I’m looking for a guest reviewer please between the ages of 16 – 22 to trial and review a new range of skincare products for young skin.
The range is called Clean Start by Dermalogica.
The reviewer will receive the Clean Start Starter Kit (RRP: £22.50), a single use sachet of Hit The Spot and a full size sample of Smart Mouth Lip Shine (RRP £8.20) to trial and report back on!
If you’re up for the challenge, please register your interest below and remember to put your email address in the bit where it asks for it so that I can contact you!
I’d ideally like you to give the range a full 4 week test period before letting us know your thoughts…. so if you can commit to a new skincare routine for that period and are happy to share your thoughts with my readers then let me know in the comments below! I’ll chose a reviewer on Friday 16th July.
Thanks ladies!
We’d love to try this out! Our skin has gone a bit crazy with all the sun these past few weeks and we’d love to try something new.
I usually don’t respond to your “Guest reviewer” posts because they haven’t been things I’d be able to really contribute to, and I don’t want to get free stuff just for the sake of it, but I’d love to try this. I don’t have major acne, but my skin is sensitive and prone to breakouts and I have a few spots here and there. Let me know if you’d be interested in considering me
musicalhouses at hotmail dot com
i’d try it. ive got oily + blemished skin and im always looking for something to help!
I would love to try this out, my skin is going through a breakout stage atm and its driving me crazy. I can use this for 4 weeks, then do the review no problem.
Lu xo
I think my comment didn’t post.
I’m interested in this
I have oily skin and I’d love the have soft and supple skin like a baby
I’d like to try this out! I don’t have acne or anything , but I do get the occasional spots , especially at this time and my skin is rather oily, so I’d be interested to try it out
Dear Lipglossiping, Please consider me for the latest guest review. I’m 22 years old, but my monthly IPL treatments leave my skin broken out and blotchy. This particular set appeals to me as it seems to be marketed as ideal for vacuum-ing out all the gunk from the skin – something particularly necessary and important to me as I wait for all the hairs to fall out
Oh God, I’m not even in the young skin category anymore hahahaha. I feel old now! LOL
I’d love to try this out! My skin gets quite unbalanced in the summer. Not from being in the sun, which I avoid, but from humidity and temperature fluctuations which play havoc with my large pores. I just don’t do heat very well at all.
I’ve just tried my first Dermalogica product last week (Gentle Cream Exfoliant, tester sachet) and I’m very pleased to discover that I have no adverse reactions at all to AHAs. Hooray!
Poo. Seems I can write but I can’t read! I’m, er too old for this…oops. Apologies for wasting space. >.<
I’d love to try this my current skin care range is just not doing anything for me and I have no idea what to try next. :/
Hey, I’d love to try this out for the 4 weeks, I’m in a skincare rut at the moment and will jump at the chance to try a new range! And I’m loving that I’m still young enough to use skincare for young skin!
I’d like to try this out. My skin at the moment is a variation of blackheads on my nose and cystic like spots on my chin. You know the kind that throb for days but never seem to come to anything. Throw into that a few white heads and that’s me all over.
So far I haven’t been able to find anything that I have been totally happy with. I loved the way Eve Lom made my skin feel but it didn’t stop the breakouts. I’ve tried Simple , cheap , keeps my face clean but I haven’t noticed any difference in my skin condition or the amount of spots I have been getting.
I’ve tried loads drug store brands and high end with mixed results. I’ve yet to try Demalogica and had been considering the normal range and then noticed this.
Would love to have a go at guest reviewing, not only because my face is in dire need of some TLC (it is crazy dry) but to get a chance to write for your website would be cool on its own!
I don’t think i have ever used dermalogica before, even if I don’t get to do it I look forward to the review as I have heard great things about their products.
Hope you’re having a nice day sweetie
Hi! I would love to be a guest reviewer for this product.
I got a massage and facial last year, and the facialist used Dermalogica products on me. It was love at first scrub!
I am 20 years old with break-out prone skin. I wash my face every morning and night religiously, so sticking to a routine for a full 4 weeks will not be a problem.
Hopefully, I can try this so that I can give your readers the same honest and fair opinions that you give us all of the time.
Definitely something I’d be interested in. My skin has been having more breakouts than usual of recent, not something I’m taking to!
hey I’d love to do this, I’ve been looking for products for ages to find something that might actually work! x
I’d love to try this out, I’m 18 and have combination skin, I’m quite oily in my T-zone and therefore have lots of blackheads in that area but I have quite dry cheeks. I have quite spot prone skin, I get a couple of new ones every week. I’ve never tried any dermalogica products before but I’ve heard they are amazing and would love to try this out. Whether I get to try it or not, I can’t wait for the review!
Well, you’ve probably already found someone, but I would love to be a guest reviewer for this! I don’t know if I’m too old, since I’m 23 right now, but I just moved to Houston and the humidity has made my skin go CRAZY so I’ve actually been meaning to try this line!
I would have loved to try it out, however I’m just under the age bracket (by a month!) and my skin isn’t actually that bad. It’s over all dry with a greasy nose (flattering, huh) and I rarely get spots. Would love to see the results on the person that does try it out though, because I know my spot-free skin won’t last forever.
I’d love to try this, I’ve seen several blogs trying this out and I really want to join in. I have a current morning and night skin routine, but I think my skin is getting far too used to my current products so I’d really love the opportunity to try something new, and share my thoughts on the products. I’ve only tries dermalogica once before in a salon treatment, but I’d like to try their products properly at home!
Lora xx
I’m 17 and unfortunately have oily/blemished skin. I love finding and trying out new products so thought I’d pop a comment in!
Hi Charlotte
I’d like to try this, I’m 21 and I swear I have the skin of a teenager, it’s ridiculous. I’d have thought by now it would have settled down but no luck. I keep trying new products but my skin doesn’t seem to like it. I’ve got a morning and night routine but it isn’t helping, so I’d like to try the Dermalogica range
Kim xx
Is this open internationally? I’m 20 and I’d love to review it.
I wouldn’t mind trying this out. x
I’d love to try this out, I’m 18 and I have oily skin, some blemishes here and there!
Sadly I’m too old for this
Well, my name is Hannah, I am 20 years old, and I would LOVE to try this set out! Since I was about 15, my skin has been cursed with acne. Honestly, I’ve probably tried over 15 different skincare routines in just 5 short years. I have been on everything from drugstore products, to high-end products, and am currently using prescription products to try and control my acne.
The problem with my acne is that once my skin gets used to the products I am using, my acne comes back. Even though the prescription cleanser and spot treatment I am currently using is working, I have been using in for about 3 months. And just like every other product I have ever used, it usually stops working for me around the 3-4 month range.
Therefore, I would absolutely love to try this new stuff out! I am still on the hunt for the perfect skincare routine, and you never know, Clean Start could be it! Also, on a college student’s budget, getting the chance to try something for free would also be tremendous. I would greatly appreciate the chance to try these products and would love to let your readers know what I think of them! Thanks!
I’d definitely love to give these products a go! I already have a regular routine, so sticking to it for 4 weeks would be no problem. I turn 21 on Saturday and I have oily/combination skin with break outs around that time of the month. I really like the packaging of these!
Thanks for offering this up!
I am 16 and I have very oily blemished skin and i would love to try this out because i have been eyeing it out for a while and always heard postive reviews on dermalogica products
yes please, from Sarah, aged 20, & her new friend (a lovely great big spot on her chin) ; )
I’d love love love the chance! I’m 21 but still have not managed to find a good skin care routine for my skin even though I’ve been trying just about everything from the drug store for the last 10 years. I’ve spend lots of money on makeup over the years but so far not invested muc in skin care and right now am trying to make the change.
Ooh~ Sign me up too! My skin has been breaking out because of this terrible heat wave we had in New York the past week. So I’m hoping to try a new skin care routine because my current one isn’t really doing its job.
I’d love to try this out! I have very oily, acne prone skin that is extremely frustrating to find products for. I always scar and my skin never seems balanced. I’m 17 and would love to try this
contact me at toffeesays@gmail.com if you choose
I’d love to try this. My skin has suddenly decided to be both greasy and dry at the same time these days. I’ve actually never done a full regime from the same brand before!
Hey Lipglossiping!
Please consider me for the guest review….I hate what summer does to my skinand I always love trying out new skincare products
Me please! I’m 17 – combination/dry skin with the occassional break out and obstinate blackheads (gross). My skin goes mental during the summer and having to apply suncream all the time doesn’t help the clogged pores – lemme have a go!
Hello! I’d also love to be considered for the review too. I’m 22, but my skin is far worse now than it was when I was a teenager! My current routine isn’t really delivering the results it promised (there’s a surprise…), and I’d love to give something new a try!
Hey Charlotte, I’m 21 and would love to try this out as I’m having a bit of a skincare crisis at the moment. The usual stuff in places like Boots or Superdrug are aimed at “teens” really and not suitable for my skin type anymore and then they seem to jump to stuff like Olay and products aimed at older women, so would definitely be interested in reviewing this. Thank you!
I’m 22, my skin used to be dry but recently became more oily combination so I’d love to try this range!
I would be more than happy to try this range
I’m almost 20 and I’d love to do a guest review for you!
Maybe this stuff will sort my skin out finally… A 4 week period is no problem
hi! i’d love to try this out!! i’m 22 and my skin is usually unbalanced and i always have a lot of problems with oiliness and im still on the look out for something to at least calm it down a bit. thanks much!!
Hi Charlotte, I would love to try this out for you. I’m 22, I have combination skin and I do break out easily only on my T-zone. I’m currently looking for new skincare that will help clear my skin up, so please consider me =).
I tried a sample of the Welcome Matte SPF 15 awhile back. I liked that it was indeed matte but I wish there were more SPF to it. I’m glad I’m still below 20 & I can try this line. I want to try the tinted moisturizer mostly!
would love to try this! im 20 and with skin that needs some attention atm!
Omg, I would SO love to review this for you!
I’m unsure as to whether or not you received my email as yesterday it wouldn’t let me post a comment. It is letting me now so I thought I’d post here as well.
Please consider me for this review. I am 17 years of age and since the age of 13 my skin has been terrible. I have spots and scarring left by the spots and of course, this knocks my confidence. I have been wanting to try this Dermalogica kit for a long time but unfortunately I’ve never been able to afford it. I’ve literally tried every other brand on the planet and recently, my skin has been getting better and this Sunday, my skin was clear. I thought it was great until the next day, they reappeared. If you’d like to see my skin then on this blog post (http://bamboozlebeautyblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/foundations.html) there is a picture of me without foundation. Recently, my skin has become worse than this spot wise.
If you require anymore information, please contact me
Thanks xx
I would LOVE to try this out! i have problem areas, such as chin, nose etc blackheads mainly! but would reallyyyyy LOVE to try this out! especially considering where i live is sunny every day of the year practically (Gibraltar) and i’d like to test out how well the SPF works out!
I would love to give this a whirl, my skin is horrible, oily & spotty! I’m also allergic to my false eye (I suffered from retinoblastoma, cancer of the retina!) which gives me tonnes of spots, it’s icky. Would love to give it a try
P.s., I’m 20!
Oooh, I can’t wait for the review of this. I’ve been thinking about buying that set since it came out. I really want to see how the matte moisturiser is.
I would love to try out this system and review it for your blog.I am no stranger to acne systems and would have a lot to compare it to. I am 19 years old, have drier skin in summer and a bit of oily-ness. Since I am home from college for the summer I would be able to do it for the four full weeks. I would love do a review for you
looks lovely
I’m happy with my skin care routine, so am not intrested in reviewing. But I thought I’d say that my 13 year old sister, who has developed quite oily/combination skin with breakouts absolutely loves this range! (I’ve stolen the mattifying moisturiser a few times too!) Looking forward to reading the guest reviewers thoughts when it’s posted
hey! im 19 …. i hope im not too late xx
I Would Love To Review This Product For You! I Have A Combination Skin, And A Oily T-Zone! I Have Horrible Skin Due To Living In The Polluted San Francisco. I Would Love A Fresh Start Face Before School Starts. I Am 21.
Hi! I am 26 and have tried all sorts of skin treatments but have never found the one that tames my spots and helps my oiliness. Although I know I am out of the age range I have heard that this kit is very good on adult skin too and it is lightweight. Maybe this is what I need. I’m probably too late but would love to try this kit out. Thank you Emma