Urban Decay Book of Shadows III – NYC

Posted by Lipglossiping On August - 19 - 2010

I took delivery of my Urban Decay Book of Shadows III yesterday!  Well… when I say ‘took delivery’, whoever Debenhams use as a courier left it in one of my hanging baskets.  In the rain.

Why I oughta! *shakes fist*

When I realised, I squealed… wrung my hands for a bit and then got Mr. L to open it while I peeked between my fingers anticipating a very soggy palette.  Thankfully, it had been double wrapped – phew!

It’s a case of image overload I’m afraid… put me in-front of a pretty palette and I get a bit carried away.

Now available online at Debenhams, The latest in the Urban Decay Book of Shadows series follows in the tradition of some rather nifty package design.  It’s another Pop Up!

UD <3 NYC – Check out the embossing on the lid… a fabulous homage to New York City!

Oh, did I mention it lights up?!

Want to see more pictures including close ups of the shades and swatches?  You gotta read past the jump… I can’t flood the homepage with the photos!

Size-wise… Urban Decay’s Book of Shadows 3 – NYC, is larger than the previous incarnations.  It’s footprint is the same, but the ‘lid’ is slightly thicker (perhaps to hold the wiring for the light ups?).

Ok, Charlotte… You’ve done the packaging to death… and then some.  Enough!  Let’s see the shadows!

Contents include 16 eye shadows, 2 eye pencils and 1 mini primer potion.

[stextbox id=”custom”] PERVERSION – Matte Black
UZI – Metallic silver with iridescent glitter
LOADED – Blackened Forest Green
KUSH – Bright Green
MCRA – Golden Beige with neutral glitter
LAST CALL – Plum Punch
ROCKSTAR – Aubergine with neutral leanings
MONEY – Dull Platinum (prettier than it sounds!)
HAIGHT – Shimmering Mediterranean Teal
MAUI WOWIE – Medium gold with silver glitter
SMOG – Coppery bronze
BORDELLO – Neutral Pink that leans to gold
RADIUM – Bright metallic blue
SNATCH – Peach-pink with glitter
SUSPECT – Oyster with dimensional shift
PSYCHEDELIC SISTER – Purple amethyst

Swatches?  I should have done them in the same format as above… am stoopid.   These are swatched from left -> right across the palette.  Does that make sense?

A few words on some of the shades…

I have to say… UZI is like MCRA‘s meaner, chunkier (if that’s possible) big cousin.  Glitter-ama.  Blegh!

Loaded is amazingly pigmented… a deep blackened green, kinda foresty.  Did I just make that word up?  Foresty…

Haight should be renamed Hawt.  Just mesmerizing!  I thought it may be too similar to Jinx from the BOSII, but Haight is far more teal.


Retailing in the UK at £30… that works out at just over £1.80 a shadow… not including the mini primer potion and eyeliners.  When you put it like that?  It’s pretty good value!

I went for this over the Naked palette in the end.  Although I kinda still want the Naked palette… my whole drawer is FULL of neutrals yano?  And I rarely pick my neutrals from the palettes I own as it is…  I also figured that since the Naked palette isn’t limited edition… I could pick it up later in the year if I still had a hankering.

I think I made the right choice for me, for now.


If you’re planning to buy online at Debenhams, don’t forget to do a quick scour of the web to find yourself a current and valid free delivery code.  They’re about!  If you can’t buy online, you’ll have to cool your heels until the 6th September when you’ll be able to pick one up instore.  I’m not sure how much stock has been allocated for the UK.  As with the other Urban Decay Book of Shadows Palettes… this is limited edition.  If you want one, don’t wait too long.

U.S. ladies, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to hold fire… I believe that this will go live on UrbanDecay.com around the 6th September and into stores at the beginning of October.

Have you bought this?  Are you going to buy this?

32 Responses to “Urban Decay Book of Shadows III – NYC”

  1. Lucky you! Who knows when will it be available here in Croatia :/

  2. Dempeaux says:

    I love the look of this, but I already have the AIW palette, so I don’t know…

  3. caz says:

    I want to buy it…but Im saving up for a mac haul…I might get it anyway.,.oh god im so torn

  4. kirsty says:

    I’m boring with my eyeshadows so will definitely be getting the naked pallet! Is it hitting stores the same time of the BOS is?

    The only colour I would really wear out of this is money, so I hope it gets released as a single!

    • Hi Kirsty,

      The naked palette is exclusive to House of Fraser until the 6th Sept. I believe that some London stores already have it on the shelves.

      It’s ‘official’ release date is 23rd August.


  5. Linda says:

    I’m definitely getting this. And because of that… I’ll probably be skipping the naked palate.

    Now… to find someone to haul it from US for me…
    I’m going to have to bribe my friend to do that for me, lol.

  6. Lucy says:

    the MUA at urban decay in debenhams told me the naked palette was limited edition too? lovely swatches by the way.

  7. ZebyK says:

    OMG I have to have this! I’d really wanted the Alice in Wonderland palatte but was skint at the time and now..I have a fabulous Debenhams voucher burning a hole in my purse (woohoo for birthday money!)

    Fabulous swatches Charlotte 🙂 Xxx

  8. Erline says:

    It’s so pretty, don’t know if I will be investing in this just yet. I do love the creativity Urban Decay put into their palettes.

  9. rhamnousia says:

    We get something before America?

    And I could have chucked an e-shoe at you when you said it was out..just seconds after I’d ordered something from Debenhams.

    I don’t think I will get as much use from it though so I might just stick to the Naked one.

  10. Oh my god, I want this so much. Why can’t I have a job so I can buy one? I mean I have 142 eyeshadows I don’t need any more! Bad bad lady!

  11. Emily says:

    Not sure if I’ll buy this or not – the Naked palette is calling my name (I’m the opposite of you – I have tonnes of fun brights but hardly any neutrals!) Saying that though, Loaded is a stunning colour *lusts*

  12. Julia says:

    It looks pretty, though I can’t imagine it bringing with me anywhere. The naked palette seems to be more portable…

  13. Lisa says:

    I’m a green-eyed girl so the purples in this one are really appealling. I just bought it because of all your beautiful swatches, the pics on the Debenhams page were relatively uninspiring by comparison. Thanks for the effort you put in to these posts 😀

  14. Scientific Housewife says:

    I don’t own a single Urban Decay eyeshadow but I am really considering buying it, especially since I’m going to NY in December and can take it with me 🙂

  15. Karen says:

    I didnt realise this was in the UK! Where have I been?

    Now ordered – thank you! x

  16. karleigh says:

    urgh! I hate Debenhams! they package everything crap and the couriers don’t give a shite where they leave it. urgh urgh urgh.

    Fabulous palette tho, I *might* purchase when it his the shops but not too excited tbh… xxx

  17. LadyMerenara says:

    I am so super psyched for this palette. I’ve all ready told my sugar lumps I’m getting it and then I have to save up for the MAC Venemous Villains too for 30 Sep. After all this make-up I’m going to need yet another Caboodle to hold it all! Thank you so much for the review and swatching luv!

  18. Nicole says:

    Hmm. Usually I’m too cheap to spring for the palettes but this one really looks gorgeous to me. I like the mix of colors. I could care less for the packaging though it IS pretty darn funky. I’ll have to consider this one!
    PS. Thanks for the fantastic photos and swatches!

  19. Anitacska says:

    Mine arrived yesterday too. I also reviewed it on my blog. 😉 I like it a lot, except for the ugly people in the pop-up scene, but I’ll live with it. Don’t even have to open it anyway as the eyeshadows are in the drawer anyway. Just wish they’d left out MCRA and Perversion, I have those in almost every UD palette I own. 🙁 Love the new shades though, especially Radium and Psychedelic Sister!

  20. Rachael says:

    Just ordered this got the free delivery its on until Sunday go to http://www.vouchercodes.co.uk for it

  21. Sirvinya says:

    Aaaah, I WANT!!! But I have no chas & I have to wait 🙁 I will have money on 27th so I will be ordering one!

  22. Jools says:

    Thanks for the heads up about debenhams, I was sat here thinking when will it got to boots online and could have missed it. Just ordered now so can sit back smugly lol :0) xxxJoolsxxx

  23. virtualspaniel says:

    might have to get this – but when will we get the Naked palette in the UK – I really want that too – does anyone know?

  24. Liv says:

    Dammit dammit dammit – you made me spend money 🙁

    So prettyyyyy

  25. Tina says:

    Exactly my thoughts, this one looks hella more interesting and versatile than the Naked one… we all have more neutrals than that palette, so why not mix it up a bit?
    Fab swatches, I want this baby noooooow!


  26. Roberta says:

    aaaawwww Thank you So much for this great POST! i WAS NÔT EXPECTING AT ALL THIS WAS ALREADY AVAILABLE ONLINE, IN UK BEFOURE USA WOW!!!I just ordered it and I cannot wait To get it. I âm gonna buy naked aswell, I cannot résist To neutral shades!
    I love your blog, you arê So nice and your baby is So cute! Have à nice Day

  27. I looooove the look of Haight <3 so bright!

  28. Sophie says:

    My mum has just ordered this for me 🙂 Can’t wait to try it!

  29. Sky says:

    Hi, not sure if you are still allowing comments on this page ? but I bought this from Debenhams there is a 20% voucher/bluecross voucher until end of Feb http://www.comparevouchercodes.com/uk/debenhams.com

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