The perfect matte pink lipstick! (for me)

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 7 - 2010

When my lips are in good enough shape for matte lipsticks, there’s one that I reach for over and over again.

It’s pink… but not too pink.  It’s girly, but not prissy.

It’s MAC Please Me!

I find it bright enough to be interesting without being one of those MAC shades that make me feel a bit myspace profile picture-y?  You know the ones I mean…. pink plaid, st. germain, snob etc.  Some people can wear those shades really well… me?  I just look OLD in them.

Having said that, I’m having a bit of a MAC revival at the minute… especially with the lippies.  I have a few on my shopping list including Sweetie, Faux and Milan Mode.

What are your favourite MAC lipsticks?  The ones that you reach for over and over for everyday wear?

27 Responses to “The perfect matte pink lipstick! (for me)”

  1. Lisa says:

    Everyday ones would be both my Lovelorn and Syrup, I love them lots, but my very favourite one is Vegas Volt! I do wear in the day sometimes, but I’m not sure everyone would think it that suitable 😉

  2. My favourites are Speak Louder (bright, blue-based pink) and Ramblas Red. The only nude from Mac that I have is Honeylove; I’m with you on Snob, etc. Really hard colours to wear; don’t look good on most people so I ain’t even gonna try. Hue is nice though. Next on my list are See Sheer, Morange and Ruby Woo I think. x

  3. Wendy says:

    I love Creme d’nude, Liquid Lurex and Viva Glam Gaga 🙂

  4. Lily says:

    Please Me looks really pretty on you, suits you well! I practically live in MAC lippies, Honeylove, Jubilee and Blankety are my all time favourites and I wear them to death.

  5. Hendrix says:

    Fast Play! All day, every day.

    And Cunning. I’ll be needing backups of that sucker.

  6. Krystal says:

    Russian Red! It’s striking, beautiful with a subdued eye, and stays on pretty good all night 🙂

  7. It looks so flattering on you!!! 🙂

  8. Beeks says:

    My list is going to betray just how long I keep (and use!) old lipsticks… but my favourites are 3N (hated it at first, now it’s true love), Myth (I’m so pale, it’s an actual colour on me!), Creme Cup, and Pretty Please. I have my share of mac lipstick regrets, too… I bought Blankety because so many people love it, but on me it’s just brown and 90’s looking. I thought I’d love Show Orchid for a hot pink lip, but I hate the blue in it. Also, I bought Russian Red nearly two years ago and have yet to wear it out of the house. Russian Red scares me.

  9. Let E. says:

    This is such a pretty lipstick. 🙂 My eyeryday lipstick is Faux. Love it. I also like Angel, Syrup and Pink Plaid. There’s something about Pink Plaid and Pretty Please.. I think one looks better on warm skintones and the other on cool skintones.. just guessing.

  10. liloo says:

    gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous
    suit you so well too
    me likey a lot xx

  11. baby in a corner says:

    I like crosswires and viva glam gaga. I’m lemming snob and show orchid (love blue based pinks!) and rebel.

  12. rhamnousia says:

    You are looking slimmer and slimmer in each of your pics.

    This doesn’t look too matte to me (must be because your lips are moisturised) because I always envision matte lipsticks showing all the lines in your lips.

    However, it does suit you, I can’t wear pink because I look silly.

  13. Lovely! And not at all Myspace profile pic (which is a spot on description of Snob et. al. by the way!) My most everyday MAC is Dressmaker Dressmaker – coral but subtle.

  14. Sophie says:

    LOVE this! Definitely going on my list. I really love Hue, and find myself reaching for it over and over again c

  15. Shortiee31 says:

    Sweetie is a universally beautiful lip colour! Do get it if you can! 🙂

  16. Syen says:

    I love Hug Me for a nude lip, Blow Dry when I want coral and Giddy for a neutral pink. =)

  17. Jen says:

    This was my first MAC lipstick ever 🙂 I agree it’s a great pink

  18. Judith says:

    See Sheer See Sheer See Sheer See Sheer ♥! Next: Freckletone, Syrup, VG Cyndi, Lady Danger.

    Greeting from Germany,

  19. CeeBee says:

    Hot Gossip, Brave and Creme in My Coffee!

  20. Linda says:

    see sheer for me =)

  21. Kimberley says:

    This lippy looks great on you Charlotte!, however for me its a bit tame!!

    My all time fav lipstick from mac is RUBY WOO!!!! I cant get enought of it!!! Ive just bought Cyber( dark dark Purple- need to tame it down a touch with a great purple lipgloss- any suggestions???) then Ive got Dark Deed (deep red fm Disney collection)- this will be my go to lippy for the winter months!. For a brighter lip- VEGAS VOLT, MORANGE- are both fab colours- team ruby woo with morange and you get a beutiful shade that lasts All day. And finally a great nude for me is Creme d’nude… even though mac have so many nudes that look the same- hue, hug me, half n’ half.,. the list is endless. I LOVE LIPSTICKS!!!

  22. Timperley says:

    I used to look at the Mac lipsticks, feel overwhelmed by the choice and never buy. A couple of months ago I passed a display for a new collection and bought Phlox which I love. Have noted down a few names from the list above, so if you see a woman camped at a Mac counter list in hand and covered in lipstick its me 🙂

  23. JMTolman says:

    I rarely wear non-MAC lipsticks- what? For some reason, most other brands dry out my lips in an instant, and they make such lovely colors for cool skin tones!
    My “everyday” colors are Plumful, Twig, Up the Amp, and Gaga, but I use the bolder colors just as much! Rebel, Media, Party Line, Violetta- especially Rebel and Media.
    I have two others- New York Apple and Radicchico- but I don’t use them as often. I think it’s the frosty finishes.

  24. Awwh pretty :3 weirdly enough my favourite MAC lipstick is Go For It – a purple LOL

  25. Tina says:

    This is amazing on you, no wonder why it’s your favourite! 🙂

    Lately, I ‘ve moved away from the fleshy nudes, so atm it would be probably be Blankety – gorgeous neutral shade! Guess that getting old(er) and the fall season have sth to do with it…hmm…


  26. Eka says:

    Pink Noveau! (: It’s Barbie pink and so girly! Adds a feminine touch to your lips

  27. Jade says:

    YES!! I know this post is old and mooouldy, but I LOVE Please Me!! I have almost used a whole tube and will buy another when I run out. By the way, it makes a GREAT blush – you NEED to try it!!

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