. Jean says:

    Hallo, thanks for doing this again! I’ve heard great things about Barry M but never tried them out. Enter me please! 🙂

  66. Gemx says:

    Glad you are back 🙂 Enter me please x

  67. Lisa says:

    Enter me please 🙂 x

  68. Jessica W. says:

    Prettiest warm colors. I imagine wearing those and sipping a mocha while it snows lol.

  69. Maria says:

    Gorgeous! Please enter me!

  70. Eliz C says:

    Enter me please! xo

  71. Mamainak says:

    oh memememememe! I love dazzle dusts and I never tried those colours!!

  72. megdalena says:

    Enter me, please! <3

  73. Julie says:

    These colors remind me of the leaves changing in autumn….my favorite time of year 🙂

  74. Galen says:

    Good to have you back, and thank you so much for re-running all your giveaways!

  75. Anna S says:

    enter me please 🙂
    great blog!

  76. Rachel says:

    Gorgeous, thank you so much for going to the effort of running all these again! 🙂


  77. eRiN says:

    I can’t get Barry M here (without paying international shipping $$$) so I’d love to enter 🙂

  78. Anny says:

    Entre me plz 🙂

  79. Ting says:

    Oh ! giveaway back again!
    please entre me!!

  80. Rae says:

    I can haz entry? 😛

  81. Erica says:

    Good to hv u bk !
    entre me please!

  82. Samantha says:

    I would like to enter please. They looks lovely!

  83. Annie says:

    it looks gorgeous 🙂
    please enter me!

  84. MADEIN1985 says:

    Enter me please! ;D

  85. Shortiee31 says:

    Mmm chocolate! Enter me please 🙂

  86. Julie says:

    Enter me please!

  87. Gigi says:

    Missed you so much! I would love to win these 🙂

  88. Heather says:

    ooooooh, wonderful! 🙂 🙂 xx

  89. Maddie says:

    Enter me please.
    It’s nice to see the site up again, I missed it. The dazzle dust look lovely.

  90. sugar sugar says:

    Would love to try this! They look really pigmented! 🙂
    Enter me please. 🙂

  91. This is such a nice set of neutrals 🙂 I love the name too!

  92. Katy says:

    so happy to see you up and running again! Enter me please 😛

  93. Jo Tee says:

    ooh! Enter me please (;

  94. Jeneille says:

    I’ve always wanted to try these. Enter me please 🙂

  95. snow0016 says:

    please enter me!

  96. Kimberly says:

    Niicee 😀 Hope I win them!

  97. styleezta says:

    I’ve always wanted to try these….I love Barry M nail polishes!! lasts forever 🙂

  98. pfefi says:

    omgeeee barrym dazzle dusts! they make everyone squee. 😀

  99. Harpreet says:

    enter me please 🙂

  100. me too! Enter me!

  101. Heather says:

    So glad to have you back! Please enter me!

  102. Monique says:

    OOh, Please enter me. I would love to get these in my makeup paws!

  103. Tululu58 says:

    Welcome back! Totally missed all the beauty related blather (that we love, of course). Super excited for the Dazzle Dusts. Sign me up! 🙂

  104. Natalie says:

    Thanks for the fantastic opportunity! I’ve been wanting to try these out, but I live in the US, and they’re not sold here 🙁 Happy New Years!

  105. Sydney says:

    I get to have a go at these again! 😉 enter me!

  106. Sarah says:

    ohhh pretttttty.. enter me please!

  107. Jennifer says:

    i’d love to try these!

  108. hannah says:

    enter me please 🙂

  109. Liene says:

    Enter me, please!

  110. Nicole says:

    I have a strange sense of deja vu 😉
    enter me please! I would love to try some Barry M, it’s not available in Australia…

  111. Mariana Bantug says:

    Enter me please! So glad you’re back!

  112. Nina says:

    enter me! love to try these, they look awesome. As are you for doing this after all the aggravation you must’ve went through after the site went kaput. 🙂

  113. Sharon says:

    I didn’t get a chance to enter the international ones last time so am entering for this one… Barry M isn’t available in Canada (yet — there are rumours it will be).

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  114. Arlee says:

    Oh my, those colors look lovely ♥ Thank you for doing this!

  115. Roxanne says:

    Stoked for this as much as I was the first time! Enter me please!

  116. Justine says:

    Winter Bery looks stunning!! Glad I get a second chance – thank you for taking this on again!

  117. Dina (XYYan) says:

    I love dazzle dusts! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  118. Yao says:

    Me, please! And thank you so much for listing all the giveaways again! (Must be a pain and a half. 🙂 )

  119. Adair Stone says:

    Very happy for giving us a chance to win these again.
    Thank you, love!
    And please enter my name into the hat, of course. <3

  120. Ivana says:

    enter me please 🙂

  121. mandy says:

    Enter me please!

  122. ki says:

    Enter me please. 🙂

    and glad to see you’re up and running!

  123. Shaheeda Petersen says:

    They look awesome, enter me please 🙂

  124. Conne says:

    winter berry looks gorgeous!

  125. Emily K. says:

    Enter me, please! These look gorgeous!

  126. Love Barry M Dazzle Dusts! x

  127. Janet T says:

    Yay! I’d love to try Barry M!

  128. glitteratti says:

    The winter berry looks drool worthy. Enter me please. Glad to see your site up and running again!

  129. reeree says:

    Enter me preeze 😀

  130. Prab N says:

    Enter me please 🙂


  131. Michelle says:

    Winter Berry and Bronze are so pretty!

  132. Mayumi says:

    pretty colors! enter me 🙂

  133. Petra says:

    I’d love to try these!

  134. Brianna says:

    I have always wanted to try these! We can’t get them here in Japan!

  135. quinie says:

    My mum would love this! 😀

  136. Eva says:

    enter me ! pretty colors!!

  137. Emmie says:

    Enter me please! Good to have you back 🙂

  138. Camille says:

    oooh, I love dazzle dust!!! 🙂 xxx

  139. Lisa says:

    Please enter me xx

  140. iamchibee says:

    OMG Barry M! Enter me please!

  141. Christy O says:

    Pretty colours. I can’t wait to sleep so I can wake up and put on some maaaaake-up.

  142. baby in a corner says:

    Lovely – tis the season… oh no, wait..

  143. Anna says:

    Love Barry M! Enter me please!

  144. Keri says:

    Ooh would love this!

  145. Sarah says:

    Ooh this would be a good start to my dazzle dust collection – I’m dying to give them a go, but can never decide on colours! Enter me please 🙂 x

  146. Kris says:

    I’ve always wanted to try these. 🙂

  147. Summer says:

    Hooray! The giveaway’s started 🙂 x

  148. Duvessa says:

    You’re really a tough girl for doing this all again 🙂

  149. Eva says:

    Thank you for the secodn chance. Really love the colours!

  150. evo says:

    thanks for doing this again 😀

  151. Nina says:

    Woot woot another round of giveaways!

  152. Jen says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    P.s sucks that you have to do it all again, but thank you!

  153. Margot says:

    Yippie! Thank you so much for doing the give away again! Please enter me. Barry M is not available in Belgium.

  154. Ilaria says:

    enter me please 🙂

  155. Lorraine says:

    Happy New Year ! x

  156. Hannah says:

    They are gorgeous, please enter me!

  157. Enna says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  158. Marlique says:

    Yes, I’d love to win these! Thank you for doing this again 🙂

  159. Lieselot says:

    This was my most favourite of the givaways! So please enter me, as this isn’t available in Belgium!

    And welcome back, miss!

  160. shaimaa says:

    Enter me , please !

  161. Udita says:

    enter me please 🙂 x x x

  162. Yay, the giveaway is back!! Please enter me xx

  163. K says:

    Woot, I love Barry M Dazzle Dusts! They have DOMINATED my eye looks this past year, pushing aside all of my other pan eyeshadows!! Please enter me!

  164. Arrow says:

    I would love this and I am willing to share. Seriously.
    Enter me, please.

  165. Jessica says:

    Love these Dazzle Dusts, please enter me!

  166. Hobbit84 says:

    lovely shades! I’d love to try these 😉

  167. Lisa says:

    enter me please 🙂



  168. sherrie says:

    Not tried any of the dazzle dusts, enter me please 🙂 x

  169. FaceFixers says:

    Enter me please 😀

  170. Kelsey says:

    lovely give away, enter me please

  171. eva says:

    enter me, please!

  172. Janny says:

    Omgosh i’ve always wanted to try these! Enter me please!

  173. TikiBarbie says:

    Those look really pretty! Enter me please!

  174. Phoebe says:

    ooo! Missed this first time round- enter me please! xxx

  175. Viv in the UK says:

    Enter me please!

  176. Jade says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  177. Anna Crystal says:

    Count me in plz 🙂

  178. Hannah says:

    It’s good to have you back!

    Enter me please 🙂

  179. Lauren says:

    Enter me pleaseeeee!

  180. Jessie Ng says:

    Please could you enter me? Thank you!

  181. Pamela Lord says:

    Happy New Year!
    please enter me 🙂

  182. Jane says:

    Enter me please 🙂 x

  183. SaBaH says:

    OOhh chocolate is screaming my name!! 😀

  184. Laurah22 says:

    really pretty colours, please enter me 🙂

    Laura x

  185. Jess says:

    Enter me please!

  186. Biba says:

    Enter me, please! 🙂

  187. Avis says:

    Glad to see that your site is back to normal again!
    Those three shades look lovely, enter me please!

  188. Klara says:

    These colours look great!

  189. R00ki33 says:

    Aww, hun i’m sorry that you had to do this all over again!
    Enter me! Those colours are gawg! xx

  190. Sarah says:

    Please enter me. Thanks 🙂

  191. I had original posted something really thought out.
    Now, its just a poor Enter Me, because my brain stopped working before new year.

  192. Enter me please!!


  193. Anitacska says:

    It’s great to have Lipglossiping back! 🙂 Enter me please!

  194. Joana says:

    this IS SO AMAZIIING!!!! Enter me please!!!

  195. deborah says:

    sooo excited. please enter me 🙂

    deborah xx

  196. Ria says:

    Count me in please!

  197. Daisy says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 x

  198. LeanneOCD says:

    Happy New Year lovely! x

  199. Lindsay says:

    What lovely shades! Please count me in.

    I’m a new-ish reader but I’m so pleased to see your blog back – I missed it over Christmas!

  200. tousledkitten says:

    They look pretty. 🙂

  201. Imogen says:

    Enter me pleease! xx

  202. nina says:

    Enter me please ^^

  203. Catherine says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  204. Eliane says:

    Enter me please!

  205. zx says:

    Barry M is not available here sadly 🙁

  206. Mercedes says:

    Enter me please! XX

  207. Carol says:

    these colours are lovely! very wintery and mysterious!

  208. Alice says:

    Ohhhh, so pretty. Enter me please.

  209. Dazzle Dusts -Yes please!

  210. ams says:

    Here we go again:-) Love these colours!!

  211. Penny says:

    Enter me please!

  212. Emily Paterson says:

    I’m so glad you’re back up and running, this will get me through those January blues 🙂

  213. Lydia says:

    very nice! enter me please :)))

  214. Hana says:

    Lovely! I got a gold one for Christmas, I’d love to try more colours.

  215. kathleen says:

    second chance!!
    enter me~~~ please~~ !!!

  216. ZebyK says:

    Anyone else getting a sense of deja vu yet? Thanks Charlotte, hope the new server is behaving! Xxx

  217. katy says:

    Enter me please 🙂 xxx

  218. Alisha says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  219. Lucy says:

    Enter me please, I dont have anything like these colours 🙂

  220. Bec says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  221. Amy says:

    Bronze! I am on a bronze hunt at the moment! Enter me please!

  222. kirsty says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  223. LucyLights says:

    Enter me please 🙂 x

  224. Charlene says:

    I’d love to try out some Barry M products.

    Charlene xxxx

  225. Alexandra says:

    Probably the only dazzle dusts I don’t yet own; but I’d love to!

  226. Tracey says:

    Enter me please xxx

  227. Marie says:

    Still lovely colours. Enter me please.

  228. Alison says:

    here we go again! thankyou for redoing these giveaways, and welcome back!

    i’ve not bought any dazzle dusts for a very long time now… and these look gorgeous (:

  229. Helen says:

    gorgeous colours – enter me please xx

  230. Nicola says:

    So nice! Enter me please!

  231. Sophie says:

    Lovely .. Dazzle Dusts Rawk!

  232. Casey says:

    wow! I want them! 😀

  233. Katrine says:

    Oh I’m in, in the in’est kind of ways

  234. Brittany says:

    Aww, thank you so much for thinking of us again 🙂

    I’d love love love to be entered please 🙂 xxx

  235. Enter Me 🙂


  236. Emily says:

    Thank you for holding these giveaways again!
    Please enter me.

  237. Fiona says:

    Enter me please! Thank you.

  238. yasmine choudhry says:

    happy new year
    some great colours, please enter me

  239. Julia M says:

    These look lovely, especially the bronze one!

  240. INGRID says:

    Cool !!! The year starts very well then with these !!

  241. alafair says:

    They look pretty…
    Happy new year and welcome back 🙂

  242. Hollie says:

    Enter me please, love some Barry M!x

  243. sophie says:

    moi s’il vous plait! 😀

  244. good luck everyone!

  245. Sonal says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  246. Ms Wedgie says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  247. Mariel says:

    The winter berry rocks!

  248. Marta says:

    I’ve never tried them and they look so pretty! Thank you!!
    P.S. I’m SO glad you are back!! 😉

  249. Thian says:

    I like this…enter me !!!

  250. Kiara says:

    My first comment hasn’t shown up, if I have entered twice I’m sorry! Such beautiful colours, especially the winter berry.

  251. Emma says:

    enter me pleasee x

  252. Janice says:

    The colours are so neutral and pretty. Especially want to try out winter berry… hehe =D
    Please enter me xx

  253. Enter me Please! All three of those look like wonderful colors!

  254. Ela says:

    super! enter me

  255. NatalieDouka says:

    They look pretty, enter me please!

  256. Katie says:

    So great to have the site back! These look gorgeous, enter me in the comp please!

  257. Judith van Bemmel says:

    Yes! Enter me please!

  258. Tamara says:

    Enter me please!
    They look fabb!! XD

  259. Hinna says:

    Please enter me 🙂

    Love that the site is working again btw. It was just in time for me to check your Halcyon swatch before running out to purchase xx

  260. Mindy says:

    Enter me please!

  261. Nina says:

    Please enter me! Happy new year!

  262. olga says:

    happy new year 🙂

    please enter me 🙂

  263. LucyB says:

    enter me please 🙂 x

  264. Katinka says:

    Me too me too me too!!! Enter please 🙂

  265. sara says:

    Enter me too please, I need a bit of dazzle

  266. Erin says:

    Please enter me! 🙂 Thank you!

  267. Tess says:

    Kudos to you for doing this all over again. You’re awesome, and your dedication to this site and your readers is admirable.

    That being said, I’d like to enter. <3

  268. Gillian Close says:

    Enter me please lovely those are gorgeous colours

  269. Faybee says:

    Enter me please x

  270. Deborah says:

    Hi, please enter me :).

  271. charlotte says:

    enter me please, they look fab!

  272. Crystal says:

    These look great!

  273. Lauren says:

    enter me pleaseee 🙂 x

  274. @_PurpleAi says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    Would really love to see some more updates on your laser treatment this year xxx

  275. Aneela says:

    Enter me please!
    They look fabb!!

  276. Eyelining says:

    Enter me pretty please? So glad to see your site up and running again! x

  277. Catherine says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 So happy you’re back on! Appreciate you going through the entire give-away again after everything.xx

  278. I’d really appreciate it if you could enter me please!

  279. Naomi Saddington says:

    Ooh dazzle dusts are so pwetty!
    Enter me please 😉

  280. Jeni says:

    Enter me 🙂 I love your blog and thanks for this amazing giveaway.

  281. Jasmine says:

    Enter me! I LOVE neutrals! Thank you luv!

  282. Sadi says:

    Super cute giveaway

    enter me plzzz

  283. Leah says:

    Ooh, they look divine! 🙂

  284. liloo says:

    Please enter me 🙂 x

  285. Miss Gabrielle says:

    So glad the site is back, I missed it! Enter me please x

  286. Picksley says:

    Hey, hey! Now i’ve finally worked out how to follow you (it’s only been six months), please enter me in the giveaway. xxx

  287. victoria says:

    Enter me please!!!

  288. Keeley says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  289. Stylishpop says:

    enter me please

  290. ROSA says:

    enter me please!

  291. Mimi says:

    Meee enter, please!

  292. Bourriquette says:

    Enter me please!

  293. carla says:

    i would like to enter please,loving the look of chocolate and winter berry,i love barry m dazzle dusts and nail paints

  294. Sylvie says:

    So pretty! Enter me please 🙂

  295. Gemma says:

    Enter Me Please 🙂
    Lovely Colours x

  296. rebecca says:

    Ooh enter me please?
    What a great giveaway! x

  297. Enter me please! I love Barry M Dazzle Dusts…..they were my first introduction to loose eyeshadows! x

  298. Catherine says:

    Thanks, please enter me 🙂

  299. peiwen says:

    enter me please 😀

  300. Mikaela says:

    Enter me please, thank you

  301. CJB says:

    Love to try these. Please enter me. Thanks!

  302. Victoria Smith says:

    My fave eyeshadows! Please enter me! Good luck everyone xxx

  303. Vijaya says:

    If this is available to US readers, than please, enter me!

  304. lo says:

    So pretty! Thank you 🙂

  305. Emily says:

    Please enter me!! :)x

  306. Esha says:

    Enter me please:) thank you!

  307. Lila says:

    Plase enter me ^^ We don’t have BarryM here and those tones match perfectly to me

  308. Julia Clinton says:

    Hiya, cute and sexy colours. Please enter me, ta 🙂

  309. Such pretty colours, enter me please.

  310. Dree says:

    oooh these are gorgous!!! enter me please!!!

  311. Kaylee says:

    Enter me please! Would love to try these out 🙂

  312. layla says:

    oh wow! the dazzle dusts are so pretty! is that winter berry out in front? such an awesome colour right? 🙂

  313. rachel says:

    they look lovely, enter me x

  314. sarah says:

    So glad your wonderful blog was ressurected! Enter me.

  315. Cat says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  316. Judith says:

    Please enter me (again :-))

  317. Avianna says:

    ooo~~!, sparkly. enter!

  318. Kristina says:

    Beautiful colours! I’d like to enter!

  319. Hannah says:

    Enter me please xxx

  320. Bernice says:

    Pretty! Please enter me 😀

  321. Matthew says:

    I <3 them, enter me please 🙂 x

  322. Adia says:

    enter me please.

  323. Rachel says:

    Ooooh pretty. Enter me please 🙂

  324. Caz says:

    Those colours are gorgeous! x

  325. redtiger21 says:

    Oh they look pretty! Please enter me too!

  326. Jenny says:

    These colours look so pretty 🙂 Enter me please xx

  327. Andrea G says:

    whew just in time, 25 mins to go! Enter me pls! 🙂

  328. Brittany Rolston says:

    Oh how I wish Barry M was available in Canada! Enter me please 🙂


Guest Review: Elemis FreshSkin

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

To sleep: perchance to dream (with NEOM!)

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

A rare video (eek, argh, cringe, etc, etc...)

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Lanolips Herbal Treatment Body Oil? Oil have some of that fnarr fnarr!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Relive the weekend: An interview on the Urban Retreat Beautique

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Are you swayed by sexy packaging?

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

I'm such a scab...

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Deal Alert: Travalo £5.00 each at with Free Delivery!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

FOTD with the Limited Edition Benefit The Rich Is Back Kit

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Arse about Face!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Dear Obesity...

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Let your beauty dazzle everyone with these 3 BarryM Dazzle Dusts in shades: Winter Berry, Bronze and Chocolate. Each little pot contains multiple facets of …


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