Remembering Sophie Lancaster

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 25 - 2010

Yesterday was the 3rd anniversary of the murder of 20 year old Sophie Lancaster.

I watched this tribute video twice last night.  First time as myself and then again as a mum.  I couldn’t breathe for a second when I watched it the second time around.

A statement from Illamasqua who have worked tirelessly with the Sophie Lancaster Foundation to promote awareness and raise money:

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On 24th August 2007, Sophie Lancaster was kicked to death, simply for dressing differently.

As a brand that promotes the right to experiment and self-express, three years after her death Illamasqua remains committed to changing attitudes towards subcultures, and continues to work with The Sophie Lancaster Foundation in the fight for universal acceptance, free from prejudice.

Honour Sophie’s memory today and watch the ‘Dark Angel’ tribute film. So far we have reached 162,000 hits, but we’re hoping to reach over 500,000, so please forward the link to friends and family and help us spread the message.

Alternatively buy an Illamasqua Sophie Pencil, wristband or make a donation, and help The Sophie Lancaster Foundation continue its work. £3 from every Sophie Pencil purchased, and all proceeds from the wristband sales go directly to the Foundation.


Please forward the video today if you get a moment.

5 Responses to “Remembering Sophie Lancaster”

  1. I saw this video last year I think. It’s so sad. 🙁 I can’t even imagine how her parents must have felt, and they probably still do. 🙁

  2. Claire Molloy says:

    It always feels so different when you watch things like that when you have your own child.
    My daughter is two and it breaks my heart that anything should ever happen to her. You get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that helps you empathise with what her parents have went through.
    Individuality should be allowed to flourish and no-one should be persecuted for being different.

  3. Tamara says:

    Wow, this video makes me so sad, and i can even imagine how it is from a mother perspective, and cant even think of what its like for her mom to see this :(((

    it is really sad that we live in world where they say anything goes, but some people still live in 14th century 🙁

    great post xx

  4. Wendy says:

    Im a firm believer that education is the way to tolerance, I’m very lucky that I live in a country (Mexico) that yes has safety issues but people are ok with you being different they dont get in your bussines.

    What really buggs me is that she was so young and younger people did this to her it wasn’t somebody older who you would think would be less tolerant.

    At the end of the day the best we can do as a society is to lead by example and teach our children to the same if you see something like this happening have a voice and at least call the police.

    No one’s appearance has anything to do with you or youre personal preference.

  5. Carol says:

    This awful tragedy happened in my home town 🙁

    I hope that we as society have moved forward to prevent things like this happening again.

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