SK:N Laser Hair Removal – 3/6 update!

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 11 - 2010

There’s not actually too much to report at the moment.  I’m about a week away from my 4th facial laser hair removal session courtesy of SK:N Clinic and things have generally been progressing well.

Remember how I told you guys about the ‘regrowth’ I was told I might experience around this kinda time?

Well, I’m experiencing it…

But let’s be honest, that’s kinda wimpy right?

I’m noticing a slight shadow under the surface of the skin.  Hell, that’s nothing I guess… I used to have a permanent and much, much darker shadow in the circled areas.

However, it’s definitely worth mentioning because it’s (once again) brought home to me how emotional this whole thing actually is.

Let me explain…

When I was warned about the possibility that after my 3rd/4th session, I may notice the hair appears to grow stronger, thicker and faster again… I took this on board.  I even mentioned it to you guys.  I was mentally prepared for the blip in the progress.

But really? Despite this awareness?  It still panics me.

“What if the hair’s just gonna return when the sessions finish?!”

“What if the laser can’t remove it more than this?!”

I’ll be completely candid.  I take my hair-free face for total granted now.  I would be devastated if either of the above scenarios occured.  Completely devastated if I had to begin shaving daily again.  Heartbroken if I saw a 5 o’clock lip shadow each time I looked in the mirror.

This is a big deal.

I’m looking forward to my 4th session next Monday, please let it put me back on the right path.  I’ve come to depend on these (so far) wonderful results.

While I’m here, I thought I’d link you to something I’ve just spotted on their home page.  It looks like they’re currently offering us the chance to get a skin assessment for the princely sum of £1.  I don’t have any specific details on this other than what this link tells you…. consider it a little heads up.

24 Responses to “SK:N Laser Hair Removal – 3/6 update!”

  1. baby in a corner says:

    Good luck charlotte!

  2. liloo says:

    oh sweetie, i hope the evil hair won’t come back again.
    all the best for your 4th session.
    you’re looking good 🙂

  3. Jenni says:

    Best wishes. Best of luck.

  4. Jasmine says:

    Good luck! Your lips are looking beautiful, shadow or not. 🙂

  5. Janie says:

    So far so good, definitely impressed with this!

    As for the £1 skin check, it’s a bit of a con. I did it a couple of months ago and they basically just tried to sell me all their products and only spent 2 mins telling me what skin type I have, which is pretty obvious anyway.
    Might be good for those looking for new products etc though.

    • Ahhh, that’s such a shame… I hate it when companies offer stonking promotions only to stuff it up with a hard sell. Thanks for the heads up!

      I’ve had one skin analysis before courtesy of Murad (which I keep meaning to post about!). It’s really interesting… but I’m not great at fending off salespeople so will probably give this opportunity a miss. x

  6. chynna says:

    Good luck! I had laser removal done for my bikini line. I was supposed to have 6 treatments, but the week of my 4th treatment I found out I’d have to pay for some surgery and decided I couldn’t afford the luxury of the laser removal with the necessary medical costs looming.

    When I stopped the “growth cycle” treatments, I definitely noticed that they timed them perfectly, because with 5 weeks of my last treatment, I noticed the hair returning. At first I was disappointed, but even though I only had 4 treatments of the recommend 6, the difference has been amazing and has lasted. The growth comes in far more slowly and the difference in the lasered and non-lasered areas is obvious. It made me a believer and once I’m finished paying for my surgery, I’m definitely going back for more laser treatments. I have to shave far less often and when I do it’s much easier because there’s far less hair to deal with. I’m pleased and I hope you will be, too. I wasn’t brave enough to have them put a laser anywhere on my face, but next time I’ll add that to the list.

    • Hi Chynna!

      Thank you! This is so encouraging to hear! It’s such an expensive initial outlay that I know, even for myself (with the chronic problem) – I just couldn’t commit the finances.

      I’m so pleased I’ve been able to blog about the process, despite it being far more uncomfortable than I envisaged… I couldn’t recommend it more highly at the moment,

      Good luck for your return visit – I’m LOLing at the fact you’re unsure about letting them put a laser near your face. YOU GAVE THEM FREE REIGN NEAR YOUR HOO-HAA! xxx

  7. Good luck! Hope the next session goes well xx

  8. Lillian says:

    Good luck! Its amazingly impressive what a little laser can do 🙂

  9. penny lane says:

    Glad to see you’re getting on well….i really really hope it works for you.
    I just have a couple of questions…
    do you have before photos? how often did you have to shave the area beforehand? how long do you need to wait between treatments?
    I want laser hair removal if the results are permanent and are actually that good 🙂

  10. Wendy says:

    Dont worry I had my legs, face, underarm and bikini area done by the 5th session you WILL see the change.
    But before that you really dont notice a difference and remember not to shave or pluck and wear sunblock and what really helped me right after is lotion with aloe vera and not taking really hot showers because youre skin will irritate.
    When your hair grows back at a normal rate but beggins to fall off thats when it wont grow back.
    The nurse who did my sessions use to tell me that the lighter my skin and the darker my hair the less sessions I will need, sometimes the hair goes blonde before falling off.
    Hugs from Mexico.

    • Hi Wendy,

      I’m already seeing the change… it’s been amazing. I’m just getting a teeny reminder at the minute of how it used to be and freaking out at the thought of it reverting back when my sessions are finished.

      You’re absolutely right, sunblock is an absolute must and I’ve been slapping the Aloe Vera onto my chest since my session on Tuesday!

      I’m so pleased it’s worked for you. it’s so liberating isn’t it?

      Hugs back! xx

      • Wendy says:

        Gosh I didn’t know laser removal was so expensive in the UK for legs, underams, and face I payed the equivalent of like 200 british pounds for 10 sessions, but it was the best investment especially for the hot weather we have in Mexico.

  11. keiko says:

    Getting rid of unwanted hair can bring an amazing feel. I believe after the laser treatment the skin becomes much smoother and shiny. This is the another benefit from it which is amazing.

  12. Sammy says:

    Good Information and quiet valuable too. I have also subscribed the RSS of the website to get regular updates.

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