Wordless Wednesday. Except it’s Thursday.

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

Whatever… did you not SEE how many photos I had to edit for the Urban Decay palette post?  Cut me a break… I’m calling in a nice, easy Wordless Wednesday post regardless of what the calendar says.  I walk around not knowing what day it is most of the time anyway.

Can I show off my baby toddler?  Can I? Can I?  Don’t call her ugly or I’ll DDOS (I don’t know what that means exactly, but it sounds nasty) your ass.

Leila wouldn’t DDOS your ass.  She’d just make you learn all the words to all the songs in In The Night Garden until you couldn’t take it anymore.  I’d take the DDOS if I were you.

That wasn’t very wordless either was it?  Fail.

27 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday. Except it’s Thursday.”

  1. Aaaawwwww, why would anyone call her ugly :-O she is so cuuuuute 😀

  2. EvilAngel says:

    OMG she’s gorgeous! I could just squish those cheeks!

  3. Louise says:

    Awrrr! She is adorable! x

  4. becky says:

    she is gorgeous! such a cutie

  5. Lorraine says:

    Leila’s very cute 🙂 Those big blue eyes are just gorgeous 🙂

    Oh and by the way – if you need someone to sing her the night garden songs, let me know, I can do upsy daisy’s (bad) singing even better than she does herself !

  6. Anne says:

    She’s gorgeous! You’ve every right to be a proud mama!

  7. Naomi says:

    Aww she is such a cute toddler! x

  8. AlicatAHL says:

    Dang, she is keeeeyyyoooooot!!!

  9. Rachel says:

    There are alot of ugly babies out there – yours certainly isn’t one of them.

  10. Jennifer says:

    I think your baby is the cutest little cherub I’ve ever seen! Those cheeks!! *NOMS*

  11. TBH I really don’t like babies/children at all, but I love seeing Leila pictures 🙂 She’s so adorable.

  12. Debsterr says:

    I’m gonna have to steal here. SHE IS JUST SO DARN CUTE!!!

  13. She is TOO CUTE! I have a baby nephew and although I love him dearly, I still hope for a baby niece soon… *calls brother*

  14. NItzan says:

    she is soooo cute! she is so beautiful !

  15. gio says:

    How could anyone call her ugly? She’s adorable!

  16. Jan says:

    She is a sweetie, they grow up too quick.

  17. redtiger21 says:

    Ahhhhhhh those are just the squishiest cheeks!! Love love love!!!

  18. OMGGGG I want to just kiss your baby. Lol sorry if that sounded weird, but she has the cutest little face!!! I want to eat her!! lol okay….that sounded weird. Scratch all of that, your baby is adorable. I’ll leave it at that.

  19. Corinne says:

    omg her cheeks! <3 she is beautiful!

  20. Jools says:

    Oh my word she is adorable and I would happily watch Makka Pakka and the gang with her lol, My daughter is 7 and still watches it (she is autistic) so Leila is welcome to come play anyday :0) xxxJoolsxxx

  21. NeenaJ says:

    beautiful. she and my 9 month old son would make lovely doll-faced babies together… all eyes and cheeks!

  22. Oceane says:

    Awww what a cute! Thanks for the reminder, can’t get the night garden song out of my head NOW!! Thank god, my girl has out grown it (aged 4). We are now into the fairy stage…. Ben ten here we come…

  23. Shifa says:

    oh my you have the most adorable baby!

  24. Laura says:

    Your Leila pics make me so broody! I just want to pinch her cute chubby cheeks and give her a big hug!

  25. Ciambella says:

    Ugh, she’s TOO cute!! Stop grinning at me with your cheeks and happy eyes, you’re just making me want to hug you!

    DDOS as in distributed denial of service attack? The only way to DDOS us after showing off Leila would be to take Leila away. The ensuing meltdown is guaranteed.

  26. Julia Arenas says:

    that would take away anybody’s bad mood in the blink of an eye 🙂

  27. Sian says:

    I actually want to eat Baby L. She is SO scrummy! I can’t believe how much she’s grown and how much she looks like you.

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