Anyone recognise this funky nail brush?
I freaking love it! It’s mega wide (well it is pretty much 2 brushes in one right?) and I can do my pinky finger in one stroke!
Hmmm… I’ve just noticed that if you look closely you can SEE who’s brush it is… pop quiz fail.
What are your favourite polish brushes?
Which type of nail polish brush do you prefer?
- Round and wide (OPI) (49%, 127 Votes)
- Who cares, just paint 'em already! (13%, 35 Votes)
- Funky! (as in the above picture) (12%, 31 Votes)
- Flat (erm... who does flat brushes?) (9%, 24 Votes)
- Standard (China Glaze) (8%, 21 Votes)
- Thin and precise (Essie) (7%, 17 Votes)
- Other - I'll tell you in the comments (2%, 5 Votes)
Total Voters: 260

bourjois! i want to try their polish baaaad 🙂
borghese does a similar brush but theirs is rounder and not flat and kinda big.
You know, a month ago I would have said a huge wide brush was my favorite, but now I find myself enamoured of a smaller brush that requires me to dip more than once into the bottle to apply it, like BB Couture’s brush. It takes longer to apply but I’m such a butterfingers that it helps me not get nail polish ALL OVER my finger and cuticle like a 5-year-old.
haha it’s bourjois!!
Borjous – but I cheated and read it, never seen that brush before.
I chose flat – like Rimmel Pro, I think all nail polish brushes should be that shape, I’m selfish like that 😉
bourjois! ok ok I cheated! :op
I have one Bourjois nail polish and I freaking love the wide brush. Best. Brush. Ever. Wide brush haters gonna hate…
Rimmel do flat, wide brushes now. I freaking LOVE them. So quick to use, if you’re quite skillful with painting your nails in the first place, you can easily finish your mani in 10 mins flat. If you’re a newbie, then it’s so easy to learn to paint your talons with them. It’s a win for anyone.
I swear I knew it was Bourjois before I squinted to have a look at the clue.
I love their brushes, I can’t say the same of their 1 second polish but the brushes make up for that.
Bourjois! I have the pearly pink shade. The brush is just simply the best i’ve ever used. Adore it. I wish that polish came in more shades!
Ooo that’s a neat looking brush! I like flat brushes myself, Rimmel lasting finish pro and Sally Hansen complete salon manicure polishes both use a wide flat brush. I think if you like this one you may like those too! Also, the Rimmels have a fantastic formula imo, they just need more color variety.
Art Deco have done a nail polish with a similar brush for a long time, I’ve got a nice nude from them and it means I can do my nails in a couple of mins if I’m in a hurry!
I did recognize immediatly it was Bourjois! And for my pinkie this brush is even a bit on the wide side.. have to use it on it’s side or otherwise I’ll get nailpolish all over my cuticles!
I do wonder which Bourjois this is?
Bourjois.. i always add more glitter to that polish but LOVE IT! AND love the brush!
I have this Bourjois, it’s amazing! They are my favourite nail polishes, but a bugger to get off!
aaaaaaaaaaaaa i still want to know what it is called though!!! xx how gorgeous is that. x
The best thing is that it’s actually 2 brushes! G’s mum has loads of this polish and she makes her own frankens with it. Very cool.
My favorite polish brush is Nail Tek’s 🙂