Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 17

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 24 - 2011

Um. Exciting much?!

This year has seen MoroccanOil emerge as THE red-carpet standard in haircare and they’ve kindly given UK readers of Lipglossiping the opportunity to win a set of THREE of their cult products worth almost £70!

MoroccanOil Light Oil Treatment (£28.95)Moroccanoil® introduces Moroccanoil® Light, boasting the same shiny, smooth, miraculous results as the original formula, but in a lighter consistency, perfect for fine and fair-colored hair.

MoroccanOil Intense Hydrating Mask (£22.85)Moroccanoil® Intense Hydrating Mask is infused with argan oil helping prevent hair from environmental stresses and restores dry and damaged hair to restore shine and manageability.

MoroccanOil Glimmer Shiner Spray (£17.85)An invisible veil of pure luminous shine, Moroccanoil Glimmer Shine Spray is infused with argan oil to prevent frizz and protect your hair against the elements for effective, long lasting results.

All products are available to buy online.

So, who wants to live out the dream of incredibly glossy hair?  Me! ME!  Can I enter? [no.]

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 24th January.

UK Only, sorry ladies.

If you’re from outside the UK but don’t want to miss your chance at winning “most dedicated” entrant mystery prize… you can still comment.  Just let me know that you’re not eligible to win the daily prize because of your location!

Winners will be announced early in the New Year.  Info and rulez can be found here.

199 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 17”

  1. Emily says:

    Oh my goodness, you really are spoiling us! 🙂 please please enter me for this x

  2. Kirsty says:

    Enter me please xx

  3. Katy says:

    I’m attempting to grow my hair (it’s getting there slowly but surely haha) and I was going to get some of this to improve its condition, enter me please 😀

  4. Brittany says:

    Oh my goodness! I’ve been wanting to try Moroccan Oil for ages! I swear everyday throughout these giveaways you have posted something up that I’ve been dying to try! It’s actually amazing haha.

    Of course, it goes without saying that I would LOVE to be entered.

    Again, thank you very much chick!

    Love Britt xxx

  5. Lillian says:

    Ooh please enter me!

  6. Candy says:

    Enter me please x

  7. Dora says:

    This would be the perfect thing for my winter tired tresses =) xx

  8. Petra says:

    Not eligible but I envy whoever wins this! This stuff looks amazing!

  9. Alison says:

    Enter me please!

  10. Eliz C says:

    enter me please! xox

  11. Sarah says:

    Enter me, please – I’ve been trying to grow my hair out post-anaemia and could do with giving it a bit of a boost!

  12. Ooo enter me please sounds nice x

  13. Faybee says:

    This looks gorgeous enter me please xx

  14. Laura says:

    Ooh me me me please!xx

  15. Ooer! Do enter me please 😛

  16. Heather says:

    Not eligible, going for most dedicated!

  17. Aileen says:

    I want me some glossy hairrrrrrrrrr plz!! xx

  18. Justine says:

    Not in the UK, but I’ve heard so much about Argan oil in general that I’m tempted to pick up some Josie Maran stuff… will have to think about it!

  19. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Enter me please:) would love to try this. Have had macadamia oil which is lovely. Would be good to compare:)

  20. Roisin says:

    looks amazing! enter me please 😀

  21. clare says:

    My hair is thirsty for this! Please may I be enter the draw – thanks!

  22. Cassie says:

    really need to try this! enter me please!

  23. Grace says:

    please enter me in this one 🙂

  24. Eliane says:

    Wow! Fantastic price once again, enter me please x

  25. Maisie says:

    Been dying to try the Moroccan Oil Mask for ages!!! oooh enter me please 🙂 xx

  26. Ellen says:

    Enter me, please x

  27. Caroline says:

    wow. What an amazing giveaway. Enter me please 🙂

  28. Jean says:

    Not eligible, but please enter me for “Most Dedicated”!

  29. Shanee says:

    Enter me please!

  30. Anna says:

    Oooh, enter me please!

    We are getting spoiled indeed.

  31. Claire says:

    Excited!! I’ve been waiting for this one to come up

  32. Sofia B-M says:

    enter me please!

  33. Tululu58 says:

    Awww, ridiculously jealous! Not eligible but good luck UK ladies! 🙂

  34. shauna says:

    wow fab giveaway! really want to try this range! 🙂

  35. liloo says:

    omg yay yay yay it’s back
    i would even baby sit to get this prize
    please enter me xx

  36. kimberly says:

    Enter me please !!

  37. Gemx says:

    Oooh! I’ve heard good things about this stuff, would love to try it! Enter me please! x

  38. Erin says:

    Too bad just for UK ladies!

  39. Rachelle says:

    not eligible but still trying for “most dedicated” 🙂

  40. Cheryl says:

    Not eligible but goin’ for most dedicated! 🙂

  41. Harpreet says:

    wow!! id love to try this! enter me please 🙂

  42. Mimi says:

    most dedicated me?

  43. Esha says:

    OMG what a prize! i’ve been meaning to try this out for such a long time, would love to win!! 🙂

  44. Julia Arenas says:

    Please enter me, still trying for most dedicated ;D

  45. Sophie says:

    wow!!!! please please please enter me 😀 xx

  46. Roxanne says:

    Not eligible, but enter me please XD

  47. Dina (XYYan) says:

    Not eligible! Good luck everyone 🙂

  48. Janet T says:

    Noooo!!!! I should just move to the U.K. so I can enter all these giveaways 🙂
    But good luck to U.K. ladies!

  49. peiwen says:

    not eligible but still going for most dedicated 🙂

  50. dreamer says:

    Enter me please

  51. Vikki says:

    Oooohhhhh, enter me please! 🙂 xx

  52. Alexandra says:

    Enter me please, definitely sounds interesting

  53. Maria says:

    How I wish I was in the UK – I would love to try these products! Going for most dedicated. 🙂

  54. Udita says:

    sounds luxurious!
    enter me please!
    x x x

  55. Marlique says:

    I’m afraid I missed yesterday’s giveaway :(, bloglovin’s fault though, your blogposts show up hours later! Since I can’t check, I’m not 100% sure so I keep commenting. Not eligible for this one.

  56. Louise says:

    Please enter me! I want this stuff but can’t afford it myself!

  57. Kate says:

    Please enter me.
    I’ve been wanting to try this stuff for months!

  58. Rae says:

    Dedicateeeeeed? 🙂

  59. Judith van Bemmel says:

    Boohoo 🙁 Wish I was from the UK

  60. Beth says:

    enter me please 🙂 x

  61. AlicatAHL says:

    Oh boy do I need this! Enter me for this one please Charlotte!

  62. Mai says:

    not eligible but still trying!

  63. Charlie says:

    I’d love this so much.


  64. Charlie says:

    Oh and PS: none of your giveaway entries appear on my dashboard until considerably later… I’ve missed loads. I just thought I’d let you know x

  65. Jeni says:

    Too bad Uk only 🙁 Not eligible.

  66. Bourriquette says:

    Oh no, I’m not eligible! Snif…

  67. Kimberley says:

    enter me please

  68. Kathleen says:

    enter for most dedicated.

  69. Jaynee says:

    ENter me please x x

  70. Emily says:

    I love Moroccan Oil! Enter me, please!

  71. Jessie Ng says:

    Ooh! please please enter me!

  72. Jen says:

    My big fat curly hair would love this please! 🙂

  73. Rachel says:

    I so want to try this! Enter me please!

  74. Carol says:

    OOHHHH I have heard many positive things about Moroccan Oil! It would be lovely to try

  75. Chloe says:

    Ooh, I love Moroccanoil! Please enter me 🙂

  76. Debbie says:

    Another fab giveaway, please enter me thanks x

  77. Patricia says:

    This was definitely the year of lose-your-fear-of-using-oil-on-you. Unfortunately I’m not in the UK…

  78. Lisa says:

    Please enter me! I’ve been oiling my hair recently in an attempt to stop it being so dry but I am itching to try this out!

  79. Belle says:

    Oooh. Been wondering if I should try the light version of the oil. The regular one is great when the hairdresser applies it, but within 2 days my hair just looks way too oily.

  80. Zara says:

    I would love to try this, please enter me!

  81. Sam says:

    Enter me please ! 🙂

  82. LittleMiss_H says:

    Enter me pleeeeeeeeeeeeease! 🙂 x

  83. Leela33 says:

    Enter me please.

  84. Pilipala says:

    Another fab prize! Would love to try this. Thanks for the chance to win!

  85. Twinkie says:

    Oooh enter me please! 🙂

  86. Gemma says:

    Must must must put my name in the hat for this one. Hopefully this time I won’t cut my hand on the packaging like I did with the original treatment. x

  87. Jaime says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  88. Sophie says:

    Enter me! Enter me! Enter meeeeeeee please! What a fab prize.

  89. mayuri says:

    enter me please!

  90. Louise says:

    enter me please, defo need this one!

  91. Anitacska says:

    Enter me please, my hair definitely needs a little tlc.

  92. em x says:

    please enter me 🙂

  93. DalaLuz says:

    How sad that I can’t join… would love to try these out & would be happy to pay for extra postage… O well, good luck to all the UK ladies 🙂

  94. Maya says:

    YAY! enter me please!!!

  95. Viv in the UK says:

    Enter me, please! Thanks 🙂

  96. Emma says:

    Ive heard such amazing things about this stuff!! Really wish i could afford it! Please enter me!! Super blog by the way!!

  97. Please enter me! My hair is in dire need of some help!

  98. Thian says:

    please enter me for the most dedicated prize

  99. gaaah! i want these! 😛

  100. Margot says:

    Too bad I can’t join 🙁 amazing giveaway though. I love hair oils.
    Please consider me for most dedicated x

  101. Ezzy says:

    I am not eligible for this but wanna be your most dedicated entrant 😀

  102. M says:

    enter me please! 🙂

  103. Nicola says:

    Enter me please!

  104. Huit says:

    Please enter me. I am an awful frizzy mess.

  105. Sydney says:

    You’re too good to us!
    Enter me please x

  106. Picksley says:

    You’re spoiling us you know? Next time we’ll just pout because we’re spolit and you can’t please us.

    I do really want this though so bravo, more spoiling!


  107. Dani says:

    Please enter me! I was so excited about this prize the first time round and I’m pleased to say the excitement hasn’t waned! xx

  108. Emily says:

    Wooohooo another fantastic prize, please enter me, my locks are in dire need and I and they would be eternally grateful!

    e xxx

  109. Gabrielle says:

    ooh lovely, enter me please x

  110. Louise says:

    oo exciting I’ve wanted to try this for ages enter me please my love x

  111. Narta says:

    Wheee I wanna try that too! :)))

  112. Kirsten Murphy says:

    Oh! oh! Oh! Beside myself at this one! How awesome is this? Think if I won it, I’d become your eternal slave lol

  113. Shami says:

    Ooh I would love to win this! As a recent convert to using oils, I would love to try argan oil, but it is so expensive. So pretty pleae! 🙂

  114. Karen Scammell says:

    please can i enter
    karen s
    twannywun at hotmail dot com

  115. Emma says:

    Please enter me! I would love nice hair 🙂

  116. ThatAndThis says:

    Enter me pls! thanks. xx

  117. MsWedgie says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  118. Tracey says:

    Please enter me!

  119. Lilmiznutcase says:

    I’ve heard lots of good things about this brand. Would love to give it a go.

  120. Kirsty says:

    I’d like to enter please.

  121. Ellen says:

    Enter me please. My hair is a complete state!

  122. charlotte says:

    I keep putting off buying these as I can’t justify the expense, so this is my ideal giveaway!

    Enter me please x

  123. Hollie says:

    Enter me pleasexxx

  124. Elle says:

    I’d like to enter please!

  125. Wei says:

    Please enter me! 🙂

  126. lily says:

    Ooh, this would be an awesome birthday present! (Yeah, it’s today- nudge nudge wink wink!) 😉

  127. cosimclever says:

    Im eligible in every sense of the word! : )

  128. Summer says:

    Oh wow! I think my hair would love this haha x

  129. Sophie says:

    Lovely. I could do with taming the frizz!

  130. Hibel says:

    this is the best giveaway, EVER! Enter me please x

  131. Leah says:

    Ooh ooh oooooh. Enter me pretty please with cherries on top and a latte on the side, and maybe a biscotti for your trouble 😀

  132. Claire says:

    Please enter me. xx

  133. Alison says:

    oh god… this is possibly even more amazing than the chanel. i mean, three products??? ONE would be generous! this is insane!


  134. Penny says:

    please enter me 😀

  135. Andrea G says:


  136. Khadija Jamal says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  137. I'msuchageek says:

    oooh you spoil us so much! I have such thick, frizzy and unmanageable hair, I keep wanting to try Moroccan oil but it’s a little pricey for me so enter me please!

  138. Anastasia says:

    Not eligible but still trying!

  139. Emma says:

    enter me pleasee xx

  140. LucyB says:

    Wow, how lovely! Enter me please x

  141. Stylishpop says:

    Enter please great prize 😀

  142. MADEIN1985 says:

    Enter me please!

  143. Susan says:

    enter me please! shiny hair, i like. 🙂

  144. Roberta says:

    Enter me please! I’ve been dying to test these for ages!

  145. FaceFixers says:

    Please enter me, I’m UK. 😀

  146. bee says:

    please enter me, i would simply love to try some of these lovely products xxx

  147. Grace says:

    Me and my frizzy, curly hair would like to enter.

  148. Ann says:

    Yes PLEASE! My hair could really use a pick-me-up, it’s been so boring lately!

  149. Christa says:

    My hair would love you forever for this. Put me in please.

  150. Emily says:

    This is a great one! Wow 😀

  151. Kiara says:

    Enter me please. My hair is such a curly and frizzy so I could definitely make good use of them!

  152. Pluto says:

    I want to try these products for a long time 🙂

  153. Anny says:

    amazing giveaway!
    please enter me

  154. Erica says:

    enter me please

  155. pang says:

    You are so nice to us:)
    plz enter me <3

  156. Mim Ilmass says:

    Perfect giveaway, would love to try as my hair is so bushtactic!!!!!! Cheers x

  157. Rachel says:

    enter me please! xxx

  158. Alisha says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  159. Candace says:

    Please enter me! Thanks 🙂

  160. sara says:

    I agree with others, this one really rocks!!!

  161. Sarah says:

    Enter me, great prize

  162. sarah says:

    would love to try this!

  163. Lisa says:

    love it yes please!

  164. debbie mowat says:

    what a great giveaway. my hair could do with a new year treat

  165. Henrietta says:

    Enter me please x

  166. Daisy Banham says:

    Enter me pleeaseee! xx

  167. Pamela Lord says:

    enter me please x

  168. Shifa says:

    Would love to enter!

  169. Vikki says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  170. Phoebe says:

    Hairdressers often tell me how dry my hair is, and sometimes to avoid complications I just tell them I swim a lot haha … so this would stop them pestering me so much…
    on the other hand, my mum loves hair oil, so I bet she’d pinch this haha… xxx

  171. Jess says:

    Enter me please!

  172. Katrine says:

    Ohsoverymuch not eligible – but just found your site and is enjoying it very much. xxK

  173. Tanya T says:

    Please enter me! Thank you x

  174. Annalise says:

    Enter me please, this looks to die for! xx

  175. Love to win this!

  176. Laura says:

    Thats an amazing prize! Please enter me, thanks!! x

  177. Entry on behalf of Tanya Beck

  178. Emma says:

    I would absolutely love to win these! What a completely amazing prize, my fingers are tightly crossed for this one 🙂
    My hair is a ridiculous ball of split end frizz, I’m desperately trying to rescue it before the hairdresser tells me I need to chop it all off, these would be a miracle 🙂

    Please enter me!
    Thank you 🙂

  179. sophie says:

    oh, enter me please, london water does not agree with my hair!

  180. sophie says:

    i would love this!

  181. Lauren says:

    oo wow.
    please enter me 🙂

  182. Jessie says:

    enter me please xx

  183. LeanneOCD says:

    I’ve wanted to try this stuff for ages. My hairdresser uses the oil and I do think it makes a difference. My hair can still be smooth, yet bouncy and not at all greasy!

  184. Nazia says:

    Me please! My crazy hair can do with all the help it gets!

  185. naomi says:

    i need this! enter me please

  186. Helen says:

    enter me for this one please – my hair needs all the help it can get x

  187. Katie H says:

    Wow – Xen tan and now moroccanoil?!?! I love you!

  188. Caroline says:

    Would love to enter! x

  189. Janice says:

    Ohhh… your prizes are always so amazing!!
    Please enter me =D

  190. Katrina says:

    My previous comment may not have gone through, I got some sort of error message. If it didn’t I just want to make sure I get entered 🙂

  191. Terri-Leigh says:

    Enter me please, I have wanted to try these for ages! x

  192. Marie says:

    Here is my comment, it’s not much I know, but here it is 🙂

  193. Catriona says:

    Enter me please, I’d love to try this. 🙂

  194. Jemma Page says:

    enter me please 😀 x

  195. Madeleine says:

    enter me please, this is a great prize. 🙂

  196. Imo says:

    I have curly Afro hair and this would work wonders to tame my mane.

  197. Camille says:

    Oh My!! Just seen this, just in the nick of time too!


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