Hello? Is this thing on?

Posted by Lipglossiping On January - 6 - 2011

Phew, that was a little unexpected.

For those of you who haven’t had the misfortune of reading my hand-wringing tweets and woe-ridden facebook updates, let me condense it for you.

Just after midnight on the 24th December (Christmas Eve no less – bastards), my previous site hosts suspended the website without warning. They cite some kind of server overload… CPU mega-usage which meant that they had to immediately shut down Lipglossiping to protect others on the same server.

When I picture the scene in my head… I visualise sirens going off in some hi-tech basement somewhere, sexy lab-coated men running… frantic in their endeavours to hit the switch before the cyber world implodes, caused by the domination of lipstick-loving women everywhere.

In reality, some fat bloke in Chipping Norton (probably) scratched his balls and sighed at the realisation that he’d have to put down his pickled onion Space Raiders before clicking the big fat red X on my hosting package (and nearly my Christmas too).

This in itself isn’t a huge problem… these things happen (though prior warning would have been nice).  What IS a problem, is the fact that when they turned things back on, only half the site came back.  At some point between fatso putting down the crisps and hitting the “on” switch… the database had become corrupted.  Marvellous.

So I did what any self-respecting 29yr old would do in this situation.  I cried.  Then I shouted at Mr. L and made him feel as guilty as I could for not backing up since mid-December.  Then I ate a box of Lindt chocolates and got over it.

This is the ‘condensed’ version, I promise.

That whole “getting over it” thing didn’t last long when we discovered that the backup from mid-December was also corrupt.  Infact, I may have cried some more at this point.  Ok, I definitely did.  Our hosts were useless… infact, their epic proportions of uselessness extended to having the gall to say “You do know that by having more than one backup on our system, you’re breaking our T&C”.   Upon reading that insightful bit of wisdom, my face was a perfect picture of “Oh no you di’nt”.

Long story short (no really, I’m nearly done now)… we’ve since moved to a new site host (hemorrhaging more money than I thought possible on a blog about makeup) and won a battle with some evil timelords (our original hosts) who made it as difficult as they could to transfer the domain name across (this is what has actually taken the time).  I’ve been monotonously copying and pasting missing posts across from Google Reader (thank god it archives them) for the last 10 days and am now ready to give up blogging for good.

Well, nearly.

So what does this mean for the site?  Well… there might be some bugs lurking and I’ve lost all the comments made since November 26th.  This includes the Advent giveaway.  Those of you on Twitter know that this is the thing I’m most upset about… it’s one thing to lose my efforts, it’s quite another to lose yours.  There’s absolutely nothing I can do about this though and the whole thing will have to be re-run (starting in the next couple of days).

Other than this, things should be pretty much as we left them… hopefully.  If you notice any bugs or have any issues with things loading or site slowness I’d be really, really grateful if you could let me know.

Ok… so what have I missed?

112 Responses to “Hello? Is this thing on?”

  1. Sarah says:

    YOUR BACK! the bastards! xxxx

  2. Jasmine says:

    Oh dear, it’s alright about the giveaway, most of us can reenter again. Cheer up Charlotte, so glad you’re back, that’s what really counts x x

  3. Lola Rose says:

    welcome back 🙂 xx

  4. Sorry but – name and shame! I want to know what host I need to avoid!
    Sorry you had such a balls time of it. Gotta watch out for any money-making company these days sadly 🙁 xx

  5. I am so glad we’ve got you back! I really missed your posts <3 And so sorry for all those lost comments 🙁 🙁

  6. beautyh2t says:

    oh Charlotte I havent been on twitter and missed ALL of this happening, I am so sad for you. this would be devastating. I am really gutted, that is so terrible 🙁 xx

  7. Claire says:

    Glad to see you back lovely, I can only begin to imagine the hell you’ve had with all of this. Don’t worry about the advent, I’m sure people won’t mind all that as if they’re anything like me, they’re just glad you managed to get back and get it all sorted. xx

  8. MsWedgie says:

    Just the one box of Lindt chocolates!?! That’s very restrained given the situation…I would have scoffed several boxes…and then drank a few bottles of vodka…and then I’d probably start smoking again as well!! 🙂

    I’m glad that you’ve finally sorted everything out and we’re all very VERY glad to have you back!

  9. Sarah Bailey says:

    YAY Welcome back.. I’ve been having withdrawls from reading your blog 😉

  10. WooooHoooo! Great to have you back! x

  11. Kim says:

    Glad to see you’re back! xx

  12. Hayles says:

    Glad to see you back 🙂

  13. Jade says:


    The site was kinda slow to load up and change pages but I can live with that!

    It’s no bother doing the Advent again, things happen.

  14. Samantha says:

    I’m glad you are back. Thankyou for working it out so quickly. I missed your posts! I hope it didn’t spoil your Christmas, I really appreciate the time you put into lipglossiping. xx

  15. Fee says:

    Are you sure it was just the one box of Lindt chocolates on Christmas ever?! I know I personally consumer 1.5 boxes of chocolates and I was feeling quite festive and happy haha

    So so glad your site is back…all sounds like a nightmare!
    Looking forward to all your lovely swatches and interesting posts 🙂

    Fee x

  16. Liene says:

    I am sorry for you, sounds as terrible Christmas surprise. 🙁
    But I’m so glad you are back. 😉

  17. Jen says:

    OK, I’ll leave a comment and test the system. Horror story. My company domain name is hosted by LCN. I had to renew a couple of days ago and it seemed to go OK. I’m glad because I understand nothing about how it all works.

    Good luck with your new hosts!

  18. Fee says:

    Christmas ever? and consumer……I was clearly typing too fast due to my excitement of Lipglossiping being back haha

    Fee x

  19. lishlash says:

    you’re back! YAY! Normal work day can now commence 🙂

  20. Lucy says:

    Oh no, what a nightmare…..I may go and back up now.

  21. Jess says:

    So so happy to see you back! 🙂 What a nightmare, I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I’ve really missed your blog!

  22. quinie says:

    we missed you so much!!!!!!!

  23. GlamGemini says:

    Yay!! You’re back, I wondered where you’d got to! Phew!
    Yeah, name and shame I say for all the hassle they caused you, the rotters *shakes fist*.

    Welcome back!! 🙂

  24. sara mathews says:

    Thank goodness you’re back – we missed you. Happy new year btw x

  25. Ally says:

    You’re back! Yay!
    I really missed reading your blog! I been refreshing it for days, thinking “please be up, please be up, please be up!!!”

  26. tiptoe shortbread says:

    SO SO SO glad you’re back!

    Hating those space raider eating bastards for you!! Stupid bloody hosters!!

    Bring on the posts……

  27. Jo says:

    woohooo my life is again complete!

  28. tiptoe shortbread says:

    Oh and were the hot scientists Matt Baker like???? 😉 hee hee

  29. Debbie says:

    Yay! You’re back, gosh I missed you soo much. Mr L’s replacement for the standard “its all gone to shit” page was funny though and made me lol! Fab that you are back and now I have the trauma of making sure I dont by some completely hideous disaster miss the day you do the UD Naked Palette giveaway as am about ready to sell my soul for that beauty! xx

  30. megdalena says:

    We missed you!!!!!!!! So glad you’re back! Hope your holidays weren’t all frustrations and woes about your site!

  31. Kirsty says:

    Yaaaaaaay! I was so excited to see this in my reader. So glad you’ve been able to get things mostly sorted!

    Kirsty xxx

  32. Kirsty says:

    So glad to have you back, I have been checking your page obsessively willing it to come back to life!

  33. Lila says:

    Welcome back!
    Hmm that’s a real pitty, that everything’s gone. So you will start the giveaway once again? Huh, I don’t really know on which days I participated, but I guess when I see the things, I’ll remember. I know these problems with hosts and they always (!!) got problems when you forgot to backup the database. Therefore, I’m having a xampplite for development on my computer and I work ont he databases offline. When I want to update my website, I just exchange my database with the one in the internet, so mines is always up to date.

  34. Meeta says:

    Yay! I was really happy to see your post in my blog reader, welcome back. It all sounds like a nightmare, but I hope your new hosts fair better.

  35. Phoebe says:

    Sounds like a nightmare, I doubt your readers are going to be up in arms about having to reenter giveaways. It’s soooo much effort on your part, so if anyone does complain then it’s all on them!

  36. Jessica says:

    Yay, you’re back! I missed you. Btw, Mr L’s comments were hilarious. Never mind the give-away, you’re back online!

  37. Louise says:

    Eee I’m so happy you’re back! Definitely my favourite blogger! The advent giveaway isn’t a huge problem, we’re just glad you’re back 🙂 x


    Happy New Years…sort off. Hopefully, it’ll get better from now for the blog 🙂

  39. Katy says:

    I’m so glad you’re back up and running 😀 your blog is my favourite out of all that I read and it was so bad when it wouldn’t load when I tried :L I’m sure everyone will understand about the advent giveaway, it really wasn’t your fault at all!

  40. Rachel says:

    So so so glad your back, all that trauma must have been awful 🙁 I’m just glad your back and can re enter the advent giveaways again 🙂

  41. Mercedes says:

    I would just say they are a waste of human being! Useless!
    Glad you’re back.

  42. Emily says:

    Lovely to have you back but booo and hiss for all the stress *hugs for you* x

  43. Jenny says:

    It’s good to have you back – I’ve missed your updates 🙂 And like others have said, don’t worry about the giveaway – it will be a nice way to bring some sparkle into January, as it can be quite a depressing month. I’ll have something to look forward to each day then 😀 xx

  44. Scarie says:

    So glad you’re back!!!!

  45. danielle says:

    Sorry to hear of all your interweb woes, but I’m super glad you’re back. I missed your wit and sass! 🙂

  46. I visitd a fw times and saw th sit was down. Cant believe how awful they have been. Name and shame!! Good to have you back xx

  47. LeanneOCD says:


    What a horrendous nightmare for you Charlotte. Hope it didnt cast too much of a shadow over Christmas? As you can see from all the comments, we really appreciate all your hard work to get the site back up and running.

    So glad to have you back, my daily routine was buggered without Lipglossiping.com

  48. Christa says:

    Glad to have you back. Have been obsessively checking every day for a sign that you’ve returned to brighten my day. Sorry the gits ruined your festive season, Hopefully karma will introduce them to the error of distressing all of your dedicated readers.

    No fault of yours, just sorry that so much of your work has been farfed about with.

  49. Bourriquette says:

    Ok, let’s let my split personnality talk… 1) YEEESSS!!! Lipglossiping is back (although I really liked the messages Mr. L. left… Reminds me of my husband!) 2) Oh noes, the giveaway! (really not as bad as this beginning of the year without yous posts!). I really hope 2011 will run better for you than how 2010 ended!

  50. Rae says:

    YOU’RE BACK!! *hugs hugs hugs*

    I was one of those crazies that checked every day (if not more), so I’m very glad that Lipglossiping’s back 😉 Also, I’m offering my condolences re: comments — we lost all of ours from Oct ’09 to Nov ’10, and it still throws me for a spin every now and again : (

  51. lulu says:

    Welcome back! That sucks so bad, I’m so sorry 🙁 xx

  52. Grace London says:

    Nooo! You’re not allowed to give up. So glad to have you back. I worried for Tsunimee, honestly I did 😉

  53. nicolajones says:

    Oh noez!! You poor thing! Do NOT feel bad about the giveaway…for gawds sake, you’re giving people nice things for free!! ;o) Hope you have a tranquil rest of the year!


  54. Summer says:

    You’re back! WE MISSED YOU
    You poor thing, having to deal with useless hosts almost ruining your Christmas 🙁 Don’t worry about us though, it’s just nice to have you back 🙂 x

  55. I’m really glad you’re back!

  56. Alla says:

    when i read about the lost advent contest comments my face was the perfect ‘oh no they didn’t’! what useless bunch of idiots those providers, OMG. morons, that’s all i have to say. but don’t you get your comments on your email? they’re still there

  57. Alla says:

    can you sue them? this is just out of this world. treating you like this. you should really look into getting some compensation.

  58. Jo says:

    Thank goodness you’re back sweetie – I was getting withdrawal…I swear your “tell-it-like-it-is”/gorgeous photos/rofl-worthy insights are more addicitve than illegal substances (cleaarly this is pure conjecture on my part, as I’ve led an unfeasibly sheltered life and therefore have no actual comparative data, but y’know what I mean)
    Enough waffle from me, welcome back, NEVER leave us again, Jo 🙂

  59. Yay, you’re back! Hasn’t been the same without Lipglossiping to check, although I have enjoyed Mr L’s comments on the temporary page…..

  60. Yay your back 🙂 We missed you x

  61. mq, cb says:

    Very pleased you’re back.

    Oh, and I’m glad Mr L has a name and I hope that he now understands what’s so important about lipstick.

  62. Janny says:

    Glad to have you back! Good luck with everything!

  63. Hannah says:


    It’s so nice to have you back!

  64. Jean says:

    I am SO sorry about that whole ordeal you’ve gone through!! I’ve been checking everyday to see if the site was up, can’t imagine how stressful it must have been for you. Thanks for all your hard work and I just wanted to tell you again I really love checking up on your blog everyday, small doses of beauty happiness to keep me running. Take care of yourself!

  65. Faybee says:

    Soooo glad you’re back! I hope your new hosts are better than your last (although it wouldn’t be hard would it!?)

    Never mind about losing the giveaway entries, at least now it’ll be something to cheer up the dismal month of January 🙂


  66. Natalya says:

    Oh no, I am so sorry! That is awful, horrible, hideously unprofessional and damn right sh** of them for not only messing everything up, but also being so rude to you. So glad you are back! We all missed you honey. Happy New Year – you are overdue lots of good luck! Maybe buy a lottery ticket.. karma is now on your side! 😉 love xxx

  67. Leah says:

    Welcome back Charlotte! You’ve been missed.

    Your old hosts smell like dirty old tramp wee and I hope the new buggers are much better.

    Well, I’ve been knocked up since you were last here (as I said on Facebook), Christmas happened and I got some nice new makeup goodies. I’m planning all kinds of motherly goodness, getting excited over prams and wondering if I’ll be the biggest thing in the solar system when heavily preg.

    Looking forward to lots of Lipglossiping news in 2011.

  68. Timperley says:

    Good to have you back and happy new year.

  69. marie says:

    I am glad to see that even with all of the drama and truma you have been through your explanation is so totally humorus. i love that in spite of everything you have kept on going regardless dont let the bastards keep you down lol especially the ones that scratch their balls lol. like i said on facebook these things happen and its not your fault look at all the lovely ppl that have left messages of support. Chin up girl 😀

  70. Belle says:

    Welcome back 🙂
    Sounds like you had an eventful christmas, hope it’s all sorted for good now though
    Belle xxx

  71. Isabel says:

    Yay! Lovely to have you back!

  72. Geek Faerie says:

    We missed you so sweetie! Would you like me to harm your previous web server provider for you? Perhaps I could send him some wicked faeries to give him/them boils and acne? Or maybe turn all their hair gel into jello. 😀 *hugs* Just so happy you got everything worked out despite a few mishaps.

  73. Jan says:

    I am delighted that it is all back and working. Having had to recover my blog twice on an albeit much smaller scale than yours, I feel your pain and frustration, in fact I am going all hot at the thought of it. So glad all is OK. Jan x

  74. Sonal says:

    I’m just glad you’re back! I’ve been stalking you for quite a while now, but didn’t realise how addicted I got it till the guys messed it up. Welcome back!

  75. Marlique says:

    I’m so sorry you went all through this! But I’m also very happy that you are back again, I really missed your blogposts.

  76. Dora says:

    Helooo =) Welcome back lovely makeup person =) I can’t wait to read more posts from you xxx

  77. liloo says:

    alleluia, the angels sing 🙂
    how was the turkey? 😛 xx

  78. eRiN says:

    Good God, what a NIGHTMARE!!! Twats – it’s their fault, they should be the ones paying YOU for the mistake …

    Well, it’s kind of exciting to re-enter the giveaways again, so don’t even worry about that! We missed you – I know I’ve been trying every day to see if it worked yet ^.^

  79. ooh, poor you- my mum transferred her blog last year and all her comments disappeared. i feel for you!! youre doing an amazing job though, keep it up!

  80. Alisha says:

    Glad your back! 🙂

  81. rhaindropz says:

    thats alright hun.. cheer up.. i miss your posts ^_^

  82. Paris B says:

    Welcome back! So sorry it had to happen to you but hopefully everythings up and running well now.

  83. Gemx says:

    Welcome back! Poor you! I’m glad you got it all sorted in the end 😀 x

  84. reeree says:


    What a terrible ordeal at the beginning of the new year 🙁

    Hope this year only holds good things to come!

  85. I am so happy that you’re back now. 😀 We really missed you! I was kinda upset when i can’t open your blog the last time i checked it. Anyways, so good to see you here again. 😉

  86. Julia Arenas says:

    OH GOOD GOODNESS!!!! YOU’RE ALIVE *HUG*…i partly know the feeling I had a backdoor encounter…on WordPress just the other day…I quite nearly fainted when the title of my blog changed to TOKYO FLASH and the links to full posts showed the Host Gator gator with an obscene 404.

    but that was NOTHING compared to your hosting catastrophe, but thankfully, you survived…the blog will better than ever from now on. I’m sure of it 🙂

  87. Sarah says:

    Yay!! Welcome back! So glad you didn’t give up completely 🙂

  88. erghh that sucks! I was very confused when I saw that server message, I’m glad you got everything sorted out though!

  89. Bernice says:

    SO SORRY TO HERE! But I’m glad you’re back!

  90. Klara says:

    Yipee, welcome back! I’ve really missed your blog! On the positive side, the advent giveaway sounds perfect for this gloomy January.
    x Klara

  91. M says:

    Yay i’m so glad that you’re back up and running now, i’ve seriously missed reading your blog! Sorry to hear about all the hassle you had to go through 🙁

  92. Shaheeda Petersen says:

    Welcome back! I’m sorry to hear about your sever troubles and I’m glad everything is being sorted out. I really missed your blog. All the best for the New Year 🙂

  93. dreamer says:

    I’m glad your back 🙂

  94. Emmy says:

    What an ordeal!! 🙁 glad you’re back tho, you’ve been missed! 🙂

  95. Asmaa says:

    Yay! you’re back =D
    Looking forward to 2011 blog posts! x

  96. Rachel says:

    Yay! Welcome back 🙂

  97. snow0016 says:

    so sorry to hear that! your holidays probably been ruined bad! sorry to hear that but glad you are back! 🙂

  98. Omg that’s so awful, I think I would’ve punched someone 🙁 *hugs* glad you’re back though!

  99. alafair says:

    Welcome back! 🙂

  100. Nicole says:

    YAY! YAY! YAY!
    You’re back!!! I am so happy *does happy dance*…Don’t worry about the giveaway for goodness sakes – surely no one cares that much..It’s lovely to win something, but it’s not the end of the world that it didn’t go to plan…however I am sad that all your efforts and posts weren’t kept, and that you have to be laboriously cut and pasting stuff!
    Anyway, welcome back and thanks for everything…

  101. Yay! I’m absolutely thrilled that you are back! Thank you for your hard work in getting the site back up to normal. You deserved far more this holiday season.

  102. Jennifer says:

    Wow, I saw that error, I didn’t actually think it was that bad… wells welcome back! I was missing your red lips blog posts ><

  103. redtiger21 says:

    So so glad to see you back!!!!!

  104. gio says:

    I’m glad you’re back, you were very missed!

    That’s awful, Your old hosts were so rude and unprofessional! I’m glad everything was sorted out in the end.

  105. Jules says:

    Three cheers for you and the mister working as hard as you did! Boo to the baddies for adding stress to your Christmas.

    Makeup-related: Thanks to you, I’ve gone and ordered bright red lipsticks! They haven’t arrived yet, but I’m already nervous that I’ll look like a small child playing dress-up instead of like the lovely photos you shared.

  106. Beckie says:

    *sigh* All is well in my universe, now. Lipglossiping is back! 🙂

  107. Sharon says:

    So glad to see the real page appear when clicking the bookmark tonight! I’m sorry your former web host made such a mess of things!

  108. Nadia says:

    Glad you’re back and glad that everything has worked out for you. I know exactly how you felt. I previously blogged at http://www.indulgentreviews.com and in December as well, a webhost stuff up deleted all of my data. Now I’m still trying to set up a whole new blog. So yeah, I know exactly how you feel.

  109. Tina says:

    This sounds like a Christmas nightmare (a real one, not the cute Tim Burton version)!!!
    At least you’re back now! 🙂


  110. Susan says:

    Wow, at least you had a backup and you were able to keep those posts. It’s crazy how much we rely on things just working out with our hosting. It sounded like a nightmare, nevertheless. Hopefully it doesn’t repeat for 2012!

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