Sneak Peek – OPI Holiday 2010 Burlesque Collection

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 4 - 2010

I went to one of those Christmas in July press days yesterday.  Plenty of well-dressed ladies, canapes and nonchalant expressions.

Being neither well-dressed nor seemingly able to contain my excitement when surrounded by makeup THAT’S NOT EVEN OUT YET!  I felt a little out of place.  I wasn’t even carrying a designer handbag.

I may also have let out a little uncontrolled squeal when I saw the OPI Holiday 2010 Burlesque Collection due out at the end of November.

‘Ave a look!

Rising Star – Lustrous glimmering gold.

Ali’s Big Break – Glowing Red Shimmer

The Show Must Go On – Deep Pink Shimmer

Teasey Does It! – Burgundy Shimmer

Drool! Check out the duochrome shimmery goodness of Teasey Does It! and The Show Must Go On.

Extra-Va-Vaganza – Orange Glitter

Glow Up Already! – Green Glitter

Simmer and Shimmer – Blue Glitter

Bring on the Bling – Golden Glitter

Glitter-ama!  These bear more than just a passing resemblance to the Alice in Wonderland glitters… I’m thinking OPI know a good thing when they see one.

Sparkle-iscious – Multi Coloured Glitter

Show it and Glow It – Purple/Fuchsia Glitter

Let Me Entertain You! – Fuchsia Glimmer

Take The Stage – Warm Orange Shimmer

How perfect are these for Christmas?

I KNOW it’s only August, and you’re a bit over the Xmas posts already.  But how could I not show you these?

I only wish I’d had the balls to swatch them all.  But I think that perhaps sitting cross-legged on the floor painting each nail a different spangly colour would have been a step too far.  Don’t think I wasn’t tempted though.

You’ll be able to purchase the collection from – I’ve already earmarked a couple!

Any of them calling your name?

42 Responses to “Sneak Peek – OPI Holiday 2010 Burlesque Collection”

  1. Gemma says:

    Oh god. The glitter lover in me wants them ALL. So sad I didn’t make it to the Christmas press day, dayjob got in the way 🙁

  2. Jenni says:

    12 colours. 20 nails. You betcha I’d have swatched them there and then. Not this IS a decent range. Forget the Swiss stuff.

  3. Jasmine says:

    My only question is. WHICH ONES ARE LIMITED? Let me at ’em!

  4. caz says:

    Is sparkle-iscious the same as mad as a hatter?

  5. Pandora says:

    Sparkle-iscious looks like a revamped version of Mad as a Hatter… and that’s my favorite glitter polish. I have to get that one!

  6. Nicole says:

    yup – I agree, shoes off and swatching on the floor – where’s your commitment to the cause???
    These are too beautiful to be true…can’t wait for them to come out!

  7. Hannah says:

    Ooooh, now I’m excited about this collection! Especially ‘Show It and Glow It’! x

  8. Paige says:

    These are gorgeous!
    I’m really loving Ali’s Big Break, The Show Must Go On, Show It And Glow It, Simmer And Shimmer and Let Me Entertain You!
    I would have been sat on the floor swatching away lol :Dx

  9. Suzanne says:

    OMG! Thank you SO much for the pictures! I want 9 LOL!

  10. Nat says:

    I’m normally not a fan of glittery polish but teasy does it looks lovely.

  11. Sarah says:

    Not a single plain-arse creme? Come on OPI, throw us glitter-haters a bone! Where by “us” I suspect I only mean me.

  12. Andrea says:

    Am I the only one that is a little disappointed by these? I always look forward to the OPI Holiday release and usually end up buying most of them, but I’m only really loving 2 or 3 of these.

    Thanks so much for the sneak peek though!

  13. Julia says:

    None of these are super duper up my alley, but they are a pretty sight to look at all together…and I hear Christmas coming along 🙂

  14. Awww, all of them, I’m afraid!
    Too bad they’re such a pain to remove.

  15. baby in a corner says:

    is ‘the show must go on’ holographic? it looks pretty cool!

  16. Linda says:

    they looks fabulous!
    and just when I thought I don’t need another polish…

  17. Regina says:

    I only liked Teasy does it. I might get another one or two after seeing swatches, but OPI and I haven’t been liking each other lately. Too boring.

  18. janie says:

    There are a couple of maybes in there for me, but I’m much more desperate to get my mitts on the OPI Swiss 2010 Autumn Collection.
    There is a to die for teal shade, and a super cool silver, not to mention another lovely auberginey shade.
    You HAVE to check it out if you haven’t already 🙂

  19. Belle says:

    Just stumbled upon your blog and I am so happy to see these bottles! I’m going to go get most of these for sure!

    Linked back to this post from my blog – these bottles are too pretty not to share! 🙂

  20. karel says:

    They’re all calling my name!

  21. Anitacska says:

    The Show Must Go On is so gorgeous! I want it and I don’t even wear nail polish much as it chips off my nails in matter of hours. 🙁

  22. Nicole says:

    The Show Must Go On and Take the Stage are screaming my name. Teasy Does It Intrigues me as well. Nice to see some variety from OPI.

  23. Sarah says:

    I definitely need to pick up a few of these!! Especially since I missed Absolutely Alice!

  24. PlatinumV says:

    I am asking for help. In Italy it’s almost impossible to find OPI and China Glaze (or CND or thousands of other brands!!!) in shops. Can you suggest to me some internet site IN EUROPE where I can find these brands? I said “in Europe” because buying from USA is a pain due to custom for freight bureaucracy! Many shipped things easily get lost!

    • clare says:

      hi! you could try Lena White the UK distributors of OPI

      • PlatinumV says:

        Thank you very much, that’s a wonderful site! Now I just need to discover where I can get China Glaze…

        • Rains says:

          You could try the China Glaze Facebook page. You can leave them a question and they often respond fairly quickly. One would think their people would know where one could buy their product! LOL, Good Luck!

  25. clare says:

    Thanks for posting pics! they look so much better than the promos released, I will definatly be picking up Sparkle-iscious (even though i already have Mad as a Hatter :P), Show it and Glow It and Teasey Does It!

  26. Pam says:

    I am catching the VAPORS!! These colors are all soooo pretty! I can’t wait to get them!

  27. Caitlin G says:

    can someone PLEASE tell me if sparkle-icious is comparable to mad as a hatter?
    I want that, simmer and shimmer and show it and glow it. 🙂

  28. Stephanie says:

    These look beautiful! I’m excited for Bring on the Bling and possibly, Sparkle-icious.

    Thanks for taking the time to photograph these and when can we possibly expect some swatches? 🙂

  29. linda says:

    in the bottle, The show must go on looks like Bad Fairy from MAC’s Venomous Villains.

  30. christina says:

    hi there! love the photos, hate the promo pics. Colour inaccurate is an understatement for those! will be going for the glitters mostly, multi color glitter and the purple glitter look amazing. thanks for showing these so early!

  31. christina says:

    I think you’re the only one with actual photos of the bottles!! just checked the blogosphere and found your entry is quite unique thanks a billion 🙂

    I correct myself:
    I want from the first picture to the third:
    The gold and deep pink and possibly the burgundy one in picture 1,
    the green and blue glitter,
    the multi color, the purple glitter and the fuchsia glimmer.

    AWESOME polishes!
    Thanks so much for the sneak peek, I hope OPI does not give you trouble for posting this. I know a few bloggers took down their promo pics even (which are public anyway I guess?).
    I wished OPI realized this creates wants and needs for us polish lovers so early already.. by the time its released I’ll probably be so tempted by the pics I ve seen here I’ll take 3 times as much for looking at the pictures for too long 😀

  32. sinead says:

    thank you so much. i’ve been looking for this collection for ever. you can’t seen to find information about this. i will be surely buying something!

  33. Sarah says:

    Ohh, i have to say i saw the first photo and was bitterly disappointed, more foils! i was hoping for more alice in wonderland-esqe glitters… but once i scrolled down, oh those magical polishes stole my heart! so excited, I love show it and glow it, simmer and shimmer and glow up already. Can’t wait for this collection, I’ll be getting every one of those glitters!

  34. rachel says:

    You can order these now on Amazon!

  35. DEBBI says:

    Je¿eli planujesz zakup komputera stacjonarnego, laptopa, drukarki lub rozbudowê komputera warto odwiedziæ strony: , , . Jest tam wiele ciekawych i przydatnych wiadomoœci pomog¹cych przy wyborze sprzêtu komputerowego.

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