Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 5

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 12 - 2011

Day 5!

Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & Bermuda Shorts.

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 12th January.

Winners will be announced early in the New Year.  Info and rulez can be found here.

366 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 5”

  1. Sarah Bailey says:

    Ohh I love those colours enter me please xxx

  2. Lisa says:

    Oh yummy! You’re really spoiling us with all of these prizes 😀

  3. Love these, please enter me. Ta!

  4. Amy Lou says:

    Love love love those colours 🙂 x

  5. Caz says:

    Gorgeous colours! I’ve always wanted to try Mint Candy Apple 🙂 x

  6. Heather says:

    Eeek! It would be so tempting to paint every other nail each of these colors 🙂 Gorgeous! xxx

  7. Lovely nail polishes!! 😀

  8. Dora says:

    Oh wow!!! These will make perfect additions to my polish collection =) xxx

  9. Amy says:

    Bermuda shorts looks awesome. Actually they all look amazing x

  10. Leah says:

    Pretty! Enter moi please 🙂

  11. Justine says:

    These colours remind me of easter eggs – can’t wait for spring!

  12. Gemx says:

    Gorgeous colours! Enter me please 🙂

  13. Carli says:

    Mint Candy Apple has been on my wishlist forever! It’s divine.

  14. Sarah says:

    Lovely colours!
    Please enter me, thank you,


  15. Claire says:

    Would love to be entered into this, thank you. xx

  16. Roxanne says:

    That pink colour is just calling me!!

  17. Marta says:

    LOVELY!! I would like to enter, please. Thank you!! :)))

  18. Taryn Welt says:

    enter me!! <3 love love love!

  19. jemma says:

    Great colours, thanks for the giveaway – please enter me too 🙂

  20. rhaindropz says:

    Count me in sweetie ^_^

    much love,

  21. Katie says:

    Loving the mint candy apple!

  22. Devon says:

    Ohh, I love Essie and I don’t have any of these!

  23. marie says:

    yummy colors enter me please 🙂

  24. Priyanka Nayar says:

    Bring on the sun! Enter me please x

  25. Kayla says:

    I lovee Essie polishes and these colours are gorgeous!

    enter me please 🙂

    xoxo- Kayla

  26. Mai says:

    Ooooh I love those colors

  27. jenn says:

    gorgeous colors!

  28. Maria says:

    Nice! Enter me please!

  29. Jaynee says:

    Enter me please x x

  30. Joice says:

    They look so yummy I could spread them on a slice of bread 😀

  31. Strawberry says:

    such pretty colours!
    i’ve never tried essie before but i have heard such good things about them.

  32. Udita says:

    yummy shades!
    enter me please!
    x x x

  33. Morganne says:

    i looove those colors! I’ve never tried essie, i don’t like to spend a lot of money on nail polishes because i like to change the colour of my nails every 2 days so i go for cheap and more hehe, buut if i’m lucky this could be my chance!

  34. MADEIN1985 says:

    That pink is a shocker! Enter me please c:

  35. Tululu58 says:

    Bright, pretty= Spring! Sign me up, please. 🙂

  36. Rachelle says:

    Enter me, please.

  37. Nina says:

    pretty, pretty!

  38. Kirsty says:

    I always see Mint Candy Apple on lists of Essie must-haves, brilliant prize! xxx

  39. Great colors! Please enter me!

  40. Amy says:

    Enter me please! These colours are gorgeous!

  41. Heather says:

    <3 Nail polish! Enter me please!!

  42. Esha says:

    Gorgeous spring colours, enter me please!

  43. eRiN says:

    Pretty, enter me please?

  44. angel says:

    Enter me please… thanks

  45. Catherine says:

    Love these colours!

  46. Lucy says:

    Enter me, these colours are lush!

  47. enter me! i’ve been wanting to try mint candy apple for ages!

  48. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Love these kind of ice cream shades

  49. JennyJen813 says:

    Loooove Essie colors!!! Hope I win!! thanks for havin the giveaway 🙂

  50. Chris says:

    Ooh, I love the mint shade. Please enter me!

  51. Pink parka! Oh yes

  52. Dina (XYYan) says:

    Yay Essie nail polishes! Thanks for the giveaway 😀

  53. Michelle says:

    Such pretty colors!

  54. Lillian says:

    Oooh please enter me! I’ve wanted Mint Candy Apple since it came out and the other 2 look gorgeous!

  55. christina says:

    I am so ready for spring!!!

  56. Jeni says:

    The one in middle is gorgeous. Enter me pls 🙂

  57. Katherine says:

    Please enter me – I’ve been admiring these shades for awhile.

  58. Rocaille says:

    Oh, pretty… Enter me, pretty please 🙂

  59. liloo says:

    please enter me 🙂 xx

  60. Erica says:

    Enter me plz
    thank you!!!

  61. Melissa says:

    I’ve never tried Essie polishes–mostly because I’m a brights-and-glitter girl–but those 3 colors look INCREDIBLE! Enter me, please!

  62. Anny says:

    they look gorgeous 🙂
    please enter me

  63. Shortiee31 says:

    Stunning colours… Enter me please!

  64. KatherineKW says:

    Oooh put my name in the hat please! I need some new happy colours 🙂

  65. Jess says:

    Mint candy apple weee

  66. Phyrra says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  67. Kaylee says:

    Enter me please and thank you!!

  68. Brianna says:

    So beautiful, just in time for spring!

  69. Kate Gene says:

    Those colors are incredibly pretty!

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway again. It’s truly appreciated!


  70. Nicole says:

    pick me, pick me, pick me! thanks for another great prize!

  71. Katie says:

    I’d like to enter, thanks!

  72. Mariana says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  73. Oyku says:

    This is the best giveaway so far!

  74. enter meee, i’d love to try them out! 😛

  75. Kimberly says:

    Niiice! Please enter me 🙂

  76. Adair Stone says:

    Mmmm… Spring Essie… <3
    Enter me, please!

  77. Yao says:

    Oooh, these colors are so pretty! I especially like Bermuda Shorts. And now I’m thinking warm, summery thoughts, especially needed on the East Coast in the US right now. 🙂

  78. snow0016 says:

    please enter me..

  79. Vijaya says:

    Enter me, please! These look lovely. <3

  80. Janny says:

    holy shizzles these are so pretty! i’ve always wanted to try these. enter me please =D

  81. Lauren says:

    such cute colours! 🙂 x

  82. Caroline says:

    Enter me please!
    Those colours look fab for spring! x

  83. Michelle says:

    Such pretty shades-thanks for the chance!

  84. Ooh, Mint Candy Apple looks gorgeous!

  85. I’ve wanted to try Mint Candy Apple for awhile now 🙂 Love the pretty colors you picked! They remind me a lot of spring.

  86. Victoria says:

    I have a weak spot for purples and mints, so these look amaaaaazing!

  87. Petra says:

    Oh that pink is amazing!

  88. Keri says:

    Love these colors!

  89. Bri says:

    enter me please!

  90. Jennifer says:

    please enter me <3!

  91. LadyEm says:

    These polishes are so cute! After ANOTHER weekend of snow these colors make me yearn for spring–I can’t wait!

  92. M says:

    loving bermuda shorts 🙂 enter me please x

  93. Avianna says:

    oooooh, mint candy apple.

    enter me!

  94. Christy O says:

    I don’t really enjoy islands, but Bermuda Shorts is luscious.

  95. mandy says:

    ENTER ME please 🙂

  96. Jen says:

    Such pretty colors! And they look so nice together.

  97. Leone says:

    Yummy, Mint Candy Apple. All three are lovely though.

  98. Sharleen says:

    enter me please!!

  99. Cheryl says:

    Ooo I like Bermuda Shorts 🙂 Enter me please

  100. sugar sugar says:

    Those colors are really realy girly and pretty! 🙂

  101. malkatz says:

    Thanks so much!

  102. Mansikka says:

    I would so like to have Mint Candy Apple! Please, enter me. 🙂

  103. Poppy says:

    Yes please! Would love these..

  104. Lauren says:

    Such gorgeous colours but the pink is definately my favourite!

  105. Amy R says:

    I’ve been trying to not buy Mint Candy Apple for forever!

  106. Krystal says:

    Ooo, Mint Candy Apple is nice. Enter me please 🙂

  107. reeree says:

    Enter me please 😀

    I LOVE Mint Candy Apple. Would love to try the other two!

  108. Stephanie says:

    What perfect shades for the toes! 🙂 xx

  109. Sharon says:

    Please enter me 🙂 I especially want to try Mint Candy Apple…

    Thank you for the giveaway!!

  110. Janet T says:

    Oh, geez, please! I’d love to try Essie – I have only one so far, but it’s fabulous!

  111. Enter me, please!

  112. Mayumi says:

    great colors!
    enter me, please 🙂

  113. Ashley says:

    This just reminded me, I have to do my nails tonight!

  114. Pippi says:

    Oooooooo- gorgeous colours! Please enter me.

  115. Aneela Aziz says:

    Lovely Colors

    Enter me plzzz

  116. Bec says:

    Enter me please!

  117. Lisa says:

    I love essie and I don’t own any of those colours yet! pleeease enter me 🙂

  118. TikiBarbie says:

    Love these polishes! Enter me please!

  119. ShiriBT says:

    Love Essie1 Enter me please!

  120. Alexandra says:

    love these colors, yes please!

  121. Steph says:

    Beautiful colours! Thanks!

  122. Anna Crystal says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  123. Shaheeda Petersen says:

    all the colours are gorgeous, enter me please 🙂

  124. Jen says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  125. Julia Arenas says:

    Definitely want to win this, enter me, fleez.

  126. Mindy says:

    The purple is so pretty! Please enter me!

  127. Piz says:

    Mint Candy Apple is the winner here – hope I may be too, please enter me, thank you. x

  128. LeanneOCD says:

    Gorgeous colours! x

  129. Susana says:

    Beautiful! I love Bermuda Shorts. Enter me please!

  130. pfefi says:

    Oooo the ever lovely Mint Candy Apple makes another appearance! n_n

  131. Louise says:

    I love essie polish and don’t have these colours! Please enter me! Thanks!

  132. Kelsey says:

    oh lovely give away thanks.

  133. olga says:


    please enter me 🙂

  134. em x says:

    please enter me, thanks Em x

  135. pwettybambi says:

    Yay enter me pls

  136. Bourriquette says:

    Please enter me!

  137. Patricia says:

    Oh they look so delish, just what I need to cure my winter blues…

  138. esquire says:

    Nice! Enter me please

  139. Samantha says:

    I love the green! I’d like to enter please!

  140. jane says:

    OH soooo pretty! Ive been after mint candy apple for a while x

  141. Phoebe says:

    These would be lovely for spring! xxx

  142. Ilaria says:

    enter me please 🙂

  143. Marlique says:

    I just need bright colours in these dark times in Holland!

  144. ThatAndThis says:

    Enter me pls! Thank u. Xx

  145. Syd says:

    oooh so many pretty essie colors! enter me please 🙂

  146. Lily says:

    Beautiful colours!

  147. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Lovely colours…enter me please:)

  148. Huong says:

    enter me please, they’re so beautiful! ^_^

  149. Gigi says:

    They’re sooo gorgeous! Would love to win!

  150. Rachel says:

    They look gorgeous. Enter me please!

  151. Jean says:

    Yay please enter me for Essie!

  152. Debbie says:

    Missed this one last time round! Please enter me, thanks x

  153. Sarah says:

    yes please! 🙂 xxxx

  154. Bex says:

    Thanks! Please enter me! I love Essie!!
    Bex XxX

  155. Ramona says:

    Please enter me! Thank you 🙂

  156. mary says:

    Sorry about your site, it must have been a great piss off!
    These shades are great!

  157. peiwen says:

    enter me please 😀
    love the colors!

  158. Emma says:

    enter me please xx

  159. Tatiana says:

    Enter me, please
    Colours are so lovely!

  160. va says:

    love the colors ..
    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

  161. Ruxandra says:

    enter me too please

  162. Louise S. says:

    Yay please consider me :o)

  163. Sofia B-M says:

    enter me please! xx

  164. Emmy says:

    loving the shades! i’m in 🙂

  165. Sadi says:

    Gorgeous colours! x

  166. caz says:

    enter me please. amazing colours

  167. Jo Bryan says:

    Lovely shades, please add me to another fab giveaway.

  168. rijaH says:

    uh I am in! 😀 I looove these shades <3

  169. pattie says:

    bermuda shorts looks very pretty! I would love to try that one, and I love mint candy apple!

  170. Angharad says:

    that pink is so Barbie it’s amazing! 🙂

  171. Elodie says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  172. Abigail says:

    I’d like to enter 🙂
    Thank you:)

  173. This was/is my favourite prize. Please enter me! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! x

  174. Emily says:

    I love the brightness of these!

  175. Catherine says:

    Enter me please! x

  176. Hollie says:

    Those colours are gorgeous! Love the mint x

  177. Anna says:

    Essie!!!!!! Enter me please! :*

  178. Kimberley says:

    Enter me please x

  179. tiptoe shortbread says:

    Pretty……loving the hot pink……

  180. Stephanie Cummins says:

    oh wow!! fab colours!!

  181. Karen Scammell says:

    please can i enter twannywun at hotmail dot com

  182. Summer says:

    That purple is just so lovely! x

  183. Natalie says:

    Ooh enter me please x

  184. Kelly McBride says:

    Enter me please

  185. I want (need) these!
    Enter me!

  186. Mercedes says:

    Iso want to try Essie! Enter me please! XX

  187. Miss Gabrielle says:

    Lovely colours! Enter me please x

  188. Lieselot says:

    My finger nails and toes are screaming: please, please enter me!

  189. Alison T says:

    Love the colours please enter me 🙂

  190. Emz says:

    Love these shades – another great prize 🙂

  191. Charlene says:

    Cute Essie nail polishes. Please enter me!

  192. Arrow says:

    Enter me, please!
    Essie polishes are so good. They last very long on my nails. I rank them pretty high, right up there with Chanel polishes.

  193. Jane says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  194. charlotte says:

    the pink one looks especially fab! enter me please x

  195. Katinka says:

    Pretty pretty :-). Enter me!

  196. Lindsay says:

    So pretty – please enter me!

  197. Twinkie says:

    Please enter me!

  198. Louise says:

    I LOVE these colours so much!

  199. Rosie says:

    I feel summery just looking at these! I’m loving the mint candy especially.

  200. Lulu says:

    I love this set <3 Please enter me!

  201. MsWedgie says:

    I love the bright pink one – enter me please! 🙂

  202. Kirsty says:

    Enter me please! xx

  203. Kathi says:

    enter me pleaase! 🙂

  204. Tessa says:

    Please enter me.. these look perfect for spring!

  205. Sylvia says:

    the 3 exact colours i have been wanting to try from essie, im not even joking!

  206. Catriona says:

    Enter me please! Your blog is so bad for fuelling my nail polish addiction…

  207. Cam says:

    LOVE ESSIE …. plz pick me 🙂

  208. zoe says:

    enter me please 🙂 love essie

  209. quinie says:

    such pretty colours!

  210. Bergny says:

    I’ve always wanted an Essie nailpolish!!
    So please enter me thanks 🙂
    p.s. love your blog 🙂 just found it recently!

  211. Mariel says:

    I love this one! Enter me.

  212. Margot says:

    Count me in! I’m loving the colours and I’ve never tried essie polishes x

  213. Sukee says:

    Enter me please.

    Thank Yoouuu x x x

  214. Jade says:

    Oh wow, please enter me! Would love to try some Essie. x

  215. Rachel says:

    So bright and summery! Would love the chance to win! x

  216. Sarah says:

    Enter me please.

  217. Tom says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  218. Jennifer says:

    Please enter me ^^

  219. Shifa says:

    Love Essie! Enter me please 🙂

  220. Chloe says:

    Hello, please enter me as well 🙂 thank you!

  221. Anitacska says:

    I would love to try some Essie nail polishes, so please enter me!

  222. minu says:

    I really desire to try finally essie’s polishes! And this colours are amazing! I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE to win this step. Thank you for the chance

  223. Sydney says:

    enter me please 🙂

  224. Jess says:

    Enter me please!

  225. Elena Vasilache says:

    Those definitely remind me of summer 🙂

  226. tousledkitten says:

    Pretty colours. 🙂

  227. kathleen says:

    spring color! so adorable, love them!
    enter me please.

  228. iamchibee says:

    Awesome colors! I gotta win these!

  229. alafair says:

    I love mint candy apple!!

  230. Anna says:

    Hi Charlotte please enter me!

  231. Gina D says:

    thanks, love the colors

  232. Ria says:

    Pink Parka and M.C.A. are the ones I adore from Essie… 🙂
    Count me in!

  233. Jess says:

    Essie (new word for yes) Please!!!


  234. Viv in the UK says:

    Please enter me! Thanks 🙂

  235. Emily says:

    loving those colours! please enter me x

  236. What gorgeous pinks!

  237. elwingelfje says:

    Enter me, please! I love Essie (but it’s very hard to it get here).

  238. Liene says:

    I love Essie.
    Please, enter me! 🙂

  239. eva says:

    Enter me,please!

  240. Ana M. says:

    Wow these colors are perfect for spring!

  241. Asmaa says:

    Too cute! And perfect for Spring time =)

  242. Eliane says:

    Enter me please!

  243. Erin says:

    Yay! Enter me please!

  244. Jasmin says:

    Enter me, too! Those shades are just delicious!

  245. Alison says:

    oh my goodness, that purple is screaming my name. 😀

  246. Sonal says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  247. Minte says:

    I’m in! Crazy coloured nailpolish is totally my thing =)

  248. Charlotte says:

    Ooh I’ve been wanting to try MCA for ages!

  249. Adia says:

    love the color! enter me please

  250. Chicky says:

    ooh please enter me, all 3 polishes have been on my wishlist for ages! xx

  251. Julia says:

    I love anything bright so please enter me! xx

  252. KIM says:

    the new spring shades are gooorgeous.. enter me pretty please!! it’s my b’day today so I would love to win these beauties!!

  253. Tracey says:

    Enter me please xxx

  254. Picksley says:

    That apple is so lovely, i suffer from stubby, chubby fingers with pastels but that colour is so pretty who cares eh? Enter me please. Xxx

  255. Eliz C says:

    Enter me please! xx

  256. Wow those colours are beautiful im a big fan of essie!

  257. Mimi says:

    Mememe! Enter me, please 🙂

  258. Jemma says:

    I love Essie! Even though I only have one polish haha. Enter me please 🙂 x

  259. hannah says:

    enter me pleasee 🙂 love essie

  260. Judith van Bemmel says:

    Owwwwwwwwww enter me please 🙂

  261. Deanna G. says:

    Very pretty! 🙂

  262. Rachel says:

    enter me! wow great polishes 🙂

  263. Rachel says:

    great colours! enter me 🙂

  264. Sarah says:

    I’d love to try these polishes. Enter me x

  265. kelliegonzo says:

    GREAT picks for today’s giveaway! thanks for the opportunity luv!

  266. Leticia E. says:

    Lovely colours!! Plz enter me 🙂

  267. Nina says:

    I’m ready for brights!

  268. Anastasia says:

    I love Essie! Enter me please!

  269. Maya says:

    Beautiful, remind me of the summer!
    Enter me please x

  270. Corrie says:

    enter me please these polish’s look fab! xx

  271. yasmine choudhry says:

    some fab shades, not tried essie varnishes just the cuticle oil,
    please enter me
    thank you

  272. Erica says:

    Enter me 🙂 cross my fingers!

  273. daisychain says:

    Please enter me x

  274. Siobhan says:

    enter me please 🙂


  275. Alisha says:

    Pretty colours! Enter me please xxxx

  276. LittleMiss_H says:

    PINK!! 😀 xx
    PS: Apparently, my comment is too short… Is this long enough WordPress?!

  277. Emmie says:

    Never tried any essie polishes but I’d like to, enter me please.

  278. Jorid says:

    Enter me please. Those colours look suuuper pretty! 🙂

  279. Carol says:

    pretty colours which will look so good as spring turns into summer 🙂

  280. Suzi says:

    Oh can I enter please?! Cute colours.

  281. Jules says:

    oh they are soooo pretty especially loving Bermuda Shorts. Enter me too please xx

  282. Penny says:

    Enter me please would love to win these x

  283. Fiona says:

    Enter me please! Thank you.

  284. FaceFixers says:

    Enter me please 😀 x

  285. rachel says:

    Enter me please!

  286. Suzanne says:

    I enter myself xD

  287. Nicoline says:

    Enter me pretty please.
    I love the Bermuda Shorts colour.

  288. i LOVE essie, and mint candy apple is probably my favorite!

  289. These are sooo cute!

  290. NatalieDouka says:

    Enter me please, I love Essie nail polishes!

  291. Cat says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  292. Blu11 says:

    Love these! :o) Can’t wait for spring. Please, enter me.

  293. debbie mowat says:

    very pretty colours, with great names. please enter me

  294. Kirsten Murphy says:

    Duh, how is it reached day 3 before I’ve remembered to enter!! I must have my January hibernation head on!!
    Please enter me & accept my apologises for ignoring you!

  295. Halifax says:

    Yeah, I missed the first few days too 🙂 Thanks for all though lol

  296. clare says:

    I’d love to try some bright Essie shades – I have a couple of their polishes in neutral tones and I love them. Please may I enter? Thanks!

  297. aliz1973 says:

    “Pick me, pick me” she cries…. before remembering her manners and adding “PLEASE!” 😉

  298. Lauren says:

    please enter me x

  299. Deborah says:

    Ooooeeeh bright colors <3 count me in please!

  300. Geek Faerie says:

    Lovely lovely! Count me in too!

  301. Sylvie says:

    Such pretty shades 🙂 enter me please xx

  302. Marloes says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  303. Jessie says:

    enter me please xx

  304. aisling says:

    enter me please:-) Xoxo

  305. Khadija Jamal says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  306. styleezta says:

    I love essie 🙂

  307. Ela says:

    pretty colours!

  308. Enna says:

    Fab shades, please enter me!

  309. Amy says:

    Enter me please! I’ve been after Pink Parka for ages now! xx

  310. Lila says:

    Pastels and pink XD Enter me I’m crazy for Essie!

  311. Cindy says:

    Enter me please ^^ they’re gorgeous.

  312. Janice says:

    The mint colour looks divine =O
    Please enter me into the giveaway =D

  313. Emily says:

    ooh, very pretty 🙂

  314. Voly says:

    Please enter me into the contest.
    I love Pink Parka, and Mind Candy Apple! I really like how even though Essie practically specializes in classic colors, they are not afraid to deviate into more adventurous colors.

  315. Alice says:

    Oh, I love essie almost as much as your blog.
    Enter me please.

  316. Lisa says:

    Oooo lovely, count me in! xx

  317. Sophie says:

    Oh! They are gorgeous. I have never tried Essie 🙂

  318. sara says:

    Edible colours – just lovely, yes please

  319. katy says:

    Those colours are lovely! 🙂 xxx

  320. Fiona says:

    Pretty colours 🙂 Please enter me! x

  321. Megan Anderson says:

    Enter me please 🙂 Been wanting to try Mint Candy Apple

  322. CJB says:

    Fresh and lovely for Spring..please enter me.

    xx ~ CJ

  323. baby in a corner says:

    yum! drumming my nails in anticipation! x

  324. Katy says:

    please enter me 🙂 I’ve never tried an Essie polish but heard so many great things about them!

  325. deborah says:

    Wooo hooo mint candy apple 🙂


  326. Keeley says:

    Enter me please!

    I especially love the middle one 🙂

  327. gio says:

    The colors are beautiful!

  328. Brittany Rolston says:

    Ooh enter me please! Love Essie on natural nails 🙂

  329. amelia says:

    gorgeous colours. thankyou very much for entering me xoxo

  330. Oooh me! Love these, and am SO addicted to nail polish. 😀

  331. mugene says:

    enter me please they are gorgeous!

  332. Those colours are lush. Do want 😛

  333. Joy says:

    Bermuda Shorts looks like such a gorge colour! 🙂 xx

  334. Harpreet says:

    so lovely! enter me please 🙂

  335. Melissa says:

    Please enter me. I really love the Bermuda Shorts color!

  336. stef says:

    The 3 together look like a promo pic! 🙂

  337. Faybee says:

    Enter me please xx

  338. Mamainak says:

    OMG I’ve been wanting to try Essie especially Bermuda Shorts!!!

  339. Aileen says:

    brights are the perfect tone to lighten up this dreary weather!!! please enter me! xx

  340. Ellen says:

    Ooh, enter me, please!

  341. ZebyK says:

    I love the hot pink colour! Enter me please Charlotte! Thank you! Xxx

  342. Jessica W. says:

    Makes me wanna eat candy! 😀 I loove em haha.

  343. Melissa says:

    ooooh please enter me. Thanks

  344. Helen says:

    lovely colours – can’t wait for Spring now. Enter me too please x

  345. Ezzy says:

    wow I would so love to get this!! For me its spring colors throughout the year since I love such bright colors more than dark 😀

  346. Andrasescu-Scrieciu Adriana Camelia says:

    Lovely colors.Enter me,please!

  347. Pamela Lord says:

    enter me please!

  348. Nicola says:

    Enter me please! Thanks.

  349. hannah says:

    enter me pleaes 🙂 x

  350. Camille says:

    I’m in please 🙂

  351. Such fab colours enter me please x

  352. Cassie says:

    Enter me please!

  353. Hibel says:

    spring colours, yes please! count me in xxx

  354. Kristina says:

    The sweetest colours 🙂 Enter me!

  355. Holly says:

    i’ve wanted to try mint candy apple for the longest time, please enter me! x

  356. Qian says:

    Nail polishes! They look so spring-y 😀

  357. Nina says:

    enter me please!

  358. tass says:

    How pretty. Enter me please 😀 xx

  359. Jenny says:

    Such cheerful colours! Enter me please xx

  360. Beautiful colors, I’ve never tried Essie 🙂 x

  361. Georgina says:

    These look beautiful! I’ve wanted Mint Candy Apple for ever but you can’t buy them here… I’d ike to enter!

  362. Alla says:

    enter me please 🙂

  363. shauna says:

    ooh i would love to win these!!!

  364. Zara says:

    Please enter me

  365. Kristin Alda says:

    Ohh so very pretty and fabulous! And a thank you for a gorgeus blog 🙂 at least you have one Icelander very very hooked!


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Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

9 things on this week's fabulosity list...

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Beauty Blog Link Love - 31/01/2011

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Blooming Marvellous! Jo Malone launch the new Silk Blossom charity candle

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Win It! China Glaze Choo-Choo Choose You Nail Polish

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy Sculpting EyeShadow 5-Color Palette in Rebel Metal

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Confessions of a BeneBabe...

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Inexpensive Beauty Find: IKEA "large" NÄCKTEN flannels (towels, whatever)

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Body Shop Baked to Last Bronzers

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

5 Lip Plumpers for sexy Autumn lips!

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …


CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Hello? Is this thing on?

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Dear Obesity...

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Day 5! Three Essie polishes to inject a little colour into Spring 2011.  The shades you could win are: Pink Parka, Mint Candy Apple & …


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