Essie Merino Cool NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 4 - 2010

I’m so late with this, I mean who cares now right?  We’re all onto the Christmas releases!

I care though!  I cracked this bottle open for my recent jolly up to London and although it didn’t turn as many heads as Essie’s Sew Psyched did… I felt all sophisticated a grown up in this shade!

Please excuse the photo, have finally managed to borrow a point & shoot that doesn’t hate my computer… but, it’s not fabulously colour-accurate.  In real life, Merino Cool is a touch more mauve.

3 coater and a touch slow drying.  I had a duvet imprint on my thumb all weekend despite a quick dry top coat and reasonable length of time before throwing myself in my pit after painting!

This photo has also prompted a nail chop!  Whilst I do love my nails being long… the above is a touch too long for practicality!  The number of times I’ve caught them on something and literally HELD MY BREATH as I glance down expecting to see that I’ve torn one right down to the cuticle… that’s when I know that they’re just not manageable anymore!

Anyway… I haven’t forgotten that I promised a comparison of my mauvey toned greige shades.  I will do one v. soon, I’ve just had another camera knock-back this morning from a company that I wouldn’t recommend to my worst enemy (SimplyElectronics).

Thanks for sticking with me, I can see why proper ‘togs have camera backups now!  Alas, for me… I’m just a dabbler and Mr. L would infact kill me if I even contemplated the word ‘backup’ when talking about cameras.

Crappy Monday everyone! xx

18 Responses to “Essie Merino Cool NOTD”

  1. Shortiee31 says:

    Everytime I see Merino Cool I always think of Lady Gaga – Simply because I read ONCE she wore it to the VMA’s haha 🙂

  2. Claire says:

    I love it, was so pleased when my Fall 2010 set arrived – so many gorgeous colours, not enough nails to wear them all at once though haha! xx

  3. Ooh, I love this sort of shade. I still haven’t seen this collection anywhere so I’m hoping it arrives soon and it would be nice and convenient if it happened right around a sale. =)

  4. tass says:

    I love it! Gorgeous colour

  5. I love this colour so much, can’t wait for my Essie fall collection to be delivered!

  6. Jan says:

    This is a great colour – I always find that Essie is a tad on the long-drying shade (if that makes sense). Sorry to hear that the camera saga is draaaaaaggggggiiiinnnnngggg on. Jan x

    • Thanks Jan! You’re right about Essie… in general, they are slow driers. I’m gonna come round and steal your son’s. I’ll have his fish-eye while I’m at it too! 😉 x

  7. thebristolbeautyblog says:

    Love the colour, but understand the duvet print – that’s always happening to me – I think I’ve left enough time, but some polish just takes forever to dry! Hope you get a camera sorted out soon, I’m getting very fed up with my rubbish point and shoot, that is completely un-intuitive! x

  8. Dempeaux says:

    I want to buy this because I love the colour and I have a pet Merino sheep. I think he would be a fan of the ‘Merino Cool’ name 😉

  9. Emily says:

    Oh my god this is SO gorgeous! I’ve never been that into Essie but this just blows my mind, I need it!!!! I don’t even understand why I’m this excited about a greige but I just am! If only they weren’t €14 a bottle where I live. 🙁

    Good luck with the camera issues, I really hope it will be sorted out soon!

    I’ve never commented but I really love your blog, keep up the amazing work! 🙂

  10. Amee says:

    i must say u have very pretty nails..n u have shaped them very nicely… the color is lookin fab on ur nails.. 🙂

    my recent post: Review – Sigma Individual Bushes – F45, SS188, F80, SS109

  11. Cafe Bellini says:

    I love that colour, it’s gorgeous! Actually I’m in awe with your fingernails, though, because mine are horrid and short…!

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