Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks Review

Posted by Lipglossiping On November - 11 - 2010

I’m a sucker for cream blush.  Complete and utter sucker.  I love the dewy finish they tend to give and feel more confident in my application and blending than I do with powders.

Which led me to this little purchase…

Blushed Rose #3 is described as a brown pink… it’s definitely a little more brown than pink to my eye.  I think I’d describe it as a pink brown. I know, I know… I’m totally splitting hairs but that description just seems to fit better!

Not very pink is it?

I’ll be honest… I was really dubious about how this would work.  Multi-tasking products are up against it at the best of times.  They promise a lot and often deliver very little , I wasn’t sure how a lip product could successfully double as a cheek product and vice versa.

Still not very pink.

Well… my verdict on Bobbi Brown’s Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks?  It’s… ok.

It doesn’t rock my world and it’s not the innovation I was looking for.

I find it a little drying on my lips and a touch too sticky on my cheeks.  Not horrendously so (in either case) but it’s not faultless.  I also feel that once blended, it’s a touch too sheer as a blush.

At £16.50 I do feel that it’s fairly good value… but it’s just not for me.

Have any products disappointed you recently?

18 Responses to “Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks Review”

  1. Rhamnousia says:

    I find creme blushers harder to work with because I’m a bit thick but I have no problem with powder ones.

    I really wanted the Topshop ones but thought I’d never be able to work them properly and that they’d dry before I blended them in.

    I have seen the BB pot rouges before and that colour you have is a bit too brown to be called rose something.

  2. Debbie says:

    Cream all the way – have looked at these and been tempted based purely on how cute they look thank you for saving me from myself as I would be less than chuffed to find they were a bit meh having parted with £16

  3. ashley says:

    I also love cream blushes but didn’t care for Bobbi Brown’s. I had the same problem – it wasn’t the right texture for lips but didn’t look like anything special on the cheek – in fact I like my NYX cream blushes far more, for both lips and cheeks, and they are only $5 or $6. I ended up swapping my Bobbi Brown cream blush away.

  4. Maryam says:

    I just purchased the Nars christmas multiples which gives you 3 different shades for 32 pounds which is a really great price considering you never run out of them, unfortunately I was pretty dissapointed with two of the colours, one of them being orgasm and compared to the blush it gave less that 30 per cent of the pigmentation in my opinion! I was really exited to try Bobbi Browns so it sucks that you didnt like it! Thank for all the HONEST reviews, refreshing! xx

  5. Jan says:

    Ha I have just given 2 of these away – raspberry and some other pink one, barely dented just didn’t get on with them at all, I find they are just a bit too dense for my skin in that I can’t spread them easily and I don’t have dry skin. I really find blusher hard and tend to go without as I so easily get it wrong, and as for powder blush, forget it, that is far too advanced for my paltry skill. Jan x

  6. I too have been disappointed with these. I tried the same color you did, and also Cabana Coral, and I found both of them dry and very difficult to blend. I returned them 😛

  7. starviolet says:

    I’ve found with the Pot Rouges that you really have to nail the right colour, otherwise the product is so-so. I tried 3 colours (Summer Tan, Cabo Coral and Blushed Rose) and they all looked blah on me, before I actually had a proper consultation with a sales assistant and got Powder Pink (whch I love, and wore today funnily enough!). The consistency took a bit of getting used to, but now that I have the right colour it really makes my skin glow (the dewiness looks very natural). Agree Blushed Rose is very brown, it’s not really a rose at all!

  8. amanda says:

    you have GOT to try MUFE HD Cream blushes. yum yum!

  9. How did you apply this? I have the same product in Powder Pink and I’m a fan, however I felt the same way about the texture until I started applying it to my cheeks with a skunk brush. Bye bye sticky texture!

    It’s definitely a bit drying on my lips, though. I typically just apply balm on top and go with it.

  10. Guess I’ll be staying away from this then 😐 I always find multi-tasking lip and cheek products to be a load of crap, because if they look nice on the cheeks they tend to feel weird on the lip. And multitasking lip/cheek/eye products annoy me because they’re usually an odd colour to use on the eye

  11. Amee says:

    Very pretty shade but i think i will stay away from this coz of two reason:
    1) I am not comfortable with the application of cream blush.. i alwys end up in messing my makeup 🙂
    2) I have very oily skin.. i think after applying this my face will look more sticky…
    thanks for review honey..

    My recent post: What I am wearing today!!!

  12. Jen says:

    I love the pot rouge! I have fair warm skin and picked Velvet Plum and the color and texture work for me. I don’t think I would like the Blushed Rose, though. Too brown. 😉 I love mine, it blends well and feels about as drying as other lipstick.

  13. Ann says:

    I’m so late, so I doubt you’ll get to read this … but I’ll post it anyhow – I love these! But I think for it to look great on cheeks, you really have to have the right color for your complexion. The best one I’ve tried is Summer Pink, but it was a LE, and is all gone now (and all I have is a GWP mini). But a close color which I also have and wear regularly is Pink Truffle, and this one might (color-wise) be more like what you were looking for.

    For cheeks I use fingers and tap a lot before blending lightly – it works great for me because blush can easily become ‘too much’ on me, and this doesn’t because I can really control depth of color and placement.

    For lips, I like to use these like a tinted lip balm – so I apply a lip balm that I like (usually just Smith’s Rosebud Salve) and then get a touch of this on a finger and blend it on over the balm, and I’ve never had problems with it being drying. It’s not very long lasting, but it’s a really flattering touch of color to keep your lips looking alive and natural.

  14. Kelly says:

    aw thats too bad you didnt like the pot rouge. i actually love them! i think they are the best cream blushes ive tried so far. this color you purchased is actually my favorite one i own. i agree with the stickiness you mentioned at first but i think they are so easy to blend into your skin compared to mac and nars. nars cream blushes to me are sheer as well but still buildable and beautiful. i find bobbi’s to be more pigmented. i havent used any of the pot rouges on my lips though..i just prefer them as cream blushes.

  15. Sarah says:

    thats a bit of a funny colour :/ i like the Calypso one, but i have to be so so light handed xxxx

  16. Timperley says:

    I have struggled with this product and been left feeling a dumbo because I couldn’t get it to work. Make up really shouldn’t make you feel like that. That’s why I love this site because it cuts through the marketing hype.

  17. Jenny says:

    It’s a very pretty colour. I like multi tasking products generally but surprisingly i don’t like dual cheek/lip products because I have dry lips and they tend to sit on my lips badly.

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