Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 2

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 9 - 2011

Day 2 brings a trio of super-cute Asian goodies to make your day that little bit quirkier!  Hair velcro, Paper Soap and a Blush Guide!!

Leave a comment to enter.  Giveaway closes at 23:59GMT on 9th January.

Winners will be announced next month.  Info and rulez can be found here.

203 Responses to “Lipglossiping New Year Giveaway – Day 2”

  1. Udita says:

    enter me please! 🙂

  2. Huong says:

    enter me please :}

  3. please enter me! n___n

  4. Mai says:

    I love the hair velcro thing, it’s a staple for me for washing my face 🙂

  5. liloo says:

    woohoo, please enter me pretty please?

  6. Enna says:

    Cute! Enter me please! 🙂

  7. Katrine says:

    Enter me please.

    I so need to find out what hair velcro is…

  8. Catriona says:

    Enter me please, they’re soo cute. 🙂

  9. Catriona says:

    Enter me please, they’re soo cute. 🙂

  10. Rachelle says:

    yay, enter me, please!

  11. Emma Dunwoodie says:

    Enter me please…how cute;)

  12. Julia says:

    Enter me, please!

  13. Sarah says:

    Enter me please they are most definatly super cute!! Xx

  14. Pamela Lord says:

    enter me please 🙂

  15. Holly says:

    i missed this last time round and regretted it, please enter me! x

  16. rebecca says:

    Ooh how nice! sounds fantastic to me!

  17. charmed-chick says:

    Enter me please

  18. Lauren says:

    lovely!, please enter me . x

  19. Jaynee says:

    Enter me please 🙂 x x

  20. Lily says:

    I remember thinking how quirky/ cute the blush guide was when you first posted it 🙂

  21. @_PurpleAi says:

    Enter me please! I love asian ‘goodies’ as you call them! Do you know what brand(s) they’re by?

  22. Joy says:

    Cute, I love how Asian products are always so brightly coloured 🙂

  23. Rachel says:

    Cuteness! Enter me please 🙂 xx

  24. Lisa says:

    Blush guide looks fun! enter me please xx

  25. Gemx says:

    So cute! Enter me please x

  26. Phoebe says:

    Ah hair velcro! I’ve been searching everywhere for this!

  27. Dora says:

    Japanese gadgets and inventions are so quirky =D Enter me please x

  28. Eliz C says:

    enter me please! xo

  29. Eliane says:

    How cute! I would love to try these, please enter me 🙂

  30. Maisie says:

    so funky! enter me please xx

  31. MADEIN1985 says:

    I wonder if the blush guide will make Aunt Sally cheeks easier to apply! Enter me please x

  32. Roxanne says:

    Hair velcro calls to me! Enter me please!

  33. Sydney says:

    I love the idea of hair velcro
    Enter me please x

  34. Stephanie Cummins says:

    enter me please

  35. Ashley says:

    The Dariya hair velcros are very good but word of caution, never wear them around knit clothing!

  36. Anna says:

    Aww, so cute!

    Anna x

  37. Emily says:

    Aww, these are cute 🙂

  38. So cute!! I’m an email subscriber and I’d love to be entered.

  39. Kimberly says:

    Wow! i live in an asian country but i’ve been trying to find these (esp the hair velcro) and just dont know where to get them!! enter me please 🙂

  40. eRiN says:

    I just want to enter the Most Dedicated!

  41. Liene says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  42. Ellen says:

    Enter me, please! x

  43. Andrasescu-Scrieciu Adriana Camelia says:

    Enter me,please!

  44. Julie says:

    Ahh adorable! Enter me please!

  45. Marta says:

    So cute!!! ;)))
    Thank you for the giveaway!! :)))

  46. Harpreet says:

    enter me please 🙂

  47. Heather says:

    So cute! Please enter me 🙂

  48. Susana says:

    Enter me, please!! 🙂

  49. Jessica W. says:

    Haha. I’m totally intrigued by paper soap.

  50. angel says:

    Enter me please.. thanks

  51. Alison says:

    very cute, and very interesting. paper soap drew me in!

  52. Anna S says:

    love these goodies!

  53. Dina (XYYan) says:

    The blush guide is so cute!

  54. Rachael says:

    These look so intriguing – hair Velcro!!!??

  55. Krystal says:

    Neat! Enter me please 🙂

  56. Erin says:

    Enter me, please!

  57. Jemma Page says:

    the blush guide looks amazing so enter me please 🙂

  58. Maria says:

    Very cute! Please enter me for me. 🙂

  59. Tracy S says:

    Hahaha that blush guide cracks me up!

  60. Vijaya says:

    So cute! The blush guide looks interesting. Enter me, please!

  61. Kari says:

    Entering and crossing fingers! 😀

  62. Ivana says:

    enter me please 🙂

  63. Hibel says:

    enter meee please x

  64. Amy R says:

    I’ve been wanting to try the hair velcros for a while.

  65. Katy says:

    the paper soap is interesting! enter me please 🙂

  66. Tom says:

    I had never heard of paper soap before, but it looks cute. Please enter me 🙂

  67. Mariana Bantug says:

    Awesome. Enter me please!:)

  68. Lauren says:

    i’ve seen hair velcro’s talked about before, they look so cute!

  69. Keri says:

    Those are all really cute!

  70. Devon says:

    How did I miss day 1? My google reader fooled me! I’d like to be entered. 🙂

  71. Nadine says:

    These are so cute!

  72. Petra says:

    Everything looks so adorable and I find that blush guide amusing. 🙂

  73. julia says:

    Oh how great is that! Would love to be entered for these 🙂

  74. Heather says:

    I absolutely adore the cute face on the hair velcro package! So exciting 🙂 xx

  75. Hair velcro looks really cool! Love the packaging xD

  76. Justine says:

    The cheek blush guide is cute! I wonder if the instructions also tell you to blend it out so you just don’t have a circular patch of colour on your cheek? Please enter me 😀

  77. Helena says:

    These are adorable 😀

  78. tgz says:

    Interesting! Enter me, please 🙂

  79. Ann says:

    so cute! Please enter me (great to see you back online!)

  80. Janet T says:

    Ooooh! These look like they’d be really fun to try!

  81. sugar sugar says:

    Those are really cute! I have always wanted to try those products. 🙂

  82. Catherine says:

    So cute! Enter me please 🙂

  83. Tanya says:

    I would love to win such cute goodies Thanks

  84. Henrietta says:

    Enter me please x

  85. Adair Stone says:

    These are all so adorable!

  86. Bec says:

    Enter me please!

  87. Thian says:

    enter me please …

  88. Shaheeda Petersen says:

    The paper soap look super cute, enter me please

  89. Solangel says:

    I’ve always wanted to try hair velcro! Enter me porfavor 🙂

  90. Aneela says:

    These are so cute

    enter me plzzz

  91. layla says:

    hair velcro? does it work like a little hair tie? the paper soap is whats making me jump 😀 so convenient when u’re traveling 😀 and the blush guide is so cute!

  92. snow0016 says:

    cute! please enter me!

  93. Hollie says:

    How cute! Enter me please x

  94. Andrea says:

    Ooh these look like fun!

  95. Vicki says:

    aww cute, love the packaging!

  96. Nina says:

    How cute and nifty!

  97. Syd says:

    adorable! enter me!

  98. Galen says:

    I don’t know quite what any of these are, but the packaging is uber cute!

  99. Kelsey says:

    so kawaii! Thank you for running this.

  100. Anna says:

    Enter me please

  101. Louise says:

    Enter me please! These are so cute!

  102. Bex says:

    Thanks for an awesome giveaway! Please enter me!
    Bex XxX

  103. Emily says:

    These are all so cute!

  104. Viv in the UK says:

    How cute!! Enter me please!

  105. Summer says:

    Hair velcro?? How intriguing x

  106. Tiukukello says:

    Oo, they’re all so cute. 🙂
    Enter me please!

  107. Sylvia says:

    the blush guide will help me tons since i always overload on blush

  108. quinie says:

    I’m entering! They are cute!

  109. zx says:

    these are so cute! 😀

  110. victoria says:

    Wow cute!! Enter me please!

  111. Picksley says:

    I think hair velcro must be a thing of wonder, enter me please doll face. xxx

  112. kathleen says:

    cute asian stuff!so awesome.
    enter me please

  113. Deborah says:

    Hair velcro, it sounds funny <3.

  114. Carol says:

    The packaging is almost too cute!!!

  115. Jeni says:

    They look very interesting 🙂 Enter me, thanks !

  116. Charlene says:

    I am very curious about the paper soap. Please enter me!

    Charlene xxxx

  117. Marlique says:

    not really a clue why Asian people need these devices, but it looks rather cute!

  118. Katie says:

    Hair velcro eh? Sounds intriguing. Enter me into the comp please!

  119. Anna Crystal says:

    Enter me please 😀

  120. Lieselot says:

    Love the blush guide. Please enter me!

  121. Alison T says:

    These look interesting and intriguing please enter me too 🙂

  122. Lulu says:

    As last time, I say, Enter me please 😉

  123. va says:

    i like the blush guide and the velcro item . I wish more asian products had eco friendly packaging available with the products .
    Because the environment needs it . Happy New Year !

    tumblemumbo at /thank you

  124. Hobbit84 says:

    these things are lovely! 🙂

  125. redtiger21 says:

    Enter me too please!

  126. Margot says:

    I’m hoping to win the most persistent (or most dedicated) 🙂

  127. Jade says:

    Ooh please enter me, love goodies from foreign shores!

  128. R00ki33 says:

    Awww this stuff is super cute!
    Do you think the blush guide really works tho?
    paper soap :O woww.
    enter me! xxx

  129. Kristina says:

    How cute <3 Wonder how paper soap works 😛

  130. Alexandra says:

    far too cute and quirky to use, but I’d love them as a talking point!

  131. Sarah says:

    The paper soap sounds like the favorite.. But I’m most intrigued by the blush guide… Enter me please!!

  132. Imogen says:

    enter me pleease!xxx

  133. tousledkitten says:

    These look awesome. 😀

  134. Lilmiznutcase says:

    Would love to win. Gutted I missed the first one though.

  135. Katinka says:

    Enter me please :-). Hair velcro sounds like just the thing I cannot live without!

  136. Khadija Jamal says:

    Enter me please 🙂

  137. NatalieDouka says:

    Blush guide? Never heard of something like that! Enter me please 🙂

  138. sara says:

    weird stuff…all good in my view

  139. Kate Mathewson says:

    So cute! Thanks x

  140. Miss Gabrielle says:

    So cute! enter me please x

  141. Mercedes says:

    I would love to try them!
    Please enter me. XXX

  142. Marie says:

    Enter me please!

  143. Jade Freedom says:

    I’d like to enter please 🙂 x

  144. alafair says:

    I’m very curious about these! 🙂

  145. Jane says:

    Please enter me 🙂 xx

  146. katy says:

    enter me please 🙂 xxx

  147. Faybee says:

    These look so cute! Enter me please 🙂

  148. Anitacska says:

    Enter me please!

  149. Adia says:

    OMG this is so cute, pls enter me.

  150. Alla says:

    ooh 😉 looks nice. enter me please. i actually have the hair Velcro coming my way from Hong Kong right now 😀 will see how I like it

  151. Cat says:

    Please enter me 🙂

  152. Vettelicious says:

    Oh, I would love to enter! Those paper soaps are extremely adorable 🙂

  153. Phoebe says:

    I think I’ve died and gone to heaven! I would love these… enter me please! <3 xxx

  154. mandy says:

    I’m very curious, ENTER ME PLEASE 😀

  155. Penny says:

    enter me please xx 😀

  156. KIM says:

    these are sooo cute.. enter me please!!

  157. Shifa says:

    aww so cute! enter me please 🙂

  158. Sharon says:

    really ultra-cute… enter me, please 🙂

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  159. Keeley says:

    Hair velcro 😀
    Enter me please ! 🙂

  160. Hinna says:

    Enter me please. These certainly are quirky 🙂 xx

  161. sarah says:

    enter me please x

  162. Ms Wedgie says:

    Enter me please! 🙂

  163. Tess says:

    I love Asian thingymajigs! XD These look so cute, and interesting as well. Please enter me <3

  164. Rachel says:

    enter me! These look fun! x

  165. Sadi says:

    woww cute !!!!
    enter me please

  166. Sophie says:

    The packaging is sooo cute!

  167. Helen says:

    please enter me – these look so cute x

  168. Enter me please! Asian beauty products always look so adorable!

  169. Cassie says:

    Enter me please! x

  170. Rachel says:

    The packaging is adorable!

  171. Bourriquette says:

    Oooh japanese stuff… Enter me please!

  172. Jennifer says:

    enter me please 🙂 i’ve never tried paper soap!

  173. FaceFixers says:

    Enter me please!

  174. Donna says:

    Ooooh I’d like the chance to win these! Thanks for all the fun giveaways! Enter me please.

  175. Emma says:

    enter me pleasee x

  176. I’m such a K-pop fan. Asia rules 😛

  177. Tracey says:

    Enter me please! xx

  178. So cute, enter me please x

  179. Emmie says:

    please enter me!

  180. Annie says:

    enter mee please (:

  181. Hannah says:

    Enter me please! These are adorable!

  182. hannah says:

    enter me pleasee 🙂

  183. Tululu58 says:

    Nice packaging. Sign me up! 🙂

  184. Laurette says:

    Oh this is soo cool, I’d like to enter ^^ kawaaii!

  185. Jessie says:

    enter me please <3

  186. Shell says:

    Enter me Please (^_^)

  187. Jean says:

    Enter me please!

  188. Camille says:

    Enter me please 🙂 xxxx

  189. hannah says:

    enter me please xx

  190. Andrea G says:

    enter me pls 😀

  191. Emily says:

    hello, i’d like to be entered thank you !

  192. Jenny says:

    These things look so cute! Enter me please xx

  193. Such a cute prize, enter me please x

  194. peiwen says:

    enter me please!

  195. Angharad says:

    Super cute. What are you supposed to do with hair velcro? Am intrigued.

  196. Patricia says:

    omg the cuteness pack, I definitely remember this one from the first time around 🙂

  197. Anna says:

    oo fun stuff. 🙂 Thanks for having these giveaways! enter me please

  198. sherrie says:

    So sweet! and very different enter me please x 🙂

  199. M says:

    enter me please thanks! x

  200. Maddie says:

    Enter me please.
    I’ve wanted to try Asian beauty products for a while but Ebay scares me too much and I’m never sure what to look for in websites.

  201. lo says:

    Oh my gosh, SO cute! I am really intrigued by hair velcro haha.


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