Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 3

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 10 - 2011

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products.

Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal Eyeliner in Odyssey (purple) and the epic Sleek Storm Palette!

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 10th January.

Winners will be announced next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

372 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 3”

  1. Rachelle says:

    enter me, please!

  2. Jen says:

    Ooh I haven’t tried any Sleek products yet!

  3. Eva says:

    count me in ! 🙂

  4. Roisin says:

    enter me please 😀

  5. charmed-chick says:

    Lo I love these enter me please x

  6. Taryn Welt says:

    o0o0o0o0o me me me! enter me!

  7. Lisa says:

    Wooohooo, Sleek!

  8. Melissa says:

    Ooh, I’d love to be entered in this one. I’ve been meaning to try Sleek’s stuff for a while!

  9. Heather says:

    Please enter me!

  10. Alison says:

    eeee! storm is not yet in my collection, i want it! and the kajal! and the polish! basically all of it ha. love this prize 😀

  11. Camille says:

    Enter me please 🙂 x

  12. Amanda Moss says:

    Lovely prizes, good luck ev1. xxxx

  13. Emily says:

    I like Sleek a lot, haven’t tried any of their polishes as yet though 🙂

  14. Sarah says:

    Thank you for the great giveaway,
    Best wishes

  15. Kirsty says:

    Enter me please! xx

  16. Sonal says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  17. Jane says:

    Enter me please 🙂 xx

  18. TamsG says:

    A-ha I knew there was a polish in here somewhere that I don’t have!! This is it! 🙂

  19. When you live in the US and can’t get Sleek you (meaning I) get excited at the possibility of winning this contest. Thanks for the chance.

  20. yey! enter me, please 🙂

  21. Jaynee says:

    Enter me please 🙂 I’m about to pan on the matte brown, it’s my brow shade! X x

  22. Lillian says:

    Ohhh i love sleek! Please enter me!

  23. I would like to be entered please 🙂

  24. Brittany says:

    Oh how STUNNING! I’m deeply in love with all three! 🙂

    I would love to be entered please 🙂

    Love Britt xxx

  25. Caitlin says:

    Enter me, please! Thanks 🙂

  26. I’d love to win 🙂 x

  27. Erin says:

    I’ve never tried these, either! Please enter me! 😀

  28. Ellen says:

    Enter me, please!

  29. eRiN says:

    Another brand I can’t get here in the US! I’d love to enter!

  30. Sarah Bailey says:

    Not tried sleek before :0) please enter me xx

  31. Christine says:

    Enter me, please! 😀 x

  32. Miss Merx says:

    Oooh, I’d love to win this. Heard so much about this budget friendly brand.

    Please enter me in this competition.


  33. Huong says:

    enter me please :))

  34. Please enter me, thanks! <3

  35. Katarina says:

    I really want to try this!

  36. Mirian says:

    I’m wishing to try Sleek products, please, enter me.

    The palette is really gorgeous.

    Nick: Mirianrocu

  37. Mariel says:

    Love this one. I’m in!

  38. Hibel says:

    amazing! enter me please x

  39. Kristen L says:

    Enter me for the giveaway, pretty please!

  40. Jess says:

    Yayy sleek. Would love to try something hard to get my hands on

  41. Sydney says:

    Bit of Sleek magic!
    Enter me please 🙂

  42. Susana says:

    I love the Sleek palettes! Enter me, please! 🙂

  43. Thian says:

    I love purple ~~~~

  44. Joy says:

    Lovely, enter me please 🙂

  45. Mai says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  46. Michelle says:

    Oh! *makes grabby hands* I’ve always wanted to try this brand.

  47. I’ve wanted to make a Sleek palette order for a long time! I’ve heard such good things about their eyeshadows. Thanks for hosting this giveaway 🙂

  48. Dina (XYYan) says:

    Yay for sleek palette! Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  49. Dora says:

    I absolutely love Sleek!! Sooo want to win this =) xx

  50. Lulu says:

    Oh, please enter me too! 😀

  51. Maddie says:

    Enter me please.
    Even though I live in the UK it is hard to find Sleek where I live. I saved to buy sleek when my brother was at uni as they sold sleek there. Then he quit, so I couldn’t visit him to buy sleek and I don’t really like online shopping. I buy too much.

  52. Dempeaux says:

    Oh yes please!! 🙂

  53. Syd says:

    enter me please!!!

  54. Pretty nail polish!! enter me please!! 😀

  55. Anna says:

    Please enter me!

  56. Esha says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  57. Lilmiznutcase says:

    V nice selection of products we have here.

  58. Kylie says:

    Sleek palette yay!

  59. Yao says:

    That nail color looks gorgeous!

  60. Cheryl says:

    Enter me please 🙂

    Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!

  61. Mayumi says:

    aaahhh, i really wanna try that storm palette!

    enter me, please 🙂

  62. Alisha says:

    Enter me please!

  63. Lauren says:

    loveeeeeely. 🙂

    enter me please xx

  64. hannah says:

    enter me pleaseee 🙂

  65. jbrobeck says:

    sleek nail polish! i’m there!

  66. Brianna says:

    I would love to try these sleek products!

  67. Annie says:

    enter me plz 🙂

  68. Erica says:

    please enter me !!

  69. Anny says:

    I love to try sleek’s products!!
    Enter me PLZ!

  70. Alla says:

    enter me please

  71. Leah says:

    I’m a big fan of Sleek.

    I could use a cheer up as I’m incubating the baby Dracula, I’m anaemic, I have a stinking cold, my boobs which feel like monkeys have been using them as a play park, and I can’t sleep.

    Other than that, I’m all peachy 😉

  72. Gemma says:

    please enter me, thank you.

  73. Nicole says:

    oooooooooooohhhhh. please enter me. I have been lemming a SLEEK palette for the longest time, but they aren’t available in Australia, and although Sleek does ship, they have been getting many many complaints on other blogs and on their facebook page about wait time, non fulfilment of orders and incorrect orders so am very reluctant to try!

  74. Morganne says:

    I really want to try sleek products, i’ve seen a lot of bloggers and gurus using sleeks palettes and we don’t have it here… so pretty please enter me!

  75. Roxanne says:

    I’ve wanted to try sleek so badly but I’m so cheap when it comes to shipping 😛 Enter me please!

  76. shoomin says:

    Please enter me. Thanks for hosting this! Happy new year!

  77. Avianna says:

    aw DANGIT. I missed the day 2 giveaway, and I so wanted to be in the running for the most dedicated prize. boo.

    Anyway, enter me for this one!!

  78. Enter me please! I would love that palette and the polish looks pretty!

  79. Enter me, please!

  80. Love this!
    Enter me! Thank you!

  81. Kari says:

    Entering! Sleek is not available here and I’ve heard about those palettes, they are gorgeous!

  82. Mariana Bantug says:

    The palette!!! Enter me please!

  83. jenn says:

    Enter me please!

  84. Amy R says:

    The nail polish looks pretty!

  85. Janet T says:

    Ooooh yay! I’d love to try something like this!

  86. Enter me please! We don’t get Sleek here over in Australia!

  87. neeta says:

    enter me please!


  88. Eliz C says:

    enter me please! xox

  89. Bri says:

    enter me please

  90. Enter me please! I gave my sister that palette for Christmas actually. Really lusting after the polish and the eyeliner.

  91. molly says:

    Please enter me!
    I’m so bummed I forgot to enter your Barry M one… boo to me forgetting

  92. Maria says:

    Ooooh! I’d LOVE to try Sleek!

  93. Janny says:

    oh my goshhhhh! i’ve always wanted to try those kajal liners by sleek! enter me please! and thank you =D

  94. Kaylee says:

    Enter me please!

  95. Lauren says:

    lush giveaway. enter me please x

  96. Petra says:

    I’ve been so curious about Sleek!

  97. glitteratti says:

    That polish makes me long for spring.

  98. Victoria says:

    I want to take a trip to england just for Sleek!

  99. pfefi says:

    Sleeeeek! Who could say no?

  100. Marie says:

    Enter me please!

  101. Stephanie says:

    I’ve been dying to try that Sleek palette!

  102. Nina says:

    ooooh so pretty…me want 🙂

  103. Julie says:

    enter me please!

  104. Devon says:

    Lovely, I’d love to be entered. 🙂

  105. Julia Arenas says:

    Awesome! I love sleek products, enter me, please 🙂

  106. Krystal says:

    Best one yet! Enter me please 🙂

  107. MADEIN1985 says:

    Enter me please (:

  108. Gemx says:

    Lovely! Enter me please 🙂

  109. Tululu58 says:

    Everything is so good! Eyeliner, makeup pallete, nailpolish… En-ter-me! 🙂

  110. angel says:

    Enter me please.. thanks =)

  111. Enter me please! Can’t get Sleek over here in Canada!

  112. maphi says:

    weeeeeeaaaah enter me 🙂
    very exciting these giveaways are looool xx

  113. Maisie says:

    Been lusting after the storm palette for ages 😀 enter me please xx

  114. Grace says:

    Welcome back! Enter me, please!

  115. Michelle says:

    Sleek is awesome! Enter me please! 😀

  116. Vicky says:

    I’d love to have that Sleek Divine palette!

  117. Anna says:

    i wish i could get sleek here in the u.s.
    enter me please 🙂

  118. Ivana says:

    enter me please, thanks!!

  119. Pooja says:

    Enter Me. Thanks 🙂

  120. @_PurpleAi says:

    Enter me please!
    I didn’t enter last time. Sad your site crashed but happy that you’re re-do-ing the advent! Excellent prizes 🙂

  121. evo says:

    entre moi!
    we don’t get them here and i had problems with them when they had their massive sale. 🙁

  122. Jasmine says:

    Oh my goodness, I was just looking at this on ebay – I swear! – a few minutes ago!!!! Enter me please, I would love a chance

  123. Kate says:

    Ah Spring! I cannot wait, I’ve had enough of winter and the snow and the cold…Please enter me!

  124. Halley says:

    enter me please

  125. peiwen says:

    ooh~~ been wanting to try sleek for a long time!!
    enter me please 😀

  126. TiffanyTerese says:

    oooh its all so pretty!

  127. Sharon says:

    oh, I love purple, and have heard great things about that eyeshadow palette — please enter me 🙂

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  128. Sharon says:

    Enter me please.

    Sorry to hear about the lost comments and your site crashing but I’m glad you’re starting this over :).

  129. malkatz says:

    Those are great prizes!

  130. Nina says:

    I’ve been dying to try that Sleek palette!

  131. Linda says:

    enter me please =)

  132. Tom says:

    Nice colours 🙂 Please enter me.

  133. Liene says:

    I’d love to enter 🙂

  134. marcy says:

    Enter me pleeeeez 😀

  135. Harpreet says:

    enter me please

  136. Heather says:

    Oh, how I love the idea of wearing purple nail polish with purple liner 🙂 xx

  137. Mindy says:

    please enter me!

  138. Jean says:

    Ooh! It’s the line I never get to try out because I live in the US! Please enter me!

  139. Katherine C says:

    Enter me please! these would be the perfect Spring updates for my fairly drab arsenal of makeup 🙂

  140. Kimberly says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  141. Julia says:

    Wow, I’ve wanted to try Sleek for a really long time now 🙂

  142. I love SLEEK Makeup! Pick me!

  143. Bec says:

    Enter me please!

  144. Rae says:

    Bleh, Mondays. Dislike!

  145. SaBaH says:

    I would definitely like to give sleek a try! Enter me please! x

  146. Udita says:

    Ooh love it!!
    Enter me please!
    X x x

  147. Piz says:

    Fab giveaway – sleek polishes are great. Please enter me, thank you.

  148. Mansikka says:

    Wow, that’s something I would like! Please enter me. 🙂

  149. ShiriBT says:

    Love your site! enter me…

  150. Qian says:

    The Storm Palette! Yay!

  151. Kris says:

    Every time someone mentions Sleek, I am sad that I can’t get it here. 🙂 I’d love to try it!

  152. layla says:

    Boy I’m so glad that the sleek palette is included in this giveaway! Have been dying to try it out after reading much raved about reviews 🙂 Thanks so much!

  153. Jemma says:

    I love Sleek so enter me please 🙂

  154. vid says:

    I cannot find the kajal eyeliner anywhere!! enter me please!! 🙂

  155. Katinka says:

    Looks gorgeous! Enter me please 🙂

  156. Bourriquette says:

    Please, enter me!!

  157. Louise says:

    Enter me please!!! I have never tried sleek before!

  158. olga says:


    please enter me 🙂

  159. Jessica says:

    Love it, please enter me!

  160. Galen says:

    Me too, thanks!

  161. Em x says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  162. Wendy says:

    Oooh oh oooh! We can’t get Sleek so easily over here and this palette has been sold out everywhere I’ve looked for it, booh! So, *raises hand* please enter me 😀

    I’m glad you are back btw, hope this hosting company treats you much better.

  163. Ilaria says:

    enter me please 🙂

  164. Jen says:

    Hey x
    Enter me please!!

  165. Mora says:

    please enter me, i would love to win.

  166. Eva says:

    Please enter me !

  167. Rachel says:

    Enter me please, I would love to win this 🙂

  168. Aneela Aziz says:

    I love Sleek Makeup

    Enter me plzzz

  169. Brittany Rolston says:

    Enter me please! And thanks for these giveaways!

  170. Judith van Bemmel says:

    Yes! Count me in 🙂

  171. Bex says:

    Wow! They look amazing! Thank you so much for an awesome giveaway! Please please enter me! 😀
    Bex XxX

  172. Catherine says:

    Enter me please!

  173. Anna Crystal says:

    Enter me plz 🙂

  174. Debbie says:

    This palette looks fab, please enter me too x

  175. Lisa says:

    Please Mother of God, let me win this.
    Thabk you.

  176. sherrie says:

    Not tried the eyeliner before and nail colour looks fab for the spring! enter me please x

  177. Jessie Ng says:

    Can I enter please?

  178. Cat says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  179. ZebyK says:

    Yay! Can you add me to the list? Thanks C! xxx

  180. ThatAndThis says:

    Enter me pls! thanks. x

  181. Pippi says:

    So glad you’re back!
    Please enter me as I’m totally in love with these products.

  182. Summer says:

    I love that lilac colour! x

  183. Hinna says:

    Quickly becoming my favourite drugstore brand. Please enter me!

  184. Marlique says:

    I love all the sleek palettes, such a shame they only sell them online in Holland.

  185. Hinna says:

    Sleek is fast becoming my favourite drugstore brand. Please enter me!

  186. Anna says:

    Enter me please!:*

  187. Lieselot says:

    Nice, nicer, nicest. So please enter me again! 🙂

  188. Charlene says:

    I love Sleek products, please enter me!

    Charlene xxxx

  189. Emily says:

    These look gorgeous! I love that nail polish color 🙂

  190. Ria says:

    oooooooh Sleek!Count me in please!I love these!

  191. Jule says:

    The giveaway is very nice, please enter me. Nice regards from Germany, Jule.

  192. kathleen says:

    enter me!!plz~~
    want to get this one so badly!!

  193. Abigail says:

    I’d love to try some of the Sleek products 🙂

    please, enter me 🙂

  194. KIM says:

    please please enter me!!
    I really want to try out the sleek palette!!


  195. sara says:

    yes i love sleek too so i’m in please

  196. Please enter me – love Sleek!

  197. Jess says:

    Enter me please!

  198. Megan says:

    Enter me please!!! I love sleek.

  199. Amy says:

    Enter me please!

  200. Christy O says:

    I do love lilacs, it’d be nice to flaunt it on my fingers.

  201. Oh Monday ruddy Monday! Enter me pleeease! xx

  202. Margot says:

    Please consider me for overall most persistent. Thank you!

  203. Solangel says:

    Yay purple! Please enter me 🙂

  204. Shaheeda Petersen says:

    I love Sleek products, enter me please 🙂

  205. caz says:

    enter moi purlease!

  206. Rachel says:

    Please enter me!

  207. deborah says:

    wooo hoo sleek storm pallette!!!

    please enter me xx

  208. Joice says:

    *insert here something spiffy*

  209. PeachBellini says:

    ooh I still can’t find Sleek at my local Superdrug and now you’re running the giveaway again. You rock!

  210. quinie says:

    really nice giveaway!

  211. Ellen says:

    I love these colours! Enter me please.

  212. Enter me, ta. 🙂

  213. Helen says:

    oooh I need this purple eyeliner * crosses fingers* xx

  214. Catherine says:

    Enter me please! 🙂 x

  215. Lisa says:

    ooooooh I hope I get lucky today 🙂

    enter me please xxxx

  216. Alison T says:

    please could you enter me thanks 🙂

  217. NatalieDouka says:

    Enter me please! I want a sleek palette so much!

  218. Ness says:

    I would love to win this one. Can I enter this one, please?

  219. Duvessa says:

    I’ve never gotten myself a Sleek palette and I really should!

  220. Twinkie says:

    Sleek me up please!

  221. alafair says:

    Enter me please! 😉

  222. Patricia says:

    What a pretty polish!

  223. AlicatAHL says:

    Oooh lovely, enter my name please Charlotte! x

  224. Dani says:

    Please enter me! I’m happy for this post because if nothing else it’s shown me I’m not the only person to not own a Sleek palette :p xx

  225. MsWedgie says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  226. kirsty says:

    enter me please 😀

  227. snow0016 says:

    please enter me!

  228. Viv in the UK says:

    Please enter me! Thanks!

  229. Hannah says:

    Please enter me.

    Many thanks 🙂

  230. Sarah says:

    Please enter me. 🙂

  231. Kelsey says:

    Lovely give away, thanks!

  232. Carla says:

    Enter me please hun xx

  233. Jade says:

    Enter me please 😀

  234. Gemma says:

    Enter me for this please.
    I am a Sleek virgin and this would be amazing to win!!!

  235. Anitacska says:

    Enter me please, I love Sleek! 🙂

  236. Arrow says:

    Exactly as Gemma said before me. 🙂
    Enter me, please.

  237. tousledkitten says:

    I didn’t know they did nail polish. 🙂

  238. Alina says:

    Wow! Sleek! Never tried it..

  239. reeree says:

    Enter me please 😀

  240. Hannah says:

    Enter me please. I’ve been wanting to try that palette for a while now!x

  241. Hollie says:

    Enter me please. Xxx

  242. liloo says:

    Yay, please enter me xx

  243. Biba says:

    I’m in too! 🙂

  244. Kirsty says:

    I’d like to enter please.

  245. Emmy says:

    oh, exciting! i’m in! 🙂

  246. DalaLuz says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  247. Miss Gabrielle says:

    Enter me please!

  248. Tracey says:

    Enter me please xxx

  249. Julia M says:

    Enter me please! I was actually looking at al these products in town today but there were only scabby testers left!

  250. Imogen says:

    Enter me please :)xx

  251. Hobbit84 says:

    wow today these gifts are fantastic! 😉

  252. Sophie says:

    The storm palette is def my fave!

  253. Poppy says:

    Love to get this!

  254. eva says:

    Wow! Would really like to have these, please! Enter me!

  255. Jeni says:

    I love Sleek! Good luck to all.

    Enter me.

  256. Carol says:

    ooh i’ve heard many many good things about sleek! 🙂

  257. Eliane says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  258. nina says:

    enter me please!

  259. yasmine choudhry says:

    ooh a fab prize, not tried this range yet,
    please enter me

  260. Elwing says:

    I’d like to enter please <3. I love Sleek!

  261. Nicola says:

    Enter me please!

  262. Jennifer says:

    Please enter me ><

  263. Katie says:

    I’d like to enter, thanks!

  264. Picksley says:

    That kajal looks awesome, enter me please. Xxx

  265. Erin says:

    Enter me please!

  266. Emily says:

    Please enter me!

  267. Lindsay says:

    Ooh, me please! I’ve heard lovely things about this palette.

  268. Ann says:

    Please enter me, I really want to try some things from Sleek!

  269. Ana M. says:

    I want to get that Sleek palette and kajal! I really want to get these!

  270. Ezzy says:

    Oh wow please enter me!!
    I have heard soo much about sleek, badly want to try out their products to see what’s the deal 😀

  271. Sarah says:

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  272. gio says:

    The polish is very pretty!

  273. Maya says:

    Please enter me!

  274. victoria says:

    Enter me please! I need to try Sleek make-up! 🙂

  275. Amy Leon says:

    Yes please! I love purple!

  276. Donna says:

    Oh wow! Please enter me!

  277. minu says:

    what a wonderful giveaway! Kisses

  278. Cassie says:

    Enter me please!

  279. aliz1973 says:

    second time lucky?

  280. Sadi says:

    This palette looks fab, please enter me too x

  281. Jessica W. says:

    That’s so rocker cute. I loove that purple. 😀

  282. Kristina says:

    Amazing prices! I’d like to enter 🙂

  283. Maria says:

    Enter me please!

  284. Eva says:

    Love Sleek products!

  285. Sharleen says:

    ooh me please! we don’t have sleek here in singapore and my friends who went to the uk for a holiday told me that they weren’t able to find any! 🙁

  286. Penny says:

    Enter me pretty please! x

  287. Michelle says:

    I love Sleek! Enter me please xxx

  288. Louise says:

    Want to get the Storm palette! x

  289. Hendrix says:

    Oooh, count me in!

  290. lo says:

    These are some amazing giveaways! Thank you!

  291. Kirsten Murphy says:

    Please enter me

  292. Allyson says:

    Pls enter me 🙂

  293. rachel says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  294. Camilla says:

    please enter me in the generous giveaway!

  295. Belle says:

    Enter me please 🙂
    Belle xx

  296. Sumee says:

    Please enter me in this competition 🙂


  297. Barbara Fonseca says:

    Love me some sleek!

  298. Hi, please enter me. 🙂
    thanks for the oppurtunity.

  299. Emma says:

    enter me please xx

  300. megdalena says:

    Oooooh! Enter me, please!??!!! 😀

  301. TikiBarbie says:

    Looks cool! Enter me please!

  302. Jules says:

    Oh, lilac! Winning this would be like getting spring flowers a few months early.

  303. mandy says:

    I’m desperate to try sleek … ENTER ME please 🙂

  304. Stephanie Cummins says:

    love sleek one of my fave brands!!

  305. Emily says:

    gorgeous prizes! please enter me ! x

  306. debbie mowat says:

    lovely giveaway, please enter me

  307. Stylishpop says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  308. Mimi says:

    I missed it yesterday 🙁 But enter me for this one, please!!!

  309. Phoebe says:

    Oh dear seems to me that I’m just about the only person without storm! Enter me please! xxx

  310. Faybee says:

    Enter me please xx

  311. Catriona says:

    Enter me please, I’m a big Sleek fan. 🙂

  312. Alexandra says:

    enter me please

  313. eleni says:

    enter me please!
    i want to try sleek products, i never had the chance! 🙂

  314. tgz says:

    Enter me, please! I have never tried Sleek 🙂

  315. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Enter me please, thank you:)

  316. Khadija Jamal says:

    Love Sleek 🙂 Enter me please x

  317. Emmie says:

    Enter me please.

  318. Justine says:

    I’m aiming for managing to comment every day 🙂 The lilac polish is lovely!

  319. Lisa says:

    Ooo I dont have storm! I would love this one too! xx

  320. FaceFixers says:

    enter me please

  321. Rachel says:

    enter me 🙂 great products c

  322. Sarah says:

    Enter me please!

  323. Keeley says:

    ooh storm palette <3. Enter me please 🙂

  324. Jessie says:

    enter me please <3

  325. Geek Faerie says:

    Enter me please. 😀

  326. Katherine says:

    Ooh, I would love to win this!

  327. Strawberry says:

    Wow i would love to win this especially the storm palette!
    i’ve seen beautiful swatches of it!

  328. Hinna says:

    Sleek is fast becoming one of my favourite drugstore brands! Please enter me 🙂

  329. Vettelicious says:

    That purple polish is amazing! Enter me, please 🙂

  330. rebecca says:

    Sounda great to me! Please enter me 🙂 x

  331. Annie says:

    Enter meee! I need a Storm!

  332. Deborah says:

    Always wanted to try some Sleek stuff, enter me please :).

  333. Jenny says:

    The lilac is definitely a great colour for spring 🙂 Enter me please xx

  334. carla says:

    i would like to enter please,i have the sleek original pallette and i love it 🙂 couldn’t find the storm one anywhere

  335. I’ve never tried a Kajal before, kindly enter me 😛

  336. Janice says:

    I have the storm palette (looks sheepish =P) although i’ve hit pan badly… hehe
    I really do want to try out the kajal eyeliner though, and that nail polish looks so pretty =D
    Please enter me and thank you for all the giveaways.

  337. Andrea G says:


  338. Rachel says:

    wonderful prizes, as ever. Would love to be entered, thanks 🙂

  339. Corrie says:

    enter me please 🙂 x

  340. Emily Paterson says:

    ooooooooh, yes please 🙂

  341. Sarah says:

    Ooh sleek goodies!! Enter me please 🙂

  342. Gemma says:

    Enter Me Please 🙂 x

  343. Andrasescu-Scrieciu Adriana Camelia says:

    Enter me,please!

  344. sarah says:

    please enter me!

  345. stylefrost says:

    Great giveaway! enter me please!

  346. Adair Stone says:

    Please enter me!
    I’ve been dying to try Sleek products for over two years now, but their lack of sales in the States have been depressing me.

  347. Ooh please enter me too.

  348. Bhumika says:

    enter me please xo

  349. Maria says:

    Great prizes, enter me please 😉

  350. Jorid says:

    I really want to try out sleek, but i’m on a no-boy right now.
    Please enter me!

  351. Jorid says:

    I really want to try out sleek, but i’m on a no-buy right now.
    Please enter me!

  352. Megan Anderson says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  353. Chris says:

    wow, please enter me! 🙂

  354. Sylvia says:

    yay sleeek palette!

  355. charlotte says:

    I would love to lose this one!

  356. charlotte says:

    oops I meant win, watching The Biggest Loser confuddled me!!

  357. Lauren says:

    Enter me please 😀 x

  358. Arlee says:

    Oh man, I’ve wanted to try Sleek for ages! Thank you for this giveaway 🙂

  359. redtiger21 says:

    Hooray for Sleek!!!

  360. Judith says:

    Enter me please ♥!

  361. Lauren says:

    please enter me 🙂 x

  362. Beckie says:

    ~always wanted to try the Sleek line…alas, it is not available for retail in the USA 🙁 Looks fun!

  363. Shifa says:

    Enter me please! Cant’ get enough of sleek 🙂

  364. Angela says:

    Enter me! Ah Sleeeek <3

  365. Wendy says:

    I would love to win this! I’ve always wanted to try the Sleek Storm palette!

  366. Caroline says:

    ooo, I’m still yet to try a sleek palette
    Enter me please 🙂

  367. Vedra says:

    Please enter me too! 🙂

  368. Katie says:

    Oh wow, enter me in please!!

  369. Sophie says:

    Ooh, I’d love to try these!

  370. Tracy S says:

    Cool! Love to try some Sleek here in Canada!

  371. Liliana says:

    Would love to try Sleek. Happy New Year all here 🙂


Jemma Kidd Make Up School Launching on QVC Today!

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Underrated Stuff #1 - BodyShop Eye Shadows

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Inexpensive Beauty Find: St. Moriz now available at TESCO!

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Blooming Marvellous! Jo Malone launch the new Silk Blossom charity candle

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Find your perfect shade with Findation

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …


Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Would You?

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Waitrose Essentials Range - Cleansing Wipes

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Pale Girls Rejoice! Meow Cosmetics Mineral Foundation in Frisky Chausie

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ELF Studio Cream Eyeliner in Coffee

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CLOSED: Competition Time: Givenchy Very Irresistible L'eau en Rose Perfume!

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CLOSED - Win it! The Body Shop Expert Brush Collection

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Win a gorgeous "glow" trio with prizes from Urban Decay, New CID, & Arbonne!

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Hello? Is this thing on?

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Avoid the brush off with Oral-B Pro-Expert

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Big savings on French Pharmacy brands, win my top picks!

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Win it! 3 EcoTools Bamboo Bronzer Brushes to win!

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FOTD Busting out of the comfort zone!

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Dear Obesity...

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …

Urban Decay The Black Palette - Photos & Swatches

Day 3!  It’s Mondayyyyyyyy!  In commiserations I bring you three of Sleek’s most popular products. Sleek Nail Polish in Lilac (perfect for Spring!), Sleek Kajal …


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