The grass is always greener…

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 15 - 2010

When my hair was long, I craved for hair that could carry off a distinct style… a sharp bob or an angled, chiseled look that would accentuate my non-existent facial bone structure.

Or maybe a pixie cut… channel my inner Jean Seberg, coax her out from inside me kicking and screaming…

Once I opted for a basic razored bob, I was in heaven.  For about 3 weeks.

And then it started to grow out and I never really fell in love with it again.

A year and many, many trims later… I’m at that awkward teenage hair stage.  It’s almost on my shoulders.  It’s unruly and it’s disobedient.

I’m completely jonesing these:

I want waves… soft, fluffy bedhead hair.  It’s getting cold and I want hair that keeps the back of my neck toasty warm.

What haircuts are you ladies desiring?  Link me up to some pics – I wanna be inspired!

20 Responses to “The grass is always greener…”

  1. Any hairdo that isnt mine right now. Am gritting my teeth and growing out my chemical straightening in the hope that my hair will return to its previous Kate Winslet a la Titanic glory.

    However, it presently resembles this:

  2. Naty says:

    I want my hair to be like it was back in January, before I went and chopped it into a bob. My hair’s really curly and frizzy and sometimes goes halfway between a curl and a wave and just looks pitiful but when it was long…it looked like this
    I guess I learnt my lesson that no matter how much I want to, I will not have a bob haircut in the future anymore!

  3. Gemma says:

    I’ve been growing my hair for three years, and it’s now half-way down my shoulderblades, and curly. I had the fringe and loved it, might get it back again for winter… But I’m totally considering a bob again!

  4. my hair is similar to the photos of the hair you’re “jonesing” for (wavy, past shoulder length, long bangs) and i’ve has the same hair style for many years now.

    i always want to chop my hair off (usually during the colder months, oddly enough) but i’m reminded that i’ll need to straighten my hair EVERY DAY, which makes me opt for the same, tired, old hairstyle.

    in my senior year of high school, i cut my hair like this:

    but right now, i’m craving this type of hairstyle: i’m kind of working towards gathering enough courage to go for it.

    i think wavy hair would suit you.

  5. Hayley says:

    Ahh I am growing out a graduated bob, and I am growing out the back of my hair so it catches up with the front. I am also lusting after beyond shoulder length waves. But alas, my hair is only just touching my shoulders. It’s frustrating. I just bought extensions! x

  6. For the first time in years, my hair is short as I went to Tanzania this summer on a field course for my major (zoology) and although I miss being able to braid my hair, I am loving my new look. Not such a great picture of me (why am I slouching?) but it shows off my hair well if you’re interested.

  7. Arianne says:

    Oh I am loving the last photo!

    I wanted bold blunt bangs and got it. 😀 I’m pretty low maintenance when it comes to hair, so it’s a bit more work than I’m used to but I love my bangs. 🙂

  8. Emma says:

    My hair is pretty long and nice enough, I want lot of choppy bouncy layers though 😀

  9. kristen says:

    OOh i so want wavy hair like you see on trendy Asian girls. they have this cool process called digital perming which is very different from traditional perming and it produces those lovely soft loose waves. I only know of a few salons in London that do it here at the moment and its over £100 to get it done, but you only need it done once a year!

  10. I think the last time I had my hair as long as it’s now (that is, just below my shoulder) I was 13 years old 🙂 I’ve had all kind of short bobs, pixies you can think about. I regularly wanted to grow my hair and always gave up after a while. But the last time I had it cut real short, 3 years ago, I suddently hated it and felt very sad. Since then I only had little trims and I’m enjoying the longer hair, although it requires a bit of work now. Since it’s naturally wavy (as you can see here: I can enjoy different styles, but I mostly wear it straightened (as shown here:, lose or in an easy up-do. I do have short hair envy sometimes but I try to remember what I felt after my last short cut and I change my mind!

  11. I, too, am torn between haircuts at the moment. I’m growing out a pixie cut, and I’m relatively pleased with how it looks right now:

    I kind of want to keep it how it is now, but I also kind of want to grow it more into a very short bob with bangs, flapper-style. I also ALSO want to grow it a bit longer, maybe shoulder length. Sigh.

  12. Jan says:

    I am Mrs Pepperpot when it comes to hair, up in a bun and that is it. Today I put it up a bit higher and backcombed it a bit – may show a pic later – but I never ever wear it down, except when it is drying. It is too long. I think yours looks great, but agree with the grass is greener. Jan x

  13. I’m the same as Hayley, I have a short bob and really massively regret having it cut as I can never be arsed to dry or style mine in the morning and so frequently look like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. At least when it was long I could put it up with chopsticks and stuff to at least make it look a *little* bit interesting.

    Today I used some Schwarzkopf Osis + Volume serum and then put my hair up using a biro…. took it down a bit later and wham, colleagues asking if I’d permed my hair!

  14. Phyrra says:

    I’m torn all the time. I used to keep really short, spiky anime styles. I decided to grow my hair out and right now it’s past my shoulders and I’m loving it but every time I see a cute short style I want to whack my hair off.

  15. Diane says:

    I actually just cut 6 inches off my hair and I couldn’t be happier… I have a natural wave, so now I just have to scrunch in some product and I’m off. I love the liberating feeling of shorter hair that’s still sexy. My problem is that shorter hair requires more upkeep and trims. That’s usually why it ends up growing out again. I’m going to try really hard this time to keep this style!

  16. Rachel says:

    My hair did end up greener on the other side! *cringe*

    Growing up I always wanted long blonde curly hair. Instead I had short fine brown poker straight hair. So when I was 15 I bought 2 bottles of Super Sun In and spent 3 hours with the hairdrier turning my dark brown hair a honey coloured dirty blonde colour.

    I didn’t stop there…when my roots were about an inch long I bought a bottle of peroxide and with the help of my best friend we set about turning my hair a flourescent shade of yellowy white.

    Some 2 years later I finally sought professional help and had my hair (which by now was in a terrible condition) dyed back to brown. Sadly the dye washed out and I was left with green hair! Thankfully at 17 I could get away with it…

    I decided from that point onwards never to dye my hair again & I now fully appreciate my long dark brown straight hair! Lesson definitely learnt!

  17. Grace says:

    I’ve got a razored bob (re-cut yesterday) and I’ve already decided to grow it out; I want Barbie hair! You can bet I’ll get “grass is greener” syndrome in 18 months time and cut it all off, but that’s how it goes with me. You have my sympathy!

  18. tass says:

    I had looooooong hair and got it cut into an assymentrical graduated bob. It was great then it grew out and looked like shite. Atm I’m growing my hair so I can recreate the haircut I had 3 years ago

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