H&M Spending Cash With Carl Nail Polish NOTD

Posted by Lipglossiping On September - 22 - 2010

Do you remember when you were a kid and your cousins came round?  They were in YOUR domain… you were in charge.  Let’s face it… only you knew where the biscuit barrel was hidden.

The afternoon would be progressing nicely… a little bit of bossiness on your part (it IS your house afterall)… perhaps inching towards a small amount of rowdiness… which may or may not have included biscuit hogging…

then… BAM!  “Stop showing off!” my your Mum would shout.

Stop. Showing. Off.

Those three words would have me beetroot red for the next 6 hours and reduce me to a whimpering, sullen shadow of my former custard cream party leader self.

Someone needs to tell this H&M polish to stop showing off.

Enough.  Too much.  Simmer down now.  Get to bed.

I get that it’s clearly striking… it’s purdy and it’s bright.  It does things that no £3 nail polish should really be able to do.  The shimmer is complex and the hue so vivid, my retinas are screaming for salvation.

But it’s too much.  It just doesn’t know when to stop.

Some of you will disagree with me… and that’s cool… but in the bottle (and I still don’t have my new camera so can’t actually SHOW you)… it doesn’t look so obnoxious.  It looked all midnight blue with an incredible glow – I wanted what you can see above to be apparent, but subtle.

And this ain’t subtle.

As for all that other stuff? Application… wear… I can’t remember, this mani is about 3 weeks old now and I didn’t write it down – sorry!

On a completely unrelated note… this is my 1000th post! Oh my… *fans self* – I’m not sure whether to be proud or embarrassed!

41 Responses to “H&M Spending Cash With Carl Nail Polish NOTD”

  1. Allyson says:

    Congrats on 1,000 Charlotte! Here’s to 1000 more! x

  2. Airam says:

    Congratulations! 🙂

  3. rhamnousia says:

    1000th?! Congratulations!

    And I know that cousin thing all too well, I used to be a right bitch to my cousins when they came around.

  4. Anitacska says:

    And you have nearly 1000 followers (2 to go)! How cool is that?

  5. Joyce says:

    congrats on the 1000th post 🙂

    i like that nail polish though it’s very eye catching!

  6. as soon as i saw that one in the shop i got it!

  7. ive been meaning to ask you, what top coat you recommend?
    i do like the glossiness of sech vite, but hate the shrinking it does on some of my polishes and i cant seem to prevent it.

    • Seche Vite or INM’s Out The Door.

      I don’t get shrinkage with Seche I must admit, but get irritated by it’s short life span. Out the door isn’t so fast drying… but it’s shiny, hard wearing and is good from the moment you unscrew the cap to the moment you finish the bottle.

      There’s also a Sally Hansen pink coloured one that I like, but I can’t find it anymore

  8. liloo says:

    i didnt understand anything you wrote but congratulations on your 1000th post! wow 🙂

  9. NV Beauty says:

    Congrats and here’s to 1000 more!!! =)

  10. Shortiee31 says:

    Loveee the colour!

    Be proud of your 1000 posts 😀 Congratulations!

  11. Nepenthe says:

    That nail colour is absolutely eye catching and looks great on your nails. :]

    AND.. congratulations! 1000 posts is such a milestone.

  12. Sabah says:

    Congratulations! 😀
    I’m addicted to your posts! I keep coming back for more again and again! It’s been 1 year like that but i never knew it until today!
    BE PROUD of the 1000 posts! You deserve it!
    Love Lipglossiping! Love the posts! x

  13. Eliza says:

    Here’s to more posts and Mamma! I’m a loving that colour.
    E x

  14. Nicole says:

    Congrats on your 1000th post! I’ve read and enjoyed just about every one so I look forward to many more 🙂
    I’m always drawn to colors like this, and I do love them, but when I put them on my nails I think the same thing… it’s really pretty but it’s just too much! I feel that way about China Glaze Frostbite which is what this one reminds me of.

  15. Congrats on the 1000th post! I’ve got a long way to go before I get to my 1000th post. Oh and I love the blue polish. I have a passion for blue polish, eyeshadow and eyeliner.

  16. baby in a corner says:

    I love this about the story about the cousins! I always got ‘I’ll speak to you about this later’ because I had a big mouth and said stuff like ‘My Mammy says…’ in front of my mortified Mam. Congrats on 1000 posts

  17. Julia Arenas says:

    Whoohoo! It’s a millipost! tens of thousands more to come (how old would you be by then?LOL) Love this blog, way to go 🙂

  18. PlatinumV says:

    O_O the first thing that I thought when I saw it was: “It’s wonderful!!!”
    I love weird colours 😀

  19. Scientific Housewife says:

    What a gorgeous color! I’ll have to check that out when I travel to go to H&M!

  20. Wendy says:

    Congrats Char and many more to come.
    xo querida-Wendy

  21. Phyrra says:

    This is such a gorgeous nail polish color!

  22. tass says:

    wowzers that colour sure is vivid.

    Congrats on 1000 brilliant posts! xx

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