Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 19

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 26 - 2011

Sweet-smelling brand Philosophy have kindly donated not one, but two of their limited Holiday gift sets for your pleasure!

Holiday Hostess (£16.50): Cinnamon Sugar Icing Shampoo, Shower Gel & Bubble Bath and Body Lotion

the perfect treat for a holiday hostess, this gift set includes cinnamon sugar icing shampoo, shower gel & bubble bath and body lotion 8 oz. for her to indulge her guests. family and friends who visit for holiday gatherings will be in heaven with this incredibly decadent scent as they cleanse and moisturize, leaving skin feeling as silky smooth as icing

Under The Mistletoe (£16.50) – Peppermint Bark, Candy Cane, Pink Frosted Cookie and Have A Cherry Christmas High-Gloss, High-Flavour Lip Shines

Kisses under the mistletoe will seem sweeter than ever with these tasty lip treats. under the mistletoe includes peppermint bark, candy cane, pink frosted cookie and cherry christmas high-gloss, high-flavor lip shines. lips will be irresistibly sweet with a smooth, sheer shine.

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 26th January.

UK Only.

My lovely international ladies, I’m sorry but the rest of the daily prizes will be available only within the UK.  I don’t want  you to keep returning to enter only to be disappointed that you can’t.

If you’re from outside the UK but don’t want to miss your chance at winning “most dedicated” entrant mystery prize… you can still comment.  Just let me know that you’re not eligible to win the daily prize because of your location!

Winners will be announced early next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

203 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 19”

  1. Lillian says:

    Oh oh oh! Please enter me! I’ve never tried Philosophy and these all sound delicious!

  2. yasmine choudhry says:

    another fab giveaway
    please enter me

  3. Alexa says:

    Oooh…These sound delicious. Definitely enter me in this one please! xxx

  4. Emily says:

    I like Philosophy stuff a lot 🙂

  5. Carrie H says:

    ooo I can smell them from here! they look lovely, do enter me please! =)

  6. Thian says:

    I’m not eligible to win this prize because of my location

  7. MADEIN1985 says:

    Enter me please!

  8. Jaynee says:

    Enter me please 🙂 x x

  9. Those lipglosses look cute 😛

  10. Cheryl says:

    Not eligible but goin for most dedicated 🙂

  11. mayuri says:

    enter me please! xoxo

  12. Siobhan says:

    please enter me 🙂 xx

  13. Maria says:

    Gorgeous – not eligible though. 🙂

  14. Dora says:

    Aww those are so adorable xx

  15. Sydney says:

    All sounds yum!
    Enter me please x

  16. Petra says:

    Not eligible but those look adorable!

  17. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Enter me please:)

  18. Lilmiznutcase says:

    I love cinnamon scented products, and there is still a lot of winter to go

  19. yummyy! enter me please!

  20. Fee says:

    Beautiful prizes!

    Fee xo

  21. Esha says:

    Enter me please:)

  22. Tululu58 says:

    Not eligible but good luck UK ladies! 🙂

  23. Eliane says:

    Enter me please, I would love to try out that brand 🙂

  24. M says:

    enter me please 🙂 x

  25. Julia Arenas says:

    Mmmmm yummy… 🙂 Would love these… sigh, wish I was eligible.

  26. Maisie says:

    mmmmm, love cinnamon!! enter me please! xx

  27. Dina (XYYan) says:

    Not eligible! Good luck everyone 🙂

  28. Oooooh! Enter me pretty please with a cherry on top (you gotta get some variation in somewhere)!

  29. Erica says:

    Amazing giveaway
    enter me plz

  30. Anny says:

    Enter me plz 🙂

  31. Ting says:

    please enter me
    thank you

  32. Heather says:

    I was waiting for this one! Enter me please, sounds yummmyy 🙂

  33. ess says:

    please enter me too,fab products,

  34. Eliz C says:

    enter me please! xxx

  35. hannah says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  36. Alison says:

    always wanted to try philosophy! these look delicious (:

  37. Gemma says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  38. Mai says:

    not eligible but still trying!

  39. Claire says:

    Would love to be entered into this. x

  40. Devon says:

    Bummer! I’ve never tried Philosophy’s stuff but have wanted to, too bad I’m in the US!

  41. Rachelle says:

    Not eligible but going for most dedicated!

  42. Sophie says:

    ohhh scrummy 😀
    entry for me please 😀 xxx

  43. Jean says:

    Please enter me for “Most Dedicated”! 🙂

  44. Heather says:

    Oh oh, *squeal*! Most dedicated! 🙂 xx

  45. Sofia B-M says:

    enter me please! xx

  46. Janet T says:

    Ooooh, Philosophy! I’m U.S. though, but good luck to the U.K. ladies! 😀

  47. peiwen says:

    not eligible but still going for most dedicated 🙂

  48. Roxanne says:

    7 hours behind of being eligible! Most deds for me!

  49. Aneela Aziz says:

    Not eligible
    but still going for the most dedicated ones 🙂

  50. Alexandra says:

    Enter me please

  51. Kate says:

    Please enter me!

  52. Ezzy says:

    too many uk giveaways 🙁 its ok i still wanna be ur most dedicated entrant 🙂

  53. em x says:

    please enter me

    em x

  54. Not eligible to win this, but would like to win the “most dedicated”. 🙂

  55. Louise says:

    Please enter me! I live in the rainy uk! Thanks! 🙂

  56. Louise says:

    Enter me please! x

  57. Kelsey says:

    Oh these look yummy!

  58. KatherineKW says:

    Wow all this sounds way too delicious to pass up! enter me please 🙂

  59. Anna Crystal says:

    Enter me please 😀

  60. Judith van Bemmel says:

    Wish I lived in the UK 🙁
    But still going for most elligible

  61. bourriquette says:

    Even though I am not eligible for the rest of the prizes, I will visit the blog daily!

  62. sugar sugar says:

    not eligible to win the prize. 🙁 but i love philosophy! 🙂

  63. Bex says:

    Please enter me! Thank you! X

    Bex XxX

  64. Jessie Ng says:

    Enter me please!

  65. Clocks7291 says:

    Enter me please! Thanks 🙂 x

  66. Debbie says:

    Please enter me, thanks x

  67. Alison says:

    please enter me – these are adorable!

  68. Anastasia says:

    Not eligible, but would like to win the “most dedicated”.

  69. Hollie says:

    enter me please xxx

  70. Mercedes says:

    Never tried these. Please enter me. X

  71. Karen Scammell says:

    please can i enter
    karen s
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  72. Charlie says:

    Aw I’d love this!

  73. Kathleen says:

    enter for most dedicated

  74. ThatAndThis says:

    Enter me pls! Thank you. xx

  75. sherrie says:

    Never tried anything from Philosophy so would love the chance! Enter me please x

  76. Kimberley says:

    I just LOVE this brand!! enter me please x

  77. Patricia says:

    Not in the UK, but who can pass a mystery prize, hmm?

  78. Summer says:

    Philosophy! I reaaally want to try this ;D x

  79. Amy Leon says:

    I’d love to try this – I bought some of the range for a friend and was very tempted to keep it!

    Please enter me!

  80. Sonal says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  81. Emma says:

    They look lovely! Please enter me 🙂

  82. Asmaa says:

    Oooh! I do love Philosophy products =) (they smell really good!) x

  83. Dani says:

    These sound amazing! Please enter me! xx

  84. Kelly McBride says:

    Enter me please and thank you x

  85. Rachel says:

    Enter me please!

  86. Please enter me. Thank you.

  87. Picksley says:

    Enter me please, xxx

  88. Emily says:

    I love Philosophy!

  89. Amy says:

    enter me please! xoxo

  90. bee says:

    enter me please 🙂

    thanks xxx

  91. Jane says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  92. Lindsay says:

    Enter me please!

  93. Beth says:

    please enter me x

  94. Laura says:

    Enter me please, those lip glosses sound positively delicious!xx

  95. alafair says:

    I’m not eligible…good luck 🙂

  96. hannah says:

    enter me please!

  97. Twinkie says:

    Enter me please!

  98. Leela33 says:

    Enter me please.

  99. Gabrielle says:

    Ooh I bet they smell lovely! Enter me please! x

  100. Hannah says:

    please enter me!

  101. Rosie says:

    ooh, please enter me! thanks! 😀

  102. AlicatAHL says:

    Ooooh enter me please Charlotte!

  103. LittleMiss_H says:

    Yup, back again. Enter me please! 😀 xx

  104. Amy says:

    Enter me please!

  105. Hannah says:

    This looks amazing! Please enter me 🙂 x

  106. Belle says:

    All I can say is yum!:)

  107. kazzeh says:

    Looks lovely good luck girls 😉

  108. Sophie says:

    These look and sound scrummy!

  109. Claire says:

    Sounds tasty!! xx

  110. Maria says:

    enter me please)

  111. FragrantWitch says:

    Yes please! 🙂

  112. Sophie says:

    Mmmmm, cinnamon! Please enter me!

  113. Marie says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  114. clare says:

    yum! please enter me for the competition – thank you 🙂

  115. Anitacska says:

    I’ve never tried Philosophy, so please enter me!

  116. zoe says:

    enter me please x

  117. Leah says:

    These look A-Mazing! Enter moi please x

  118. Margot says:

    Please remember me for most dedicated x

  119. Catriona says:

    Enter me please, I’m a big Philosophy fan! 🙂

  120. Aileen says:

    I’d love to have an evening of philosophising with these goodies!!!!!!! xx

  121. nicolajones says:

    Enter me please! With one small caveat…if I win, could you pick someone else to win the lipglosses? I have eczema on my lips, and there’s no way I could use them, and I’d love to share the win :o)

  122. Nicola says:

    Enter me please!

  123. MsWedgie says:

    Enter me please!!! 🙂

  124. Kirsty says:

    Enter me please xx

  125. Kiara says:

    It feels like christmas was ages ago, but I bet these would really help get that christmassy feeling back.

  126. Emma says:

    Please enter me! Never tried Philosophy before! Thank you

  127. Ohohohohoh please enter me!! I can’t find philosophy anywhere xx

  128. Farhiya says:

    Please enter me! Please enter me! Please enter me! Please enter me! Please enter me! Please enter me! Please enter me! I’m a big Lipglossiping fan!

  129. Ann says:

    Please enter me!

    I’m so sad I’m missing out on a chance at “most dedicated” … when this was all happening in December, I managed to enter every single one of them, even on the days that I was flying internationally. Then when your blog crashed (I was on vacation) I was still checking every day for a while, then let it taper off, and just focused on enjoying my vacation. By the time I was home and realized your blog was back online and the giveaways had re-started, I had already missed several. DARN.

  130. Sarah says:

    Enter me please. Thanks!

  131. Alla says:

    enter me please

  132. Udita Patel says:

    enter me please!
    x x x

  133. Gemx says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  134. Nicole says:

    *sad face*
    and not eligible…

  135. marie says:

    enter me please 🙂

  136. Emily Paterson says:

    enter me please, tah!

  137. Cassie says:

    enter me please!

  138. Heather says:

    I love philosophy goodies, but I’m not eligible 🙁

  139. Wei says:

    Please enter me! 🙂

  140. Tracey says:

    Please enter me!!! xxx

  141. Esther says:

    Awww, really wish I could enter this one! *paws at the glosses* They look lovely though – someone’s going to be really happy! 😀

  142. ZebyK says:

    Sign me up! Thank you! Xxx

  143. Viv in the UK says:

    Please enter me! Thanks 🙂

  144. sophie says:

    oooh enter me please!

  145. Carol says:

    Philosophy products are always beautiful and these look no different 😀

  146. Sarah says:

    i love the look of this, yes please! xxxx

  147. Mimi says:

    Not eligible… 🙁

  148. Kathleen says:

    Enter me please! I do love the way Philosophy products always smell so edible.

  149. katy says:

    Enter me please 🙂 xxx

  150. Jeni says:

    Too bad its UK only 🙁 Not eligible.

  151. charlotte says:

    enter me please x

  152. Pilipala says:

    Yum yum yes please! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  153. Rae says:

    Not eligible; entering anyways 😛

  154. Penny says:

    Enter me please 😀 x

  155. huong says:

    enter me please!

  156. Stylishpop says:

    enter please 🙂

  157. FaceFixers says:

    Enter me please! xxx

  158. beautyshades says:

    Enter me please

  159. Alisha says:

    Enter me please 🙂 xxxx

  160. Katy says:

    ooh Philosophy! Enter me please 😀

  161. Helen says:

    enter me please – thank you xx

  162. Annie says:

    enter me please!

  163. Jenny Cole says:

    I love this brand! Enter me please 🙂

  164. Lauren says:

    enter please 🙂 x

  165. Sylvie says:

    Ooh how lovely! Enter me please xx

  166. Ellen says:

    Ooh, fab! Enter me, please x

  167. Rachel says:

    enter me please 🙂

  168. Pamela Lord says:

    enter me please

  169. vid says:

    Enter meeee!! 🙂

  170. Jessie says:

    enter me please xx

  171. Enna says:

    Enter me please!

  172. Erin says:

    Wish I was eligible! 🙁

  173. Rachel says:

    How cute and lovely! Enter me please, thanks 🙂

  174. Louise says:

    oo lovely kits enter me please x

  175. Ooh I would sooo love this!! PLease enter me xx

  176. Samantha says:

    I’d like to enter please

  177. gill close says:

    Look fab enter me please

  178. enter me please! 🙂 xx

  179. Angelabdc says:

    Checked out site after your J&J beauty blogger win, congrats and I’ll be subscribing now.

  180. Holly says:

    please enter me, these look amazing!

  181. Khadija Jamal says:

    Enter me please! 😀

  182. Janice says:

    Enter me please!!
    Thank you so much for all the lovely giveaways =D

  183. pointypix says:

    I just discovered you via a fellow tweeter and laughed out loud at your disclaimer (and at the perturbing necessity to have to have one on this day and age!) but i have to ask- what is hot linking? Oh and please can i enter this- i am totally coveting the lip glosses! :0)

    • It’s really necessary sadly, infact – I should probably update it, but god there are about 483948309 more interesting things I could do instead like cut my toenails. Of course you can enter – good luck! x

  184. redtiger21 says:

    Ooh nice! Enter me please!

  185. LeanneOCD says:

    Love love love Philosophy!

  186. Phoebe says:

    oo I did yearn for these so much when they came out! Especially the lipgloss! You make my dreams come true… *sniff* xxx

  187. Faybee says:

    Enter me please xx

  188. Jodie says:

    please enter me! xx

  189. Keeley says:

    Enter me please!!

  190. Dv says:

    enter me please! 🙂

  191. Lisa says:

    Count me in! Xx

  192. Sam says:

    Amazing prize….please enter me 🙂

  193. Zara says:

    Enter me please. They both look like great sets

  194. Caroline says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    Your prizes are just wow.

  195. Sarah Bailey says:

    Lovely please enter me xxx

  196. Suzi says:

    Hi. I would like to be entered please! Thank you xxx

  197. Madeleine says:

    Enter me.

    These prizes in your give away have been really great 🙂

  198. Christine says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 x

  199. Sam says:

    Enter me please! 🙂


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