Accessorize Illusion Aztec Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On October - 26 - 2010

When I was in London last week I was on the hunt for some of the new Accessorize Illusion nail polishes… you know, the duochrome ones.  Sadly, I only found one solitary polish and I nearly had to beat someone up to get my hands on it first.  It’s ok, I only broke a couple of her fingers… she can always paint the other hand.

It was totally worth it though right?  Look at those gorgeous purple/green/amber flashes! *dies*

Please excuse my death-warmed up hands… we were having double glazing fitted and the house was an ice-box sans windows.  My hands were ready to drop right off.

What d’ya think?

That is a bloody gorgeous duochrome to feed our inner 8 year old’s craving for something PURRRRRRDY right?

Application isn’t too shabby but it did need a good 3 coats and a healthy splodge of quick dry top coat for optimum shininess.  Wear has been good… no chips, just some minor tip wear.  Removal was a bit of a pain thanks to the glittery bits but othing too soul destroying.

My niece came over yesterday and the first thing I did was thrust my nails in her face and demand to know if she’d ever seen anything like so completely amazing?  She looked at me in the way only a 7 year old can when embarrassed by someone old enough to know better.

But she agreed, it was pretty cool.

Priced at £4 each for 10ml… Accessorize Nail Polishes are available instore (though I can only ever find a couple – usually by the tills), online (full selection) and I believe they’re coming to/are already in Superdrug?  Or did I imagine that bit…

Anyway, the moral of the story is… go and hunt them down, even if it means maiming your fellow shoppers in the process.

29 Responses to “Accessorize Illusion Aztec Nail Polish NOTD”

  1. Sophie says:

    I love it, it is gorgeous. I need to get my hands on some of these 🙂

  2. Lily says:

    Looks like the high street version of MAC ‘Mean & Green’ – so tempted to get this too, since ‘Mean & Green”s formula is the worst of practically any polish I’ve ever had!

  3. Gemma says:

    do I see a bad fairy dupe as well there?

  4. Gemma says:

    Most definitely need this in my life. Though I may have to finally stop biting my nails first 😉

  5. Deborah says:


    Too bad it can’t be found here, in The Netherlands :(. And the stupid people of Accessorize do not ship to me also!

  6. Melissa W. says:

    Weird, Accessorize has some of the exact same (same color/packaging, different branding) products as Hard Candy’s Walmart line.

  7. Meredith says:

    That is gorgeous! I love the duochrome!

  8. Leanne says:

    I KNEW it! I knew it would look the same as MAC Mean and Green. I must get this after the shambles that was the MAC one. I haven’t been able to find any of the makeup or polish in any of the stores yet and I begrudge paying for shipping so I might just wait it out until it hits Superdrug.

  9. abby says:

    I reeeeeally like this. more than the mac vv polishes x

  10. argghh god dm why do u do this to me last week it was nails inc now this week its this … husband will put me on a blog ban at this rate!

  11. liloo says:

    I am so frustrated. I want this range already in superdrug
    no one is able to tell me when the hell it’s going to be out.
    this colour is gorgeous. having my heart set on the rock chic collection and the with love one primarily. so many i want. at £4 it’s a bargain. yay, xx
    please keep us up to date as soon as you know more

  12. Shortiee31 says:

    Loveee the look of this! Must be a pain to get off though, right? x

  13. Shifa says:

    the colour is to die for 🙂

  14. gio says:

    That’s gorgeous! Too bad it’s not available here.

  15. sarah says:

    This is very pretty! It looks like a dupe for Orly space cadet!

  16. Debbie says:

    Great pics, looks really nice am always a bit worried about glitter & removal issues as remover makes my skin peel so I try to minimise contact, might be worth a bit of skin peeling for this though!

  17. Wow! That’s amazing! It’s making me want to hurry up and use up some of my nail polishes and get down to Accessorize.

  18. Janie says:

    More accessorize make up testing please 🙂
    I’m tempted by a couple of the eyeshadows actually. There is a lovely looking taupe duo!

  19. Phyrra says:

    Yep,it looks like Orly’s Space Cadet. I have that on my tips right now. Pretty 🙂

  20. Jellyfluff says:

    Sad to hear what some people think about the MAC version. I’ve had the MAC one on for half a week and there’s very minimal tipwear! It also applied very well for me – I used Nails Inc Caviar base coat, followed by 2 coats of MAC then a good coat of Nails Inc Caviar 45 Second topcoat.

  21. Jenni says:

    They had free P&P the other day. Worth checking it out. I ordered 3 and maybe this was among them. Can’t remember.

  22. Phoebe says:

    sooo prettttyyyyy!!!! but £4 each? hmmmmmmmm… £3 I could do, but 4? Maybe I’ll find some in a sale sometimes- that’s where I got my accesorize polish. Thanks for the ammmaaaazzziiiiinnnngggg blog!!! xxxxxxxx

  23. Anitacska says:

    I never knew Accesories had a make up line and I’ve just looked on the website and oooh those pretty blushes! I’ve got to get them! This is pretty too by the way and there does seem to be a Bad Fairy dupe as well!

  24. Makeuptini says:

    Love it!!!!! Looks wonderful. All it needs is teal blue sparkles to be perfect. 🙂

  25. tass says:

    I wasn’t aware that Accessorize sold nail polish? This colour is gorgeeeee tho xx

  26. Tina says:

    The Accessorize nail polishes is the only thing that caught my attention from their makeup range! And this one looks like a great dupe for the MAC/Orly ones! 😉
    You shopped well!

    PS: You ‘re quite expanding your nail polish collection arent u?
    Jealoussss!!! 🙂


  27. Catherine says:

    Just to let those who may be wanting this ( quite a few I’m sure 🙂 I was able to pick this up today in my local superdrug! I do think today was the first day the collection was on sale but the stand was up and running and some of the other colours are amazing also! Good for me as a make up lover, not great for my purse lol. It was £4 and there was a few in stock also. This was in a small town in Northern Ireland, btw, which never has anything so I’m sure it will be in other stores soon, if not already! 🙂

  28. Brb dying over that multichrome :O

  29. That is amazing. I really need to get the whole collection!!

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