
Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 4 - 2010

duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh…. or something…

Facial Wipes… we know that we’re not supposed to rely on them right?  I mean… they’re convenient and all, but they don’t really ‘cleanse’ your face effectively enough to be your go-to cleansing solution.  Though, I’m sure lots of people do use nothing but wipes night and morning.  Dirty gits 😉

These are currently my favourites and I’ve forever got a little stock of them for cleaning swatches, tidying eyeliner mistakes and generally freshening up.

Clockwise from Top Left:

Good Things Total Wipe Out (£3.49/25)

Aimed at younger skin, these thick wipes make a really quick job of removing most makeup.  I love these for when I wear a smoky eye.  1 wipe makes it a much easier and quicker job once I get to the sink.

No7 Quick Thinking 4-in-1 wipes (£6.75/30)

Firstly, I’d never pay nearly £7 for a pack of wipes… frankly, I have better things to spend £7 on.  I stockpile these like they’re going out of fashion when the £5 off Boots No7 vouchers appear in store.  £1.75 for 30 lovely and effective wipes is not a price to be sniffed at!  These leave my skin feeling super soft and at £1.75 I don’t feel guilty carrying a pack in Leila’s nappy bag for messy fingers!

Simple Radiance Brightening Cleansing Wipes (£3.94/25)

I love the material of these (yes, I know… get a life) but these have a great stretch and subtle smell of mango.  Non-greasy and refreshing, these are the ones I keep in the glovebox throughout the Summer.  Instant freshener round the back of the neck.  Mr. L steals these regularly (though he’ll deny it).

Tesco Vitamin E Cleansing Wipes (£0.48/25)

Ridiculously cheap but effective.  They’re ALWAYS out of stock at my local Tesco whenever I try to pick these up, so when I DO see them – I grab as many as my basket can hold.  Well, alright… about 5 packs.  I remember when they used to be about 30p a pack… Tesco must have cottoned on!

I don’t really use these on my face but they’re great for cleaning up swatches and eyeliner brushes.  I hope they never get discontinued.


What do you use wipes for and which ones do you swear by?

23 Responses to “W-w-w-w-w-w-Wipeout!”

  1. Ceona says:

    Bourjois wipes are the best I have ever tried. Absolutely brilliant.

  2. Sarah says:

    the Johnson’s ones leave my skin so so soft, sometimes i just use them willynilly (aha sp?) just to make my skin feel soft!

    and do you think Boots ever get any full price sales from those wipes ? xxx

  3. I too pick up the No7 ones with the vouchers. Cant rely on them fully as my skin gets dry and clogged.

  4. Udita says:

    I occasionally use the Nivea ones and they’re not so bad either!

  5. Jessica says:

    Oh God I LOVE the No7 one too.. except I’m stu[id and buy them anyway at full price. 🙁 Stop me Charlotte!

  6. Laura says:

    I use Pampers sensitive wipes to get my makeup off before Cleanse and Polishing, they’re cheap and do the same job as more expensive wipes! Plus they’re handy to have around for when I’m swatching and stuff.

  7. danielle says:

    Made use of my trusty (and apparently very popular!) No7 wipes not five minutes before reading this post. Great minds think alike?

  8. I love wipes by Simple! I might pick up the No7 ones though, seeing as I have a voucher, they seem great 🙂 x

  9. Rachel says:

    I love this post, some wipes are so underrated! The No7 ones are brilliant with the 5 pounds voucher. I also rate Boots vitamin E ones and the St Ives ones as you get more for your money.

  10. vonnie says:

    I use Korres Milk Protein wipes to wipe off my makeup before using the Clarisonic brush with a cleanser. That way a lot of the makeup is wiped off before it can get all over my brush! As well, they are nice and soft so that I can wipe the eye makeup off


  11. Louise says:

    I use wipes a lot of the time.. naughty I know. I was Simple’s VIP of August and got sent tons of products so I’m currently using the Simple radiance, normal and exfoliating ones.
    But my all time go to wipes are from Wilkinsons called Skin Therapy – 2 for 98p 😉

  12. Shifa says:

    I love the tesco ones too, they work so nice!

  13. rachael says:

    I love the Lidl own brand wipes, nice and moist and super cheap. but most of the time I just use baby wipes – much more gentle and far cheaper than dedicated make-up wipes!

  14. baby in a corner says:

    I like the lacura ones you get from aldi for cleaning brushes and fallout. I think they are about 2e. Also handy for cleaning your dressing table when you get eyeshadow etc split on it!

  15. caz says:

    I use the tesco sensetive skin ones. They do the job! I only use them pre-cleanser to get the worst of my slap off…or occasionally if I’m too tired(read: drunk) to bother washing before bed, so cant justify spending more than a quid or so.

  16. I’m in the US, and I use Target’s own-brand baby wipes! All I use them for is to wipe fallout/glitter/mascara flakies off my face, and they work just fine for that. I also tear them into 4 or 5 pieces, so they last forever.

  17. AlicatAHL says:

    I use the Lidl ones too, they’re really good, soft fabric and very moist. They come in dry/sensitive and normal/combination. Very good value for money.

  18. tass says:

    I don’t seem to use wipes anymore but it’s handy having them around. I have the Tesco ones and bought them when they were 27p. Damn you for the price increase Tesco!

  19. Alisa says:

    I don’t use wipes that often. I don’t buy full size packages because they dry up since I use them so rarely. I buy the travel size package of Shoppers Drug Mart baby wipes (Canadian drug store brand). I don’t like using them too much because they’re so wasteful. I’d much rather use a flannel and my cleanser that I can use over and over again. Better than all that garbage!

  20. Eliza says:

    I use cheap ass Cherish facial wipes that I get from Semi-chem for a £1. For me they are the best I have ever used, they are for mature skin so they are super soaked and even take off waterproof mascara.
    Great post, £7 for wipes! Crazy talk.
    E x

  21. liloo says:

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i want those tesco wipes 🙁

  22. I use the Elf ones, they smell nice and they don’t sting my eyes! 🙂

  23. […] lovely Lipglossiping shares her thoughts about facial wipes and mentions four of her favourites. I love a bit of the wipe myself (yes, it’s no […]

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